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Approximating the Cumulative Chi-Square Distribution and its Inverse

The approximation is simple for use on a hand calculator and its accuracy is quite satisfactory for many practical purposes. Introduction. There is a table of 

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intervals as gamma intervals since the approximation is based on the gamma have a function to calculate the inverse chi-square distribution.

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27 août 2006 (Use the ln key or “inverse e” key on your calculator.) For the illustrative data ... To calculate chi-square and Fisher's test

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Chi square distribution A random variable ? ~ its PDF The function tabulated is the inverse cumulative distribution function of a Chi-

Approximating the Cumulative Chi-Square Distribution and its Inverse

The approximation is simple for use on a hand calculator and its accuracy is quite satisfactory for many practical purposes Introduction There is a table of 

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CHIINV function calculator and graph - MedCalc Software

Returns the reverse of Chi-squared distribution CHIINV(Pdf) returns the Chi-squared CHIINV is the inverse function of the CHIDIST function Calculator

  • How do you find the inverse of a chi-square?

    The scaled inverse chi-squared distribution is the distribution for x = 1/s2, where s2 is a sample mean of the squares of ? independent normal random variables that have mean 0 and inverse variance 1/?2 = ?2.
  • What is the inverse of chi-square in Matlab?

    x = chi2inv( p , nu ) returns the inverse cumulative distribution function (icdf) of the chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom nu , evaluated at the probability values in p .
  • What is chi-square inverse function in Excel?

    The Chi square test is a statistical test which measures the association between two categorical variables. A working knowledge of tests of this nature are important for the chiropractor and osteopath in order to be able to critically appraise the literature.





National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, Executive Plaza North, Suite 344,

6130 ExecutiveBlvd MSC 7354, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7354, U.S.A.


that the rates are distributed as a weighted sum of independent Poisson random variables. Like a recent

method proposed by Dobson, Kuulasmaa, Eberle and Scherer, our method gives exact intervals whenever

non-proportionally, we show through simulation that our method is conservative while other methods (the

Dobsonet al. method and the approximate bootstrap conÞdence method) can be liberal.(1997 by John

Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


In epidemiology it is common to compare incidence or mortality rates by directly standardized rates (DSRs) and to assume that one can model these DSRs as weighted sums of independent to the conÞdence intervals for DSRs under this assumption. We refer to these new conÞdence intervals asgammaintervals, since the approximation is based on the gamma distribution. The gamma intervals perform at least as well as existing methods in all situations studied here, but perform especially better than existing methods when the number of counts in any speciÞc cell is small and there is large variability in the weights. Large variability in the weights occurs when comparing cancer rates across disparate populations using a single standard. For example, the world population standard. For many cancers there are less than 10 cases across all age groups. Since we can write the gamma intervals as a simple function of the inverse chi-squared distribution, they are practical to use in any situation. Dobson, Kuulasmaa, Eberle and Scherer3(hereafter DKES) introduced conÞdence limits for weighted sums of Poisson random variables that, unlike the traditional conÞdence limits based on the normal distribution (see Clayton and Hills4), do not require large cell counts. The DKES limits areexactfor the case when all the weights are equal, a case for which the DSR reduces to a scaled Poisson random variable. The gamma intervals are also exact in this case as well as when some of the weights are equal and the rest are zero. Recently, Swift applied the approximate bootstrap conÞdence (ABC) method of DiCiccio and Efron to this problem.5,6This method is not exact when the weights are equal but has fairly good CCC 0277Ð6715/97/070791Ð11$17.50Received December 1995 (1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Revised May 1996 simulated data sets and one observed data set. We Þnd that the gamma intervals remain conservative while the DKES intervals and the ABC intervals become anti-conservative as the sample variance of the weights increases.


2.1. ConÞdence Intervals

In this paper we examine only 100(1!a) per centcentralconÞdence intervals, that is, the intervals such that


2 for allk,h(1) and


2 for allk,h, (2)

where¸(y) andº(y) are the lower and upper conÞdence limits, respectively, for the observedy,

½is the random variable associated withy,kis the parameter of interest, andhis a vector of nuisance parameters. Some authors shrink the length of the intervals by using non-central conÞdence intervals, that is, intervals that do not meet equations (1) and (2) but still satisfy

Pr[¸(½))k)º(½)]*1!afor allk.

(See Crow and Gardner7or Casella and Robert.8) ExactconÞdence limits for discrete random variables derive from exact tests on the para- meters.9In the usual one parameter discrete case with no nuisance parameters (for example, binomial or Poisson) the exact conÞdence interval is the solutions to


2 (3) and


2 (4) for¸(y) andº(y) for eachyin the sample space excepty"0 where we deÞne¸(0)"0. For a single Poisson random variable we can write the solution to these equations in the form of the s2distribution:10,11


(s2)~12y(a/2) and(5)


(s2)~12(y`1)(1!a/2) where (s2)~1n(p) is thepth quantiles of as2distribution withndegrees of freedom. Although in

this paper we call conÞdence intervals that satisfy equations (3) and (4) exact, some authors (for792


(1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. STAT. MED., VOL. 16, 791Ð801 (1997) example, Johnson and Kotz11) use the termapproximatewith respect to these conÞdence intervals because Pr[k*¸(½)]"1!a/2 and Pr[k)º(½)]"1!a/2 do not hold for allk. In most cases one cannot solve the DSR in a direct manner using equations (3) and (4) because one cannot usually represent the DSR as a one parameter distribution.

2.2. Notation

Letx1,2,xnbe the cell speciÞc counts with associated random variablesX1,2,Xn, and assume thatXi&Poisson(hi),i"1,2,n. Let the weight for theith cell be w i"cini( nj/1cj) whereniis the number of person years for theith cell andciis the corresponding number of person years in the ÔstandardÕ population. Then the DSR isy" +wixi, where here and through- out the paper we deÞne all unmarked summations as going from 1 ton. An estimate of the variance of the DSR isv" +w2ixi. Let½"+wiXiandE(½)"k"+wihi. Our interest is in conÞdence intervals fork, and the parametersh1,2,hnare nuisance parameters because we

2.3. ABC intervals

One can obtain a simple approximate conÞdence interval by assuming that½is distributed normally with mean equal toyand variance equal tov. One can obtain another normal approximation by using the delta method on log(y).4A better approximation is the ABC method in which we assume that there exists some transformation onkthat gives a normal random variable, and we allow the variance to be a function of the transformedk.5,6,12To Þnd the ABC limits we do not need to know the transformation,instead we calculate the conÞdence limits from a few estimated additional parameters. For details see Efron and Tibshirani.12Swift5applied this method to DSRs to obtain








where'~1(p)isthepth percentile of the standard normal distribution,a"z0"( +w3ixi)/(6v3@2).

Following Swift, we let¸(0)"0 andº(0)"(

+wi)ºP(0), whereºP(x) is given in equations (5). The ABC intervals approach the standard normal interval as min(hi)PR. We explore the ABC method for smallhithrough simulation in Section 4.

2.4. Dobson, Kuulasmaa, Eberle and Scherer Intervals

we focus on the central conÞdence intervals, labelled Ôchi-squaredÕ in that paper. DKES assume

that½is distributedapproximatelyas¹, where¹is ascaled and shiftedPoissonrandomvariable such thatE(¹)"yand var(¹)"v. SpeciÞcally,


Jx (X!x) CONFIDENCE INTERVALS FOR DIRECTLY STANDARDIZED RATES793 (1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. STAT. MED., VOL. 16, 791Ð801 (1997) whereXis distributed Poisson withE(X)"var(X)"x"+xi. Thus, DKES obtain conÞdence intervals by scaling and shifting the exact intervals forx(see equation (5)) accordingly:


Jx (¸P(x)!x) and(7)


Jx (ºP(x)!x). The limits of equations (7) approach the usual normal approximation limits asxgoes to inÞnity, since (X!x)/Jxapproaches the standard normal distribution asxgets large.11 When all of the weights are equal, or when some of the weights are equal and the rest are zero, then the DSR becomes a scaled Poisson variate, and we can calculate exact intervals. In the former case, the DKES interval gives the exact interval, that is (w¸P( +xi),wºP(+xi)). In the latter case, however, the exact interval is (w¸P( i|Axi),wºP( i|Axi)) wherewi"wfori3A, while the DKES interval is


i|Axi#w A +i|Axi +xi B 1@2 (¸P( +xi)!+xi) with corresponding results forº(y).


We motivate the gamma intervals by examining the derivation of the exact Poisson conÞdence limits given in equations (5). We begin with the well known relationship between the Poisson distribution and the gamma distribution, that is, ifXis Poisson with meankthen

Pr[X*xDk]"Pr[Z)kDE(Z)"x, var(Z)"x] (8)

whereZis a random variable distributed according to a gamma distribution withE(Z)" x"var(Z).11Symbolically,Z&G(x,1) where ifZ&G(a,b) then the density function forZis f(Z;a,b)"Za~1exp A !Z b B ba!(a) From equation (8) and the equations for exact conÞdence limits (equations (3) and (4)) we obtain

¸P(x)"G~1(x,1)(a/2) andºP(x)"G~1(x`1,1)(1!a/2). These intervals are equivalent to equations (5)

since the chi-squared distribution is a special case of the gamma distribution. We form the gamma intervals by assuming that a relationship similar to equation (8) holds for the distribution of the directly standardized rate. We assume that if½is the random variable that represents the DSR with meankthen

Pr[½*yDk]+Pr[Z)kDE(Z)"y, var(Z)"v] (9)

whereZ&G(yÈv ,vy) andyandvhave been deÞned earlier.794


(1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. STAT. MED., VOL. 16, 791Ð801 (1997) We deÞne the lower gamma conÞdence limit directly using equations (3) and (9), so that


yÈv ,vy )(a/2). For the upper conÞdence limits we modify equation (4): 1!a 2 "1!Pr[½)yDk"º(y)] "Pr[½'yDk"º(y)] *Pr[½*y#kDk"º(y)] (10) wherekis a positive constant representing a discrete increase iny. In the Poisson case, since all the non-zero weights are equal, sayw, we know thatk"wand we reach equality in equation (10). When all the non-zero weights are not equal, it is unclear what value ofkto use, and in addition, the distribution ofyis not completely determined byk. We hypothesize that we can obtain a conservative conÞdence limit if we letkbe the maximum possible discrete increase iny, that is, k"maxi| M 1 ,2, n N (wi),wM. Thus, for the upper gamma conÞdence limit, we letk"wMand solve equation (9). In other words, we setE(Z)"y#wMand var(Z)"v#w2M, so that


(y`wM)Èv`wÈ M ,v`wÈ M y`wM (1!a/2). We may equivalently write the gamma conÞdence limits in the form of the chi-squared distribu- tion if we allow non-integer degrees of freedom:


2y (s2)~12yÈv(a/2) and(11)


(s2)~12(y`w M )Èv`wÈ M (1!a/2). The gamma intervals share two properties with the other intervals mentioned previously. First, if we letygo to inÞnity in such a way thatv/yis constant, the gamma intervals approach the standard normal intervals, which asymptotically have the correct coverage. One can show this by noting that the gamma distribution approaches the normal distribution as the Þrst parameter goes to inÞnity.13Second, the gamma intervals properly adjust for multiplying the weights by a constant, that is, if the limits foryare [¸(y),º(y)] then the limits fory*" +(cwi)xi"cyare [c¸(y),cº(y)], for any positive constant,c. One advantage of the gamma intervals over the DKES intervals and the ABC intervals is thatquotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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