[PDF] UCR LaTeX Dissertation Template and Advanced Manuscript

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LATEX Thesis Template

This document is a short template that will start you off in your quest to write your thesis using LATEX. It is not a guide on how to use LATEX (there are 

Overleaf 2324 URS LaTeX Template

Oct 11 2023 The URS Thesis Manual & Policy Guide and the URS Formatting Guide are designed to assist Undergraduate Research Scholars and faculty advisors in ...


PhD THESIS TEMPLATE. Matthew D. H. Lay. Submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. April 2006. Page 2. ii. Page 3 

uWaterloo LaTeX Thesis Template

This thesis reviews some aspects of a large class of vertex operator algebras labelled by (p q) webs colored by non-negative integers associated to faces 

uWaterloo LaTeX Thesis Template

Page 1. Complexity in the AdS/CFT correspondence by. Hugo Cangussu Marrochio. A thesis presented to the University of Waterloo in fulfillment of the thesis 

Thesis Title

Welcome to this LATEX Thesis Template a beautiful and easy to use template for writing a thesis using the LATEX typesetting system. If you are writing a thesis 


Several different versions of LATEX packages have been used in the past by sciences and engineering. PhD students to write Doctoral Dissertations since 2008.


pdf document and also in the LATEX source file CSULAThesisTemplate.tex that generated it. This document does not teach how to use LATEX–that's way to 

UKZN LaTeX Thesis Template

For a number of years researches on optimization have investigated and explored different methods that can uncover or provide optimal solutions to a number 

uWaterloo LaTeX Thesis Template

thesis requirement for the degree of. Doctor of Philosophy in. Combinatorics and Optimization. Waterloo Ontario

UCR LaTeX Dissertation Template and Advanced Manuscript

Jun 7 2018 UCR LATEX Dissertation Template and Advanced Manuscript Formatting. Gianluca Bianchin gbian001@ucr.edu. Graduate Quantitative Methods Center.

uWaterloo LaTeX Thesis Template

This thesis investigates the ways in which one can evaluate high-recall retrieval systems and explores several design considerations that should be accounted 

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PhD THESIS TEMPLATE. Matthew D. H. Lay. Submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. April 2006 

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The following served on the Examining Committee for this thesis. This thesis presents the work I have done in image segmentation during my PhD with par ...

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thesis requirement for the degree of. Doctor of Philosophy in. Physics. Waterloo Ontario

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A LaTeX template for the University of Alberta Compliant with the FGSR (2022) Standards for submitting a thesis including conversion to PDF/A Included in

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Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals conferences theses reports CVs and much more

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Abstract This article provides useful tools to write a thesis with LATEX Portable Document Format file ( pdf ) 19 Each format has advantages and disad-

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The original LaTeX thesis template files were developed by Dorothea F Brosius in The links will show in blue when you save your thesis as a pdf file

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The Pitt LaTeX template for ETDs is available in several forms PDFTex -- This package is used to compile the final PDF version LaTeX Editors

LaTeX Thesis Template - Mathematics and Statistics - SDSU-Math

24 mai 2022 · The style file and sample LaTeX document contain instructions and comments on why/how certain things were done in a certain way PDF — 

Clean LaTeX template for a thesis or a large writeup - GitHub

You can see here the generated PDF Requirements You need a working LaTeX enviroment installed in your system Minted If you want 

(PDF) LaTeX template for the MSc thesis - ResearchGate

PDF LaTeX template for the MSc thesis defended by me (Polina Lemenkova) in March 2011 in Enschede Netherlands Find read and cite all the research 

Dave Greens (pdf)LaTeX thesis template (V115 2022/07/28)

28 juil 2022 · 15 2022/07/28) Here is my template for PhD or other theses for pdf LaTeX (or L 

  • Can you write a thesis in LaTeX?

    With LaTeX, you don't have to worry about layout. Simply pick a template for the type of document you're writing (e.g., a resume or a thesis). If your university doesn't provide you with one, you can look online for free templates. Most LaTeX editors come with standard templates.
  • How do you start a thesis in LaTeX?

    tex in your editor.

    1Setting the Class Options. The first line of the file will be: \\documentclass{urithesis} 2Setting the Title and Author. To set the title, you use the command: \\title{The Title of My Thesis} 3The Bibliography Source File. 4The Preliminary Material. 5The Chapters. 6The Appendices. 7Additional Considerations.
  • What is the standard thesis format in LaTeX?

    The default structure of the thesis proceeds in the following order: title page, dedication, abstract, publications, acknowledgements, contents, list of tables/figures/listings, acronyms, content chapters, appendices, bibliography, colophon and declaration.
  • the document should be presented on single-sided a4 paper and typeset in a double-spaced size 10-12 font; the left-hand margin should be at least 1.5 inches (4cm) to allow for binding; the other three margins should be at least 1 inch (2.5cm).

ATEX Dissertation Template

and Advanced Manuscript Formatting

Gianluca Bianchin

gbian001@ucr.eduGraduate Quantitative Methods Center

University of California, Riverside

LFSC1425 - June 7, 2018

G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 1 / 40

What is L

ATEXLaTeX is a document preparation system.

When writing, we use instructions as opposed to the formatted text found in WYSIWYG processors (\what you see is what you get") like Ms Word G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 2 / 40

This workshop

Good reasons to use L

ATEX:Would like to use L

ATEX for dissertation, but don't know where to startDocuments written by your peers look a lot fancier than yours!!!

In this workshop:Downloading and understanding templates (UCR dissertation)


references to \w orky ourw aya round"

Diculties with using L

ATEX:Way more time consuming than MS Word

L ATEX is a lot of \guess-and-check"The most eective way is to learn by doing G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 3 / 40

This workshop

Good reasons to use L

ATEX:Would like to use L

ATEX for dissertation, but don't know where to startDocuments written by your peers look a lot fancier than yours!!!

In this workshop:

Downloading and understanding templates (UCR dissertation)


references to \w orky ourw aya round"

Diculties with using L

ATEX:Way more time consuming than MS Word

L ATEX is a lot of \guess-and-check"The most eective way is to learn by doing G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 3 / 40

This workshop

Good reasons to use L

ATEX:Would like to use L

ATEX for dissertation, but don't know where to startDocuments written by your peers look a lot fancier than yours!!!

In this workshop:

Downloading and understanding templates (UCR dissertation)


references to \w orky ourw aya round"

Diculties with using L

ATEX:Way more time consuming than MS Word

L ATEX is a lot of \guess-and-check"The most eective way is to learn by doing G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 3 / 40

Advanced Formatting in L

ATEX: Outline1Getting started with templates

2Working on the document body

3Citations with BibTeX

4Extras: Double spacing, environments, and editors

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Getting started with templates

G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 5 / 40

Articles template: IEEE

Most scientic paper venues provide templates for manuscripts:For instance:IEEE templates link G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 6 / 40

UCR thesis template

If you are about to graduate,:UCR thesis template link G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 7 / 40

Components of a template or L

ATEX documents

Source code le:.tex le (source code)

)the only document you should edit

Formatting les:.cls le (document class le)

.clo le (class option le) .sty le (style le) .bst le (BibTeX style le) .bib le (BibTeX le) G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 8 / 40

Typical (.tex) document

Typical L

ATEX document:Packages:Provide sets of

commands or aect the appearance of the output documentCommands:Provide markup, start by backslash ncommandName[...]f...gG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 9 / 40

Document Hierarchy: Chapters

The main matter of a typical longer document is divided into chapters For longer documents it is desirable to separate chapters into dierent L

ATEX les for better organization and readabilityG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 10 / 40

Dening the main le in ShareLaTeX

The main document is the le which LATEX will be told to compile rst By default in ShareLaTeX, the main document will be set to be the document in the project which begins with: ndocumentclass[...]f...gG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 11 / 40

Working on the document body

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Backslash operator in L


The Backslash operator is used for:Commands

ntetxitfg(italic),ntextbffg(bold),nn(new line)Special characters and math nsigma,nPhi,nfracfgfg,nsumfgˆfgDisplay reserved characters n#,n$,nˆ,n%,n&,nf,ngG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 13 / 40


Chapters can be organized into sections, subsections, subsubsections,

paragraphs, and subparagraphs:1nsectionfTitleg2nsubsectionfTitleg3nsubsubsectionfTitleg4nparagraphfTitleg5nsubparagraphfTitlegG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 14 / 40


Any sectioning command may be followed by


so that you can refer to the section number in the text1nsectionfMy First Sectiong2nlabelfS:sec1g3We can reference "My first Section" in the text with thecommandnreffS:sec1g, while the commandnpagereffS:sec1gwill reference the corresponding page.

G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 15 / 40


Any sectioning command may be followed by


so that you can refer to the section number in the text1nsectionfMy First Sectiong2nlabelfS:sec1g3We can reference "My first Section" in the text with thecommandnreffS:sec1g, while the commandnpagereffS:sec1gwill reference the corresponding page.

NOTE References are automatically updated whenever changes are made to the structure of the documentReferencing requires compiling twice! G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 16 / 40

Numbered lists

A numbered list is created with theenumerateenvironment:1This space has the following properties:2nbeginfenumerateg3nitemGrade 2 Cantor; nlabelfCantorg4nitemHalf-smooth Hausdorff; nlabelfHausdorffg5nitemMetrizably smooth. nlabelfsmoothg6nendfenumerateg7Therefore, we can apply the Main Theorem.G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 17 / 40

Numbered lists

A numbered list is created with theenumerateenvironment:1This space has the following properties:2nbeginfenumerateg3nitemGrade 2 Cantor; nlabelfCantorg4nitemHalf-smooth Hausdorff; nlabelfHausdorffg5nitemMetrizably smooth. nlabelfsmoothg6nendfenumerateg7Therefore, we can apply the Main Theorem.G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 17 / 40

Bulleted lists

A bulleted list is created with theitemizeenvironment:1We set out to accomplish a variety of goals:2nbeginfitemizeg3nitemTo introduce the concept of smooth functions. 4nitemTo show their usefulness in differentiation. 5nitemTo point out the efficacy of using smooth functions in Calculus.

6nendfitemizegG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 18 / 40

Bulleted lists

A bulleted list is created with theitemizeenvironment:1We set out to accomplish a variety of goals:2nbeginfitemizeg3nitemTo introduce the concept of smooth functions. 4nitemTo show their usefulness in differentiation. 5nitemTo point out the efficacy of using smooth functions in Calculus.

6nendfitemizegG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 18 / 40

Floating: tables and gures

Figures and tables are treated in a special way in L

ATEX since they cannot

be broken across pagesL

ATEX moves a table or an illustration (

oats) to the top or bottom of the current or the next page if possibleFurther away otherwise Placing tables and gures is often a tedious guess-and-check process, that requires extensive online help G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 19 / 40

Floating: tables and gures

Figures and tables are treated in a special way in L

ATEX since they cannot

be broken across pagesL

ATEX moves a table or an illustration (

oats) to the top or bottom of the current or the next page if possibleFurther away otherwise Placing tables and gures is often a tedious guess-and-check process, that requires extensive online help G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 19 / 40


A simple table is set up as follows:1nbeginftabulargf jcjcjcj g2nhline3cell1 & cell2 & cell3nn4cell4 & cell5 & cell6nn5cell7 & cell8 & cell9nn6nhline7nendftabulargSample tables:

ShareLaTeX page

OverLeaf page

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Including captions and references in the text requires more eort


4nbeginftabulargf jcjcjcj g5nhline6cell1 & cell2 & cell3nn7cell4 & cell5 & cell6nn8cell7 & cell8 & cell9nn9nhline10nendftabularg11

12ncaptionfTable to test captions and labelsg13nlabelftable:1g14nendfcenterg15nendftablegG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 21 / 40


nusepackagefgraphicxg(in the preamble of main le!!)A gure environment is set up as follows:

1nincludegraphics[width=4cm, height=4cm]fliongG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 22 / 40


nusepackagefgraphicxg(in the preamble of main le!!)A gure environment is set up as follows:

1nincludegraphics[width=4cm, height=4cm]fliongTIP: organize your images in a single folder using:

ngraphicspathf fimagesfolder/g gReference for gures:

ShareLaTeX page

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Including captions and references in the text requires more eort:


4nincludegraphics[width=4cm, height=4cm]fliong5

6nlabelffigure:1g7ncaptionfThis figure shows a lion.g8nendffiguregG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 24 / 40

Formulas: in-Line vs displayed

Syntax of mathematical expressions

G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 25 / 40

Displayed formulas

In-line formulas are delimited by $ $ symbols

Displayed formulas are dened through theequationenvironment1This is an in-line formula $nsumfk=0gˆfninftygrˆk$,2while the following is a displayed formula3

4nbeginfequationg5nlabelfE:geometricSeriesg6nsumfk=0gˆfninftygrˆk7nendfequationgThe equation number, which is automatically generated, depends on how

many numbered displayed formulas occur before the given equation G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 26 / 40

Displayed formulas

In-line formulas are delimited by $ $ symbols

Displayed formulas are dened through theequationenvironment1This is an in-line formula $nsumfk=0gˆfninftygrˆk$,2while the following is a displayed formula3

4nbeginfequationg5nlabelfE:geometricSeriesg6nsumfk=0gˆfninftygrˆk7nendfequationgThe equation number, which is automatically generated, depends on how

many numbered displayed formulas occur before the given equation G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 26 / 40

Displayed formulas

In-line formulas are delimited by $ $ symbols

Displayed formulas are dened through theequationenvironment1This is an in-line formula $nsumfk=0gˆfninftygrˆk$,2while the following is a displayed formula3

4nbeginfequationg5nlabelfE:geometricSeriesg6nsumfk=0gˆfninftygrˆk7nendfequationgThe equation number, which is automatically generated, depends on how

many numbered displayed formulas occur before the given equation G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 26 / 40

Aligned formulas

Alignment is very important for multi-line formulas, especially when working with double column documents.L

ATEX has many ways to typeset multiline formulas.One of these is thealignenvironment.To generate multiple lines, separate each line withnnsymbols1nbeginfalign*g2rˆf2g= sˆf2g+tˆf2g,nn32u + 1 = v + wˆfnalphag,nn4x =nfracfx+zgfnsqrtfs+2ugg nn5nendfalign*gr


2u+ 1 =v+w;

x=x+zps+ 2uG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 27 / 40

Aligned formulas

To create an alignment use the&symbolG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 28 / 40

Citations with BibTeX

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BibTeX: Basics

There are two ways of composing a bibliography in L

ATEX:Package thebibliography (manual)

Package BibTeX (automated)

G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 30 / 40

BibTeX: Basics

Three elements of a bibliography in BibTeX:Bibliographic database le

A bibliographic style

Citations in the text

G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 31 / 40

BibTeX: The Database

A BibTeX database has extension .bib and contains bibliographic entries

The keywordeinsteinis a TAG, and will be used to cite in the textG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 32 / 40

BibTeX: The database

Common ways to (quickly) create a database are:Google Scholar

Paper Management apps (Paperpile, Mendeley)

G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 33 / 40

BibTeX: The main le

The following command declares the database and makes the bibliography visible:

nbibliographyfnameOfYourBibliographyFilegTIP: place it at the end of your document, beforenendfdocumentgG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 34 / 40

BibTeX: The main le

The following command declares the database and makes the bibliography visible:

nbibliographyfnameOfYourBibliographyFilegTIP: place it at the end of your document, beforenendfdocumentgThe following command denes the style of your bibliography

Common styles and layouts link

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BibTeX: The main le

Only the entries referenced in the .tex le will be shown in the Bibliography ncitefmyBookgshows the reference in the bibliography and cites the

entry in the textnnocitefpK57gshows the reference in the bibliographynnocitef*gshows all references in the bibliographyG. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 36 / 40

Extras: Double spacing, environments, and editors

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Aligned formulas

Default document spacing (and more formatting) are specied in the style-le ucr.cls (you are not supposed to modify this le) G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 38 / 40

Compiling L

ATEX documents directly in your computerCompiling documents directly in your computer may be desirable for faster

le management (images), faster compiling times, online app licence, ...Installing L ATEXon your computer requires two steps:1Install the typesetting environment (MikTeX for Windows, MacTeX for Mac)2Use a text editor to create a .tex source le G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 39 / 40

GradQuat at UCR

GradQuant:Website:http://gradquant.u cr.edu

Workshops!Previous workshop resourcesResources!Programming and databases

If you seek help with L

ATEX:Drop-in hours: Thursday 12pm-2pm

Schedule a consultation (Gianluca)



G. Bianchin (UCR GradQuant)Advanced Formatting in LATEXJune 7, 2018 40 / 40quotesdbs_dbs9.pdfusesText_15
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