[PDF] ACTIVITéS PHONOLOGIQUES How much dough would Bob

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Seconde - Anglais. 17. VAC 2 ANG - 0801 - 1 fflfflfflffl COURS. 1ère leçon. BOB MARLEY THE REGGAE BOY. Robert Nesta Marley

LANGUES VIVANTES Déclinaisons culturelles

Anglais. Langages. Codes socio-culturels et dimensions géographiques et historiques. Gra- Blackbird The BeatlesThe Death of Emmett Till

Lobjectif culturel en classe danglais : intéresser les élèves

En ce qui concerne la culture dans l'enseignement de l'anglais Enter Bob Marley and the Wailers and reggae gots its big break in the United states in ...


James Dean / Marilyn Monroe / Walt Disney / / Michael Jackson / Elvis Presley /. Bob Marley / David Bowie ….. Ces critères sont ceux que tu trouveras.

Anglais - classe de seconde générale et technologique

différents aspects de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage de l'anglais. classe d'anglais en seconde mettre en lumière la ... Bob Marley. Glenn Miller.

Évaluation et remÉdiation

MF Chen Géré IA-IPR d'anglais anglophone

© Cours Pi Paris & Montpellier www.cours-pi.com

Bob Marley a Jamaican icon. ? Le past perfect. ? Les question tags. ? L'accentuation des phrases. Devoir n°6. Anglais 3ème. Programme 

EPP lf &5

CAPES EXTERNE D'ANGLAIS. CAFEP EXTERNE D'ANGLAIS explain why listening to Joni Mitchell or Bob Marley (who happened to be her two favourite singers)was ...

Activités phonologiques

Claudine IUNG

Académie de Nancy-Metz


Claudine Iung, janvier 2008




1. Sons spécifiques à la L2 :

Entraînement à les discriminer, à les produire, isolément et en contexte. - Sons vocaliques, - Sons consonantiques.

2. Accent de mot :

- Syllabes accentuées intensité et de durée). - Syllabes inaccentuées : entraînement à les percevoir, et à les introduire en contraste dans la chaîne sonore (perte de tonalité, accélération).

3. Rythme du flux sonore :

- uels (mouvements articulatoires). - Entraînement au traitement du groupe de souffle entre les mots. - Entraînement à percevoir et à de pics accentuels.

4. Intonation :

Complémentarité très forte entre :

- La trame écrite et le flux sonore, - La forme (les choix linguistiques et phonologiques du locuteur) et le sens.

Claudine Iung, avril 2005

- Which key? - The key to the car. - The key to my car? [JetI

Whether the weather be fine

or whether the weather be not.

Whether the weather be cold

or whether the weather be hot.

We'll weather the weather

whether we like it or not.

I thought a thought.

But the thought I thought wasn't the

thought I thought I thought.

If the thought I thought I thought had

been the thought I thought,

I wouldn't have thought so much.

Claudine Iung, pour la classe de PSI, novembre 2005 [DN] et [WN]

Five white mice hiding in a

pie while Clive the tiger flies his nice white kite.

A pleasant place to place a

plaice is a place where a plaice is pleased to be placed.


Accent de phrase : contraste accentué inaccentué

Quickjacket and shoes.

The man was mad, or he was lying.

fell in must

She have disappeared so quickly.

La fluidité du discours oral : les liaisons

Vous allez entendre cinq phrases, soulignez le mot important et marquez les liaisons entendues : - Forget about it. - Please, take it back. - He will get on with it. - I do like rock and roll music. Entraînez-vous à les prononcer sans accroc ni coupure. Préparez seul les cinq phrases suivantes et enregistrez-vous : - I never eat fish and chips when I go to England. - Unfortunately, it will go on and on.

La musicalité de la langue

Rappel :

Stops voiced :


Continuants voiced :


Stops unvoiced :


Continuants unvoiced :

[f],[s],[th],[sh] Activité 1 : sur segments. Faire remarquer les deux caractéristiques ci-dessus mentionnées (le souffle pour [p],[t],[k], et [b],[d],[g], [p],[t],[k]) Activité 2 : les paires minimales. Faire marquer le contraste porteur de sens. Buy, pie / bet, pet / down, town / done, ton / game, came / good, could / goat, coat / drunk, trunk / girls, curls. Activité 3 : tongue-twisters pour délier la langue (succession de segments sonores et sourds)

Clumsy cats cover the carpet with cream.

Big bad baboons blow up beautiful blue balloons.

Kind King-Kong keeps a kitten in a kettle.

A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.

Two tigers took a taxi to town.

Double bubble gum bubbles double.

Activité 4 : role-play

- When did you last see it? - Last Tuesday, at the supermarket. - Look! here it is, on the counter.

Claudine Iung, mars 2003

La musicalité de la langue

Rappel :

Stops voiced :


Continuants voiced :


Stops unvoiced :


Continuants unvoiced :


Activité 1 : sons isolés (mots)

Faire apparier les paires minimales et proposer un entraînement à voix haute de quelques minutes. Sap / game / face / zap / fan / phase / came / van / - Sounds like bees. - In the middle of the desert ? - nd? - Sounds like a snake. - A snake! What sort of snake? - A sand snake. Quite common here.

Faire écouter les quatre se

le son majoritaire - Seven snakes sit singing silly songs. - Lucy loves licking lovely lollipops. - My mean monster munches marmalade muffins. - Five friendly frogs feast on fat figs. Demander alors aux élèves répartis en groupes de sélectionner un de ces correspondant.

Groupe de travail CRDP, mars 2003

La musicalité de la langue

Rappel :

Les voyelles sont des sons qui peuvent se prolonger dans la durée, en fonction du message du locuteur. - I have one.

Activité 1 :

faire constater les variations de durée pour un mêm - hat. - What kind of hat ? - It was a rain hat. - A white rain hat? - Yes. - There was a white rain hat in the car. - Which car? - The one I sold.

Activité 2 : lecture à haute voix

Après des repérages à effectuer sur le script, et entraînement à haute voix de quelques minutes, demander aux élèves de lire de la façon la plus expressive possible le poème suivant

The warm sun is failing,

The bleak wind is wailing

The bare boughs are sighing,

The pale flowers are dying.

(P. B. Shelley, Autumn) par Stephen Stills donne regroupements de sons majoritaires.

Wordlessly watching

He waits at the window

And wonders

At the empty place inside

Stand by the stairway

see something

Certain to tell you confusion has its cost


loose in a lady who lingers lost

And choking on hello.

(extraits : http://www.stephenstills.com/index 2.htlm )




Uneasy / incredulous / shocked / worried / helpless / anxious / irritated / disappointed / determined / frightened / panicky / horrified / delighted / relieved.

Tongue twisters

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,

A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked;

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a

woodchuck could chuck wood?

As much wood as a woodchuck could if a

woodchuck could chuck wood. Swan swam over the pond, swim swan swim; swan swam back again well swum swan!


vous, se prononcent [BL]

Old Tony Toad has a mobile phone at

alone on his boat when he goes sailing in October all over the open sea to the North Pole.



How much ground would a groundhog

hog, if a groundhog could hog ground?

A groundhog would hog all the ground

he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground. [BL]

How much dough would Bob Dole dole

if Bob Dole could dole dough?

Bob Dole would dole as much dough

as Bob Dole could dole, if Bob Dole could dole dough.


Quelles caractéristiques phonologiques mettre en plac [RpCYtS] important [Nm@pC: tBnt] Les notions de contrastes accentuels sont en anglais essentielles. eux-










Lesquels posent le plus de problèmes ? Pourquoi ?

Etienne Gégout et Claudine Iung, novembre 2006

Mots transparents, pièges phonologiques

Separately []

desperately @sepr(B)tlN extraordinary


mature mB'tjLB ignore


dangerous 'deNn7(B)rBs suppose sB'pBLz interesting absolutely principally comfortable differently chocolate


preferable fabulous promised difficult vigorous village extremely unfavourable especially geography adventurous financially vocabulary laboratory example determine deliver research deliberate presume assume defend return decide transmit produce marine report support magnetic indignant significant recognize signal signature stagnation cognition pugnacity favourite agency favourable paper cable table education favour safe frustrate publication face debate phone social motor Rome notably emotion provoke robot focus oppose control global totally Mots transparents en contexte, doubles pièges phonologiques

The research should be made public.

dangerous politician. really interesting.

This discovery is absolutely fabulous.

real difference between both examples. presidentsecretary. comparatively more mature than her sister.

I spoke to them separately.

traditional approach.

That was rather adventurous.

This new method is preferable.

He was able to buy a new gun illegally.

They did take an unfavourable decision.

She was my favourite geography teacher.


I suppose so.

His attitude is extremely old-fashioned.

No law could eliminate gun violence.

Claudine Iung et les classes de PSI et TS1En, 2004 2005


I like singing,

I love hair, autumn, fairy tales and smiling people, ities, dead fish and sleeping tablets,

I dislike sewing, snobs, liars and hypocrites,

I hate violence.


But lies in bed till eight or nine

And surely she does take her time.

The wife who sells the barley, honey

1. Relevez et classez les mots contenant des diphtongues (correction)

BL aN DN grown fine eight swine take so lies wife time

2. Trouvez le rythme (correction)

_ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ She ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _

But lies in bed till eight or nine

° _ ° _ ° _ ° _

And surely she does take her time.

_ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° sie Marley, honey ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ °

The wife who sells the barley, honey

° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° _ ° And y


He drives his car

Both wide and far,

He drives and drives all day.

So wide and far

He drives that car,

That sadly his neigbours say:

How sad!

Poor lad!

Kathleen Rich


I wandered lonely as a cloud

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

William Wordsworth, 1807



The captain was 50

lling you captain John Philip was 50 when he died sank his boat as she sank in the Ocean sank in the Atlantic Ocean sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, leaving two children sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, leaving two young children sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, leaving two children and a widow sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, leaving two young children and a

30 year old widow

sank in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, leaving two young children and a

30 year old widow who married her young lover.


He jumps

He jumps over the fence

If he jumps over the fence, he will fall

If he jumps over the fence, Billy the Kid will fall If he jumps over the fence, Billy the Kid, the young cowboy will fall If he jumps over the fence, Billy the Kid, the young cowboy will fall from his horse If he jumps over the fence, Billy the Kid, the young cowboy will fall from his horse called


If he jumps over the fence, Billy the Kid, the young cowboy will fall from his horse called

Storm, and break his neck

If he jumps over the fence, Billy the Kid, the young cowboy will fall from his horse called

Storm, and break his neck so badly

If he jumps over the fence, Billy the Kid, the young cowboy will fall from his horse called Storm, and break his neck so badly that he will never ride again.

Detective Polly

Detective Polly came suddenly

Detective Polly came suddenly into the room

Detective Polly came suddenly into the room and shouted Detective Polly came suddenly into the room and shouted at them all Detective Polly came suddenly into the room and shouted at them all to go outside Detective Polly came suddenly into the room and shouted at them all to go outside and to gather in the street Detective Polly came suddenly into the room and shouted at them all to go outside and to gather in the street in front of the school Detective Polly came suddenly into the room and shouted at them all to go outside and to gather in the street in front of the school where there was a big crowd Detective Polly came suddenly into the room and shouted at them all to go outside and to gather in the street in front of the school where there was a big crowd already waiting Detective Polly came suddenly into the room and shouted at them all to go outside and to gather in the street in front of the school where there was a big crowd already waiting for something unusual to happen

Gardez le rythme

(Le jeu du métronome)


You work

You worked

You are working

e been working all been working

You should have all been working

You should have all been able to work

Claudine Iung et les élèves du lycée Loritz, novembre 2003







It was high time for him to stop and eat his husky dog was exhausted and hungry too he sat on his sled suddenly he saw two wolves coming out his dog was so tired that he PRONONCEZ CE SEGMENT SANS BEGAYER, DES COUPURES PEUVENT ÊTRE


Old Tony Toad has a mobile phone at home so he is never alone in his boat when he goes sailing in October all over the open sea to the North Pole.

Claudine Iung, octobre 2004

Ponctuation et ambiguïté du message

Lisez les quatre phrases suivantes : pour chaque phrase, il existe deux ou trois possibilités de coupure qui donnent au message un sens différent.

We gave her dog biscuits.

a) b). c)

He slipped on a bathrobe.

a) b)

Alfred said the boss is stupid.

a) b)

A woman without her man is nothing.

a) b)

Quel sens donnez-vous au message suivant : est-

Dear John I want a man who knows what love is all about you are generous kind thoughtful people who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior Gloria (version collège) Dear John I want a man who knows what love is all about you are generous kind thoughtful people who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior you have ruined me for other men I yearn for you I have no feelings whatsoever when we are apart I can be forever happy will you let me be yours Gloria

Dear John,

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