[PDF] [PDF] Java Classes Objects Inheritance Abstract and Interfaces Recap 2

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Chapter 9: Inheritance and Interfaces

Inheritance Hierarchies. ? Implementing Subclasses. ? Overriding Methods. ? Polymorphism. ? Object: The Cosmic Superclass. ? Interface Types 

Unit 2 Inheritance Packages and Interfaces Dr. Suresh Yadlapati



INHERITANCE AND INTERFACES. 2.1 InherItance. Inheritance is the mechanism in java by which one class is allow to inherit the features.

CS200: Advanced OO in Java interfaces inheritance


Efficient Implementation of Java Interfaces: Invokeinterface

thod table dispatch does not handle multiple inheritance and interfaces. This complication has led to a widespread misimpression that interface method 


package. 4.3Defining interface inheritance on interfaces

Java - Inheritance/Polymorphism/Interface Reusing Classes in Java

Java - Inheritance/Polymorphism/Interface. CS 4354. Fall 2012. Jill Seaman. 1. Reusing Classes in Java. • Composition. ?A new class is composed of object 

Java - Inheritance/Polymorphism/Interfaces Interface 3 definitions

Java - Inheritance/Polymorphism/Interfaces. Horstmann chapters 4.1-5 & 6.1. CS 4354. Summer II 2016. Jill Seaman. 1. Interface 3 definitions used in this 

Better Object Oriented Paradigm Inheritance and Interface through

propagate the difference between using object oriented class inheritance and interfaces in C# source code using cohesion measures by metrics.

Difference Between Inheritance and Interface in Java Key Difference

29 Dec 2017 and an interface is to implement abstract classes and multiple inheritance. What is Inheritance in Java? Inheritance can achieve code re ...

ADVANCED JAVA - Princeton University

Feb 10 2021 · Inheritance overview Implementation inheritance (subclassing) ?Define a new class (subclass) from another class (base class or superclass) ?The subclass inherits from the base class: instance variables (state) instance methods (behavior) ?The subclass can override instance methods in the base class (replacing with own versions) Main benefits

Interface and Inheritance in Java: Inheritance

Java has two mechanisms for inheritance: 1 Interface using implements keyword; methods only 2 Class using extends keyword; methods and variables Composition - allows a new class to specify other existing classes that are a part of it In Java composition simply means that one object is a member variable of another

Java Inheritance Interfaces - College of Computing & Informatics

Java – Inheritance Interfaces Kurt Schmidt Intro Java Classes Inheritance Casting Containers Interfaces Exceptions Nested Classes Containers and Interfaces Instances of an class implementing an interface can be viewed as objects of that type A KeyListener object whatever else it is has methods keyTyped keyPressed and keyReleased

Inheritance and Interfaces

Java API Swingsort usesapplication-specific code Inheritance terminology: a subclass (or derivedclass) inherits from a superclass (or baseclass) subclass class is a specializationof the superclass add or change functionality reuse code and interface can use subclass objects in place of superclaobjects

Java – Generics Interface and Inheritance

A Java interface is a collection of abstract methods and constants An abstract method is a method header without a method body An abstract method can be declared using the modifier abstract but because all methods in an interface are abstract usually it is left off An interface is used to establish a set of

Searches related to inheritance and interface in java filetype:pdf

Java Interface • Method Prototypes - An interface defines a set of method prototypes - Does not provide code for implementation -- just the prototypes - Can also define final constants • Class implements interface - A class that implements an interface must implement all the methods in the interface The compiler

[PDF] Unit 2 Inheritance Packages and Interfaces Dr Suresh Yadlapati M

Inheritance Packages and Interfaces Inheritance can be defined as the process where one class acquires the properties of another class


Inheritance is the mechanism in java by which one class is allow to inherit the features (fields and methods) of another class It is process of deriving a new 

[PDF] Chapter 9: Inheritance and Interfaces

A Java interface type declares a set of methods and their signatures Page 56 Syntax 9 4: Interface Types ? An interface declaration and a class that


? Inheritance provides reusability of code ? Java class can be reused in several ways by creating new class ? Reusing the properties of existing 

[PDF] Inheritance in Java - WordPresscom

Inheritance in java is a mechanism in which one object acquires all the properties and behaviors of parent object • The idea behind inheritance in java is 

[PDF] Inheritance in Java

In java programming multiple and hybrid inheritance is supported through interface only We will learn about interfaces later Page 4 Note: Multiple 

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It is used to achieve abstraction and multiple inheritance in Java In other words you can say that interfaces can have abstract methods and variables It

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Java - Inheritance/Polymorphism/Interface CS 4354 Fall 2012 Jill Seaman 1 Reusing Classes in Java • Composition ?A new class is composed of object 

[PDF] Java -Inheritance

The implements keyword is used by classes by inherit from interfaces Interfaces can never be extended by the classes Example: public interface Animal {}

[PDF] Java Classes Objects Inheritance Abstract and Interfaces Recap 2

the same type A Java class uses: variables to define data fields and methods to define behaviors

What is inheritance in Java?

    In other words every class in java directly or indirectly inherits Object class. By means of inheritance a class gets all the public, protected properties and methods of the super class no matter which package the sub class is present in.

How to use multiple inheritance using interfaces in Java?

    Here is the complete java program example of multiple inheritance using interfaces. Also, it will extend one class as extending one class in java is allowed. In this java program, Bird class will extend one class (Color) and use multiple inheritance properties by implementing 2 interfaces i.e. IFlyable and IEatable

What is implementation inheritance (subclassing)?

    4 Implementation inheritance (subclassing). ?Define a new class (subclass) from another class (base class or superclass). ?The subclass inherits from the base class: – instance variables (state) – instance methods (behavior) ?The subclass can override instance methods in the base class (replacing with own versions).

Can we implement iterators in Java?

    Two Java interfaces that allow a client to iterate over items in a collection without exposing its internal representation. This course. ?Yes: use iterators in client code. ?Yes: implement iterators (Assignment 2 only). 35 Stack stack = new Stack(); ... for (String s : stack) { ... © Copyright 2021 Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne 36

CSE260, Computer Science B: Honors

Stony Brook University


Recapitulate CSE160: Java Classes, Objects,

Inheritance, Abstract Classes and Interfaces

1 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson


To refresh information from CSE160 about

classes, objects, inheritance, abstract classes and interfaces 2 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson

OO Programming Concepts

An object represents an entity in the real world that can be distinctly identified.

An object has a unique state and behaviors

the state of an object consists of a set of data fields (properties) with their current values the behavior of an object is defined by a set of methods 3

Class Name: Circle

Data Fields:

radius is _______



Circle Object 1

Data Fields:

radius is 1

Circle Object 2

Data Fields:

radius is 25

Circle Object 3

Data Fields:

radius is 125

A class template

Three objects of

the Circle class (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson


Classes are templates that define objects of

the same type.

A Java class uses:

variables to define data fields and methods to define behaviors

A class provides a special type of methods

called constructorswhich are invoked to construct objects from the class 4 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson5 class Circle { /** The radius of this circle */ private double radius = 1.0; /** Construct a circle object */ public Circle() { /** Construct a circle object */ public Circle(double newRadius) { radius = newRadius; /** Return the area of this circle */ public double getArea() { return radius * radius * 3.14159;

Data field




(c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson6 public class TestCircle { public static void main(String[] args) {

Circle circle1 = new Circle();

Circle circle2 = new Circle(25);

Circle circle3 = new Circle(125);

System.out.println( circle1.getArea() );

System.out.println( circle2.getArea() );

System.out.println( circle3.getArea() );

//System.out.println( circle1.radius ); //System.out.println( circle2.radius ); //System.out.println( circle3.radius );


(c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson7

UML Class Diagram


radius: double


Circle(newRadius: double)

getArea(): double circle1: Circle radius = 1.0

Class name

Data fields

Constructors and

methods circle2: Circle radius = 25 circle3: Circle radius = 125

UML Class Diagram

UML notation

for objects (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson


Constructors must have the same name as the class itself. Constructors do not have a return typenot even void. Constructors are invoked using the newoperator when an object is created they initialize objects to reference variables:

ClassNameo = new ClassName();


Circle myCircle= new Circle(5.0);

A class may be declared without constructors: a no-argdefault constructorwith an empty body is implicitly declared in the class 8 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson

Accessing Objects





9 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson10

Default values

public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { intx; // x has no default value

String y; // y has no default value

System.out.println("x is " + x);

System.out.println("y is " + y);

}Compilation error: the variables are not initialized

BUT it assigns default values to data fields!

Java assigns no default value to a local variable inside a method. (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson11

Reference Data Fields

The data fields can also be of reference types


public class Student {

String name; // name has default value null

intage; // age has default value 0 booleanisScienceMajor; // isScienceMajorhas default value false char gender; // c has default value '\u0000' If a data field of a reference type does not reference any object, the data field holds a special literal value: null. public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) {

Student student= new Student();

System.out.println("name? " + student.name); // null

System.out.println("age? " + student.age); // 0

System.out.println("isScienceMajor? " + student.isScienceMajor); // false System.out.println("gender? " + student.gender); // (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson12

Differences between Variables of

Primitive Data Types and Object Types

1 Primitive type int i = 1 i

Object type Circle c c reference

Created using new Circle()

c: Circle radius = 1 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson13

Copying Variables of Primitive Data

Types and Object Types


Primitive type assignment i = j


1 j 2 i


2 j 2 c1

Object type assignment c1 = c2


c2 c1


c2 c1: Circle radius = 5 c2: Circle radius = 9 c1: Circle radius = 5 c2: Circle radius = 9 -The object previously referenced by c1 is no longer referenced it is called garbage -Garbage is automatically collected by JVM = garbage collection (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson static vs. non-static

Static methods & variables are scoped to a

class one static variable for all objects to share!

Non-static (object) methods & variables

are scoped to a single object each object owns its non-static methods & variables 14 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson15

Static Variables,

Constants and Methods


-radius: double -numberOfObjects: int +getNumberOfObjects(): int +getArea(): double

1 radius

circle1 radius = 1 numberOfObjects = 2 instantiate instantiate



5 radius


UML Notation:

+: public variables or methods underline: static variables or methods circle2 radius = 5 numberOfObjects = 2

After two Circle

objects were created, numberOfObjects is 2. (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson public class StaticExample{ public intnonStaticCounter= 0; public static intstaticCounter= 0; public StaticExample() { nonStaticCounter++; staticCounter++; public static void main(String[] args) {


ex = new StaticExample(); ex = new StaticExample(); ex = new StaticExample();





(c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson public class StaticExample{ public intnonStaticCounter= 0; public static intstaticCounter= 0; public StaticExample() { nonStaticCounter++; staticCounter++; public static void main(String[] args) {


ex = new StaticExample(); ex = new StaticExample(); ex = new StaticExample();





Output: 1

3 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson staticusage

Can a staticmethod:

-staticmethod in the same class? directly call a staticmethod in the same class? directly reference a non-staticvariable in the same class? directly reference a staticvariable in the same class?

Can a non-staticmethod:

-staticmethod in the same class? directly call a staticmethod in the same class? directly reference a non-staticvariable in the same class? directly reference a staticvariable in the same class? 18 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson staticusage

Can a staticmethod:

-staticmethod in the same class? No directly call a staticmethod in the same class? Yes directly reference a non-staticvariable in the same class? No directly reference a staticvariable in the same class? Yes

Can a non-staticmethod:

-staticmethod in the same class? Yes directly call a staticmethod in the same class? Yes directly reference a non-staticvariable in the same class? Yes directly reference a staticvariable in the same class? Yes 19 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson

1 public class Nothing {

2private intnada;// Errors?

3private static intnothing;


5public void doNada(){ System.out.println(nada);}

6public static void doNothing(){ System.out.println("NOTHING"); }


8public static void myStaticMethod(){



11nada = 2;

12nothing = 2;

13Nothing n = new Nothing();


15n.nada= 2;

16n.nothing= 6;


18public void myNonStaticMethod() {



21nada = 2;

22nothing = 2;

23Nothing n = new Nothing();


25n.nada= 2;


(c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson

1 public class Nothing {

2private intnada;

3private static intnothing;


5public void doNada(){ System.out.println(nada);}

6public static void doNothing(){ System.out.println("NOTHING"); }


8public static void myStaticMethod(){



11nada = 2;

12nothing = 2;

13Nothing n = new Nothing();


15n.nada= 2;

16n.nothing= 6;


18public void myNonStaticMethod() {



21nada = 2;

22nothing = 2;

23Nothing n = new Nothing();


25n.nada= 2;


(c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson

Visibility Modifiers and


By default, the class, variable, or method can be

accessed by any class in the same package. 22
public The class, data, or method is visible to any class in any package. private The data or methods can be accessed only by the declaring class -To protect data!

The get and set methods are used to read and

modify private properties. (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson23

Array of Objects

Circle[] circleArray= new Circle[10];

An array of objects is an array of reference variables (like the multi-dimensional arrays seen before) reference

Circle object 0 circleArray[0]

circleArray circleArray[1] circleArray[9]

Circle object 9

Circle object 1

(c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson

Immutable Objects and Classes

Immutable object: the contents of an object cannot be changed once the object is created -its class is called an immutable class Example immutable class: no set method in the Circle class public class Circle{ private double radius; public Circle() { } public Circle(double radius) { this.radius= radius; public double getRadius() { return radius; radius is private and cannot be changed without a set method A class with all private data fields and without mutatorsis not necessarily immutable!24 (c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson

What Class is Immutable?

1.It must mark all data fields private!

2.Provide no mutator methods!

3.Provide no accessor methods that would

return a reference to a mutable data field object! 25
(c) Paul Fodor (CS Stony Brook) & Pearson26

Example mutable

public class Student { private intid; privateBirthDatebirthDate; public Student(intssn, intyear, intmonth, intday) { id = ssn; birthDate= new BirthDate(year, month, day); public intgetId() { return id; public BirthDategetBirthDate() { return birthDate; public class BirthDate{ private intyear; private intmonth;quotesdbs_dbs20.pdfusesText_26
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