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Texte du cours présentation théorique • • • Documents supplémentaires distribués pendant la formation pour appuyer les jeux de rôles et les exercices • Signature d’une feuille de présence *HDS (Hébérgement de Données de Santé) HDH (Health Data Host) Prérequis :

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exigences HDS/HDH/HDH Qu’est-ce qui est inclus ? • Supports de cours en version électronique • Attestation de réussite à l’évaluation des connaissances et certificat officiel Moyens pédagogiques techniques et d’encadrement Supports de cours comprenant les parties suivantes : • Introduction à la formation programme

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Annual Report 2006


Vision and mission of Danske Bank Group

Danske Bank Group focuses on conducting conventional banking business in the northern European markets based on state-of-the-art technology. The Group is a leading player in the Nordic markets. We have developed a solid and scalable platform to sup- port our core business. The platform consists of systems to manage IT, product development, communications, branding, credits, risk, HR development and finances. This platform allows all our units across borders to base their work on the same business model. We continually develop our business model through best practice activities and an active pursuit of new business opportunities. Our ambition is to build and maintain unique brands that respect our core values. We require that all our brands be unique in their markets and that they create value for our customers. We will continue to develop our brands in their markets. Our goal is to create comprehensive and long-lasting partnerships to the mutual benefit of Danske Bank Group and our customers. We want to stand out from the rest of the industry in the local markets by offering the most attractive product propositions. Our product propositions are based on our high ambitions for competitiveness, advisory services, openness and value creation. "One platform - exceptional brands"


"To be the best local financial partner"


This Annual Report 2006 is a translation of the original report in the Danish language(Årsrapport 2006). In case

of discrepancies, the Danish version prevails.The annual general meeting of Danske Bank will be held on

Tuesday, March 6, 2007, at 2.00pm at the Tivoli Concert Hall in Copenhagen.



4Financial highlights


7Financial review

12Outlook for 2007

14Organisation and management


17Danske Bank shares

19Corporate social responsibility

20Management and directorships

26Capital management

32Business areas

33Banking Activities

48Mortgage Finance

50Danske Markets

52Danske Capital

54Danica Pension

57Other areas


58Statement by the management

59Audit reports


62Accounting policies

78Income statement

79Balance sheet


83Cash flow statement





NET PROFIT FOR THE YEAR (DKr m) 2006 20052004 2003 2002 Net interest income19,501 17,16614,752 15,593 15,859

Net fee income7,301 7,2895,898 5,910 5,842

Net trading income6,631 6,3514,732 5,074 4,971

Other income2,698 2,2552,029 1,127 1,278

Net income from insurance business1,355 1,6471,657 1,958 268

Total income37,486 34,70829,068 29,662 28,218

Operating expenses19,485 18,19815,393 14,964 15,634 Profit before credit loss expenses18,001 16,51013,675 14,698 12,584

Credit loss expenses-496 -1,096759 1,662 1,420

Profit before tax18,497 17,60612,916 13,036 11,164

Tax4,952 4,9213,690 3,750 2,922

Net profit for the year 13,545 12,6859,226 9,286 8,242

Attributable to minority interests-12 428--


Bank loans and advances1,054,322 829,603615,238 523,055 478,840 Mortgage loans602,584 569,092524,428 497,563 469,506 Trading portfolio assets490,954 444,521422,547 588,986 545,719

Investment securities26,338 28,71231,505 - -

Assets under insurance contracts194,302 188,342163,205 - - Other assets370,861 371,718295,584 216,530 257,488 Total assets2,739,361 2,431,9882,052,507 1,826,134 1,751,553 Due to credit institutions and central banks564,549 476,363353,369 299,880 319,573

Deposits702,943 631,184487,863 483,884 427,940

Issued mortgage bonds484,217 438,675432,399 603,120 567,912 Trading portfolio liabilities236,524 212,042215,807 142,992 162,453 Liabilities under insurance contracts215,793 212,328191,467 - - Other liabilities391,212 343,470271,214 202,258 182,146 Subordinated debt48,951 43,83733,698 33,549 31,210 Shareholders" equity95,172 74,08966,690 60,451 60,319 Total liabilities and equity2,739,361 2,431,9882,052,507 1,826,134 1,751,553


Net profit for the year per share, DKr21.5 20.214.4 13.3 11.5 Diluted net profit for the year per share, DKr21.4 20.214.4 - -

Net profit for the year as % of average

shareholders" equity

17.5 18.413.9 15.2 14.0

Cost/income ratio, %52.0 52.452.7 50.4 55.4

Solvency ratio, incl. net profit for the year, %11.4 10.310.2 11.0 10.5

Core (tier 1) capital ratio, incl. net profit for

the year and hybrid core capital, %

8.6 7.37.7 7.7 7.6

Risk-weighted items, end of year, DKr bn1,119 944808 767 774 Share price, end of year, DKr250.0 221.2167.5 138.8 117.4 Book value per share, DKr139.1 118.2106.7 89.9 84.8 Full-time-equivalent staff, end of year19,253 19,16216,235 16,935 17,817

For 2004-2006, items are valued in accordance with the IFRS. For 2002-2003, items are valued in accordance with the

rules in force at that time.

Danske Bank Group - financial highlights


The year 2006 was another good year for Danske

Bank Group.

Net profit rose 7% to DKr13,545m. In 2005, net

profit stood at DKr12,685m.

The year 2006

The Group saw considerable growth in its prin-

cipal markets during the year, and strong demand for its products led to an increase in income of 8%.

As expected, the integration of Northern Bank

and National Irish Bank affected expenses. Excluding integration costs, the trend in expenses reflected the general rise in prices.

The favourable economic conditions supported

the growth of lending to and deposits from retail and corporate customers throughout the year. In addition, the good quality of the loan portfolio resulted in a net positive entry for credit loss expenses again in 2006.

Overall, equity markets exhibited an upward

trend during the year.

Acquisition of Sampo Bank

In November 2006, the Danske Bank Group en-

tered into an agreement to buy all the shares of the Finnish Sampo Bank. The purchase price was ?4.05bn. The transaction, which was the largest acquisition ever made by the Group, was equivalent to 19% of Danske Bank's total market capitalisation.

The purchase was approved at the end of January

2007, which means that Sampo Bank was not

consolidated in the 2006 accounts of Danske Bank.The Group's investment in Finland is in line with its strategy of expanding its retail banking activities in northern Europe, and the Group expects to complete the integration of Sampo

Bank's Finnish activities on its IT platform at

Easter 2008.

With the purchase, the Group establishes a strong

basis for future growth through which it expects to create value for its shareholders. Danske Bank expects the purchase of Sampo Bank to have a positive effect on its earnings per share from the second half of 2008.

To fund the acquisition, the Danske Bank Group

issued 60,500,000 shares in November 2006, gen- erating net proceeds of DKr14.5bn. The issue equalled 9.48% of the registered share capital.

New capital targets

Security has been provided for a considerable

part of the Group's loan portfolio, and therefore the overall risk exposure is relatively low. The acquisition of Sampo Bank will contribute to greater diversification of the Group's earnings base. As a consequence of the purchase and as a result of the new capital requirements, Danske

Bank changed its capital targets. The targets are

now a core (tier 1) capital ratio, excluding hybrid core capital, of 5.5-6.0% and a hybrid core capital ratio of 1.0-1.5%.


The total return on Danske Bank shares in 2006

was 18%. It consisted of an increase in price of

13% and a dividend for the financial year 2005

of 5%.




The Board of Directors is proposing that the general meeting approve a dividend of DKr7.75 per share, or 40% of the net profit of the Group, correspond- ing to a total dividend payment of DKr5,416m.

Capital management

On January 1, 2007, the new Capital Require-

ments Directive took effect, allowing financial institutions to choose between various methods to fulfil the capital adequacy requirements.

In 2006, the Group applied to the Danish FSA

for approval to use the advanced internal ratings- based method to calculate the capital require- ment for its credit risks.

The Group expects to incorporate the new methods

from 2008, with full effect of the directive in 2010.

Corporate social responsibility

In 2006, the Board of Directors of Danske Bank

adopted a corporate social responsibility policy for the Group. As a result, a new Web site (www.danskebank.com/csr) was introduced at the presentation of the report for the first half of

2006, and together with the Annual Report 2006,

the Group is publishing its Corporate Social

Responsibility 2006 report. Additional informa-

tion is available on the Web site.

Merger of BG Bank and Danske Bank

Danske Bank Group has decided to gather the

activities of BG Bank and Danske Bank Denmark in a single banking division with the name

Danske Bank. The two brands have become so

similar that there are no longer good grounds for maintaining two separate banking operations.

The change will take effect on April 10, 2007,

when all building facades and printed matter from the Bank will bear the Danske Bank name.The merger of the two divisions is expected to entail a one-off expenditure of DKr275m. The

Group expects to be able to save DKr300m each

year through the merger, with full accounting effect in 2010. In 2007, the merger is expected to be cost-neutral.


At the outset of 2007, the Danske Bank Group

had further strengthened its market position through the acquisition of Sampo Bank and its continued focusing and streamlining of the

Group organisation. As the macroeconomic con-

ditions in the principal markets of the Group are expected to remain favourable and ensure a sound basis for further expansion of the business volume, the Group believes that 2007 will be another satisfactory year.

Trading income and income from insurance

business will, however, continue to depend greatly on trends in the financial markets, including the level of securities prices at the end of the year.

Profit before credit loss expenses is expected to

roughly match the level recorded in 2006 despite integration expenses and amortisation of intan- gible assets associated with Sampo Bank.

Assuming favourable economic trends and satis-

factory loan portfolio quality, the Group expects to record relatively modest credit loss expenses in 2007.

Profit before tax, including the result from

Sampo Bank, is expected to be somewhat lower

than the level in 2006.


In 2006, Danske Bank Group realised a net profit

of DKr13,545m, against DKr12,685m in 2005.

Pre-tax profit amounted to DKr18,497m, which

was better than expected at the presentation of the report for the first nine months of 2006. The result constituted an increase of 5% relative to the pre-tax profit recorded in 2005. The growth in profit generated by the Group's banking activi- ties outperformed the growth rate realised by the segment in 2005.


The positive trend in income continued in 2006.

Income rose by DKr2,778m, or 8%, on the level

recorded a year ago to DKr37,486m. Income from banking activities grew by DKr3,068m, of which

Northern Bank and National Irish Bank accounted

for DKr848m. The accounts for 2006 include the financial results of the Group's activities in

Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland for

the full year as opposed to the accounts for 2005, which covered only the period from March to

December for these markets.

Net interest income rose 14% to DKr19,501m.

Excluding net interest income from Northern

Bank and National Irish Bank, the increase

amounted to 11%. The positive trend in net interest income was due to continued lending growth, which more than compensated for the narrowing of lending margins. Home financing products secured on real property and lending to corporate customers accounted for the largest shares of growth. Higher interest rates contributed to a widening of deposit interest margins.

Net fee income remained stable at the level re-

corded in 2005. The increase in fee income of

7% generated by the Group's banking activitiescould not compensate for the decline in income

from mortgage lending owing primarily to the fact that the record-high refinancing activity in

2005 returned to a more normal level in 2006.

Net trading income rose by 4% to DKr6,631m.

Net trading income in 2005 also included one-off

income of around DKr0.8bn. Excluding the one- off income, net trading income rose 19%. The increase was attributable to customer-driven activities and an improved investment return.

The increase in other income of 20% to DKr2,698m

was owing primarily to leasing and real-estate agency business.

Net income from insurance business fell from

DKr1,647m in 2005 to DKr1,355m. The increase in

business volume could not compensate for profit policy adjustments and the booking of risk allowance from previous years in the fourth quarter of 2005.

The health and accident businessshowed improve-

ment, but the result remained unsatisfactory.

Operating expenses

Operating expenses rose by 7% to DKr19,485m.

Excluding the expenses of acquired units, the

increase amounted to 1.6% due to a generally higher level of activity. The cost/income ratio improved from 52.4% to 52.0%.

Credit loss expenses

As in 2005, the Group recorded a net positive

entry for credit loss expenses. The positive result, which amounted to DKr496m, against DKr1,096m in 2005, reflected the persistently favourable economic conditions that led to a low level of new impairment charges and reversals of charges previously made.

Financial review

Financial review



The Group's tax charge for 2006 is calculated to

be DKr4,952m, corresponding to an effective tax rate of 27%.

Return on equity

The return on equity stood at 17.5%, against

18.4% in 2005. Net profit for the year per share

increased from DKr20.2 to DKr21.5, or 6%.

Capital and solvency

Share capital

At the end of 2006, the share capital totalled

DKr6,988,042,760, and shares numbered

698,804,276. This number includes the issue of

60,500,000 shares in November 2006 to fund the

acquisition of Sampo Bank. The number of shares outstanding at the end of 2006 was

684,286,799, and the average number of shares

outstanding in 2006 was 631,445,484.

Shareholders" equity

Shareholders' equity was DKr95bn at the end

of 2006, against DKr74bn at the end of 2005.

The change reflects primarily the share issue,

the recognition of the profit for the year and the dividend payment in March 2006. The Board of Directors is proposing that the gener- al meeting approve a dividend of DKr7.75 per share, or 40% of the net profit of the Group, correspond- ing to a total dividend payment of DKr5,416m.


The solvency ratio at the end of 2006 was 11.4%,

of which 8.6 percentage points derived from the

Group's core (tier 1) capital, against 10.3% and

7.3%, respectively, at the end of 2005.The core (tier 1) capital ratio, excluding hybrid

core capital, amounted to 7.6%, against 6.6% in

2005. Both the solvency ratio and the core (tier

1) capital ratio benefited from the proceeds from

the share issue.

Excluding the proceeds, the solvency ratio and

the core (tier 1) capital ratio stood at 10.1% and

6.3%, respectively, at the end of 2006.

The increase in risk-weighted items from

DKr944bn at the end of 2005 to DKr1,119bn at

the end of 2006 was attributable primarily to lending growth and the equity forward contract worth around DKr30bn that will run until the acquisition of Sampo Bank has been finalised.

Capital targets

Danske Bank Group changed its capital targets in

connection with the acquisition of Sampo Bank.

The adjustments should be seen in light of the

large share of the Group's loan portfolio for which security has been provided, the coming implementation of the new Capital Requirements

Directive (CRD) and the Group's greater geo-

graphical diversification resulting from the acquisition of Sampo Bank. The capital targets were changed to a core (tier 1) capital ratio, excluding hybrid core capital, of

5.5-6.0%; a hybrid core capital ratio of 1.0-1.5%;

and a solvency ratio of 9.0-10.0%. The payout ratio target is maintained at 30-50%, and the

Group expects to maintain the payout ratio for

the 2007 financial year at 40% of the net profit.


Core (tier 1) capital ratio,

excluding hybrid core capital

5.5-6.0 6.0-6.5

Hybrid core capital ratio1.0-1.5 0.5-1.0

Solvency ratio9.0-10.0 9.0-10.0

Payout ratio30-50 30-50


Balance sheet


Bank lending, excluding reverse transactions,

rose by DKr140bn, or 23%, from the end of 2005 to DKr760bn at the end of 2006.

Loans and advances, excluding reverse transac-

tions, extended by the Group's banking opera- tions in Denmark rose by DKr52bn, or 20%.

Loans and advances extended by the Group's

non-Danish banking operations grew by DKr85bn, or 26%. Northern Bank and National Irish Bank accounted for DKr35bn of the increase; DKr13bn of this amount was owing to the fact that loans and advances are no longer netted against deposits held by the same customers.

Lending by Danske Markets rose DKr6bn, or

18%, from the end of 2005. Lending at Danske

Markets comprises facilities with selected corpo-

rate and institutional clients.

Mortgage loans measured at fair value stood at

DKr603bn at the end of 2006, up 6% on the level

recorded a year before. The private market ac- counted for 62% of the mortgage loan portfolio at the end of the year, and the nominal outstand- ing bond debt rose by DKr46bn to DKr609bn.

Bank loans and advances to retail customers rose

by 16%, whereas loans and advances to corporate customers grew by 26% on the figure recorded a year earlier.

Reverse transactions were up DKr85bn from the

level at the end of 2005 to DKr295bn, primarily as a result of increased activity in the interna- tional repo market.Deposits

Deposits, excluding repo transactions, totalled

DKr599bn, against DKr533bn at the end of 2005,

a rise of 12%. Deposits, excluding repo transac- tions, at the Group's banking operations in Den- mark rose by DKr24bn, or 8%, from the end of

2005. Deposits at the Group's non-Danish bank-

ing operations grew by DKr42bn, or 28%.quotesdbs_dbs45.pdfusesText_45


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