[PDF] [PDF] Italian Civil Code translated in English - PDF4PRO

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The present is an English translation of the Italian official “Progetto di

Illustration of and reasons for the Merger. 2. Companies participating in the Merger (Article 2501-ter Paragraph 1


CIVIL CODE. CIVIL CODE. Translated by Georges ROUHETTE Professor of Law


Civil Code. 3F. Book Six (OF THE PROTECTION OF RIGHrs) Italian. Civil Code. This series of handbooks is believed to be the only available. English translation.

Constitution Republic

according to their own statutes provided these do not conflict with Italian law. l) jurisdiction and procedural law; civil and criminal law; administrative.

Masculinity Italian Style

recall that Italy was first unified in 1861 and that the first National Civil Code translation.babylon.com/italian/to-english/ potest%C3%A0/ (last visited ...

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275 (1998). On the discussion of the “Unidroit principles” in Italy see the transactions of the conference Quebec or the translation into English of the ...

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I have read to the newly married couple the articles of the. Italian civil code The interpreter has translated the foregoing act of matrimony. This act ...

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2407 of the Italian Civil Code). The auditor's diligence therefore


reference to what provided for in Article 2359 of the Civil Code. if written in a language other than Italian are accompanied by an Italian translation.

Translation in English of the document originally issued in Italian. In

Feb 11 2020 Partial exercise of the authority granted to the Board of Directors pursuant to Article 2443 Italian. Civil Code for the free increase in ...

This is an English translation of the original Italian document. In

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Disclaimer on the English Translation This document contains an

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has decided to translate the Italian Code of Industrial Property into english rules to the contrary by the provisions of the Civil Code relating to ...

ENG_Tetto_progetto fusione_CLEAN_per sito (con annex)

The present is an English translation of the Italian official “Progetto di Fusione” pursuant to Article 2505 of the Italian Civil Code that inter alia

Constitution Republic

In such cases civil liability shall extend to the State and to such public agency. law in the general interest




Mar 18 2020 paragraph of Article 1256 of the Italian Civil Code (Definitive impossibility and temporary impossibility)


article 39 "domestic violence" shall have the same meaning assigned to it by article 2 of the Domestic Violence Act (3) The court shall summarily hear the 

[PDF] Italian Civil Code translated in English - PDF4PRO

this updated English translation of the Italian Civil Code with a focus (International Tax regulations Manual) IPSOA (from I to VI edition) 2004-2014

[PDF] Italian Civil Code English Pdf - BYU

7 mar 2023 · Right here we have countless ebook Italian Civil Code English Pdf and collections to check out We additionally


Civil Code This series of handbooks is believed to be the only available English translation of the Italian Civil Code This translation

[PDF] Italian Civil Code English Pdf

The Italian Civil Code and Complementary Legislation - Italy 1991 English translation of the Italian Civil Code Covers both civil and commercial law matters 

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THE ITALIAN CIVIL CODE Translated by Mario Beltramo Giovanni E Longo John Henry Merryman 1969 Oceana Publications INC Dobbs Ferry N Y  

italian civil code english pdf - PDFprof

This is unofficial translation in English of the Italian version of the [PDF] Italian Civil Code translated in English - Altalexeu

[PDF] This is unofficial translation in English of the Italian - Refworld

This is unofficial translation in English of the Italian version of the Consolidated Immigration Act LEGISLATIVE DECREE n 286 dated 25 July 1998

Civil Code UNEP Law and Environment Assistance Platform

16 juil 2020 · The Italian Civil Code was adopted by Royal Decree No 262 on 16 March 1942 The text of the Code consists of the following Six Books 

  • What is the civil code of Italy?

    The Italian Civil Code (Italian: Codice civile) is the civil code of Italy, a collection of norms regulating private law. It was enacted under Fascist rule, by Royal decree no. 262 of 16 March 1942. It predates the current Italian Constitution, and it was amended in the postwar period.
  • What is 1341 civil code Italy?

    Pursuant to Articles 1341-1342 of the Italian Civil Code: “General Conditions, prepared by one of the Parties, are binding on the other party if known by the latter at the time when the contract was concluded or if the might have known thereof by using ordinary diligence.
  • What is Article 1252 of the Italian Civil Code?

    1252 Consensual set-off. Original Upon agreement by the parties, a set-off can take place even if the conditions set up by the preceding articles are not fulfilled. The parties may also agree on the conditions of such consensual set-off in advance.
  • Article 1751, section 3, of the Italian Civil Code provides that the full amount due to the agent as indemnity of termination cannot be more than an amount equal to annual indemnity calculated on the annual average of commissions collected by the agent during the last five years (or less if the relationship was shorter


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o rivolgersi all'agente di zona






Preface by the curator and acknowledgements

This volume aims to give foreign entrepreneurs and investors operating on the Italian territory an important operative instrument for a correct management and administration of companies. The articles of the Italian Civil Code here translated (from art. 2325 to article

2510) are the general normative reference valid for all types of capital companies.

However the reader has to remember that by respecting the Principle of Speciality of the norm, such norms could be outlawed by specific dispositions that disciple some company matters. Therefore companies that for the peculiar activity carried out or because of social capital characteristics are excluded from the application of some articles of the Civil Code, find a complementary regulation in Special Laws outside the Code. Such is the case of companies with quoted shares on regulated markets that, as per article 2325-bis, paragraph 2, are subject to the dispositions of Title V only " in that they are not otherwise subject to other norms of this code or special laws". Those quoted companies are, in fact, disciplined by the Civil Code, but also by the T.U.F. (Testo Unico della Finanza - Consolidated Law on Finance), by lgs. decree n.

58 of February 24, 1998, by the Consob Regulations and by the Consob principles.

Like listed companies, other companies are also subject to special legislation, as, for example, banks, insurance and financial companies, trusts and sports associa- tions. In the English text, in order to help the reader have a better understanding, the number of the articles of the basic institutes and/or correlated topics are often in- serted in brackets. The text is updated under the current legislation as of February 1, 2014. I would like to thank in advance those who wish to forward me suggestions and advice.

Valerio Piacentini

(v.piacentini@piacentiniassociati.eu) (valerio.piacentini@unibocconi.it)



Dear Reader,

The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy

is delighted to support the latest edition of this helpful work.

The English translation of the Italian Civil

Code relating to joint-stock companies re-

mains a valuable instrument for individuals, businesspeople, professionals and institu- tions operating in Italy. It also resonates with the Chamber's objectives of promoting business and commercial links between Italy and the UK and of encouraging co-operation, understanding and exchange be- tween our two countries. The British Chamber of Commerce for Italy was established in Genoa in 1904. Its headquarters are now in Milan and we have regional branches operating through- out Italy. The primary mission of the British Chamber of Commerce for Italy is to assist and encourage the development of trade and investment between the United Kingdom and to support and promote the interests of is mem- bers'commercial activities. With some 380 members, representing a wide range of Italian and British compa- nies, the Chamber has helped countless individuals to succeed. Doing business involves trust, and whilst a lot of business can be done online with no physical contact, we believe that nothing beats meeting people face-to-face. That's why we organize business-orientated events with high-profile speakers, numerous seminars and a wide variety of events of a less formal nature in many Italian cities (and in London) to enable like-minded people to get together in pleasant surroundings. With over 50 events already scheduled for 2014, you are certain to meet someone who has the solution to your problem, or who needs your goods or services. We also think you'll enjoy yourself. We hope you will share our enthusiasm for this valuable publication and at the same time would warmly encourage you to come and join one of Italy's most vi- brant business organizations.

John J Law Simona Frignani

President Secretary General

To find out how to become a member and to learn more about our events, activi- ties and services, please visit our website: www.britchamitaly.com



International Professional English

Certificates (IPEC)

Dear Reader,

As you will have already read in the

foreword by our president, John Law, we are delighted to support this work, representing, as it does, a valuable point of contact between the Italian legal system and the English speaking world. We were particularly pleased to be asked to give our contribution on the editorial side, as we feel that this work is very much in symbiosis with our own efforts to promote knowledge of legal English among Italian lawyers and law students through our I.P.E.C. Legal English Module examinations. These examinations which were developed in collaboration with Milan's Just Legal Services are avail- able at B2 and C1 levels, and are recognised as an external qualification for the de- gree course in law at Milan's Bocconi university, Thousands of young law students and lawyers have taken the examinations since their introduction in 2002, and have thereby acquired familiarity with legal English terminology and many aspects of the British legal system, as well as becoming aware of the British Chamber of Commerce and the services it can provide throughout their careers. We would also like to take this opportunity to briefly present the rest of the

I.P.E.C. programme to you:

Currently the basic IPEC examinations are offered at three of the levels estab- lished by the Council of Europe: Entry (Threshold B1 Level), Executive (Vantage B2 Level), and Excellence (Effective Proficiency C1 level), and are recognised as "crediti formativi" in Ital. They are also used or recognised as credits by several other important Italian universities. Apart from the universities, other users in- clude "Istituti Superiori", private language schools and individual students. They are also used by large companies for internal grading and assessment. Features of the examinations appreciated by our users include the challenging and stimulating nature of the examination materials, the flexibility in terms of availabil- ity at any time for groups of any size, the rapid turnaround of results and their topicality and authenticity. We have an agreement with the prestigious British magazine "Management Today" for the use of their articles as texts in our exami- nations. Naturally, the fact that the examinations are offered by the British Cham- ber of Commerce, apart from guaranteeing their direct relevance to the world of work, and the high quality of their preparation, offers a unique benefit both to us- ers and to members of the Chamber. We hope the above information may be of use to you and hope you will spend many useful hours consulting this valuable and accessible text.

David Gibbon

Chief Examiner





This publication encompasses a par-

ticular moment of the European and

Italian financial market.

The action plan for the financial markets defined by the European Commission in order to guarantee integration, competitiveness and efficiency of the European system has, by now, reached its conclusion.The main phases of the “productive process" of the financial market system, such as the appeal to invest, the offer of financial instruments, the information to give to the public, the forms of participa- tion to company life as well as the rules to contestability up to now regulated by a vast autonomy on behalf of the single European States, are or are going to be re- gulated harmoniously at European level. Yet what remains excluded from this process is company law specific for each State member. This publication has the merit to promote access to knowledge and comprehen- sion of those company rules representing national specificities. The availability of having domestic rules of company operation in two languages, indeed, integrates the harmonization effort at European level giving readers a facilitated access to na- tional norms. The publication therefore represents a valid outline in order to understand the working mechanisms of listed companies and a necessary support for foreign in- vestors to have informed choices. The Borsa Italiana (“Italian Stock Exchange"), since its foundation, has favoured an internationalization process of those markets it manages with the aim of giving Italian companies valid solutions to the need of financing and a superior liquidity pool. Its integration with the London Stock Exchange has given life to the main European Stock Exchange Group and has created the foundation for a further strong growth of the Italian market on a European and International scale. Bearing this is mind, this publication represents an important merging instrument between the law provisions for the companies and for the foreign investors.

Fabrizio Plateroti

Borsa Italiana head of Regulation

London Stock Exchange Group



Presentazione Promos - Invest in Lombardy

Dear Reader,

Promos, the Special Agency of the Milan Chamber of

Commerce dedicated to supporting Small and Me-

dium-sized Enterprises in their international business activities, is proud to present you this new edition of

Italian Company Law.

In times of economic downturn, providing tools that could simplify, and therefore enhance, cross-border business relations has become increasingly important. This volume is a useful vade mecum for anybody who wants to set up a new business in Italy, and a precious ally for our mission, which consists both in promoting the lo- cal business community abroad and in strengthening Lombardy economic system competitiveness worldwide, easing the attraction of foreign resources in the area. Attracting foreign direct investments is of crucial importance for Italy, as such flows play a significant role in the economic growth of our country, promoting employment, know-how and more broadly an over-all development on a number of levels. The importance of FDIs is becoming increasingly relevant especially now that It- aly is on the verge to face a major challenge such as Expo 2015, an international event with over 21 million visitors which is going to put Italy, and more specifi- cally Milan and Lombardy, under the spotlight. Expo Milano 2015 is going to be a unique opportunity for companies to showcase leadership, innovations and solutions in a global forum. The entrepreneurial community will be able to engage with foreign and national institutions, govern- ments and consumers from all over the world, thus becoming part of an interna- tional network which will allow them to build future strategic alliances and to catch unique business opportunities. In 2012, after the successful experience of Invest in Milan - which has been run- ning for almost 6 years now - Promos, in collaboration with Unioncamere Lombardia, the Chambers of Commerce in Lombardy and Regione Lombardia decided to tackle all these challenges by setting up Invest in Lombardy, a new, innovative In- vestment Promotion Agency geared to the needs of foreign businesses that are considering Milan, or more broadly Lombardy, as a destination for their invest- ment projects. By relying on an established network of partners involved in a broad range of business activities, Invest in Lombardy is able to support foreign investors during the entire process of settlement and investment, enabling them to exploit all the opportunities that Milan and Lombardy have to offer, and advising them on every aspect of starting and running a business in Italy.


X Besides Expo 2015, there are many reasons for investing in Lombardy, a region characterized by a dynamic economy, with a strong manufacturing and industrial tradition, a land that can boast a well-combined natural attention to innovation, in- ternationalization and openness to new sectors. According to the Milan Chamber of Commerce, Lombardy alone attracts 70% of all Italian FDIs and ranks amongst the 10 most appealing Western European re- gions with Milan qualifying in the top ten Western European cities for number of inbound investment projects during the decade 2003-2012. Encouraging data come also from the Real Estate market. Lease rates and rent prices of logistic and industrial real estates in Lombardy are lower than in other European regions, such as Zürich, Moscow, London and Frankfurt. These are important results that restate the leading role and the strategic position of Milan and Lombardy as well, a region that represents over 25% of Italy's GDP and can boast a strategic position between northern Europe and the Mediterra- nean basin, ensuring high accessibility of goods and people. In our daily effort to assist companies in being successful in an increasingly com- petitive scenario, the chance of having technical and precise legal tools, such as this updated English translation of the Italian Civil Code with a focus on the Ital- ian corporate law, represents a valuable help to our institution as well as a precious tool for all the entrepreneurs that are thinking of investing in Lombardy.

Pier Andrea Chevallard

Direttore Promos

To learn more about our services and activities, please visit our website: www.investinlombardy.com.

Authors Editors


Editor and coordinator

Valerio Piacentini

Business and Public Administration - New York University (1987); Laurea in Economia e Commercio - Economics and Business Management University Degree - Bocconi University (1991); Corso di Giuristi d'Impresa (Course for Company Jurists) - Bocconi Universi- ty (1992). Contract Professor in Business Law at the Bocconi University; member of the Cor- porate Governance Commission of the Graduates in Economics and Business Man- agement Association; Auditor of listed companies on the Milan Stock Exchange; Tech- nical Consultant/ Advisor to Judges at the Milan Court of Law; partner of Studio

Piacentini and Partners.

Co-author of the Balance and Consolidated Balance Commentary, published in Le Nuove Leggi Civili e Commentate (New Civil Laws and Commentary), n. 2 e n. 3, 1996, pag. 430 a 460, Cedam; Co-author of La disciplina delle società quotate (The Discipline of listed companies), Commentary by Prof. Marchetti and Bianchi, 1999, Giuffrè; Co-author of La disciplina giuridica del bilancio (The juridical discipline of Balance sheets), by Prof. Luigi Arturo Bianchi, 2000, Diritto e Affari (Law and Business) - Il Sole 24 Ore; Various notes on the new balance for the business year discipline within the ambit of the Commentary on company law reform, by P. Marchetti - L.A. Bianchi - F. Ghezzi - M. Notari; Editor and co-author of the Manuale di Fiscalità internazionale (International Tax regulations Manual), IPSOA (from I to VI edition) 2004-2014.



Editor of articles from 2325 to 2346

Giorgio Simoncini

Law degree. Qualified as Advocate for the Italian Ju- risdiction. He acted as in-house legal counsel for tele- communications companies such as H3G S.p.A. and British Telecom Italia S.p.A.. Now acts as legal coun- sel in Alcatel-Lucent S.p.A. In December 2008 he sat the final examination with the Law Society of Eng- land and Wales to qualified as a Solicitor and transfer to the common law jurisdiction of England and


Editor of articles from 2347 to 2362

Anna Doro Tempestini

She graduated in Law, magna cum laude at the Uni-

versity of Florence. She attended a Master School on

European Intellectual Property Law in Milan. She

was admitted at the Bar in 1997. Salomon Brothers

International Limited. In year 2001 she was named

General Counsel and Compliance Head of Citigroup

Italy. In 2007 she was named head of the Legal and

Compliace Committee at AIBE (Italian Association

of Foreign Banks) and in year 2008 she become member of the Executive Committee at Assosim (Italian Association of Financial Intermediaries). Editor of articles from 2363 to 2396 and update III ed.

Michela Costa

She took a law degree at Bologna University and an

LLM in law and economics at Liuc-Castellanza Uni-

versity. She moved to London where she worked as visiting lawyer. Then she joined the Milan office of an italian law firm where she became senior associate of the international specialising in M&A and capital market transactions. In 2007 she joined British Petro- leum Italia; where she currently is legal manager.

Authors Editors

XIII Editor of articles from 2397 to 2409 septies and update III ed.

Luca Sanfilippo

After graduating at the La Sapienza University Law

School in Rome, He achieved a Master in Business

Studies (Trade and Services) at the Bocconi Uni-

versity of Milan and a Master in European Law and

Economics at the European College of Parme. He

is General Counsel of Sky Italia S.r.l. since April

2003. He also worked for the European Commis-

sion in Brussels. Rapporteur for the Executivequotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18
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