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28-Nov-2018 Develop an autonomous system using reinforcement learning. 5. Evaluate various machine learning algorithms and build a solution for real-world.

10-601 Machine Learning Midterm Exam 10-601 Machine Learning Midterm Exam

18-Oct-2012 Solution: Yes k-means assigns each data point to a unique cluster based on its distance to the cluster center. Gaussian mixture clustering ...


PART – A. Q.No. Questions. BT Level. Competence. 1. Define Machine Learning. BTL 1. Remembering. 2. Compare learning vs programming. BTL 2. Understanding.


Describe Train Model using Machine Learning Algorithm Test model. (10M ) Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries 10 marks and ...


Question Paper is in English language. Candidate can answer in English "I am learning machine learning using Python". Import the required libraries.


23-Jun-2019 Question Paper – 23.06.2019. 1. 1. It is a class of machine learning techniques that make use of both labelled and unlabelled examples where ...

Few-Shot Complex Knowledge Base Question Answering via Meta

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department of skill education - artificial intelligence (subject

Sample Question Paper for Class X (Session 2022-2023). Max. Time: 2 Hours. Max Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 ...

CLINIQA: A Machine Intelligence Based Clinical Question

Question Answering system developed for medical practitioners ... In this paper we presented a novel implementation of machine learning based clinical question.


Unscramble the letters and find the correct answer. (1). Machine Learning + ______ = Artificial Intelligence. (i) TRNUALA GNLAGAUE CPSISEROGN. (ii) 

Model Question Papers

11-Dec-2018 Evaluate various machine learning algorithms and build a solution for real-world applications. Model Question Paper.

Deep Learning for Question Answering

Deep Learning for Question Answering. Mohit Iyyer Briefly: deep learning + NLP basics ... Answers can appear as part of question text (e.g. a.

10-601 Machine Learning Midterm Exam

18-Oct-2012 Circle the correct answer(s). (h) [3 points] As the number of training examples goes to infinity your model trained on that data will have:.

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A Machine Learning-Based Approach to Predicting Success of

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Question - What are the applications of Machine Learning .When it is used. Answer - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere.


In paper [10] author evaluates the performance of proposed question answering system model with a database which consists of pair of questions and answers. AT&T 

[PDF] EXAMPLE Machine Learning Exam questions

EXAMPLE Machine Learning (C395) Exam Questions (1) Question: Explain the principle of the gradient descent algorithm Accompany

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18 oct 2012 · 10-601 Machine Learning Midterm Exam answer each of these true/false questions and explain/justify your answer in no more than 2

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Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions h Discuss machine learning algorithm in the context of multiple analytical

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[PDF] Question paper

Question paper Please answer Part-A and Part-B in separate answer books used in all the deep learning approaches we talked about

  • What questions can be answered by machine learning?

    Machine learning can be challenging, as it involves understanding complex mathematical concepts and algorithms, as well as the ability to work with large amounts of data. However, with the right resources and support, it is possible to learn and become proficient in machine learning.
  • Is machine learning so hard?

    The reinforcement learning is hardest part of machine learning. The most important results in deep learning such as image classification so far were obtained by supervised learning or unsupervised learning.
  • What is hardest in machine learning?

    How Do I Get Started?

    1Step 1: Adjust Mindset. Believe you can practice and apply machine learning. 2Step 2: Pick a Process. Use a systemic process to work through problems. 3Step 3: Pick a Tool. Select a tool for your level and map it onto your process. 4Step 4: Practice on Datasets. 5Step 5: Build a Portfolio.
[PDF] EXAMPLE Machine Learning Exam questions

EXAMPLE Machine Learning (C395) Exam Questions (1) Question: Explain the principle of the gradient descent algorithm. Accompany your explanation with a diagram. Explain the use of all the terms and constants that you introduce and comment on the range of values that they can take. Solution: Training can be posed as an optimization problem, in which the goal is to optimize a function (usually to minimize a cost function E) with respect to a number of free variables, usually weights wi. The gradient decent algorithm begins from an initialization of the weights (e.g. a random initialization) and in an iterative procedure updates the weights wi by a quantity Δwi, where Δwi = -α (∂E / ∂wi) and (∂E / ∂wi) is the gradient of the cost function with respect to the weights, while α is a constant which takes small values in order to keep the updates low and avoid oscillations. (2) Question: Derive the gradient descent training rule assuming that the target function representation is: od = w0 + w1x1 + ... + wnxn. Define explicitly the cost/error function E, assuming that a set of training examples D is provided, where each training example d ∈ D is associated with the target output td. Solution: The error function: E = ∑d∈D (td - od)2 The gradient decent algorithm: Δwi = -α (∂E / ∂wi) First represent (∂E / ∂wi) in terms of the unit inputs xid, outputs od, and target values td: (∂E / ∂wi) = (∂∑d∈D (td - od)2) / ∂wi = ∑d∈D 2(td - od) (∂(td - od) / ∂wi) = ∑d∈D 2(td - od) (-∂od / ∂wi) = -∑d∈D 2(td - od) (∂(w0 + ... + wixid + ... + wnxnd) / ∂wi) = -∑d∈D 2(td - od) (xid) => Δwi = α ∑d∈D 2(td - od) xid

(3) Question: Prove that the LMS training rul e performs a gradient descent t o minimize the cost/error function E defined in (2). Solution: Given the target function representation od = w0 + w1x1 + ... + wnxn, LMS training rule is a learning algorithm for choosing the set of weights wi to best fit the set of training examples {< d, td >}, i.e., to minimize the squared error E ≡ ∑d∈D (td - od)2. LMS training rule works as follows: (∀ < d, td >) use the current weights wi to calculate od (∀wi) wi ← wi + η(td - od)xid (*) From (2) à (∂E / ∂wi) = -∑d∈D 2(td - od)xid à -(1/2xid)(∂E / ∂wi) = (td - od) Substitute this in (*) à (∀wi) wi ← wi + (η/2)(-∂E / ∂wi) This shows that LMS alters weights in the very same proportion as does the gradient descent algorithm (i.e., -∂E / ∂wi), proving that LMS performs gradient descent. (4) Question: Consider the following set of training examples: What is the information gain of a2 relative to these training examples? Provide the equation for calculating the information gain as well as the intermediate results. Solution: Entropy E(S) = E([3+, 3-]) = -(3/6) log2 (3/6) - (3/6) log2 (3/6) = 1. Gain (S, a2) = E(S) - (4/6)E(T) - (2/6)E(F) = 1 - 4/6 - 2/6 ≈ 0. E(T) = E([2+, 2-]) = 1. E(F) = E([1+, 1-]) = 1. (5) Question: Suppose that we want to build a neural network that classifies two dimensional data (i.e., X = [x1, x2]) into two classes: diamonds and crosses. We have a set of training data that is plotted as follows: Instance Classification a1 a2 1 + T T 2 + T T 3 - T F 4 + F F 5 - F T 6 - F T

Draw a network that can solve this classification problem. Justify your choice of the number of nodes and the architecture. Draw the decision boundary that your network can find on the diagram. Solution: A solution is a multilayer FFNN with 2 inputs, one hidden layer with 4 neurons and 1 output layer with 1 neuron. The network should be fully connected, that is there should be connections between all nodes in one layer with all the nodes in the previous (and next) layer. We have to use two inputs because the input data is two dimensional. We use an output layer with one neuron because we have 2 classes. One hidden layer is enough because there is a single compact region that contains the data from the crosses-class and does not contain data from the diamonds-class. This region can have 4 lines as borders, therefore it suffices if there are 4 neurons at the hidden layer. The 4 neurons in the hidden layer describe 4 separating lines and the neuron at the output layer describes the square that is contained between these 4 lines. (6) Question: Suppose that we want to solve the problem of finding out what a good car is by using genetic algorithms. Suppose further that the solution to the problem can be represented by a decision tree as follows: X2 X1 sport engine size brand large small mid no Volvo no BMW SUV no yes V8 no V10 F12 no yes yes no

What is the appropriate chromosome design for the given problem? Which Genetic Algorithm parameters need to be defined? What would be the suitable values of those parameters for the given problem? Provide a short explanation for each. What is the result of applying a single round of the prototypical Genetic Algorithm? Explain your answer in a clear and compact manner by providing the pseudo code of the algorithm. Solution: size = {large, mid, small} → 100, 010, 001, 011, ..., 111, 000 brand = {Volvo, BMW, SUV} → 100, 010, 001, 011, ..., 111, 000 sport = {yes, no} → 10, 01, 11, 00 engine = {F12, V12, V8} → 100, 010, 001, 011, ..., 111, 000 GoodCar = {yes, no} → 10, 01, 11, 00 → chromosome design: size brand sport engine GoodCar 100 100 11 111 01 Fitness function for the given problem can be defined as a Sigmoid function f(x) = 1 / (1+ e-x), where x is the percentage of all training examples correctly classified by a specific solution (chromosome). Selection method - e.g., rank selection method can be used; Crossover technique - 2-point crossover can be used for the given problem with a crossover mask 1111110000011; the reason is that either size + brand or sport + engine define the solution Crossover rate - usually k = 60% Mutation rate - usually 1% Termination condition - e.g., all training examples are correctly classified GA pseudo code: Step 1: Choose initial population. Step 2: Evaluate the fitness of individuals in the population. Step 3: Select k individuals to reproduce; breed new generation through crossover and mutation; evaluate the individual fitness of offspring; replace k worse ranked part of population with offspring. Step 4: Repeat step 3 until the termination condition is reached. s1/2: 1010101001010, 1011111110101, 0100011111101, 0011111001010, 1011011110101 s3: 1010101110110 (fit 1), 0011111001001 (fit 0), 1010101111110 (fit 2), 1011011001001 (fit 1), 0011111110101 (fit 2), 1011011110101 (fit 3) result: 1011111110101, 1011011110101, 1011011110101, 0011111110101, 1010101111110

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