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Adobe® Photoshop® CS3 User Guide

Editing video and animation layers (Photoshop Extended) . To access Adobe Creative Suite 3 video tutorials visit Adobe Video Workshop at.


Adobe Photoshop CS3 is a popular image editing software that provides a work environment consistent with Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign

Creating a Banner with Adobe Photoshop CS3

Part 2 describes how to save images in Adobe Photoshop CS3. Part 3 explains D. Editing and Creating a Montage Banner ... Click Free Photos.

Adobe Photoshop Help

Nondestructive editing . Video tutorial: Learn Photoshop Smart filters . ... the latest version installed before Photoshop going back to Photoshop CS3.


Now in its tenth release Photoshop is undoubtedly the King of photo-editing software and considering the host of new and revamped features included in the CS3 


Oct 19 2010 AN INTRODUCTION TO ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS3 ... 11. Optimum strategies for using Adobe Photoshop in Science ………….18 ... plan to edit a photo.

Adobe™ Photoshop™ CS3 for Photographers This PDF on color

It is also suited for image editing that is intended for output to photographic materials such as transparency emulsion or a photo quality inkjet printer. This 

Photoshop CS3

Adobe®. Photoshop CS3. Quick Reference Card. Photoshop CS3 Workspace. Toolbar. * Tool keyboard shortcuts are in parenthesis. Rectangle Marquee.

Tutorials In Photoshop 7 [PDF] - m.central.edu

7 days ago Right here we have countless book Tutorials In Photoshop 7 and ... photoshop 7 cs1 cs2 cs3. tutorials ... Tutorials: Photo Editing Adobe ...

Yale Child Study Center - Face Morphing Tutorial

pictures saves an enormous amount of time during the editing process and helps The following retouching tutorial was created using Adobe Photoshop CS3.


Photoshop CS3


Picture credits

With thanks to the great guys at www.ablestock.com and JupiterImages Corporation for their generous support in supplying the tutorial images for this text. Copyright © 2007 Hamera and its licensors. All rights reserved. All other images and illustrations by the author © Philip Andrews & Peter Bargh 2007. All rights reserved.

Author"s dedication

Always for Kassy-Lee and my great kids Adrian and Ellena. Cheers to Peter Bargh for all his hard work making this title the success it already is and my thanks to him for allowing me to carry on the tradition he started. Thanks also to the staff at Focal Press including Marie Hooper, Emma Baxter, Margaret Denley, Georgia Kennedy and Stephanie


My appreciation goes to Bryan O"Neil Hughes at Adobe for his support, technical advice and kind Foreword. And thanks once more to Adobe for bringing image enhancement and editing to us all through their innovative and industry-leading products, and the other hardware and software manufacturers whose help is an essential part of writing any book of this nature. In particular I wish to thank technical and marketing staff at Adobe, Microsoft, Canon, Nikon, and Epson. Also to Manfred 'Grids Rule!" Huber for his design guidance. And finally my thanks to all the readers who continue to inspire and encourage me with their generous praise and great images. Keep emailing me to let me know how your imaging is going. AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON • NEW YORK • OXFORD PARIS • SAN DIEGO • SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO

Focal Press is an imprint of Elsevier


Photoshop CS3


Tools and features

illustrated ready reference

Philip Andrews

Focal Press

An imprint of Elsevier

Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP

30 Corporate Drive, Burlington MA 01803

First published 2007

Copyright © 2007, Philip Andrews & Peter Bargh. All rights reserved

The right of Philip Andrews & Peter Bargh to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in

accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or

by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier"s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax (+44) (0) 1865 853333;

email: permissions@elsevier.com. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier

web site at http://elsevier.com/locate/permissions, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material.

Notice: No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

ISBN 978-0-240-52065-0

For information on all Focal Press publications visit our website at: www.focalpress.com

Printed and bound in Slovenia

Layout and design by Philip Andrews in Adobe InDesign CS2

07 08 09 10 11 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


Accented Edges filter - Automate, Bridge

Background color - Button mode

Cache, Bridge - Cutout filter

Darken blend mode - Dust & Scratches filter

Edges - Eyedropper tool

Facet filter - Fuzziness setting

Gamut Warning - Guides, Smart

Halftone Pattern filter - Hue/Saturation adjustment layer

ICC profiles - Knockout

LAB color - LZW compression

Magic Eraser tool - Multiply blending mode

Navigator - Notes

Ocean Ripple filter - Overlay blend mode

Page Setup - Quick Selection tool - Auto Enhance

Radial Blur filter - Rulers

Sample All Layers - Swatches palette

Test in Device Central - Type Masks

Underlining type - Use All Layers

Vanishing Point filter - Vivid Light blending mode

Warp - Workspace, Photoshop

XMP - ZoomView format23


A-Z Entries


Step-by-Step Techniques

01 Importing photos into Bridge 4

02 Changing brightness 4

03 Adjusting contrast 5

04 Removing color casts 6

05 Sharpening 6

06 Speeding up Photoshop 7

07 Incorporating texture 8

08 Tinting and toning pictures 9

09 Cropping your photos 10

10 Creating panoramas 11

11 Convert color photos to black

and white 12

12 Color management 13

13 Simple line frame 14

14 Multi-layer copy 14

15 Photoshop animation 15

16 Web matting 15

17 Grouping photos 16

18 Non-destructive techniques 16

19 Adding color to black and

white photos 17

20 Recreating motion 17

21 Vignetting 17

22 Selection techniques 18

23 Layer masks 20

24 The Liquify filter 20

25 Compositing 20

26 Retouching marks and blemishes 21

27 Photoshop"s brushes 22

28 Rough frames 22Foreword 2

Introduction 2

How to use this book 3


www.Photoshop-A-Z.com A-Z

2Photoshop CS3 A-Z



Now in its tenth release Photoshop is undoubtedly the King of photo-editing software and, considering the host of new and revamped features included in the CS3 version of the program, its position at the top of the heap is assured. The software is so popular with photographers, designers and illustrators that it is truly hard to recall a time when we didn"t have Photoshop at the centre of our creative endeavors. With the massive upsurge of digital camera owners there is now a host of new photographers who are just discovering the pure editing and enhancement power afforded by the program. Given the success of previous editions it would have been easy for Adobe to sit back and bask in the refl ected glory of the program"s popularity but instead Adobe has been hard at work improving what was already a great product. The CS3 version, just like the releases before it, is a state-of-the-art image- editing program full of the features and functions that digital photographers and desktop image makers desire the most. In fact, the program has become so comprehensive that

producing an illustrated A-Z book like this one is not just a nicety, but has become a necessity. The software covers

so many areas that Photoshop users needed a quick ready- reference guide to all the major tools and features. Peter Bargh, in the fi rst few editions of this text, provided just such a comprehensive guide to the program and here I add to his excellent work. As was Peter"s approach, I haven"t stopped at simply describing the tool or feature; I accompany the text with illustrations of the software in action together with before and after pictures of the applied changes. All entries include shortcut keys, menu locations and are cross-referenced to other Photoshop features that relate. Many features also include step-by-step guides to their usage and extended visual examples of the effects of using different settings on your pictures. Keep this ready reference handy for all those occasions when you ask yourself 'What does that do?" But most of all keep enjoying your digital image making! Philip AndrewsAdobe has been through some incredible changes since Photoshop CS2 was released. The acquisition of Macromedia enabled us to build an incredibly strong portfolio of world-class products; and it also enabled us to share software in the form of public betas. First in Photoshop Lightroom, and then later in Photoshop CS3, we were able to speed forthcoming technology to you, our eager users during several months of free, pre-release trial downloads. At the formal launch of the 3rd Creative Suite, we premiered another new member of the Photoshop family in our release of Photoshop CS3 Extended. It goes without saying that thorough, accurate, well-written text is essential not just to learning this software, but also to keeping abridged of the many changes. Being a passionate Photoshop user since version 3.0, and a former tester of the application, I tend to approach tech editing such texts with a very detailed eye. As of the book you"re holding, I have now had the pleasure of working with Philip Andrews on several different projects. Philip"s work here is true to the diligence and consistency that I"ve come to expect from his writing. Beyond just delivering accurate information, Philip makes certain that it is always up to date and very enjoyable to read. Philip"s descriptions and

tutorials make my job as a tech editor very easy, and they deliver to you an easy, approachable style rarely found in software

instruction. My respect and trust for Philip"s work were never more obvious to me than the last time I saw him at Photo Plus East in New York. There I was, on the busy tradeshow fl oor, inundated with a litany of very technical questions, and I looked up to see Philip, patiently waiting for me to fi nd a pause. Realizing that I wasn"t likely to be free anytime soon, I invited Philip to step into the pod and help demo some of his techniques to the eager folks around us. Watching and listening to Philip was like reading his books, I was quickly put at ease by his confi dent and easy going style. I know that you"ll fi nd this book an extremely valuable reference as you wade through the many new features in Photoshop CS3. I hope and trust that you"ll enjoy your time and learning with it as much as I have.

Have fun,

Bryan O"Neil Hughes

Photoshop Product Manager

Adobe Systems Inc.


A-Z 3

Feature summaryBefore and after examples

Step-by-step application

Edge tabs

Online extensions

Tips and reminders

CS3 features highlighted

How to use this book...

The before and after examples illustrate

how features, tools and techniques can be used to change the way that your pictures look.

There is a completely new step-by-step

section at the front of the book designed to demonstrate how to use major tools and features. These mini-tutorials can be used to extend your understanding as well as build your editing and enhancement skills.

The colored edge tabs change for each letter

section. They can be used in conjunction with the contents page to quickly thumb through the book to locate a particular group of entries.

Don"t forget about the book"s website -

www.photoshop-a-z.com. Here you will fi nd video tutorials on how to use the top new features in Photoshop CS3, the example pictures used in the step-by-step guides, links to all the featured plug-in vendors and much more.

Important ideas and techniques are

highlighted with the Remember icon and the tips and tricks used by working professionals are noted with the 'Pro"s Tip" ticked box.

Each feature and tool entry is headed with

a summary table that details the menu where the feature can be found, any keyboard shortcuts associated with the tool, the version of Photoshop that contains the feature and any other features that are linked to the feature. In order to make the most of this book, take a couple of minutes to read the following. This will let me introduce a few of the special features that I have included to help you fi nd the information that you need fast. Apart from the basic A-Z structure that lists the topics, features and tools alphabetically, I have also used the following design devices to make 'search and locate" missions speedier and more productive.

The entries detailing new or substantially

changed or revamped features in Photoshop

CS3 are highlighted in red.



Step by step

4Photoshop CS3 A-Z

Finally, choose what other actions Bridge

will take after downloading the fi les. Here you can select to open Bridge after the transfer is complete, automatically convert the images to DNG format and even make a backup of the originals to another drive.

Clicking the Get Photos button will transfer

your pictures to your hard drive. 3

After fi nding and selecting the source of

the pictures adjust the Import Settings.

Browse for the folder where you want the

photographs to be stored and if you want to use a subfolder select the way that this folder will be named from the Create

Subfolder drop-down menu.


Select the From Camera or Card Reader

option from the File menu, or select the

Bridge option from the pop-up dialog that

is displayed when the card reader is connected to the computer. Choose the

Standard dialog.


As well as performing the basic setup

actions indicated in the Standard step-by- step to the left, you can add in metadata details to be attached to each downloaded fi le. Here, the Basic Metadata option is used to add simple author and copyright information. Use the drop-down menu to select any presaved metadata templates. 2

To switch the Photo Downloader to the

Advanced version of the feature click on

the Advanced Dialog option at the bottom of the window. 1

The small checkboxes at the bottom right

of the preview thumbnails can be used to choose which images to transfer. All photos are selected by default but can be deselected by clicking the UnCheck all option at the bottom of the preview window. Click the Get Photos button to start the import process. 3


From camera or card

reader (Standard)

Menu:Bridge: File > Get Photos From Camera

Shortcut:-OS:Mac, Windows

Version:Bridge 2.0See

also:Adobe Photo Downloader (APD)

From camera or card

reader (Advanced)

Menu:Bridge: File > Get Photos From Camera

Shortcut:-OS:Mac, Windows

Version:Bridge 2.0See

also:Adobe Photo

Downloader (APD)

The simplest way to make a photo brighter

using the Curves feature is to click-drag the midtone part of the curve upwards.

Dragging the curve downwards makes the

photo darker. Using curves to perform this action means that both the shadows and highlight tones are left untouched by the changes.


Menu:Image > Adjustments > Curves

Shortcut:Ctrl/Cmd MOS:Mac, Windows

Version:6.0, 7.0, CS,

CS2, CS3See






Step by step


Holding the Alt key whilst moving these

Input sliders will preview the pixels that are

being converted to pure black or white (clipped). Move the sliders in until you see the fi rst few pixels and then adjust the sliders slightly to ensure no pixels are being clipped. 2

To increase contrast in a photograph move

the Highlight and Shadow input sliders in the Levels dialog towards the center of the histogram. 1 3

To add more contrast click-drag the

highlight portion of the curve upwards and the Shadow section downwards. This creates a classic S shape to the curve. To reduce the contrast reverse these actions moving the shadows upwards and the highlights downwards. 2

The newly revised Curves feature provides

more tonal enhancement options than ever before. With the addition of a black and white input slider you can perform the same contrast enhancement step as in the

Levels feature. Just move the Highlight and

Shadow input sliders in the Levels dialog

towards the center of the histogram.

Holding the Alt key whilst moving these

Input sliders will preview the pixels that are

being converted to pure black or white (clipped). As with the Levels sliders move the controls inwards until you see the fi rst few pixels and then adjust the sliders slightly to ensure no pixels are being clipped. 1



Menu:Image > Adjustments > Levels

Shortcut:Ctrl/Cmd LOS:Mac, Windows

Version:6.0, 7.0, CS,

CS2, CS3See

also:Levels command


Menu:Image > Adjustments > Curves

Shortcut:Ctrl/Cmd MOS:Mac, Windows





The Shadow/Highlight feature provides

some brightness control using the Shadows controls as long as the Tonal Width value is kept pretty high. Moving the Amount slider right brightens the darkest portions of the image.


Menu:Image > Adjustments > Shadow/Highlight

Shortcut:-OS:Mac, Windows

Version:CS, CS2,



The Brightness/Contrast feature provides

a quick and easy adjustment of the overall brightness of the image. Pushing the slider to the right lightens the midtones.


Menu:Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast

Shortcut:-OS:Mac, Windows

Version:6.0, 7.0, CS,

CS2, CS3See


Moving the Midtone Input slider to the left

increases the brightness of the photo.


Menu:Image > Adjustments > Levels

Shortcut:Ctrl/Cmd LOS:Mac, Windows

Version:6.0, 7.0, CS,

CS2, CS3See

also:Levels command

Step by step

6Photoshop CS3 A-Z


The Auto Color feature provides a handy

one-click correction of many color cast problems. If the results are not what you expect then undo the action by immediate- ly selecting the Edit > Undo Auto Color option.

Using the Variations feature requires you

to recognize the nature of the cast in your photos and then to click on a thumbnail sample that will help reduce the problem.

In this example Decrease Red and Increase

Green were both used to help correct the


The Amount slider is used to alter the

degree of change applied when each thumbnail sample is pressed.

Select the sharpening type from the

Remove list. Choose Lens Blur for less halo

effects at higher sharpening settings. 3

Adjust the Radius slider to control the

number of pixels surrounding an edge that is included in the effect. 2

Select the Smart Sharpen fi lter. Adjust the

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