[PDF] [PDF] Piecewise defined functions and the Laplace transform

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17 Laplace transform. Solving linear ODE with piecewise continu

In this lecture I will show how to apply the Laplace transform to the ODE Ly = f with piecewise continuous f. Definition 1. A function f is piecewise 

Piecewise defined functions and the Laplace transform

We look at how to represent piecewise defined functions using Heavised functions and use the Laplace transform to solve differential equations with piecewise 

The Laplace Transform for Piecewise Continuous functions Firstly a

The Laplace Transform for Piecewise Continuous functions. Firstly a Piecewise Continuous function is made up of a finite number of continuous pieces on each 

Step Functions DE Solutions Goals: • Laplace Transform Theory

Laplace Transform of Piecewise Functions - 3 f(t) = 2 0 < t ≤ 5. 0 5 < t ≤ 10


Example – Piecewise Function Laplace Transform. □ Determine the Laplace transform of a piecewise function: □ A summation of functions with known transforms:.

Piecewise-Defined Functions and Periodic Functions

When we talk about a “discontinuous function f ” in the context of Laplace transforms we usually mean f is a piecewise continuous function that is not 

Laplace Transforms and Piecewise Continuous Functions

Laplace Transforms and Piecewise Continuous Functions. We have seen how one can use Laplace transform methods to solve %nd order linear Diff Ebs with constant.

from sympy import * Example 1: Sketch the graph of u_pi(t) - u_2pi(t

Mar 17 2021 Example 2: (SKIP: Python will not convert piecewise functions ... Example 4: Find the Laplace transform of the function graphed in the Examples.

The Laplace Transform −→ ←−

Inverse Laplace transform. ←−. Find solution Y. The Laplace transform of a piecewise continuous and exponentially bounded function f(t) defined for non 

Existence of Laplace Transforms Before continuing our use of

A function is piecewise continuous on [0∞) if f(t) is piecewise continuous on [0

17 Laplace transform. Solving linear ODE with piecewise continu

In this lecture I will show how to apply the Laplace transform to the ODE Ly = f with piecewise continuous f. Definition 1. A function f(t) is piecewise 

Piecewise defined functions and the Laplace transform

We look at how to represent piecewise defined functions using Heavised functions and use the Laplace transform to solve differential equations with 

Step Functions DE Solutions Goals: • Laplace Transform Theory

Laplace Transform Theory. • Transforms of Piecewise Functions. • Solutions to Differential Equations. • Spring/Mass with a Piecewise Forcing function.

Laplace Transforms and Piecewise Continuous Functions

Laplace Transforms and Piecewise Continuous Functions. We have seen how one can use Laplace transform methods to solve %nd order linear Diff Ebs with 

Existence of Laplace Transforms Before continuing our use of

is worth digressing through a quick investigation of which functions actually have a Laplace transform. A function f is piecewise continuous on an interval 

Piecewise-Defined Functions and Periodic Functions

When we talk about a “discontinuous function f ” in the context of Laplace transforms we usually mean f is a piecewise continuous function that is not 

The Laplace Transform for Piecewise Continuous functions Firstly a

The Laplace Transform for Piecewise Continuous functions. Firstly a Piecewise Continuous function is made up of a finite number of continuous.

Step Functions DE Solutions Goals: • Laplace Transform Theory

is worth digressing through a quick investigation of which functions actually have a Laplace transform. A function f is piecewise continuous on an interval 


a piecewise function and sketch its graph (ii) Write the function as a combination of terms of the form ua(t)k(t ? a) and compute the Laplace transform.

The Laplace Transform of step functions (Sect. 6.3). Overview and

at . ?. Page 2. The Laplace Transform of step functions (Sect. 6.3). ? Overview and notation. ? The definition of a step function. ? Piecewise discontinuous 

[PDF] Piecewise defined functions and the Laplace transform

We look at how to represent piecewise defined functions using Heavised functions and use the Laplace transform to solve differential equations with piecewise 

[PDF] 17 Laplace transform Solving linear ODE with piecewise continu

In this lecture I will show how to apply the Laplace transform to the ODE Ly = f with piecewise continuous f Definition 1 A function f is piecewise 

[PDF] The Laplace Transform for Piecewise Continuous functions

The Laplace Transform for Piecewise Continuous functions Firstly a Piecewise Continuous function is made up of a finite number of continuous

[PDF] Laplace Transforms and Piecewise Continuous Functions

Laplace Transforms and Piecewise Continuous Functions We have seen how one can use Laplace transform methods to solve nd order linear Diff Ebs with 

[PDF] The Laplace Transform of step functions (Sect 63)

Piecewise discontinuous functions ? The Laplace Transform of discontinuous functions Overview: The Laplace Transform method can be used to solve

[PDF] Section 5 Laplace Transformspdf

The Laplace transform of the derivative of a function is the Laplace transform of that function Determine the Laplace transform of a piecewise function:

[PDF] Step Functions; and Laplace Transforms of Piecewise Continuous

Laplace Transforms of Piecewise Continuous Functions The present objective is to use the Laplace transform to solve differential equations with piecewise 

[PDF] Piecewise-Defined Functions and Periodic Functions

When we talk about a “discontinuous function f ” in the context of Laplace transforms we usually mean f is a piecewise continuous function that is not 

[PDF] Existence of Laplace Transforms Before continuing our use of

is worth digressing through a quick investigation of which functions actually have a Laplace transform A function f is piecewise continuous on an interval 

[PDF] Worksheet 31: Laplace Transforms-Piecewise Functions

7 avr 2016 · Laplace Transforms-Piecewise Functions Supplemental Instruction Iowa State University Leader: Zaynab Diallo Course: Math 267

  • What is piecewise continuous function in Laplace transform?

    The Laplace Transform for Piecewise Continuous functions. Firstly a Piecewise Continuous function is made up of a finite number of continuous pieces on each finite subinterval [0, T]. Also the limit of f(t) as t tends to each point of continuty is finite. So an example is the unit step function.
  • The Laplace transform of a unit step function is L(s) = 1/s. A shifted unit step function u(t-a) is, 0, when t has values less than a. 1, when t has values greater than a.
Piecewise dened functions and the Laplace transform We look at how to represent piecewise dened functions using Heavised functions, and use the Laplace transform to solve dierential equations with piecewise dened forcing terms. We repeatedly will use the rules: assume thatL(f(t)) =F(s), andc0. Then L uc(t)f(tc)=ecsF(s);L1ecsF(s)=uc(t)f(tc); where u c(t) =(

0; t < c

1; tc;Luc(t)=ecs:

For example, consider

f(t) =( 0;0t2 t2;22<1 which is plotted as follows:012345024 tf(t)It is pretty easy to see that f(t) =u2(t)(t2) Let's calculate its Laplace transform. We know from formula 3 withn= 1 thatL(t) = 1=s2, so

L(f(t)) =e2ss


Consider the following function:

f(t) =8 >>:t;0t1 1;1t2


0 3t <1

which is plotted as follows:


tf(t)To write this using the Heaviside functions, lets go step by step from left to right. We start o with the functiont. Att= 1, we subtractt1 to gett(t1) = 1. At time 2, we subtractt2 to get 1(t2) = 3t. Then att= 3 we addt3 to get (3t)+(t3) = 0. So, f(t) =tu1(t)(t1)u2(t)(t2) +u3(t)(t3); and

L(f(t)) =1s

2ess 2e2ss


2=1s 2


Sometimes you need to rewrite the function a bit to recognize that it is in delayed form.

For example, consider



We want to write this in the formu2(t)f(t2) in order to use rule 13. To avoid problems, let's temporarily think offas a function ofu. We then want to ndf(u) so thatf(t2) =t3.

Lettingu=t2 is the same ast=u+ 2, so we see that

f(u) =u1

In short, we are writing


2(t)(t3) =u2(t)(t2)1=u2(t)(t2)u2(t):



where we use

L(t) =1s

2;L(1) =1s

As a more complicated example, consider the problem of writing u

1(t)sin(t) =u1(t)f(t1)

Introducing a variableu=t1; t=u+ 1, we wantf(u) = sin(u+ 1). To calculate the Laplace transform ofu1(t)sin(t), we have the problem that there is not an entry in the tables for the Laplace transform of sin(u+ 1). So we need to use trig identities to write sin(u+ 1) = cos(1)sin(u) + sin(1)cos(u) leading to the formula sin(t) = cos(1)sin(t1) + sin(1)cos(t1):

We then obtain the nal answer to our problem

L u1(t)sin(t)=Lu1(t)cos(1)sin(t1) +u1(t)sin(1)cos(t1) = cos(1)Lu1(t)sin(t1)+ sin(1)Lu1(t)cos(t1) = cos(1) ess

2+ 1+ sin(1)sess

2+ 1

Inverse Laplace transforms

Now let's do some inverse Laplace transforms. Consider

F(s) =sess

2+ 4:

We recognize thatL1

1s 2+4 = sin(2t), hence L 1ess 2+ 4 =u(t)sin(2(t)) =u(t)sin(2t2): Since sin(2t2) = sin(2t), this also equalsu(t)cos(2t), but in most examples things won't work out so nicely. We can plot this0234521012 tf(t)Now let's work outL1(F(s)) where

F(s) =se3s(s2+ 4)(s2+ 2s+ 2):

We carry out partial fractions on the rational part (at this step ignore the exponential) s(s2+ 4)(s2+ 2s+ 2)=16 s+23 s

2+ 4+16

s13 s

2+ 2s+ 2

We then splitF(s) into the two terms. For the rst term, we calculate L 1(16 s+23 )e3ss 2+ 4 =16 L1 e 3sss 2+ 4 +13 L1 e 3s2s 2+ 4 16 u3(t)cos(2(t3)) +13 u3(t)sin(2(t3)): For the second term, we need to complete the square and simplify to use the tables, 16 s13 s

2+ 2s+ 2=16

s13 (s+ 1)2+ 1=16 (s+ 1)(s+ 1)2+ 1+16 (s+ 1)2+ 1 We multiply bye3sand take the inverse Laplace transform, L 1(16 s13 )e3ss

2+ 2s+ 1

=16 L1 e

3ss+ 1(s+ 1)2+ 1

16 L1 e

3s1(s+ 1)2+ 1

=16 u3(t)e(t3)cos(t3)16 u3(t)e(t3)sin(t3):

A nice long example!

We will now carry out a problem, start to nish, with a function we looked at in lecture. The problem is long, but you should be able to follow each step and see how to get from one to the next. Recall the following function from lecture: f(t) =8 >>>>:0; t <1

1;1t <2;

2;2t <3;

3;3t <4;

0;4t <1

which is plotted as follows:01234567024 tf(t)We writef(t) =u1(t) +u2(t) +u3(t)3u4(t). To understand this formula, note that at timet= 1 the functionf(t) increases by 1, then at timet= 2 it increases by 1 more, then at timet= 3 it increases by 1 more, then at timet= 4 it decreases by 3. By the linearity of the Laplace transform and the formulaLuc(t)=ecs, we calculate L f(t)=ess +e2ss +e3ss 3e4ss
=1s e s+e2s+e3s3e4s

Now let's solve the following equation:


00+ 2y03y=f(t); y(0) = 1; y0(0) = 2:

We take the Laplace transform of both sides, using rule 18. AssumeL(y(t)) =Y(s). Then the equation becomes s2Y(s)sy(0)y0(0)+ 2sY(s)y(0)3Y(s) =1s e s+e2s+e3s3e4s

Inserting the values fory(0) andy0(0) we get

(s2+ 2s3)Y(s)s4 =1s e s+e2s+e3s3e4s

We solve forY(s) to obtain

Y(s) =s+ 4s

2+ 2s3+1s(s2+ 2s3)

e s+e2s+e3s3e4s We next apply partial fractions to simplify the rational functions we see. For the rst term, s+ 4s

2+ 2s3=s+ 4(s+ 3)(s1)=54


1(s+ 3)

Using formula 2, we then obtain


1s+ 4s

2+ 2s3

=54 et14 e3t: You might note that this is the homogeneous solution satisfyingy(0) = 1; y0(0) = 2. We next nd the inverse Laplace transform of the second term. We need to apply partial fractions only to the rational part; the exponentials in the parentheses don't come up at this step. So, we write

1s(s2+ 2s3)=14


1(s+ 3)13

1s Then L

11s(s2+ 2s3)

=et4 +e3t12 13

We then get the following (somewhat long) formula


11s(s2+ 2s3)es+e2s+e3s3e4s



+e3(t1)12 13 +u2(t)et24 +e3(t2)12 13 +u3(t)et34 +e3(t3)12 13


+e3(t4)12 13 The solution to the original IVP equals this plus the rst term 54
et14 e3t.

Advanced example: square wave forcing.

This is an advanced example to illustrate the power of using the Laplace transform (and no, it won't be on the nal exam). We consider driving an undampened harmonic oscillator by a square wave that has the same period as the homogeneous solution. The square wave is a step function approximation to cos(t):02345678921012 tf(t)We can represent the square wave as a sum of Heaviside functions: f(t) =u0(t)2u(t) + 2u2(t)2u3(t) + 2u4(t)2u5(t) + 2u6(t)2u7(t) + You can imagine that the wave stops after a nite number of terms so we don't have to worry about innite sums, but the following steps don't require that. We rst calculate the

Laplace transform off(t):

L(f(t)) =L(u0(t))2L(u(t)) + 2L(u2(t))2L(u3(t)) + 2L(u4(t))2L(u5(t)) 1s 2ess +2e2ss

12es+ 2e2s2e3s+ 2e4s2e5s+

Now suppose we want to solve the equation


00+y=f(t); y(0) = 0; y0(0) = 0:

Taking the Laplace transform of both sides leads to the equation forY(s) =L(y(t)), (s2+ 1)Y(s) =1s

12es+ 2e2s2e3s+ 2e4s2e5s+

We divide bys2+ 1 and apply partial fractions to write 1s

2+ 11s

=1s ss 2+ 1; and obtain the formula forY(s):

Y(s) =1s

12es+ 2e2s2e3s+ 2e4s2e5s+

ss 2+ 1

12es+ 2e2s2e3s+ 2e4s2e5s+

If we take the inverse Laplace transform, we get the following formula fory(t): y(t) =u0(t)2u(t) + 2u2(t)2u3(t) + cos(t) + 2u(t)cos(t)2u2(t)cos(t2) + 2u3cos(t3) We next use cos(t) =cos(t), cos(t2) = cos(t), et cetera to write this as y(t) =u0(t)2u(t) + 2u2(t)2u3(t) + cos(t) u

0(t) + 2u(t) + 2u2(t) + 2u3(t) +

This is a little complicated, but you can see that the rst line is justf(t), and bounces between 1 and1. The second line is cos(t) times a function that jumps by 2 each timet increases by, so it will grow proportional tot, just like resonant driving. On the following page we compare square wave forcing to cos(t) forcing (both forcing terms at the same frequency as the homogeneous frequency). They look qualitatively the same, but a close inspection shows some dierences. The physical explanation for why the solution for the square wave force grows faster is that the square wave contains more energy than the cosine wave.

Square wave forcing:

Solution toy00+y=f(t); y(0) = 0; y0(0) = 0, wheref(t) is the square wave.0234567891510505101520 ty(t)Resonant forcing: The solution toy00+y= cos(t); y(0) = 0; y0(0) = 0, is given byy=12 tsint.023456789105051015 t:5tsin(t)quotesdbs_dbs6.pdfusesText_11
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