[PDF] 681 Most Common French/English Verbs

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FSL – Nine Year Program of Studies (Grade 4 to Grade 12)

– examples of French language names found on signs in directories

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The Ontario Curriculum French as a Second Language: Core The Ontario Curriculum French as a Second Language: Core

verbs and adverbs in a sentence; use peer editing to improve their written ... list of high-frequency verbs used to describe events in the past. Page 236. 234.


○ The final group of regular verbs in French end in IR. ○ Like regular ER and RE verbs regular IR verbs follow conjugation rules ○ Here is a list of other ...

se raser to shave oneself

May 27 2004 To conjugate pronominal verbs in the present tense


*Les verbes irréguliers en rouge (et en gras) ont une forme régulière aussi. Infinitive. Past Simple. Past Participle. French translation notes. 1. be was/were.

How-to-conjugate-French-verbs.pdf How-to-conjugate-French-verbs.pdf

→ You'll find a list of verbs that belong to the 2nd group on the next page. The verbs of the 3rd group have three models of endings. 3e GROUPE. Generaly. Ex : 

501 French Verbs 501 French Verbs

We have therefore added to both the French-English and English-French lists of verbs conjugated like model verbs. The model verbs themselves have been 

501 French Verbs 501 French Verbs

We have therefore added to both the French-English and English-French lists of verbs conjugated like model verbs. The model verbs themselves have been 


French Verb Conjugation Chart. The following charts give the conjugations for the most commonly used verbs in French. Find the verb listed that you are 


verbs. 1. How to conjugate. French verbs. Elsa French Teacher. A question of logic You'll find a list of verbs that belong to the 2nd.

501 French Verbs

Index of 2600 additional verbs keyed to listing of 501 French verbs Verb conjugations are usually found scattered in French grammar books and they are.

French Verb Conjugation Chart

French Verb Conjugation Chart. The following charts give the conjugations for the most commonly used verbs in French. Find the verb.

How to conjugate French verbs

? You'll find a list of verbs that belong to the 2nd group on the next page. infinitif without endings depends on the group. Présent.


*Les verbes irréguliers en rouge (et en gras) ont une forme régulière aussi. Infinitive. Past Simple. Past Participle. French translation notes.

681 Most Common French/English Verbs

abaisser to lower compter to count intend élire to elect inscrire to write down plaire to please rire to laugh abasourdir to daze

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Irregular Verbs in the Present Conditional. Conjugation of Verbs in the Past Conditional. REGULAR VERBS IN THE PRESENT INDICATIVE.

Français interactif

to dream travailler to work voyager to travel irregular verbs: Refer to Tex's. French Grammar: 'lire dire

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It's based on the top French words list from www.opensubtitles.org. INTRODUCTION „A“ without accent is the conjugated form of the verb.

200 Most Common French Verbs [+ PDF]

Here is the list of the most common French verbs used frequently in daily speech You can also download the list in a free PDF!

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For all the tenses the verbs are divided in two parts: 1 What we call le radical 2 The ending which is called la terminaison (ending) For each tense I 

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[PDF] French Verb Conjugation Chart

The following charts give the conjugations for the most commonly used verbs in French Find the verb listed that you are looking for (listed alphabetically) 

(PDF) French Regular Verbs Fully Conjugated in all Forms

This book conjugates 21 regular French verbs in the affirmative negative interrogative and negative-interrogative: casser se casser appeler s'appeler 

[PDF] List of french verbs and their conjugations pdf - Squarespace

French verbs list • Download pdf containing conjugations of all 251 verbs [5 9 MB] • View verbs beginning with a b c 

[PDF] French verb list pdf - Squarespace

9 avr 2022 · List of common French verbs with audio:I hope this list of verbs was Verb English 1 être to be Conjugate 2 avoir to have Conjugate 3 

verb conjugation reference Français interactif - LAITS

Download pdf containing conjugations of all 251 verbs [5 9 MB] • View verbs beginning with a b c d e f g h i j l m n o p q 

[PDF] introduction to french verbs present tense of –er verbs: - the first group

1 Introduction ? 2 Present tense: -er verbs ? 3 Conjugation of -er verbs 1 INTRODUCTION ? The correct conjugated forms of a French verb are

e o e

abaisserto lower compterto count, intend élireto elect inscrireto write down plaireto please rireto laugh

abasourdirto daze, bewilder concevoirto conceive éloignerto move away insisterto insist plaisanterto joke rompreto break

abattreto knock down conclureto conclude embrasserto kiss, embrace instruireto instruct planterto plant, to crash (pc)rougirto redden, blush

abolirto abolish concourirto compete emmenerto take interdireto forbid pleurerto cry roulerto roll, to drive (a car)

absoudreto absolve conduireto drive émoudreto sharpen intéresserto interest pleuvoirto rain rouvrirto reopen

abstenir (s')to abstain confireto preserve emparerto impareinterrogerto interrogate plierto fold, bend saillirto protrude

accepterto accept confondreto confuse empêcherto prevent interrompreto interrupt plongerto dive saisirto seize

acclamerto cheer, acclaim conjoindreto unite employerto employ, use intervenirto intervene poindreto dawn salirto soil

accompagnerto accompany connaîtreto know empreindreto imprint interrogerto questionpondreto lay (an egg) satisfaireto satisfy

accorderto admit conquérirto conquer emprunterto borrow introduireto introduce porterto wear, to carrysauterto jump

accourirto hurry conseillerto recommend encloreto enclose inventer to inventposerto put sauverto save, rescue

accrocherto hang (up) consentirto consent encouragerto encourage inviterto invite posséderto possess savoirto know

accueillirto welcome considérerto consider encourirto incur jaillirto spurt out poursuivreto pursue secouerto shake

accuserto accuse, acknowledgconsommerto consumeendormirto fall asleep jaserto chatter pousserto push secourirto help

acheterto buy construireto construct enduireto coat jaunirto turn yellow pouvoirto be able séduireto seduce

acheverto achieve contenirto contain, to fitenfreindreto infringe jeterto throw prédireto predict séjournerto sojourn

acquérirto acquire conterto recount enfuir (s')to run away joindreto join préférerto prefer semblerto seem

adjoindreto appoint continuerto continue engagerto bind jouerto play prendreto take sentirto feel, smell

admettreto admit contraindreto compel enjoindreto enjoin jouirto enjoy préparer (parer)to prepare séparerto separate

admirerto admire contredireto contradict enleverto remove jugerto judge prescrireto subscribe serrerto grasp, squeeze

adorerto adore contrevenirto contravene ennuyerto bore, annoyjurerto swear, vow présenterto introduce servirto serve

adresserto address contrôlerto controlénoncerto statekidnapperto kidnap pressentirto have a premonition sifflerto whistle

advenirto happen convaincreto convince enquérir (s')to inquire klaxonnerto honk presserto squeeze signalerto signal

affaiblirto weakenconvenirto convene enregistrerto recordlâcherto loosen prétendreto claim signerto sign

agacerto annoy correspondreto correspond enseignerto teach laisserto leave prêterto loan signifierto mean

agirto act corrigerto correct ensuivre (s')to ensue lancerto throw prévaloir (se)to pride oneself on skierto ski aiderto help corrompreto corrupt entendreto hear laverto wash prévenirto prevent songerto dream

aimerto like, to love coucherto put to bed enterrerto bury leverto lift, standprévoirto foresee sonnerto ring

ajouterto add coudreto sew entraînerto involve, to pulllireto read prierto pray sortirto go out

allerto go couperto cut entreprendreto undertake logerto lodge produireto produce soufflerto blow, pant

aménagerto fit courirto run entrerto enter louerto rent projeterto project souffrirto suffer

amenerto take coûterto cost entretenirto look after luireto shine promenerto walk souhaiterto wish

amuserto amuse couvrirto cover entrouvrirto half-open maigrirto lose weight promettreto promise souillerto soil

animerto bring to life (a party)craindreto fear envolerto take flight maintenirto maintain prononcerto pronounce soumettreto submit

annoncerto announce créerto create envoyerto send mangerto eat proposerto propose, suggestsourireto smile

apercevoirto see crierto shout épelerto spell manquerto miss proscrireto prohibit souscrireto subscribe

apparaîtreto appear croireto believe épouserto marry marcherto walk, to function protégerto protect soutenirto support

appartenirto belong cueillirto gather épreindreto juice maudireto curseprouverto prove souvenir (se)to remember

appelerto call cuireto cook éprouverto test; to feel méconnaîtreto be unaware of provenirto come from, be due tsubir to undergo

apporterto bring culpabiliserto make one feel guiltyéquivaloirto equal médireto malign puerto stink subvenirto provide for

apprendre to learn danserto dance espérerto hope méfierto mistrust punirto punish sucerto suck

app. par coeurto memorizedébattreto debate essayerto try mélangerto mix quérirto summon succomberto succumb

approcherto approach décevoirto disappoint essuyerto wipe menacerto threaten quitterto leave suffireto suffice

approuverto approve (of) déchirerto rip estimerto estimatemenerto lead raconterto tell, recount suggérerto suggest

armerto armdéciderto decide établirto establish mentirto lie ralentirto slow downsuivreto follow

arracherto pull up/out décloreto reopen éteindreto extinguish, turn offméprendreto mistake rangerto arrange supplierto beg

arraisonnerto hail déconfireto be beaten étendreto stretch mépriserto scorn rappelerto recall supposerto suppose

arrangerto arrange découdreto unpick étonnerto astonish mériterto merit rassurerto reassure supporterto support, endure

arrêterto stop, arrest découragerto discourage étourdirto stun, daze mesurerto measure raterto miss surprendreto surprise

arriverto arrive découvrirto discover êtreto be mettreto put ravirto delight survenirto occur

assaillirto assail décrireto describe étreindreto embrace modérerto moderate recevoirto receive survivreto survive

asseoirto sit down dédire (se)to retract étudierto study monterto climb reconduireto renew survolerto fly over

assisterto attend déduireto deduce évaluerto evaluate montrerto show reconnaîtreto recognize susciterto cause

assurerto assure défaillirto faint éviterto avoid moquerto mock reconstruireto rebuild tapoterto tap

astreindreto compel défaireto undo exagérerto exaggerate mordreto bite recoudreto sew back on teindreto dye

attaquerto attackdéfendreto defend exclureto exclude moudreto mill, grind recourirto run again téléphonerto call

atteindreto attain défricherto lay groundworkexcuserto excuse mouillerto wet recouvrirto recover tendreto strain, strive

attendreto wait for dégagerto free exigerto demand mourirto die récrireto rewrite tenirto hold

attirerto attract déjeunerto have lunch existerto existnagerto swim recueillirto collect, gather tenterto try, to tempt

attraperto catch demanderto ask for expliquerto explain naîtreto be born rédigerto write terminerto end

augmenterto increase déménagerto move explorerto explorenaviguerto navigate redireto repeat tirerto pull

avancerto advance demeurerto live, stay exprimerto express négligerto neglect réduireto reduce tomberto fall

aventurerto venturedémolirto demolish faiblirto weakennégocierto negotiate réélireto re-elect tondreto shear, mow

avoirto have dénoncerto denounce fâcherto get angry neigerto snow refaireto redo tonnerto thunder

avoir besointo needdépasserto exceedfaillirto lack nettoyerto clean réfléchirto think toquerto knock

avoir raisonto be rightdépartirto accord faireto make, do neutraliserto neutralizerefléterto reflect tordreto twist

baisserto lower dépêcherto hurry falloirto be necessary nierto deny refuserto refuse toucherto affect

balancerto sway dépeindreto depict feindreto feign noircirto blacken regarderto look at tournerto turn

balayerto sweep dépendreto depend féliciterto congratulate nommerto name regretterto regret tousserto cough

bâtirto build dépenserto spend fendreto split, crack noter to write down rejeterto reject tracerto draw

battreto beat déplaireto displease fermerto close nouerto tie, knot rejoindreto rejoin traduireto translate

bavarderto chat dérangerto disturb feuilleterto leaf through nourrirto feed relireto reread trahirto betray

bêlerto whine (like a sheep)descendreto descend fierto depend on noyerto drown remarquerto notice traiterto treat, to negotiate

bénirto bless désirerto desire, to wishfinirto finish nuireto harm remercierto thank transcrireto transcribe

blaguerto joke désobéirto disobeyfixerto fixobéirto obey remettreto put back (on) transmettreto transmit

blâmerto blame dessinerto draw fonderto found obligerto oblige remoudreto regrind transparaîtreto show through

blanchirto bleach déteindreto bleach fondreto melt obtenirto obtain, to getremplacerto replace travaillerto work

blesserto hurt, offend détenirto hold forcerto force occlureto occlude remplirto fill traverserto cross

boireto drink détesterto hate forcloreto debar occuperto occupy rencontrerto meet tressaillirto shudder

bougerto move détournerto divert fouillerto dig deeply offrirto offer rendreto give back tricherto trick, cheat

bouillirto boil détruireto destroy fournirto furnish, provide oindreto anoint renoncerto renounce tromperto deceive, mislead

briserto break développerto develop frapperto knock omettreto omit renouvelerto renew trouverto find

brosserto brush devenirto become frémirto shudder oserto dare rentrerto return home tuerto kill

broyerto grind dévêtirto undress frireto fry oublierto forget renvoyerto dismiss tutoyerto use "tu"

brûlerto burn devinerto guessfuirto flee ouvrirto open répandreto spread, spill unifierto unify

cacherto hide devoirto have to fumerto smoke paraîtreto seem reparaîtreto reappear unirto unite

casserto break différerto differ gagnerto win, earn, gainparcourirto cover, travel réparerto repair userto wear out

causerto chat, cause diminuerto diminish garderto keep pardonnerto forgive repasserto iron, to pass again utiliserto use

céderto give up dînerto have dinner gaspillerto waste parlerto talk repeindreto repaint vaincreto defeat

ceindreto put on direto say gâterto spoil partagerto share repentir (se)to repent valoirto be worth

célébrerto celebrate dirigerto direct geindreto groan participerto participate repérerto locatevanterto praise

cesserto cease discourirto discourse gelerto freeze partirto leave répéterto repeat varierto vary

changerto change discuterto discuss gênerto bother parvenirto reach répondreto answer veillerto stay up

chanterto sing disjoindreto disconnect gérerto manage passerto pass, spend timereposerto rest vendreto sell

chargerto load disparaîtreto disappear goûterto taste patinerto skate reprendreto take again, to recovvengerto avenge

chasserto hunt, chase dissoudreto dissolve grandirto grow payerto pay réprimanderto reprimand venirto come

cheminerto walk ondivorcerto divorce gratterto scratch, grate pécherto sin reproduireto reproduce verdirto turn green

chercherto look for donnerto give grêlerto hail pêcherto fish résoudreto resolve vérifierto verify

chérirto cherish dormirto sleep grimperto climb peignerto comb ressemblerto resemble verserto pour choisirto choose doublerto pass gronderto scold peindreto paint ressentirto feel vêtirto clothe

chuchoterto whisper douterto doubt guérirto cure pelerto peel resterto remain vieillirto age

circoncireto circumcise échapperto escape habillerto dress pendreto hang restreindreto restrict viserto aim

circonscrireto contain échouerto fail habiterto live pénétrerto enter reteindreto dye again visiterto visit

circonvenirto circumvent écloreto hatch haïrto hate penserto think retenirto retain vivreto live

cloreto close éconduireto dismiss hésiterto hesitate percevoirto perceive retournerto return voilerto veil

collerto stickécouterto listen hoqueterto hiccup perdreto lose réussirto succeed voirto see

combattreto combat écraserto crushignorerto be unaware of, ignorepérirto perish réveillerto wake up volerto steal, fly

commanderto order écrireto write imposerto impose permettreto permit révélerto reveal voterto vote

commencerto begin, to starteffacerto erase inclureto include persuaderto persuade revendiquerto take responsibilityvouloirto want

commettreto commit effrayerto frighten indiquerto indicate peserto weigh revenirto come back vouvoyerto use "vous"

comparaîtreto appear égayerto entertain induireto mislead pianoter to tap (ike a piano)rêverto dream voyagerto travel

comparerto compare éleverto raise informerto inform placerto put revêtirto put on warranterto guarantee with a warr

compléterto complete inquiéterto worryplaindreto pity revoirto see again zébrerto stripe comprendreto understand riposterto counteractzézayerto lisp zonerto zone

Created By: Will Dudziak

http://www.dudziak.com e r o

abolirto abolish contraindreto compel évaluerto evaluate embrasserto kiss, embrace poursuivreto pursue fendreto split, crack

absoudreto absolve concourirto compete exagérerto exaggerate frapperto knock pousserto push gâterto spoil

abstenir (s')to abstain compléterto complete dépasserto exceedtoquerto knock mettreto put répandreto spread, spill

accepterto accept concevoirto conceive exclureto exclude abattreto knock down placerto put jaillirto spurt out

accompagnerto accompany conclureto conclude excuserto excuse connaîtreto know poserto put presserto squeeze

départirto accord confondreto confuse existerto existsavoirto know remettreto put back (on) énoncerto state

accuserto accuse, acknowledgféliciterto congratulate expliquerto explain faillirto lack ceindreto put on veillerto stay up

acheverto achieve conquérirto conquer explorerto explorerireto laugh revêtirto put on volerto steal, fly

acquérirto acquire consentirto consent exprimerto express pondreto lay (an egg) coucherto put to bed collerto stick

agirto act considérerto consider éteindreto extinguish, turn offmenerto lead interrogerto questionpuerto stink

ajouterto add construireto construct échouerto fail feuilleterto leaf through pleuvoirto rain arrêterto stop, arrest

adresserto address consommerto consumedéfaillirto faint défricherto lay groundworkéleverto raise tendreto strain, strive

admirerto admire circonscrireto contain tomberto fall apprendreto learn parvenirto reach étendreto stretch

accorderto admit contenirto contain, to fitendormirto fall asleep laisserto leave lireto read zébrerto stripe

admettreto admit continuerto continue craindreto fear partirto leave reparaîtreto reappear étudierto study

adorerto adore contredireto contradict nourrirto feed quitterto leave rassurerto reassure étourdirto stun, daze

avancerto advance contrevenirto contravene ressentirto feel mentirto lie reconstruireto rebuild soumettreto submit

toucherto affect contrôlerto controlsentirto feel, smell leverto lift, standrappelerto recall prescrireto subscribe

vieillirto age convenirto convene feindreto feign aimerto like, to love recevoirto receive souscrireto subscribe

viserto aim convaincreto convince remplirto fill zézayerto lisp reconnaîtreto recognize réussirto succeed

amuserto amuse cuireto cook trouverto find écouterto listen conseillerto recommend sucerto suck

annoncerto announce corrigerto correct finirto finish habiterto live enregistrerto recordsuccomberto succumb

agacerto annoy correspondreto correspond pêcherto fish vivreto live conterto recount souffrirto suffer

oindreto anoint corrompreto corrupt aménagerto fit demeurerto live, stay recouvrirto recover suffireto suffice

répondreto answer coûterto cost fixerto fixchargerto load rougirto redden, blush suggérerto suggest

apparaîtreto appear tousserto cough fuirto flee prêterto loan refaireto redo quérirto summon

comparaîtreto appear compterto count, intend survolerto fly over repérerto locateréduireto reduce supposerto suppose

adjoindreto appoint riposterto counteractplierto fold, bend logerto lodge réélireto re-elect soutenirto support

approcherto approach couvrirto cover suivreto follow entretenirto look after refléterto reflect supporterto support, endure

approuverto approve (of) parcourirto cover, travel interdireto forbid regarderto look at refuserto refuse surprendreto surprise

armerto armcréerto create forcerto force chercherto look for regretterto regret survivreto survive

arrangerto arrange traverserto cross prévoirto foresee lâcherto loosen remoudreto regrind balancerto sway

rangerto arrange écraserto crushoublierto forget perdreto lose rejeterto reject jurerto swear, vow

arriverto arrive pleurerto cry pardonnerto forgive maigrirto lose weight rejoindreto rejoin balayerto sweep

demanderto ask for guérirto cure fonderto found abaisserto lower resterto remain nagerto swim

assaillirto assail maudireto cursedégagerto free baisserto lower souvenir (se)to remember amenerto take

assurerto assure couperto cut gelerto freeze maintenirto maintain enleverto remove emmenerto take

étonnerto astonish danserto dance effrayerto frighten faireto make, do reconduireto renew prendreto take

attaquerto attackoserto dare frireto fry culpabiliserto make one feel guiltyrenouvelerto renew reprendreto take again, to recover

atteindreto attain poindreto dawn fournirto furnish, provide médireto malign renoncerto renounce envolerto take flight

assisterto attend abasourdirto daze, bewilder cueillirto gather gérerto manage louerto rent revendiquerto take responsibility

attirerto attract forcloreto debar fâcherto get angry épouserto marry décloreto reopen parlerto talk

vengerto avenge débattreto debate donnerto give signifierto meanrouvrirto reopen pianoter to tap (like a piano)

éviterto avoid tromperto deceive, mislead rendreto give back mesurerto measure repeindreto repaint tapoterto tap

êtreto be déciderto decide céderto give up rencontrerto meet réparerto repair goûterto taste

pouvoirto be able déduireto deduce allerto go fondreto melt redireto repeat enseignerto teach

déconfireto be beaten vaincreto defeat sortirto go out app. par coeurto memorizerépéterto repeat raconterto tell, recount

naîtreto be born défendreto defend serrerto grasp, squeeze mériterto merit repentir (se)to repent éprouverto test; to feel

falloirto be necessary ravirto delight broyerto grind moudreto mill, grind remplacerto replace remercierto thank

ignorerto be unaware of, ignoreexigerto demand geindreto groan induireto mislead réprimanderto reprimand penserto think

méconnaîtreto be unaware of démolirto demolish grandirto grow manquerto miss reproduireto reproduce réfléchirto think

avoir raisonto be rightdénoncerto denounce warranterto guarantee with a waraterto miss relireto reread menacerto threaten

valoirto be worth nierto deny devinerto guessméprendreto mistake ressemblerto resemble jeterto throw

battreto beat dépendreto depend arraisonnerto hail méfierto mistrust résoudreto resolve lancerto throw

devenirto become fierto depend on grêlerto hail mélangerto mix reposerto rest tonnerto thunder

supplierto beg dépeindreto depict entrouvrirto half-open moquerto mock restreindreto restrict nouerto tie, knot

commencerto begin, to startdescendreto descend pendreto hang modérerto moderate retenirto retain transcrireto transcribe

croireto believe décrireto describe accrocherto hang (up) bougerto move dédire (se)to retract traduireto translate

appartenirto belong désirerto desire, to wishadvenirto happen déménagerto move retournerto return transmettreto transmit

trahirto betray détruireto destroy nuireto harm éloignerto move away rentrerto return home voyagerto travel

engagerto bind développerto develop écloreto hatch nommerto name révélerto reveal traiterto treat, to negotiate

mordreto bite mourirto die détesterto hate naviguerto navigate récrireto rewrite tricherto trick, cheat

noircirto blacken différerto differ haïrto hate avoir besointo needsonnerto ring essayerto try

blâmerto blame fouillerto dig deeply avoirto have négligerto neglect déchirerto rip tenterto try, to tempt

blanchirto bleach diminuerto diminish pressentirto have a premonition négocierto negotiate roulerto roll, to drive (a car) tournerto turn

déteindreto bleach dirigerto direct dînerto have dinner neutraliserto neutralizecourirto run verdirto turn green

bénirto bless disparaîtreto disappear déjeunerto have lunch remarquerto notice recourirto run again jaunirto turn yellow

soufflerto blow, pant décevoirto disappoint devoirto have to obéirto obey enfuir (s')to run away tordreto twist

bouillirto boil disjoindreto disconnect entendreto hear obligerto oblige satisfaireto satisfy subir to undergo

ennuyerto bore, annoydécouragerto discourage aiderto help obtenirto obtain, to getsauverto save, rescue comprendreto understand

emprunterto borrow discourirto discourse secourirto help occlureto occlude direto say entreprendreto undertake

gênerto bother découvrirto discover hésiterto hesitate occuperto occupy gronderto scold défaireto undo

briserto break discuterto discuss hoqueterto hiccup survenirto occur mépriserto scorn dévêtirto undress

casserto break éconduireto dismiss cacherto hide offrirto offer gratterto scratch, grate unifierto unify

rompreto break renvoyerto dismiss détenirto hold omettreto omit séduireto seduce conjoindreto unite

apporterto bring désobéirto disobeytenirto hold ouvrirto open apercevoirto see unirto unite

animerto bring to life (a party)déplaireto displease klaxonnerto honk commanderto order voirto see découdreto unpick

brosserto brush dissoudreto dissolve espérerto hope peindreto paint revoirto see again utiliserto use

bâtirto build dérangerto disturb chasserto hunt, chase participerto participate paraîtreto seem tutoyerto use "tu"

brûlerto burn plongerto dive accourirto hurry doublerto pass semblerto seem vouvoyerto use "vous"

enterrerto bury détournerto divert dépêcherto hurry passerto pass, spend timesaisirto seize varierto vary

acheterto buy divorcerto divorce blesserto hurt, offend payerto pay vendreto sell voilerto veil appelerto call douterto doubt emparerto imparepelerto peel envoyerto send aventurerto venture

téléphonerto call dessinerto draw imposerto impose percevoirto perceive séparerto separate vérifierto verify

attraperto catch tracerto draw empreindreto imprint périrto perish servirto serve visiterto visit

susciterto causerêverto dream inclureto include permettreto permit, to allowcoudreto sew voterto vote

cesserto cease songerto dream augmenterto increase persuaderto persuade recoudreto sew back on attendreto wait for

célébrerto celebrate habillerto dress encourirto incur plaindreto pity secouerto shake réveillerto wake up

changerto change boireto drink indiquerto indicate planterto plant, to crash (pc)partagerto share promenerto walk

bavarderto chat conduireto drive informerto inform jouerto play émoudreto sharpen cheminerto walk on

causerto chat, cause noyerto drown enfreindreto infringe plaireto please tondreto shear, mow marcherto walk, to function

jaserto chatter teindreto dye enquérir (s')to inquire posséderto possess luireto shine vouloirto want

acclamerto cheer, acclaim reteindreto dye again insisterto insist verserto pour crierto shout laverto wash

chérirto cherish mangerto eat instruireto instruct vanterto praise montrerto show gaspillerto waste

choisirto choose élireto elect intéresserto interest prierto pray transparaîtreto show through affaiblirto weaken

circoncireto circumcise étreindreto embrace interrogerto interrogate prédireto predict frémirto shudder faiblirto weaken

circonvenirto circumvent employerto employ, use interrompreto interrupt préférerto prefer tressaillirto shudder porterto wear, carry

prétendreto claim encloreto enclose intervenirto intervene préparer (parer)to prepare signerto sign userto wear out

nettoyerto clean encouragerto encourage introduireto introduce confireto preserve signalerto signal peserto weigh

grimperto climb terminerto end présenterto introduce empêcherto prevent pécherto sin accueillirto welcome

monterto climb enjoindreto enjoin inventer to inventprévenirto prevent chanterto sing mouillerto wet

cloreto close jouirto enjoy inviterto invite prévaloir (se)to pride oneself on asseoirto sit down bêlerto whine (like a sheep)

fermerto close ensuivre (s')to ensue entraînerto involve, to pullproduireto produce patinerto skate chuchoterto whisper

vêtirto clothe entrerto enter repasserto iron, to pass again proscrireto prohibit skierto ski sifflerto whistle

enduireto coat pénétrerto enter joindreto join projeterto project dormirto sleep gagnerto win, earn, gain

recueillirto collect, gather égayerto entertain blaguerto joke promettreto promise ralentirto slow downessuyerto wipe

peignerto comb équivaloirto equal plaisanterto joke prononcerto pronounce sourireto smile souhaiterto wish

combattreto combat effacerto erase jugerto judge proposerto propose, suggestfumerto smoke travaillerto work

venirto come échapperto escape épreindreto juice protégerto protect neigerto snow inquiéterto worry

revenirto come back établirto establish sauterto jump saillirto protrude salirto soil écrireto write

provenirto come from, be due testimerto estimategarderto keep prouverto prove souillerto soil rédigerto write

commettreto commit kidnapperto kidnap subvenirto provide for séjournerto sojourn inscrireto write down

comparerto compare tuerto kill tirerto pull épelerto spell noterto write down astreindreto compel arracherto pull up/out dépenserto spend zonerto zone punirto punish

Created By: Will Dudziak

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