[PDF] AP 3ème Anglais : Comprendre un document – part 2

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I refuse to believe that he didn't know the car was stolen. We also use the present simple in spoken English in phrases such as I gather I hear


VERBS THAT ARE LIKE MODALS: used to had better needn't Have to is not a modal verb but we use have to like must (see page 73)

AP 3ème Anglais : Comprendre un document – part 2

AP 3ème Anglais : Comprendre un document Why not use the new generation of 'smart' guns that can only be used by ... Machine guns didn't exist.

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You know you didn't have to go and tell the boss. Exercice D. 1. is to. 2. have to. 3. are to / must.

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students understand that a title is used with a full name. (first and last name) or with just When meeting someone for the first time you should use.


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Surlignez tous les mots que vous comprenez.


Complétez les textes avec des noms de pays

There has been another mass shooting in _________

________________________ - at least 17 people have been killed at a high school campus in Parkland, Florida. It is the deadliest school shooting since 26 people were killed at Connecticut school Sandy Hook in 2012. _______________ has the most severe gun control laws in the world. Handguns or pistols are banned for civilians, even for sports purposes. You must get a certificate from the police to own a shotgun or a rifle for hunting, and the certificates aren't easy to get. D'après les documents, devinez le sens des mots suivants :

Gun→Gun Control →Purpose →

Firearms → Mass shooting → Kill →

Pistol → Laws → Own →

Rifle → Ban → Civilian→

Dead → mort deadly → deadliest → AP 3ème Anglais : Comprendre un document

Pro-gun or pro gun control?

Lisez les arguments suivants . Surlignez tout ce que vous comprenez ou devinez. En vous aidant de ces éléments, indiquez quelle opinion ils soutiennent. Guns don't protect you. Statistics show that you are more likely to be shot if you have a gun in the house. Guns prevent crime. Criminals will hesitate before robbing the house of someone with a gun. People need guns to protect themselves. People always talk about gun control after massacres The people who do these things are mentally ill. The actions of one 'madman' shouldn't be used to make everyone else criminals too. Most people who have guns are responsible citizens. They use them to hunt or for sport. They store their guns carefully and know how to use them. They aren't dangerous. In the majority of these 'massacre' killings, the murderer got the guns from his or her own home or from the home of a member of the family. And the guns were usually legal. Every year, thousands of children die in accidents involving guns in their own homes. Why not use the new generation of 'smart' guns that can only be used by the owner, through, for example, fingerprint recognition? The technology is available, but gun makers and gun owners don't want to use it. A gun is only a tool. It doesn't kill by itself. People kill, not guns. Are you going to ban knives next? Guns and knives are not the same. You can kill many more people with a gun than a knife. And with a gun, the killing is depersonalised. You can kill people from a distance without seeing the consequences. Thousands of people are killed every year by cars, but we don't ban cars.

Cars weren't invented to kill people. Guns were.

We need more severe penalties for criminals who use guns, not restrictions on normal people. People have the right to carry guns. In many countries, (the USA for example) it's a right that goes back hundreds of years. Why should the government interfere in the lives of ordinary citizens? The world was a different place hundreds of years ago. Machine guns didn't exist.

Adapted from https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/fr/magazine/gun-controlAP 3ème Anglais : Comprendre un document - part 2

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