[PDF] [PDF] 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language The Structure

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The 8086 microprocessor has three instructions specifically designed for implementing loop complete and the instruction following the loop instruction is ...

8086 assembler tutorial for beginners (part 1) what is assembly

using the loop instruction by just using conditional jumps and compare

Instruction set of 8086 Microprocessor

The 8086 instructions are categorized into the following main types. 1. Data Loop Instructions: •If these instructions have REP prefix with CX used as ...

- 49 - 4. STRING INSTRUCTIONS Auto-indexing of String Instructions

30 Oct 2019 Use loop instructions. Solution : MOV CX64H ... Example: Write an instruction sequence to save the current contents of the 8086's flags in the.

Microprocessors and Interfaces: 2021-22 Lecture 24 : 8086 Bus

Instruction. •Thus instruction execution gives us a means of generating a delay . Consider instructions below. MOV CX

Experiment Number : (7) Loop Instruction & Counter Object: Theory:


Unit III: Stack and Interrupts

• When a loop instruction is used in the program the number of instructions time of an 8086 instruction is 2 states i.e. 0.2 μsec. • In case of a 16-bit ...

Arithmetic and Logic Instructions in Microprocessor 8086/8088

LOOP and conditional LOOP are also forms of the jump instruction. Page 188. The Jump Group Instructions. Unconditional Jump JMP Des. ❖JMP 

Complete 8086 instruction set

include 'emu8086.inc'. ORG 100h. MOV CX 5 label1: PRINTN 'loop!' LOOP label1. RET. CZSOPA unchanged. Page 32 of 53. 8086 instructions. Page 33. LOOPE label.


The 8086 microprocessor has three instructions specifically designed for The first instruction loop (LOOP)


The jump instruction is provided in the 8086 instruction This type of control flow program structure is known as a loop.

Meaning Format Operation LOOP Loop LOOP/ LOOPZ Loop while

???/???/???? The loop instructions are listed in Figure. 7-6. The first instruction loop (LOOP)

Experiment Number : (7) Loop Instruction & Counter Object: Theory:


Conditional Jump Ex: Write a piece of code that transfers a block of

8086/8088MP First instruction executed after the loop is complete ... The stack in the 8086/8088 µPs like that in many microprocessors

Microprocessor Engineering

This queue permits the 8086 to prefetch up to 6 bytes of instruction code. Repeat/loop while zero flag is clear. Repeat/loop while zero flag is set.

8086 instruction set

The destination address for the jump must be in the range of –128 bytes to +127 bytes from the address of the instruction after the LOOP instruction. This 

Complete 8086 instruction set

The result will be over 255. ; on third loop (100+100+100). ; so loop will exit. include 'emu8086.inc'. ORG 100h. MOV AX

MP 48 8086 INSTRUCTIONS GROUPS : • Data transfer instructions

Control flow and jump instructions. • Loop instruction. • String instruction. 1- Data transfer instructions : The 8086 microprocessor has a group of 

- 49 - 4. STRING INSTRUCTIONS Auto-indexing of String Instructions

???/???/???? LOOP. LOOPE / LOOPZ. LOOPNE / LOOPNZ. INT. INTO. IRET. 5.1 JUMP Instruction. 8086 allowed two types of jump operation.

[PDF] mp 126 9- loops and loop-handling instrucions

9- LOOPS AND LOOP-HANDLING INSTRUCIONS The 8086 microprocessor has three instructions specifically designed for implementing loop operations

[PDF] 8086 instruction set

This instruction is used to repeat a group of instructions some number of times or until the zero flag becomes 0 The number of times the instruction sequence 

Loop Instructions 8086 Microprocessor - Care4you

14 déc 2020 · loop instructions are used to simplify the decrementing testing and branching portion of the loop In the above case this portion required two 

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Ans The instruction set of 8086 can be divided into the following number of groups namely: Loop and loop handling instructions

[PDF] Complete 8086 instruction set - Gabriele Cecchetti

When two operands are required for an instruction they are separated by comma For LOOP label Decrease CX jump to label if CX not zero Algorithm:

[PDF] 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language The Structure

The basic looping structures are DO iterative do WHILE and do UNTIL An infinite loop is one that has no exit Normally infinite loops are programming errors 

[PDF] Experiment Number : (7) Loop Instruction & Counter Object: Theory:

23 nov 2019 · Procedure: 1 Write 8086 program to fill the memory with (0A) starting at the physical address 10000H to the physical address 10010H 

Microprocessor - 8086 Instruction Sets - Tutorialspoint

LOOP ? Used to loop a group of instructions until the condition satisfies i e CX = 0 ; LOOPE/LOOPZ ? Used to loop a group of instructions till it satisfies 

[PDF] 13 INSTRUCTION SET The 8086 instructions are categorized into

Loop Instructions 5 Branch Instructions There are four basic 8086 instructions for transferring quantities to and/or from the registers


28 avr 2020 · Arithmetic Logical Instructions • Branch Instructions • Loop Instructions • Machine Control Instructions

  • What is loop instruction in 8086?

    LOOP ? Used to loop a group of instructions until the condition satisfies, i.e., CX = 0. LOOPE/LOOPZ ? Used to loop a group of instructions till it satisfies ZF = 1 & CX = 0. LOOPNE/LOOPNZ ? Used to loop a group of instructions till it satisfies ZF = 0 & CX = 0. JCXZ ? Used to jump to the provided address if CX = 0.
  • What is looping instructions?

    There are two types of looping instructions: repetitive loops and conditional loops . All loops, regardless of the type, begin with the DO keyword and end with the END keyword. Repetitive loops let you repeat instructions a certain number of times. Conditional loops use a condition to control repeating.
  • What is the use of loop instruction in microprocessor?

    The LOOP instruction assumes that the ECX register contains the loop count. When the loop instruction is executed, the ECX register is decremented and the control jumps to the target label, until the ECX register value, i.e., the counter reaches the value zero.
  • Operand types: REG: AX, BX, CX, DX, AH, AL, BL, BH, CH, CL, DH, DL, DI, SI, BP, SP. SREG: DS, ES, SS, and only as second operand: CS.
US06CCSC04: Introduction to Microprocessors and Assembly Language UNIT - 4: 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language

The Structure of a typical assembly program

A program has always the following general structure:

Structure of an Assembly Language Program

.model small ; Select a memory model. .stack stack_size ; Define the stack size .data ; Variable and array declarations; ; Declare variables at this level .code main proc ; Write the program main code at this level main endp ; Other Procedures ; Always organize your program ; into procedures end main ;To mark the end of the source file

The Model directive:

The model directive specifies the total amount of memory the program would take. In other words, it gives information on how much memory the assembler would allocate for the program. This depends on the size of the data and the size of the program or code.

Segment directives:

Segments are declared using directives. The following directives are used to specify the following segments: istack idata icode

Stack Segment:

iUsed to set aside storage for the stack iStack addresses are computed as offsets into this segment iUse: .stack followed by a value that indicates the size of the stack

Data Segments:

iUsed to set aside storage for variables. iConstants are defined within this segment in the program source. iVariable addresses are computed as offsets from the start of this segment iUse: .data followed by declarations of variables or definitions of constants. 1 US06CCSC04: Introduction to Microprocessors and Assembly Language UNIT - 4: 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language

Code Segment:

The code segment contains executable instructions macros and calls to procedures. Use: .code followed by a sequence of program statements Implementation of control structures: IF-THEN, IF-THEN-ELSE, MULTIPLE


Assembly languages are a family of low-level languages for programming computers, microprocessors, microcontrollers, and other (usually) integrated circuits. They implement a symbolic representation of the numeric machine codes and other constants needed to program architecture particular CPU. A program written in assembly language consists of a series of instructions--mnemonics that correspond to a stream of executable instructions, when translated by an assembler that can be loaded into memory and executed. A utility program called an assembler is used to translate assembly language statements into the target computer's machine code. There are three basic kinds of control structures:




It is proved that any logic problem can be solved with only sequence, choice (for e.g., if- then-else) and repetition (do-while). This is called as Structured Theorem.

Sequential structures:

Sequential structures are structures that are stepped through sequential. These are also called sequences or iterative structures. Basic arithmetic, logical, and bit operations are in this category. Data moves and copies are sequences.

Branching structures:

Branching structures consist of direct and indirect jumps (including the infamous "GOTO"), conditional jumps (IF), nested ifs, and case (or switch) structures.

Loop structures:

The basic looping structures are DO iterative, do WHILE, and do UNTIL. An infinite loop is one that has no exit. Normally, infinite loops are programming errors, but event loops and task schedulers are examples of intentional infinite loops.

Introduction to Decisions:

2 US06CCSC04: Introduction to Microprocessors and Assembly Language UNIT - 4: 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language In its most basic form, a decision is some sort of branch within the code that switches between two possible execution paths based on some condition. Normally (though not always), conditional instruction sequences are implemented with the conditional jump instructions. Conditional instructions correspond to the If...Then...else statement in


IF (condition is true) THEN stmt1 ELSE stmt2;

Assembly language, as usual, offers much more flexibility when dealing with conditional statements. Consider the following Pascal statement:

IF ((X T)) or (A <> B) THEN stmt1;

Approach to converting this statement into assembly language might produce: mov cl, 1 ;Assume true mov ax, X cmp ax, Y jl IsTrue mov cl, 0 ;This one's false

IsTrue: mov ax, Z

cmp ax, T jg AndTrue mov cl, 0 ;It's false now

AndTrue: mov al, A

cmp al, B je OrFalse mov cl, 1 ;Its true if A <> B

OrFalse: cmp cl, 1

jne SkipStmt1


It takes a considerable number of conditional statements just to process the expression in the example above. This roughly corresponds to the (equivalent) Pascal statements: cl := true;

IF (X >= Y) then cl := false;

IF (Z <= T) then cl := false;

IF (A <> B) THEN cl := true;

IF (CL = true) then stmt1;

Now compare this with the following "improved" code: mov ax, A cmp ax, B jne DoStmt 3 US06CCSC04: Introduction to Microprocessors and Assembly Language UNIT - 4: 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language mov ax, X cmp ax, Y jnl SkipStmt mov ax, Z cmp ax, T jng SkipStmt



Organization of complex expressions in a conditional sequence can affect the efficiency of the code. Therefore, care should be exercised when dealing with conditional sequences in assembly language. Conditional statements may be broken down into three basic categories: if..then..else statements, case statements, and indirect jumps.


This involves an extension to the previous IF body. The conditional false branch now jumps to an else clause, and the if body jumps unconditionally to the end of the if else statement. 4 US06CCSC04: Introduction to Microprocessors and Assembly Language UNIT - 4: 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language if: ; comparison ; branch false to else clause ; if body statements jmp endif else: ; else statements endif: The same principles apply to the various forms that expressions can take. eg,

IF X = 2 THEN Y: = Y + 4 ELSE Z: = 0;







JMP endif


STAAZ endif:


The Pascal case statement takes the following form :

CASE variable OF

const1:stmt1; const2:stmt2; constn:stmtn END; When this statement executes, it checks the value of variable against the constants const1 ... constn. If a match is found then the corresponding statement executes. Standard Pascal places a few restrictions on the case statement. First, if the value of variable isn't in the list of constants, the result of the case statement is undefined. Second, all the constants appearing as case, labels must be unique. The reason for these restrictions will become clear in a moment. Most introductory programming texts introduce the case statement by explaining it as a 5 US06CCSC04: Introduction to Microprocessors and Assembly Language UNIT - 4: 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language sequence of if..then..else statements. They might claim that the following two pieces of

Pascal code are equivalent:


0: WriteLn ('I=0');

1: WriteLn ('I=1');

2: WriteLn ('I=2');


IF I = 0 THEN WriteLn ('I=0')

ELSE IF I = 1 THEN WriteLn ('I=1')

ELSE IF I = 2 THEN WriteLn ('I=2');

While semantically these two code segments may be the same, their implementation is usually different. Whereas the if..then..else if chain does a comparison for each conditional statement in the sequence, the case statement normally uses an indirect jump to transfer control to any one of several statements with a single computation. Consider the two examples presented above, they could be written in assembly language with the following code: mov bx, I shl bx, 1 ;Multiply BX by two jmp cs:JmpTbl [bx]

JmpTbl word stmt0, stmt1, stmt2

Stmt0: print

byte "I=0",cr,lf,0 jmp EndCase

Stmt1: print

byte "I=1",cr,lf,0 jmp EndCase

Stmt2: print

byte "I=2",cr,lf,0


; IF..THEN..ELSE form: mov ax, I cmp ax, 0 jne Not 0 print byte "I=0",cr,lf,0 jmp End Of IF 6 US06CCSC04: Introduction to Microprocessors and Assembly Language UNIT - 4: 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language

Not 0: cmp ax, 1

jne Not 1 print byte "I=1",cr,lf,0 jmp End Of IF

Not 1: cmp ax, 2

jne End Of IF Print byte "I=2",cr,lf,0

End Of IF:

Two things should become readily apparent: the more (consecutive) cases you have, the more efficient the jump table implementation becomes (both in terms of space and speed). Except for trivial cases, the case statement is almost always faster and usually by a large margin. As long as the case labels are consecutive values, the case statement version is usually smaller as well. What happens if you need to include non-consecutive case labels or you cannot be sure that the case variable doesn't go out of range? Many Pascals have extended the definition of the case statement to include an otherwise clause. Such a case statement takes the following form:

CASE variable OF

const:stmt; const:stmt; const:stmt;


END; If the value of variable matches one of the constants making up the case labels, then the associated statement executes. If the variable's value doesn't match any of the case labels, then the statement following the otherwise clause executes. The otherwise clause is implemented in two phases. First, you must choose the minimum and maximum values that appear in a case statement. In the following case statement, the smallest case label is five, the largest is 15:








END; 7 US06CCSC04: Introduction to Microprocessors and Assembly Language UNIT - 4: 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language Before executing the jump through the jump table, the 8086 implementation of this case statement should check the case variable to make sure it's in the range 5..15. If not, control should be immediately transferred to stmt6: mov bx, I cmp bx, 5 jl Otherwise cmp bx, 15 jg Otherwise shl bx, 1 jmp cs:JmpTbl-10[bx] The only problem with this form of the case statement as it now stands is that it doesn't properly handle the situation where I is equal to 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, or 14. Rather than sticking extra code in front of the conditional jump, you can stick extra entries in the jump table as follows: mov bx, I cmp bx, 5 jl Otherwise cmp bx, 15 jg Otherwise shl bx, 1 jmp cs:JmpTbl-10[bx]

Otherwise: {put stmt6 here}

jmp CaseDone JmpTbl word stmt1, Otherwise, Otherwise, stmt2, Otherwise word stmt3, Otherwise, stmt4, Otherwise, Otherwise word stmt5 etc. Note that the value 10 is subtracted from the address of the jump table. The first entry in the table is always at offset zero while the smallest value used to index into the table is five (which is multiplied by two to produce 10). The entries for 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14 all point at the code for the Otherwise clause, so if I contains one of these values, the

Otherwise clause will be executed.

Implementation of looping structures: WHILE-DO, REPEAT-UNTIL The most general loop is the while loop. It takes the following form:

WHILE Boolean expression DO statement;

There are two important points to note about the while loop. First, the test for termination appears at the beginning of the loop. Second as a direct consequence of 8 US06CCSC04: Introduction to Microprocessors and Assembly Language UNIT - 4: 8086 Programming Using Assembly Level Language the position of the termination test, the body of the loop may never execute. If the termination condition always exists, the loop body will always be skipped over.

Consider the following Pascal while loop:

I: = 0;

WHILE (I<100) do I: = I + 1;

I: = 0; is the initialization code for this loop. I is a loop control variable, because it controls the execution of the body of the loop. (I<100) is the loop termination condition. That is, the loop will not terminate as long as I is less than 100. I: =I+1; is the loop body. This is the code that executes on each pass of the loop. You can convert this to 80x86 assembly language as follows: mov I, 0

WhileLp: cmp I, 100

jge WhileDone inc I jmp WhileLp


Note that a Pascal while loop can be easily synthesized using an if and a goto statement. For example, the Pascal while loop presented above can be replaced by:

I: = 0;

1: IF (I<100) THEN BEGIN

I: = I + 1;

