[PDF] [PDF] One- and two-dimensional Ising model

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Combinatorial Formulation of Ising Model Revisited

In 1952 Kac and Ward developed a combinatorial formulation for the two-dimensional Ising model which is another method of obtaining Onsager's famous 

The Ising Model and Real Magnetic Materials

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Chapter 3 - Ferromagnetism alla Ising

They are also the basis for the BCS theory of superconductivity. 3.2 The 1D Ising model: zero magnetic field. The one-dimension Ising model which was the one 

The Ising Model and Real Magnetic Materials

The factors that make certain magnetic materials behave similarly to corresponding Ising models are reviewed. Examples of extensively studied materials 

Onsager and Kaufmans calculation of the spontaneous

Lars Onsager announced in 1949 that he and Bruria Kaufman had proved a simple formula for the spontaneous magnetization of the square-lattice Ising model but 

Exact Solution for the Ising Model in a Strip with Random

Exact Solution for the Ising Model in a Strip with Random. Distribution of Bonds. J.L. DOS SANTOS FILHO J.M. SILVA

Inequalities for Ising Models and Field Theories which Obey the Lee

Spin4 Ising models correspond to letting each Qj(x) = (?(xj -l) + ?(xj+ l))/2. A very general version of the Lee-Yang theorem which applies to spin-f as well as 

The Ising model: teaching an old problem new tricks

30 ago 2010 We show how Ising energy functions can be sculpted to solve a range of supervised learning problems. Finally we val- idate the use of the ...

Handout 12. Ising Model

25 feb 2011 Every spin interacts with its nearest neighbors (2 in 1D) as well as with an external magnetic field h. The Hamiltonian1 of the Ising model is.

Duplicate Ising Model Roberto Vila Gabriel University of Brasilia

In this work we use a graphical representation of the Ising model with non-uniform field to obtain a characterization of per-.

[PDF] Ising Model - McGill Physics

The Ising model has a large number of spins which are individually in mi- croscopic states +1 or ?1 The value of a spin at a site is determined by the spin's 

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In Section 3 1 the Ising model on Zd is defined together with various types of boundary conditions • In Section 3 2 several concepts of fundamental 

[PDF] The Ising Model

The Ising Model Most of the experiments in the neighborhood of critical points indicate that critical exponents assume the same universal values 

[PDF] 1 The Ising model - Arizona Math

The Ising model is easy to define but its behavior is wonderfully rich To begin with we need a lattice For example we could take Zd the set of points

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The Ising model of a ferromagnet is one of the simplest models displaying the paramagnetic- ferromagnetic phase transition that is the spontaneous emergence 

[PDF] LECTURE 18 The Ising Model (References

The Ising Model (References: Kerson Huang Statistical Mechanics Wiley and Sons (1963) and Colin Thompson Mathematical Statistical Mechanics 

[PDF] One- and two-dimensional Ising model

8 nov 2021 · The Ising model is one of the most important models in statistical physics It is analytically exactly solvable in one and two dimensions

[PDF] The Ising Model in One and Two Dimensions

29 mai 2020 · The Ising model is a theoretical model in statistical physics to describe ferromagnetism It simplifies the complex properties of solids by 

[PDF] Magnetism: The Ising Model

Magnetism: The Ising Model 1) Spins can be only in two states: UP or DOWN Consider N spins arranged in a lattice Q: what is the net magnetization of 

[PDF] Lecture 8: The Ising model

A single time-step: sweep through the lattice Go systematically through the lattice line by line spin by spin and decide whether the spin should flip


One-andtwo -dimensio nal


StatisticalPhysicsSeminarbyProf .Wolschin




TheIsingm odelisoneof themostimportant modelsi nstatist icalp hysics.Itisanal ytically exactlysolvableinone andtwodimensions.Inthisex tended summaryof aseminar presentation,theone-andtwo-dimensional Ising modelsarepre sen tedandmainaspects suchasphasetr ansit ionsarediscussed .Furtherthehistoricalbackground andmoder n applicationsoftheIsingmodelareoutlin ed. 1

1Ba sicideaofthemodel

TheIsingmo delisatheoreti calmodelins tatist ica lphysicsthatwasoriginallydevelop ed todes cribeferromagnetism.Asystemof magneticparticlescanbemodeledas alinear chaininonedi mensio noralatti ceintwodimension,withonemol eculeo ra tomateach inthemo delb yadiscretevariable ! i .Each'spin'!canonl yhaveavalu eof! i =±1.

Thetwop ossiblevaluesi ndicatewhethertwosp ins!

i and! j arealigna ndthus parallel i j =+1)oranti-parallel(! i j =!1). momentsarealigned.If themagnetic momentspoints inoppositedirec tionsthey are considertobeinah igherenerget icstate. Duetot his interactionthesy stemtendsto alignallmagneti cmoment sinonedirectioninordert ominimiseenergy.Ifn early all magneticmomentsp ointinthesamedirec tionthearrangementofmolec ulesb ehav eslike amacroscopicmagnet. toadis ordered state.Aferromagnetabove thecriticaltemperature T C isina disordere d state.IntheIsin gmo delthiscorrespon dstoarand omdistributionof thespinvalues.

Belowthecritical temperatureT

C (nearly)allspinsare aligned,e venintheabs ence ofan externalappliedmagnetic fieldH.Ifweheatupacool edferromagnet,themagnet ization vanishesatT C andtheferromagnet switchesfrom anorderedto adisorderedstate.This isaphas etransition ofsecondorde r.

2Hi storicalBackground

TheIsing modelwasinvente din1920byWilhel mLenz,whi chiswhyitsalsoreferred toasthe Lenz-I singor Ising-Lenzmodel.LenzwasaGerman phys icist,alsonotablefor hisapplic ationoftheLaplace-Runge-Lenzvect or.Hewa satRosto ckUniversityin1920, butthefol lowingye arhewasappointedordinarypr ofessoratHamb urg.O neofhisfir st studentswasErnstIsing. 2

Figure1:ErnstIsi ng

Isingstartedhi sdissertationonthe investigation offer- romagnetism,summarizedinashortpaper writtenin

1924andpublished [1]in1925. Isingcarried outanex-

actcalculationfor thespecial caseofa one-dimensional lattice.Hisanalysisshowed thatt herewasnophase transitiontoaferromagneticord ereds tat eatanyfi- nitetemp erature.Isingwronglypredicted,thataphase transitionalsodoesnotoccurinh igherdimensio ns.

Thisleadtoin itialreject ionoft heLenz-Isingmodel

formthephysi calcommun ity,includingIsinghim- self.

WhenWerner Heisenbergproposed hisowntheoryof

ferromagnetismin1928,hesaid: "Isingsucceededin showingthatalsotheassumptio nofdir ectedsu ciently greatforcesb etween twoneighboringatomsofachain isnotsu cienttoexplain ferromagnetism." [2] TheLenz-Isin gmodelbecamemorerelevan tin1936,whenRudolfP eierlshowedt hatthe

2dvers ionmusthaveaphasetra nsitionatfini tetemperatu re[ 3].Finallyin1944 thetwo-

dimensionalIsingmode lwithoutanexternalfie ldwassolvedanalytica llybyLarsOns ager byat ran sfer-matrixmethod.

3One dimensio nalIsingmodel

Theone-di mensionalIsingmodelisanchainofspins.Eachspin !canonl yhaveadiscr ete valueof! i =±1.Thei ndeximar ksthepositionof thes pininthechain. 3

Figure2:Isingcha in

LikeIsingdid in1924[1]wewilltake alook atthes imples tpos siblecaseof theone- dimensionalIsingmodel. Ourgoalistoinvestigate ifaphasetransitionoc cures ,explaining spontaneousmagnetisationandthu sferromagnetism.Wewillintrod ucetwocon ditions. •Noex ternalmagneticfieldH •Eachspin canonlyinteract with itsneighbori ngspin. Wewilll aterrefer tothesecondcon ditionasonlynea rsnei ghboringi nteractions(NN).

Theinter actionstrengthbetweentwospins!

i and! i+1 ischarac terisedbythecoupling strengthJ.Th eHamiltoni anHofsuch asystemisthangiv enby (1)H=!J i j withthenears neighboringsum .ForasystemwithN tot latticesites andtwo possible! i -valuesateachlatti cesite ,atotalnumb erof2 Ntot possibleconfigurationso fthe arrangementofparticles exists.Summingoverall possibleconfigurations ithenyieldsthe partitionsum Z: Z= {i} e !!H (2) 1 =±1 2 =±1 N =±1 e J(" 1 2 2 3 3 4 Inorde rtosimplifyeq.(2 )wein troduceanewvariableµ i i i+1 ,des cribingwhether twoneighb ouringspinsareparalleloranti-parall el.TheHamiltoni an(1)andt hepartition sum(2)can nowberewr ittenwit houtaNNsum : (3)H=!J i i "Z=2· e J N i=1 i 4 Thefactor of2inthepartition functi on arises fromthetw opossibleconfigurationsforth e firstspininthe chain. Inth ethermody namiclimit(N>>1)weca nsimpl ifythepa rtitionfunction:


e J N!1 i=1 i (4) =2· 1 =±1 2 =±1 N!1 =±1 e


1 2 N!1 =2· 1 =±1 2 =±1 N!2 =±1 e


1 2 N!2 N!1 =±1 e Jµ N!1 (e J +e !!J

Withtherel ation

e J +e !!J =2cosh("J)itfollows:


1 =±1 2 =±1 N!2 =±1 e


1 2 N!2


=2[2cosh("J)] N!1 N"1 #[2cosh("J)] N Thisisourfin alresu ltforthep artitionfunc tionoftheone-dimen sionalIs ingmodelw ithout anexte rnalfield. Newtwewan ttosho wthatinthiss imple casenophaset ransitionata finite temperature occurs.Theaverages pininthec hainisgivenby: (6)Inor dertosimplefyeq.( 7)weint roduceadi erentcoupling constantJ i foreach spin pair. i i+j 1 Z i i+j e !!H (8) 1 Z 1 =±1 i =±1 i+1 =±1 N =±1 i i+j e !(J 1 1 2 +J 2 2 3 +J 3 3 4 5

Nextwerew riteth eproduct!

i i+j interm sofbondsrathert hansp ins.Notethatthe productofanyspinwith itself( ! i i =1)isalwaysequaltoone. i i+j i


i+j (9) i i+1 i+1 i+2 i+j!2 i+j!1 i+j!1 i+j i i+1 i i+1 i+2 i+1 i+j!2 i+j!1 i+j!2 i+j!1 i+j i+j!1

Combiningeq.(8)andeq.(9)yield s:

i i+j 1 Z i i+j e !!H (10) 1 Z [2cosh("J 1 )·...·2sinh("J i )·...·2sinh("J i+j!1 )·...·2cosh("J N!1

Theparti tionfunctionZfordi

erentcoupling constantJ i foreach spinpair canbecalcu- latedanaloguetoeq.(1- 5): i i+j cosh("J 1 )·...·sinh("J i )·...·sinh("J i+j!1 )·...·cosh("J N!1 cosh("J 1 )·...·cosh("J i )·...·cosh("J i+j!1 )·...·cosh("J N!1 (11) j m=1 tanh("J i+m!1

Ifwe gobackto aconst antcouplingcon stantJ

i =Jtheres ultbecomes: (12)=[tanh("J)] j Allthat 'slefttodoistoloo katthetemper atured epend entmagn etisat ionMofthesystem


M 2 =m 2 N 2 2 =m 2 N 2 lim j#$ i i+j >=0$T>0 withthemagnet icmomento feachspinm,thenumberofspinsinthesystemNandthe averagespin. Becausetanh("J)%1the expres sionineq.(12)becomeszeroforla rgej.Theonly exceptionisatT=0,wherethetanh("J)diverges.Sotobepreciseonehav etosay thataphas etransition intheone-dimens ionalIsingmode ldoe snoto ccuratafinite temperature. 6

4Tr ansferMatrix

Thenextq uestionweare goingtoansweriswhathapp enstoou rsystemi fweapplyan externalmagneticfieldHth atcaninteractwiththemag neticmomentmofeach spin.The

Hamiltonianofsuchasystembecom es:

(14)H=!J i j !mH i i Itis helpfult oassumeperiodicboun darycondi tions(! N+1quotesdbs_dbs20.pdfusesText_26
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