[PDF] C/C++ ROOT recent changes in the code. •

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recent changes in the code. • The Makefile code has to be written in the Makefile file that has to live in the main folder of your C++ project 

Microsemi Ethernet API Software

in a number of subdirectories. The application build system (for vtss_api/base example makefile) should compile all C files in this directory

Vitesse API Software

number of sub-directories. The application build system (e.g.. Makefile) should compile all C files in this directory

UM2609 STM32CubeIDE user guide - STMicroelectronics

24 lug 2020 STM32CubeIDE is an advanced C/C++ development platform with ... Open the STM32CubeIDE folder ... The main node presents all the compiler.

Makefiles for Dummies

3 mar 2008 These short notes describe how to easily write makefiles for compiling. C/C++ projects composed by multiple files. ... [to be continued].


recent changes in the code. • The Makefile code has to be wri en in the Makefile file that has to live in the main folder of your C++ project 

ModusToolbox™ user guide

7 apr 2022 This directory contains the application source code Makefile

Internet of Things (IoT) in 5 days

26 feb 2016 Applications require a Makefile to compile let us take a look at the ... Contiki installation


recent changes in the code. • The Makefile code has to be written in the Makefile file that has to live in the main folder of your C++ project 

make for compiling — all *c files in folders & subfolders in project

I have a source directory in my project dir which contains subdirectories And I want to build everything only with one makefile in rootdir of project: 

A Simple Makefile Tutorial - Colby Computer Science

Makefiles are a simple way to organize code compilation Second if you are only making changes to one c file recompiling all of them every time is 

Makefile to compile all c files in the directories - GitHub Gist

Makefile to compile all c files in the directories - Makefile

[PDF] Makefiles

one subdirectory for each module and one directory to store all the h files ? The Makefile for the main program will direct the creation of the executable 

[PDF] Makefiles and h files and c files and o files OH MY!

Compiling multiple files (Opt 1) • gcc –Wall main c stack c – Compiles BOTH files and makes a out • Advantages: – Easy to remember • Disadvantages:

[PDF] GNU Make

26 fév 2023 · In this example all the C files include defs h but only those defining The main use of MAKEFILES is in communication between recursive 

[PDF] Makefiles for Dummies

3 mar 2008 · These short notes describe how to easily write makefiles for compiling C/C++ projects composed by multiple files [to be continued]

CS 240 - Lab 1: Using C

The purpose of make is to automate the process of compiling and recompiling multiple files To use make we need to create a special file called a makefile 

Chapter 6 Managing Large Projects - OReilly

This approach is called recursive make because the top-level makefile invokes make The only exceptions are the options --directory ( -C ) --file ( -f ) 

[PDF] makefile-cmakepdf - Autonomous Robots Lab

making changes to one c file recompiling all of them every time is also will execute the compile command as you have written it in the makefile

  • How do I list all files in all subdirectories?

    By default, ls lists just one directory. If you name one or more directories on the command line, ls will list each one. The -R (uppercase R) option lists all subdirectories, recursively.
  • How to compile all C files in Linux?

    How to compile the C program

    1Use the vim editor. Open file using,2vim file. c (file name can be anything but it should end with dot c extension) command. 3Press i to go to insert mode. Type your program. 4Press Esc button and then type :wq. It will save the file. 5gcc file.c. 66. ./ 7In file tab click new. 8In Execute tab,
  • How to get a list of all files in a directory and subdirectories?


    1Open File Explorer in Windows. 2Click in the address bar and replace the file path by typing cmd then press Enter.3This should open a black and white command prompt displaying the above file path.4Type dir /A:D. 5There should now be a new text file called FolderList in the above directory.
  • The source code directories are usually the src directory in a project's subdirectory, or subdirectories under src . The Makefiles in these directories take care of the fun stuff. They define what is to be built (libraries, executables), how it is built, and where (and if) the products are to be installed.

C/C++ROOTMatteoDuranti, Valerio Vagellimatteo.duranti@infn.it(cfr. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/c_file_io.htmhttps://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_feof.htmhttp://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/files/https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/c_preprocessors.htmhttp://www.cplusplus.com/articles/2LywvCM9/https://root.cern.ch/root/html534http://webhome.phy.duke.edu/~raw22/public/root.tutorial/basic_root_20100701.pdf)

C++•Programming language-Human "friendly" instructions (top level) that are translated to "machine" instructions by the compiler-Strict rules-Object Oriented•Structures interacting among themselves through methods

C++ Variables#include //# defines a preprocessorinstructionusing namespace std; //:: namespace resolutionoperatorintmain() { // { defines a scopeintx; //variable with type intis definedx=7+9; //variable x is initialized to some valuedouble d = 5.6; //variable d with type doubleis defined and initializedcout<

Algorithm Fluxif( this_expression== true ){ do_this(); }else{ do_that(); }•The flux of informaOon can be controlled by several construct•IF construct•decides which scope to solve, controlled by a boolean(true/false) valueintvalue=0;if( this_expression== true ){ value = this(); }else{ value = that(); }•Shortuct: if/else assignment in a lineintvalue = this_expression? this() : that();

Algorithm Flux•The flux of information can be controlled by several construct•FOR construct•Iterates the instructions in the scope for a fixed amount of timesfor( inti=0; i<100; i++){ do_this(); do_that();}•A FOR loop can be solved (exit the loop and continue with the code) with a breakcallfor( inti=0; i<100; i++){ boolI_am_bored= check_if_bored();if( I_am_bored) break; }•A continuecall allows to skip to the next iteration without solving the complete scopefor( inti=0; i<100; i++){ boolI_like_this= check_if_good(i);if( !I_like_this) { continue; }else { do_stuff_on_this(); }}

Algorithm Flux•The flux of information can be controlled by several construct•WHILE construct•Iterates the instructions in the scope while the heading expression is truewhile( head_expr==true ){do_this();if( time_to_stop() ) head_expr=false;}•breakcalls and continuecalls work as for the FOR loop case

Arrays•An arrayis a group of elements with the same type indexed by the same variable#include using namespace std; intmain() {intxx[5] = {1,-3,1,0,4};intyy[5];for(inti=0; i<5; i++){ yy[i] = xx[i]-xx[0]; }floatmm[4][7];for(intii=0; ii<4; ii++)for(intjj=0; jj<7; jj++){ mm[ii][jj] = some_value(ii,jj);}return 0;}•An array is NOT a dynamic structure. If you want an array with a dynamic size, you should use a std::vectorhttp://www.cplusplus.com/reference/vector/vector/

Functions•A functionis a segment of code (i.e. a set of instructions) that perform a single task•Functions can be called during the execution of the programs.•Functions may return a single value, a complex object, or nothing.•Use functions! Make your code modular. It helps when things don't work and you have to debug your code.type fun_name(type par1, type par2, ... type parn){//instructions here;}intmagnitude( float number ){if( number<=0 ) return 0;else return (int)log10(number);}void even( intnumber ){printf("%d is %s\n", number, number%2==0 ? "even" : "odd" );return;}intmain() {intx=102;even(x);printf("magnitude is %d\n", magnitude(x) );102 is evenmagnitude is 2

Functions•A functionis a segment of code (i.e. a set of instructions) that perform a single task•Functions can be called during the execution of the programs.•Functions may return a single value, a complex object, or nothing.•Use functions! Make your code modular. It helps when things don't work and you have to debug your code.intsum( intx1, intx2=4 ){x1 = x1+x2;return x1;}intmain() {intx=102;ints = sum( x, 10 );printf("x:%d s:%d\n", x, s);inty=8;printf("y:%d s:%d\n", x, sum( sum(y,2) ) );}x:102 s:112y:8 s:14

Functionsintsum( intx1, intx2=4 ){x1 = x1+x2;return x1;}102x102x1?copy by valuex2102x110x2112x110x2s = sum(x,10);?s102x112s112x110x2112x110x21)2)3)4)5)6)

C++ Pointers•For a C++ program, the memory of a computer is like a succession of memory cells, each one byte in size, and each with a unique address. -Data representations larger than one byte occupy memory cells that have consecutive address•Each cell can be easily located in the memory by means of its unique address•When a variable is declared, the memory needed to store its value is assigned a specific location in memory (its memory address)•it may be useful for a program to be able to obtain the address of a variable during runtime in order to access data cells that are at a certain position relative to it.•Pointersare variables storing integers (usually memory addresses of other variables)•Arrays are pointers!

C++ Pointers#include using namespace std; intmain() { // {intx = 16; int*px = NULL; //pointer to integerisdefinedand initializedpx= &x; //value of pxis set to the address "&" of xint**ppx= &(px); //pointer to pointercout<

C++ Pointers#include using namespace std; intmain() { // {intx = 16; int* px = NULL; //pointer to integerisdefinedand initializedpx= &x; //value of pxis set to the address "&" of xint** ppx= &(px); //pointer to pointercout<

C++ Pointers#include using namespace std; intmain() { // {intx = 16; int* px = NULL; //pointer to integerisdefinedand initializedpx= &x; //value of pxis set to the address "&" of xint** ppx= &(px); //pointer to pointercout<

C++ Pointers#include using namespace std; intmain() { // {intx = 16; int* px = NULL; //pointer to integerisdefinedand initializedpx= &x; //value of pxis set to the address "&" of xint** ppx= &(px); //pointer to pointercout<

C++ Pointers#include using namespace std; intmain() { // {intx = 16; int* px = NULL; //pointer to integerisdefinedand initializedpx= &x; //value of pxis set to the address "&" of xint** ppx= &(px); //pointer to pointercout<

C++ Pointers & Functions#include using namespace std;void increase(intx) { x++; }; //pass by valuevoid p_increase(int* px) { (*px)++; }; //pass by pointervoid r_increase(int& x) { x++; }; //pass by referenceintmain(){inti=0;increase(i); cout<

File writing/reading (C)










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