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No 14218 Canada and Sweden: Agreement concerning defence research development and production Signed at Ottawa on 3 February 1975

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistr's ou class6s et inscrits au r9pertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations e Nations Unies

New York, 1983

Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 978 1975 1. Nos. 14204-14236



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 18 August 1975 to 26 August 1975 Page

No. 14204. Canada and Poland:

Long Term Grain Agreement. Signed at Ottawa on 12 December 1973 .......... 3

No. 14205. Canada and Nicaragua:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement to provide for the exchange of third party communications between amateur radio stations of Canada and Nicaragua. San Jos6 and Managua, 29 August and 20 December 1973 ....... 9 No. 14206. Canada and Federal Republic of Germany: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the training of Bundeswehr units in Canada (CFB Shilo) (with annexes). Ottawa, 23 Jan- uary 1974 ......................................................... 15

No. 14207. Canada and Cuba:

Technical Co-operation Agreement (with annexes). Signed at Havana on 8 Feb- ruary 1974 ......................................................... 37

No. 14208. Canada and Cuba:

Agreement establishing a development line of credit for Cuba (with annexes). Signed at Havana on 18 March 1975 ................................... 53

No. 14209. Canada and Guyana:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement to provide for the exchange of third party communications between amateur radio stations of Canada and Guyana. Georgetown, 11 December 1973 and 26 February 1974 ............ 75

No. 14210. Canada and Honduras:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the reciprocal granting of authorizations to operate amateur radio stations. San Jos6 and Tegucigalpa, 20 November 1973 and 27 February 1974 ................... 79

No. 14211. Canada and Honduras:

Development Co-operation Agreement (with annexes). Signed at Tegucigalpa on

3 Septem ber 1974 ................................................... 85

Vol. 978

Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrds

ou classs et inscrits au rpertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 978 1975 1. No





Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistrds du 18 ao2t 1975 au 26 aorit 1975 Pages N O

14204. Canada et Pologne:

Accord A long terme sur les c6r6ales. Sign6 A Ottawa le 12 d6cembre 1973 ........ 3 N O

14205. Canada et Nicaragua :

tchange de notes constituant un accord afin de permettre aux stations radio amateurs du Canada et du Nicaragua d'6changer des messages 6manant de tierces parties. San Jos6 et Managua, 29 aoflt et 20 d6cembre 1973 .......... .9 N O

14206. Canada et Ripublique fid6rale d'Allemagne :

8change de notes constituant un accord au sujet de l'entranement des unit6s de la

Bundeswehr au Canada (BFC de Shilo) [avec annexes]. Ottawa, 23 janvier

1974 ..............................................................

15 N O

14207. Canada et Cuba :

Accord g6n6ral de cooperation technique (avec annexes). Sign6 & La Havane le

8 f6vrier 1974 ...................................................... 37

N o

14208. Canada et Cuba:

Accord 6tablissant une ligne de cr6dit pour Cuba (avec annexes). Sign6 A La Havane le 18 mars 1975 ........................................... 53 N 0

14209. Canada et Guyane :

ichange de notes constituant un accord afin de permettre aux stations radio amateurs du Canada et de la Guyane d'6changer des messages 6manant de tierces parties. Georgetown, 11 d6cembre 1973 et 26 fvrier 1974 ........... 75 N o

14210. Canada et Honduras :

8change de notes constituant un accord concernant r'octroi r6ciproque

d'autorisations aux stations radio amateurs. San Jos6 et Tegucigalpa, 20 no- vembre 1973 et 27 f6vrier 1974 ........................................ 79
N o

14211. Canada et Honduras :

Accord de cooperation au d~veloppement (avec annexes). Sign6 A Tegucigalpa le

3 septem bre 1974 ...................................................


Vol. 978

United Nations -Treaty Series 9 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks Page

No. 14212. Canada and Morocco:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to Canadian investments in Morocco insured by the Government of Canada through its agent, the Export Development Corporation. Ottawa and Rabat, 30 November 1973 and 12 M arch 1974 .................................................. 101 No. 14213. Canada and Inter-American Development Bank: Agreement for the provision of funds for a special program for financing the preparation of development projects (with annex). Signed at Washington on

22 M arch 1974 ..................................................... 107

No. 14214. Canada and Andean Development Corporation: Loan Agreement for pre-investment studies or industrial development projects (with annex). Signed at Caracas on 29 March 1974 ....................... 121

No. 14215. Canada and Argentina:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning nuclear co-operation. Buenos Aires, 10 and 12 September 1974 ............................... 133

No. 14216. Canada and Republic of Korea:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement for the avoidance of double taxa- tion of income derived from the operation of ships or aircraft in interna- tional traffic. Seoul and Ottawa, 15 November 1974 ...................... 139

No. 14217. Canada and Afghanistan:

Trade Agreement. Signed at Kabul on 27 November 1974 ..................... 151

No. 14218. Canada and Sweden:

Agreement concerning defence research, development and production. Signed at

Ottawa on 3 February 1975

Memorandum of Understanding implementing the above-mentioned Agreement. Signed at Stockholm on 26 February 1975 .............................. 161

No. 14219. Canada and Ghana:

Agreement concerning the training in Canada of personnel of the armed forces of the Republic of Ghana (with annexes). Signed at Accra on 13 May 1975 ..... 173 No. 14220. United Nations (United Nations Capital Development Fund) and Chad: Grant Agreement -Rural Primary Schools (with annexes). Signed at N'Djamena on 18 A ugust 1975 .................................. .............. 189

No. 14221. Spain and Chile:

Agreement relating to commercial air transport (with memorandum of understanding). Signed at Santiago on 17 December 1974 ................. 205

No. 14222. Multilateral:

European Convention on the supervision of conditionally sentenced or condi- tionally released offenders (with annex). Concluded at Strasbourg on

30 N ovem ber 1964 .................................................. 227

Voi. 978

United Nations -Treaty Series e Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks Pages N O

14212. Canada et Maroc:

8change de notes constituant un accord relatif aux investissements canadiens au

Maroc et aux garanties de ces investissements de la part du Gouvernement canadien par l'interm6diaire de son mandataire, la Soci6t6 pour l'expansion des exportations. Ottawa et Rabat, 30 novembre 1973 et 12 mars 1974 ...... 101 NO 14213. Canada et Banque interam~ricaine de developpement : Accord en vue de fournir des fonds au titre d'un programme spicial destin6 A financer la preparation de projets de d6veloppement (avec annexe). Sign6 A W ashington le 22 mars 1974 .......................................... 107 N o

14214. Canada et Societe andine de d~veloppement :

Accord de pret en vue d'6tudes de pr~investissement ou de projets de d~veloppe- ment industriel (avec annexe). Sign6 A Caracas le 29 mars 1974 ............ 121 N O

14215. Canada et Argentine :

ichange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la cooperation nucl~aire. Buenos Aires, 10 et 12 septem bre 1974 ........................................ 133 N O

14216. Canada et Republique de Cor~e :

8change de notes constituant un accord tendant A 6viter la double imposition des

revenus provenant de 'exploitation en trafic international de navires ou d'a6ronefs. Seoul et Ottawa, 15 novembre 1974 ......................... 139 N O

14217. Canada et Afghanistan :

Accord de commerce. Sign6 A Kaboul le 27 novembre 1974 .................... 151 N O

14218. Canada et Sude :

Accord concernant la cooperation en recherche, en d~veloppement et en pro- duction de d6fense. Sign6 A Ottawa le 3 f~vrier 1975 Protocole d'entente mettant en oeuvre 'Accord susmentionn6. Sign& A Stockholm le 26 f~vrier 1975 ................................................... 161 N O

14219. Canada et Ghana :

Accord concernant I'instruction au Canada de membres du personnel des forces armies de la R6publique du Ghana (avec annexes). Sign6 A Accra le 13 mai

1975 .............................................................. 173


14220. Organisation des Nations Unies (Fonds d'6quipement des

Nations Unies) et Tchad :

Accord de don -coles primaires rurales (avec annexes). Sign6 A N'Djamena le

18 aoft 1975 ....................................................... 189


14221. Espagne et Chili:

Accord relatif aux transports ariens commerciaux (avec memorandum d'accord). Sign6 A Santiago le 17 d6cembre 1974 ......................... 205

NO 14222. Multilateral :

Convention europ~enne pour la surveillance des personnes condamn~es ou lib~r6es sous condition (avec annexe). Conclue A Strasbourg le 30 novembre

1964 .............................................................. 227

Vol. 978

VI United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recuel des Traits 1975 Page No. 14223. France and Federal Republic of Germany: Agreement on the competence of German courts for the punishment of certain criminal offences (with exchange of letters). Signed at Bonn on 2 February

197 1 .............................................................. 25 1

No. 14224. France and Madagascar:

General Agreement. Signed at Paris on 4 June 1973 .......................... 261

No. 14225. France and Madagascar:

Convention on technical assistance (with annexes, protocol and exchange of let- ters). Signed at Paris on 4 June 1973 ................................... 267

No. 14226. France and Madagascar:

Convention concerning cultural affairs (with exchanges of letters). Signed at Paris on 4 June 1973 ................................................ 291

No. 14227. France and Madagascar:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning marine fishing. Paris,

4 June 1973 ........................................................ 307

No. 14228. France and Madagascar:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning foreign policy. Paris,

4 June 1973 ........................................................ 313

No. 14229. France and Madagascar:

Convention concerning judicial matters (with annexes). Signed at Paris on 4 June

1973 .............................................................. 3 19

No. 14230. France and Madagascar:

Convention on military affairs (with annex and exchanges of letters). Signed at Paris on 4 June 1973 ................................................ 347

No. 14231. France and Madagascar:

Convention concerning postal and telecommunications matters. Signed at Paris on 4 June 1973 ..................................................... 361

No. 14232. France and Madagascar:

Convention concerning state property matters (with annex and protocol). Signed at Paris on 4 June 1973 .............................................. 365

No. 14233. France and Madagascar:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement on the continuation in force of cer- tain agreements between France and Madagascar. Tananarive, 4 August

1973 .............................................................. 373

No. 14234. France and Dahomey:

Agreement on co-operation in the field of maritime signals. Signed at Cotonou on

12 M arch 1974 ..................................................... 379

No. 14235. France and Cuba:

Agreement on economic and industrial co-operation. Signed at Paris on

16 January 1975 .................................................... 385

Vol. 978

1975 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recuell des Traitks VII

Pages N O

14223. France et Rkpublique f~dkrale d'Allemagne:

Accord relatif A ia competence judiciaire allemande pour ia repression de certains crimes (avec 6change de lettres). Sign6 A Bonn le 2 fvrier 1971 ............ 251 N O

14224. France et Madagascar :

Accord gn6ral. Sign6 A Paris le 4 juin 1973 ................................. 261 N O

14225. France et Madagascar :

Convention relative A l'assistance technique (avec annexes, protocole et 6change de iettres). Signe A Paris le 4 juin 1973 ................................ 267 N O

14226. France et Madagascar :

Convention relative aux affaires culturelles (avec 6changes de iettres). Sign6e A Paris le 4 juin 1973 ................................................. 291 N O

14227. France et Madagascar :

P-change de lettres constituant un accord en matire de peche maritime. Paris,

4 juin 1973 ................... ............................. 307


14228. France et Madagascar :

P-change de lettres constituant un accord en matire de politique trangre. Paris,

4 juin 1973 ........................................................ 313

NO 14229. France et Madagascar :

Convention relative aux affaires judiciaires (avec annexes). Sign~e A Paris le

4 juin 1973 ........................................................ 319

NO 14230. France et Madagascar :

Convention relative aux affaires militaires (avec annexe et 6changes de lettres). Sign~e A Paris le 4 juin 1973 .......................................... 347 N O

14231. France et Madagascar :

Convention relative aux postes et t~lkcommunications. Sign~e A Paris le 4 juin

1973 .............................................................. 36 1


14232. France et Madagascar :

Convention relative aux affaires domaniales (avec annexe et protocole). Signe A Paris le 4 j uin 1973 ................................................. 365 N O

14233. France et Madagascar :

tchange de lettres constituant un accord portant maintien en vigueur de divers accords franco-malgaches. Tananarive, 4 aoft 1973 ..................... 373 N O

14234. France et Dahomey

Accord de cooperation concernant la signalisation maritime. Sign Ai Cotonou le

12 m ars 1974 ....................................................... 379

N 0

14235. France et Cuba :

Accord de cooperation 6conomique et industrielle. Sign6 Ai Paris le 16 janvier

1975 .............................................................. 385

Vol. 978

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis Page

No. 14236. Multilateral:

Convention on the recognition of divorces and legal separations. Concluded at The Hague on I June 1970 ........................................... 393 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 1329. Agreement between the Government of Pakistan and the Government of the French Republic relating to air services.

Signed at Karachi on 31 July 1950:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement (with agreed amendments). Karachi, 29 August, 20 and 31 Oc- tober 1960 ......................................................... 414 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the route schedule to the above-mentioned Agreement of 31 July 1950, as amended. Paris, 2 and 9 Ju- ly 1974 ............................................................ 422 No. 4789. Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform conditions of approval and reciprocal recognition of approval for motor vehicle equipment and parts. Done at Geneva on 20 March 1958:
Application by the Federal Republic of Germany of Regulations Nos. 26 and 28 annexed to the above-mentioned Agreement ............................ 427 No. 9464. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Opened for signature at New York on

7 March 1966:

Ratification by Som alia ................................................. 428 No. 10534. Special Agreement between France and Burundi concerning the secondment of military personnel. Signed at Bujumbura on 7 Oc- tober 1969: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement. Bujumbura, 31 May and 5 June 1974 ....................... 431 No. 12652. International Cocoa Agreement, 1972. Concluded at Geneva on 21 October 1972: A ccession by Zaire ..................................................... 433

Universal Postal Union

No. 8844. Constitution of the Universal Postal Union. Signed at Vienna on

10 July 1964:

A ccession by H aiti ...................................................... 434 Objection by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the declaration made by Argentina, upon ratification, in respect of article 23 of the Additional Protocol to the above-mentioned Constitution done at Tokyo on 14 November 1969 ......................................... 434

Vol 978

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks Pages

NO 14236. Multilatiral:

Convention sur ia reconnaissance des divorces et des separations de corps. Con- cluet ALa Haye le ler juin 1970 ................................... 393 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhesions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistrds au Secretariat de i'Organisation des Nations Unies N O

1329. Accord relatif aux services akriens entre la France et le Pakistan.

Signi A Karachi le 31 juillet 1950 :

8change de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6 (avec

amendements convenus). Karachi, 29 aoflt, 20 et 31 octobre 1960 .......... 414 P-change de notes constituant un accord portant modification du tableau des routes annex6 l'Accord susmentionn6 du 31 juillet 1950, tel que modifi6. Paris, 2 et 9 juillet 1974 .............................................. 422 N O

4789. Accord concernant 'adoption de conditions uniformes d'homo-

logation et Ia reconnaissance reciproque de rhomologation des 6quipements et pieces de vihicules A moteur. Fait A

Geneve le 20 mars 1958 :

Application par la R~publique f~d~rale d'Allemagne des R~glements nos 26 et 28 annex6s ' IAccord susmentionn6 ..................................... 427 NO 9464. Convention internationale sur I'imination de toutes les formes de discrimination raciale. Ouverte A Ia signature A New York le

7 mars 1966 :

Ratification de la Som alie ................................................ 428 N

10534. Accord particulier de concours en personnels militaires entre Ia

France et le Burundi. Signe A Bujumbura le 7 octobre 1969 : tchange de lettres constituant un accord modifiant I'Accord susmentionn6. Bujumbura, 31 mai et 5 juin 1974 ..................................... 429 N O

12652. Accord international de 1972 sur le cacao. Conclu A Genve le

21 octobre 1972 :

A dh6sion du Zaire ...................................................... 433

Union postale universelle


8844. Constitution de rUnion postale universelle. Signie A Vienne le

10 juillet 1964 :

A dh6sion d'H aiti ....................................................... 435 Objection du Royaume-Uni de Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord A la d6claration formul6e par l'Argentine, lors de la ratification, A l'6gard de 'ar- ticle 23 du Protocole additionnel b la Constitution susmentionn~e fait A Tokyo le 14 novem bre 1969 .......................................... 435

Vol 978,

X United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recuell des Traitks 1975 Page Ratification by Nepal and accession by Haiti in respect of the additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union, done at Tokyo on

14 N ovem ber 1969 .................................................. 434

Accession by Haiti and approval by Nepal in respect of the General Regulations of the Universal Postal Union done at Tokyo on 14 November 1969 ........ 436 No. 11533. Universal Postal Convention. Done at Tokyo on 14 November 1969:
A pproval by N epal ..................................................... 438 Objection by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the declaration made by Argentina in respect of article 22 upon ratification of the C onvention .................................................... 438 A ccession by H aiti ...................................................... 438 No. 11535. Postal Parcels Agreement. Done at Tokyo on 14 November 1969:
A ccession by H aiti ...................................................... 440

Vol. 978

1975 United Nations -Treaty Series o Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks X!

Pages Ratification du N~pal et adhesion d'Ha'fti A l'6gard du Protocole additionnel A ia Constitution de l'Union postale universelle, fait A Tokyo le 14 novembre

1969 .............................................................. 435

Adhesion d'Haiti et approbation du N~pal A I'Agard du R~glement g~n~ral de I'Union postale universelle fait A Tokyo le 14 novembre 1969 .............. 437 N O

11533. Convention postale universelle. Faite A Tokyo le 14 novembre

1969 :

A pprobation du N~pal .................................................. 439 Objection du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord A la d~claration formule par I'Argentine A l'6gard de I'article 22 lors de la ratifica- tion de la Convention ............................................... 439 A dhesion d'H a'iti ....................................................... 439 N 0

11535. Arrangement concernant les colis postaux. Fait A Tokyo le

14 novembre 1969 :

A dhesion d'H aiti ....................................................... 441

Vol. 978.


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