[PDF] [PDF] Chapter 6 - Random-Number Generation

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Random Number Generators

Linear Congruential Generators. The most common and easy to understand and implement random number generator is called a Linear Congruential Generator (LCG).

Chapter 6 - Random-Number Generation

Combined Linear Congruential Generators. • Reason: Longer period generator is needed because of the increasing complexity of simulated systems. • Approach 

Linear Congruential Generator

Linear Congruential Generator. ○ Goal: Generate Un uniform in the interval [0 Code for linear congruential generator. #include <iostream>. #include <cmath>.

Tables of Linear Congruential Generators of Different Sizes and

for multiplicative and non-multiplicative LCGs. 1. Introduction. A multiplicative linear congruential generator (MLCG) is defined by a recurrence of the form.

Chapter 4: (01) Random Number Generation

Linear congruential generator (LCG). 9. Page 10. OR 441. K. Nowibet. Linear congruential generator (LCG). 10. ➢ choice of the parameters of the LCG : seed 

Recovering Private Keys Generated with Weak PRNGs

Dec 12 2014 While linear congruential generators are cryptographically very weak. “pseudorandom” number generators

How to crack a Linear Congruential Generator

Dec 22 2004 The Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) is a common

Uniform random variate generation with the linear congruential

This report considers the issue of using a specific linear congruential generator. (LCG) to create random variates from the uniform(01) distribution. The LCG.

Linear congruential generators do not produce random sequences

In view of this it is important to analyse one of the most popular random number generators the linear congruential generator for predictability. It has 

Inferring sequences produced by a linear congruential generator

Mar 28 1989 A pseudorandom number generator is considered cryptographically secure if

Random Number Generators

Linear Congruential Generators. The most common and easy to understand and implement random number generator is called a Linear Congruential Generator (LCG).

Chapter 6 - Random-Number Generation

Combined Linear Congruential Generators (CLCG). • Random-Number Streams. Prof. Dr. Mesut Güne? ? Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation 

Tables of linear congruential generators of different sizes and good

A multiplicative linear congruential generator (MLCG) is defined by a recurrence Random number generation linear congruential

Recovering Private Keys Generated with Weak PRNGs

12 Dec 2014 While linear congruential generators are cryptographically very weak ... Keywords: linear congruential generator discrete logarithm

Uniform random variate generation with the linear congruential

This report considers the issue of using a specific linear congruential generator. (LCG) to create random variates from the uniform(01) distribution.

Method for Generating Pseudorandom Sequence of Permutations

12 May 2022 Pseudorandom sequence permutation

An Improved Design of Linear Congruential Generator based on

This paper exposes an improved design of linear congruential generator. (LCG) based on wordlengths reduction technique into FPGA. The circuit is.

Linear Congruential Generator

Linear Congruential Generator. ? Goal: Generate Un uniform in the interval [01). ? Generate Xn in [0

Inferring sequences produced by a linear congruential generator

28 Mar 1989 linear congruential pseudorandom number generators when some of the low-order bits of the numbers produced are unavailable.

Chapter 4: (01) Random Number Generation

Idea of Random Number Generators. ? Pseudo-Random Numbers. ? Linear congruential generator (LCG). ? Definitions. ? Conditions for LCG Full Cycle.

[PDF] Linear Congruential Generator - CERN Indico

Linear Congruential Generator ? Goal: Generate Un uniform in the interval [01) ? Generate Xn in [0m) Un = Xn/m ? Xn+1 = (a*Xn + c) m – Linear 

[PDF] Chapter 6 - Random-Number Generation

PDF for random numbers Combined Linear Congruential Generators (CLCG) The seed for a linear congruential random-number generator:

[PDF] Random Number Generators - Columbia University

The most common and easy to understand and implement random number generator is called a Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) and is defined by a recursion as 

[PDF] Chapter 7 Random-Number Generation

The seed for a linear congruential random-number generator: ? Is the integer value X0 that initializes the random-number sequence

[PDF] Chapter 4: (01) Random Number Generation

To be able to describe and use linear congruential pseudorandom number generation methods Linear congruential generator (LCG) ? Definitions

[PDF] Linear congruential generators do not produce random sequences

Knuth (Vol 2) contains an elaborate discussion of linear congruential generators (LCG) The sequences produced by LCG's have been

[PDF] 2WB05 Simulation Lecture 5: Random-number generators

Most random-number generators in use today are linear congruential generators They produce a sequence of integers between 0 and m ? 1 according to

Tables of linear congruential generators of different sizes and good

Abstract We provide sets of parameters for multiplicative linear congruen- tial generators (MLCGs) of different sizes and good performance with respect

[PDF] Generating random numbers

Linear congruential generator Want cycle of generator (number of steps before it begins repeating) to be large Shuffling a random number generator

[PDF] Experiment 21: Generating Random Numbers

Write a code which calculates uniformly distributed random numbers from a linear- congruential generator as described above Re-normalize the random numbers 

  • What does linear congruential generator do?

    A linear congruential generator (LCG) is an algorithm that yields a sequence of pseudo-randomized numbers calculated with a discontinuous piecewise linear equation. The method represents one of the oldest and best-known pseudorandom number generator algorithms.
  • What is the formula for linear congruential generator?

    An LCG is defined by the equation Ln ? (a ? Ln-1 + c) mod m, where the values of m (the modulus, a positive integer), a (the multiplier, a positive integer less than m) and c (the increment, either 0 or a positive integer less than m) are chosen by the designer of the LCG.
  • How do you calculate LCG period?

    Full-Period Theorem (Hull and Dobell, 1966) In general, cycle length determined by parameters m, a, and c: The LCG Zi = (aZi-1 + c) (mod m) has full period (m) if and only all three of the following hold: 1. c and m are relatively prime (i.e., the only positive integer that divides both c and m is 1).
  • The simple form of the LCG algorithm is as follows: X n+1 = (a X n +b) mod m , n? 0 ; A constant in the above algorithm is called a multiplier, the constant b is called an increment, and the constant m is called modulus.
[PDF] Chapter 6 - Random-Number Generation 6.1

Chapter 6

Random-Number Generation

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation



¥AEProperties of Random Numbers

¥AEPseudo-Random Numbers ¥AEGenerating Random Numbers ¥AELinear Congruential Method ¥AECombined Linear Congruential Method ¥AETests for Random Numbers ¥AEReal Random Numbers

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation



¥AEDiscuss characteristics and the generation of random numbers.

¥AESubsequently, introduce

tests for randomness:

¥AEFrequency test ¥AEAutocorrelation test

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation




¥AEThrow dices ¥AEDeal out cards ¥AEDraw numbered balls ¥AEUse digits of AE ¥AEMechanical devices (spinning disc, etc.) ¥AEElectric circuits

¥AEElectronic Random Number Indicator (ERNIE)

¥AECounting gamma rays

¥AEIn combination with a computer

¥AEHook up an electronic device to the computer ¥AERead-in a table of random numbers

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


Pseudo-Random Numbers

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


Pseudo-Random Numbers

¥AEApproach: Arithmetically generation (calculation) of random numbers ¥AEÒPseudoÓ, because generating numbers using a known method removes the potential for true randomness.

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation

Any one who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin. For, as has been pointed out several times, there is no such thing as a random number Ñ there are only methods to produce random numbers, and a strict arithmetic procedure of course is not such a method. John von Neumann, 1951

6.7 Pseudo-Random Numbers ¥AEGoal: To produce a sequence of numbers in [0,1] that simulates, or imitates, the ideal properties of random numbers (RN).

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation

É probably É can not be justified, but should merely be judged by their results. Some statistical study of the digits generated by a given recipe should be made, but exhaustive tests are impractical. If the digits work well on one problem, they seem usually to be successful with others of the same type. John von Neumann, 1951


Pseudo-Random Numbers

¥AEImportant properties of good random number routines: ¥AEFast ¥AEPortable to different computers ¥AEHave sufficiently long cycle ¥AEReplicable ¥AEVerification and debugging ¥AEUse identical stream of random numbers for different systems ¥AEClosely approximate the ideal statistical properties of

¥AEuniformity and ¥AEindependence

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


Pseudo-Random Numbers: Properties

¥AETwo important statistical properties:

¥AEUniformity ¥AEIndependence

¥AERandom number R

must be independently drawn from a uniform distribution with PDF:

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation

otherwise ,0

10 ,1


PDF for random numbers

0 1 f(x) x


Pseudo-Random Numbers

¥AEProblems when generating pseudo-random numbers

¥AEThe generated numbers might not be uniformly distributed ¥AEThe generated numbers might be discrete-valued instead of

continuous-valued ¥AEThe mean of the generated numbers might be too high or too low ¥AEThe variance of the generated numbers might be too high or too low

¥AEThere might be dependence:

¥AEAutocorrelation between numbers ¥AENumbers successively higher or lower than adjacent numbers ¥AESeveral numbers above the mean followed by several

numbers below the mean

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


Generating Random Numbers

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


Generating Random Numbers

¥AEMidsquare method

¥AELinear Congruential Method (LCM) ¥AECombined Linear Congruential Generators (CLCG) ¥AERandom-Number Streams

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


Midsquare method

Generating Random Numbers

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


Midsquare method

¥AEFirst arithmetic generator: Midsquare method

¥AEvon Neumann and Metropolis in 1940s

¥AEThe Midsquare method:

¥AEStart with a four-digit positive integer Z

¥AECompute: to obtain an integer with up to eight digits ¥AETake the middle four digits for the next four-digit number

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


i Z

0 7182 - 51581124 1 5811 0.5811 33767721 2 7677 0.7677 58936329 3 9363 0.9363 87665769 É


Midsquare method

¥AEProblem: Generated numbers tend to 0

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


0 7182 - 51581124 1 5811 0,5811 33767721 2 7677 0,7677 58936329 3 9363 0,9363 87665769 4 6657 0,6657 44315649 5 3156 0,3156 09960336 6 9603 0,9603 92217609 7 2176 0,2176 04734976 8 7349 0,7349 54007801 9 78 0,0078 00006084 10 60 0,006 00003600 11 36 0,0036 00001296 12 12 0,0012 00000144 13 1 0,0001 00000001 14 0 0 00000000 15 0 0 00000000


Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation

É random numbers should not be generated with a method chosen at random. Some theory should be used.

Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2 6.17

Linear Congruential Method

Generating Random Numbers

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation


Linear Congruential Method

¥AETo produce a sequence of integers X

, X , É between 0 and m-1 by following a recursive relationship:

¥AEAssumption: m > 0 and a < m, c < m, X

< m ¥AEThe selection of the values for a, c, m, and X drastically affects the statistical properties and the cycle length

¥AEThe random integers X

are being generated in [0, m-1]

Prof. Dr. Mesut GŸne

Ch. 6 Random-Number Generation

,...2,1,0 , mod )( imcaXX

The multiplier The increment The modulus

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