[PDF] [PDF] Budget of the US Government - The White House

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General Primary. Consolidated Election. General Election. Year. 2018. March 20 2018 2032. March 16

Americas Electoral Future

presidential elections of 2016 2020


Election years (even-numbered years) appropriate to the office they seek: OFFICE. ELECTION YEARS. President of the United States. 2020 2024


3 ene 1970 centralized bureaucracy controlled by the presidency. ... which abolished the Senate increased the life of parliament by a year.

Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Year 2023

Information is also provid- ed on certain activities whose transactions are not part of the budget totals. BUDGET INFORMATION AVAILABLE ONLINE. The President's 


18 ago 2020 (U) During the 2016 U.S. presidential election cycle Donald °Trump and the Trump ... Russian intelligence officers pad in previous years.


Election years (even-numbered years) appropriate to the office they seek: OFFICE. ELECTION YEARS. President of the United States. 2020 2024

The Voting Rights Act of 1965: Background and Overview

1 dic 2021 The Voting Rights Act is a landmark federal law enacted in 1965 to remove race-based ... until the disputed presidential election of 1876.

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1 abr 2018 released with the papers in February 2016 projected possible presidential election outcomes from 2016 to 2032 using data.

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first presidential election white noncollege voters did not make up a plurality We find that by 2032

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Year General Primary Consolidated Election General Election Year 2018 March 20 2018 November 6 2018 2018 2019 April 2 2019

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Incumbent President Joe Biden a member of the Democratic Party is running for re-election His predecessor Donald Trump a member of the Republican Party is 


1 3 Conduct of Fresh Presidential Election 12 CHAPTER TWO THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION 13 2 1 Establishment and Core values

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[PDF] Budget of the US Government - The White House

Appendix Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Year 2024 contains detailed in- formation on the various appropriations and funds that constitute the 

Title 52- Voting and Elections- Subtitle I and II - Department of Justice

(1) All citizens of the United States who are otherwise qualified by law to vote at any election by the people in any State Territory district county city 



Budget of the U.S. Government


U.S. G






Budget of the United States Government,

Fiscal Year 2024 contains the Budget Message of the President, information on the President"s priorities, and summary tables.

Analytical Perspectives,

Budget of the United

States Government, Fiscal Year 2024 contains anal- yses that are designed to highlight speciued subject areas or provide other signiucant presentations of budget data that place the budget in perspective. This volume includes economic and accounting anal- yses, information on Federal receipts and collections, analyses of Federal spending, information on Federal borrowing and debt, baseline or current services es timates, and other technical presentations.

Supplemental tables and other materials that

are part of the Analytical Perspectives volume are available at https: //whitehouse.gov/omb/ analytical-perspectives

Appendix, Budget of the United States


, Fiscal Year 2024 contains detailed in- formation on the various appropriations and funds that constitute the budget and is designed primarily for the use of the Appropriations Committees. The


contains more detailed unancial informa- tion on individual programs and appropriation ac-

counts than any of the other budget documents. It includes for each agency: the proposed text of ap-propriations language; budget schedules for each ac-

count; legislative proposals; narrative explanations of each budget account; and proposed general provi- sions applicable to the appropriations of entire agen cies or group of agencies. Information is also provid- ed on certain activities whose transactions are not part of the budget totals.


The President"s Budget and supporting materi-

als are available online at https://whitehouse.gov/ omb /budget/. This link includes electronic versions of all the budget volumes, supplemental materials that are part of the Analytical Perspectives volume, spreadsheets of many of the budget tables, and a public use budget database. This link also includes

Historical Tables that provide data on budget re-

ceipts, outlays, surpluses or deucits, Federal debt, and Federal employment over an extended time pe- riod, generally from 1940 or earlier to 2028. Also available are links to documents and materials from budgets of prior years.

For more information on access to electronic ver-

sions of the budget documents, call (202) 512-1530 in the D.C. area or toll-free (888) 293-6498. To pur- chase the printed documents call (202) 512-1800.

ISBN 978-0-16-095956-1


9780160 959561



1. All years referenced for budget data are scal

years unless otherwise noted. All years referenced for economic data are calendar years unless other- wise noted.

2. Detail in this document may not add to the totals due to rounding.

Table of Contents

The Budget Message of the President .......................................................................


Delivering Results for the American People .......................................................................


Growing the Economy from the Bottom Up and Middle Out .....................................................17

Ensuring an Equitable, Effective, and Accountable Government that Delivers Results for All ........................................................................ Department of Agriculture ........................................................................ Department of Commerce ........................................................................ Department of Defense ........................................................................ Department of Education ........................................................................ Department of Energy ........................................................................

Department of Health and Human Services .......................................................................


Department of Homeland Security ........................................................................


Department of Housing and Urban Development .......................................................................

.87 Department of the Interior ........................................................................ Department of Justice ........................................................................ Department of Labor ........................................................................

Department of State and Other International Programs .........................................................103

Department of Transportation ........................................................................

................................109 Department of the Treasury ........................................................................ .....................................113

Department of Veterans Affairs ........................................................................


Corps of Engineers—Civil Works ........................................................................


Environmental Protection Agency ........................................................................


National Aeronautics and Space Administration .......................................................................


National Science Foundation ........................................................................


Small Business Administration ........................................................................


Social Security Administration ........................................................................

...............................131 Summary Tables ........................................................................

OMB Contributors to the 2024 Budget .......................................................................

....................171Page 1



When I took office 2 years ago, COVID-19 was raging and our economy was reeling. Millions of workers had lost their jobs, hundreds of thousands of businesses closed, supply chains were snarled, and schools were still shuttered. Families across the Nation were feeling real pain. But today, 230 million Americans have been vaccinated. We have created a record 12 million jobs, and unemployment is at a more than 50-year low, with near-record lows for Black and Latino workers and women. Wages are rising, inflation is slowing, manufacturing is booming, and our economy is growing. More Americans have health insurance than ever before, and a record 10 million Americans have applied to start a small business—each application an act of hope. Our economic plan for the Nation is working, and American families are starting to have a little more breathing room. I ran for President to rebuild our economy from the bottom up and middle out, not from the top down—because when the middle class does well, the poor have a ladder up and the wealthy still do well. We all do well. For too long, though, the backbone of America, the middle class, has been hollowed out. Too many American jobs were shipped overseas. Unions were weak- ened. Once-thriving cities and towns have become shadows of what they were. My economic vision is about investing in those places and people who have been forgotten. That is what we have done in these historic past 2 years. Together, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act are among the most significant public investments in our Nation"s history, expected to draw more than $3.5 trillion in public and private funding for infrastructure and industries of the future—including clean energy. It is simple: you cannot be the number one economy in the world unless you have the best infrastructure in the world. So we are finally rebuilding our roads, bridges, railways, ports, airports, water systems, and more to keep our people safe, our goods moving, and our economy growing. We have already announced over 20,000 projects and awards, creating tens of thousands of good-paying union jobs while requiring that all construc tion materials are made in America. Americans everywhere can take pride in seeing shovels in the ground for that work. Meanwhile, the CHIPS and Science Act is making sure America once again leads the world in developing and manufacturing the semiconductors that power everything from cellphones to cars. The United States invented those chips, and it is time that we make them at home again so our economy never again relies on chips manufactured abroad. Private companies have already pledged $300 billion in new investments in American manufacturing, many thanks to this law, and they are breaking ground on facilities that will employ tens of tho usands of Americans with good jobs and breathe new life into communities across th e United States. At the same time, we are taking on powerful special interests to cut costs for working fa mi lies—for example, lowering healthcare and prescription drug costs by extending Affordable Care Act subsidies and capping insulin prices and out-of-pocket drug costs for seniors on Medicare. The Inflation Reduction Act also gives Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices, lowering prices for Americans and saving taxpayers billions of dollars a year. It makes the world"s most


significant investment in fighting the existential threat of climate change—lowering families" utility bills, building cleaner and more resilient water systems, investing in rural communities, and leading the world to a clean energy economy. Throughout, we have delivered on our commitment to fiscal responsibility, cutting the defi- cit by more than $1.7 trillion in the first 2 years of my Administration—the largest reduction in American history. I have signed into law additional deficit reduction by finally making the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share, including with a new 15 percent minimum tax on billion-dollar corporations, many of which had been paying zero in taxes. We have also stood firm in our commitment to not raise taxes on anyone earning less than $4

00,000 a year.

Now, it is time to finish the job, building on the ambitious progress we have made with new investments in America"s future. My 2024 Budget is a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America in a fiscally responsible way that leaves no one behind. The Budget continues lowering costs for families—with new measures to expand health coverage, cap prescription drug costs, invest in quality child care, build affordable housing, reduce home energy bills, make college more afford- able, and more. This Budget protects and strengthens Social Security and Medicare—lif elines that tens of millions of seniors have paid into their whole lives with every paycheck so they can retire with dignity. It rejects any cuts to these programs, extends the solvency of the Medicare Trust Fund by at least 25 years, and invests in service delivery so that seniors and people with disabilities can access the benefits they have earned. This Budget also keeps growing our economy by investing in the foundation of its strength: the American people. That means help- ing families by providing paid family and medical leave and restoring the full Child Tax Credit, which cut child poverty in half in 2021 to the lowest level in history. It means expanding small business loans; standing up for workers and their fundamental right to organize; investing in science and innovation; expanding access to preschool; and improving pathways to community college, career-connected high schools, and other high-quality job training. It also means work- ing hard to make our communities safer, expanding access to mental healthcare, ending cancer as we know it, and much more. In addition, this Budget cements our commitment to confronting global challenges and keep- ing America safe. It outlines crucial investments to out-compete China globally and to c ontinue support for Ukraine in the face of unprovoked Russian aggression. It also continues our work to restore America"s global leadership—reviving key alliances and partnerships, strengthening our military, fostering democracy and human rights, protecting global health, honoring our veterans, fixing our immigration system at home, and advancing cybersecurity through implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy I just signed. Importantly, my Budget does all of this while lowering deficits by nearly $3 trillio n over the next decade. We more than fully pay for these investments in our future by asking the wealthy and big corporations to pay their fair share. We propose a billionaire minimum tax, requiring the wealthiest Americans to pay at least 25 percent on all of their income, including appreci- ated assets—because no billionaire should ever pay a lower tax rate than a school teacher or a firefighter. This Budget also proposes quadrupling the tax on corporate stock buybacks, so companies invest more in production to improve quality and lower prices, and less in buybacks that only benefit shareholders and CEOs. This Budget closes tax loopholes for the wealthy and cracks down on tax cheats, and it once again ensures that no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay a penny more in new taxes, period. Today, our Nation is at an inflection point that will determine our future for decades to come. But because of the investments that we have made, the United States of America is better


positioned to lead than any Nation on Earth. The Budget reflects our values as a Nation—a Nation of good people, growing in a new age of possibilities, and standing as a beacon to the world. Together, let us put those values into practice and prove that democracy delivers as we keep building a stronger, fairer economy that leaves no one behind.



March 2023




When the President took ofce, America faced

acute and historic challenges: a once-in-a-centu ry pandemic; an economy gripped by the most severe downturn since the Great Depression; a worsening climate crisis; and a legacy of racial in- justice. From the rst days of his Administration, the President moved swiftly to tackle these chal- lenges, deliver results for the American people, and ensure the Nation emerged stronger than ever. Two years later, while signicant challeng- es remain, America has made historic progress under the President"s leadership. GROWING THE ECONOMY FROM THE BOTTOM UP AND MIDDLE OUT

In January 2021, the President inherited a

pandemic that was raging and an economy that was reeling. Roughly one percent of Americans were fully vaccinated, less than half of the

Nation"s schools were open for in-person instruc-

tion, and the virus had dramatically upended the lives of Americans all across the Nation. More than 10 million Americans were unable to nd work and the unemployment rate stood at 6.3 percent. Millions of women were forced to drop out of the labor force. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses had shuttered. The American economy was facing one of its darkest moments in a generation.

In the face of these crises, the President imme-

diately took action to rescue the economy. Within months of taking ofce, he signed into law the

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (American

Rescue Plan), which helped change the course of

the pandemic and jumpstart a historic recovery.

The American Rescue Plan funded an unprec

edented vaccination campaign that has helped fully vaccinate nearly 230 million Americans against COVID-19, re-opened schools for in-per- son learning, helped 200,000 child care provid ers keep their doors open, helped cut child pov erty nearly in half in 2021, provided emergency

rental assistance payments to households that may have otherwise faced eviction, and delivered critical relief to American families.

Even as the President took urgent action to

bring the economy back from the pandemic and jumpstart a recovery, he also began implement- ing his strategy to rebuild the U.S. economy from the bottom up and middle out—not from the top down. Over the course of just two years, the

President amassed a series of historic legisla-

tive accomplishments and took executive actions that are laying the foundation for steady and stable growth over the long term—rebuilding

America"s infrastructure and building a clean

energy economy, fueling a manufacturing boom that is bringing record investment and jobs back to the United States, supporting workers and small businesses, promoting fair competition, and lowering costs for families on everything from prescription drugs to healthcare to energy bills.quotesdbs_dbs22.pdfusesText_28
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