[PDF] The French Digital Plan for Education

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Rapport Ecole numérique rurale

Jun 12 2011 RAPPEL DU CONTEXTE DU PLAN ECOLE NUMERIQUE RURALE. ... http://media.education.gouv.fr/file/04/5/6045.pdf. 2 L'enseignement des mathématiques ...


launching of the digital plan to generalize digital education. More information at is available: http://ecolenumerique.education.gouv.fr/.

règles budgétaires de fonctionnement pour les années scolaires

Ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur 2018 scolaire à l'adresse suivante : https://collecteinfo.education.gouv.qc.ca.

PNF « Le numérique : nouvelles manières dapprendre nouvelles

Oct 15 2015 Concertation nationale sur le numérique pour l'éducation (20 janvier - 7 mai 2015) http://ecolenumerique.education.gouv.fr/.

Direction du Numérique pour lÉducation

http://www.education.gouv.fr/cid208/l-utilisation-du-numerique-et-des-tice- mobiles http://ecolenumerique.education.gouv.fr/pratiques-pedagogiques-et-.

Présentation du socle numérique de base pour le 1er degré – Volet

Jan 14 2021 Ministère de l'Éducation nationale

The French Digital Plan for Education

www.ecolenumerique.education.gouv.fr. In order to achieve this technology (at school) at the ... provision of educational resources.

Concertation académique sur le numérique pour léducation

Feb 4 2015 Dans le cadre de cette conceration

Communiqué de presse

Mar 10 2016 site d'information « ecolenumerique.education.gouv.fr » destiné aux parents

Lutilisation du numérique à lÉcole - Ministère de léducation nationale

Cet enseignement permet d'acquérir les principaux concepts des sciences numériques pour comprendre le poids croissant du numérique et ses enjeux


Ecole Numérique Industrie » (ENI) Dans le cadre du projet ENI partenariat avec le monde industriel visant à rapprocher l'enseignement scolaire

[PDF] Faire entrer lécole dans lère du nu - Eduscol

Pour voir la présentation dynamique de l'offre complète de services numériques du service public rendez-vous sur : www education gouv fr/panorama-

[PDF] Direction du Numérique pour lÉducation - mediaeduscoleducationfr

Une ressource numérique pour l'École est une ressource spécifiquement conçue pour les enseignants et les élèves à des fins d'apprentissage Elle doit donc 

Lécole numérique Gouvernementfr

3 déc 2021 · Découvrez ecolenumerique education gouv fr nouveau site d'information sur le plan numérique destiné aux familles aux équipes pédagogiques et 

[PDF] École numérique et formation des enseignants - Réseau Canopé

10 fév 2022 · ÉCOLE NUMÉRiqUE ET FORMaTiON DES ENSEigNaNTS 3 SOMMaiRE de la formation continue 2022-2025 du ministère de l'Éducation nationale

[PDF] Lécole numérique - les interconnectés

ICONITO École Numérique est déployé sur de multiples territoires à l'initiative Le développement du numérique dans l'enseignement est une cause qu'Intel 

[PDF] Lintégration des technologies numériques à lÉcole - HAL Thèses

1 2 3 L'École numérique le temps de la généralisation ligne : http://media education gouv fr/file/40/0/6400 pdf [consultation avril 2019]

[PDF] NUMERIQUE I TEXTES OFFICIELS -? Loi dorientation de 2005

7 mai 2015 ; Lancement du plan numérique pour l'éducation articulé autour de 4 piliers : formation ressources http://ecolenumerique education gouv fr/

  • Pourquoi utiliser les outils numériques ?

    Le numérique nous offre de multiples possibilités : ressources illimitées, savoirs accessibles à tous, communication facilitée et même démultipliée gr? aux Environnements numériques de travail (ENT), mails, blogs et sites Internet.
  • Qui est en charge des projets numériques concernant l'enseignement primaire au niveau national ?

    Pour accompagner le pilotage et mutualiser les usages pédagogiques du numérique dans les territoires, l'éducation nationale dispose d'un réseau d'inspecteurs chargés de la mission numérique auprès des inspecteurs d'académie (IA-DASEN).
  • C'est quoi les usages numériques ?

    L'usage numérique vient de l'utilisation par l'enseignant dans le cadre de son enseignement. Il apporte un gain bénéfique pour aider l'enseignant à transformer l'élève et à rechercher à développer la qualité de son enseignement. L'outil numérique est l'application, la tablette ou encore le smartphone.
  • Un espace numérique de travail (ENT) est un ensemble intégré de services numériques choisis et mis à disposition de la communauté éducative d'une ou plusieurs écoles ou d'un ou plusieurs établissements scolaires dans un cadre de confiance.
The French Digital Plan for Education

The French

Digital Plan

for Education @EducationFrance @Edu_Num www.ecolenumerique.education.gouv.fr

In order to achieve this

ambition, a large digital plan for education was announced by French President François

Hollande on 7 May 2015. The

aim is to mainstream digital technology (at school) at the start of the 2016 school year (September), with priority given to lower secondary schools. The plan included a phase called "foreshadowing» in 2015; it resulted in September 2015, in the provision of educational resources and services through mobile individual equipment, to pupils in their eighth year at ISCED 2 (12 years old) and their teachers in

600 lower secondary and primary

schools, with a focus in priority education areas. 1,800 schools and

1,700 lower secondary schools

have been gradually equipped since september 2016.

This plan is built on the

lessons learned from signi?cant experiments intended to foreshadow the digital generalization announced in 2016.

The digital plan is therefore a

Presidential Priority as announced

by President François Hollande.

Furthermore it is one of the main

elements in the lower secondary school reform initiated in May

2015 by the Minister of Education.

The Ministry of Education and

regional/local public authorities are working together and jointly mobilising ?nancial resources in order to implement the national plan.

In order to succeed in

transforming teaching and learning practices with digital technology four pillars have been identi?ed: training, equipment, resources and innovation.

This strategy is embodied

in the creation of the digital educational public service, as provided for in the new legislation of 8 July 2013 "rebuilding the

School of the Republic", which

should help schools achieve the fundamental tasks of education and empowerment.

The BIGGEST National Digital

plan for education ever

Since December 2012, the

Ministry of National Education,

Higher Education and Research

has been developing an ambitious strategy to bring schools into the digital age.

This strategy aims to make

the most of the opportunities offered by digital technology to contribut to pupils' success. innovation resources equipment training

Prepare lower secondary school

pupils for the future with 21st century digital skills

300 million euros in public

investment between 2015 and

2017 ; a deployment planned

until 2018

Help the implementation

of local initiatives

Prepare the rolling out of good

practices in pilot schools 3-day training in computer science digital project management digital applications in lesson plans and teaching practices digital literacy on- line training programMEs + 260 programmes (M@gistère)

362 000

teacher users

Moocs being



and resources on-line to help teachers find the educational resources adapted to their needs

Teachers' training :

a national priority

Equipment and resources

for teachers and PUPILS involved in the digital plan Digital technology should be considered as a support and certainly not a substitute for teachers. Digital tools and services enable teachers to spend more time concentrating on teaching and help them leverage their impact on pupils. To help teachers cope with these changes, all the teachers involved in the national digital plan will attend a 3-Day training course in computer science, digital project management, digital applications in lesson plans and teaching practices and digital literacy. More than 260 on-line training programmes are also available and 362,000 teachers have already become users. More programmes and Moocs are being created to support the deployment of the digital plan. Finally, on-line tutorials will help teachers ?nd the educational resources adapted to their needs and will teach them how to make the most of them. The digital plan is spread over 3 years during which digital equipment and resources will be provided to lower secondary school students.

1,800 schools and 1,700 lower secondary schools are gradually

being equipped with individual mobile digital devices and resources in September 2016. The objective is to equip 50% schools in the year ahead 2017 and to reach 100% by 2018. Along with the equipment resources are provided to teachers and students. The ministry provides ?nancing, hosting of digital services as an incentive for teachers to create their own digital resources. A speci?c professional social network was created for teachers to collaborate online and share their digital resources. Disciplinary portals are available on the Ministry's national website for professionals. There is also a research portal - available for all and proposed by digital publishers, public institutions and National Education - which facilitates the identi?cation of digital educational resources. In addition high quality resources and lesson plans are freely available online. A national educational resources Database is being created to assist teachers in the implementation of new lower secondary school programs from 4th to 9th grade.

30 million euros have been allocated to the E-Fran

programme aimed at identifying new digital teaching and learning practice projects. With the assistance of local education authorities and research teams the programme ?rstly scienti?cally assesses the impact of these projects and then spreads them to other schools. The ministry also contributes to developing local digital education incubators in order to facilitate the implementation and roll-out of local projects. Innovation is also encouraged to develop digital applications in schools all over France. These projects are run in partnership with research teams and companies and enable in-depth transformation of teaching and learning practices.

30 million euros

Identify new practices

Scientifically assess their impact

Disseminate them with the

assistance of research teams

Enable the development of

digital uses in primary schools



Local education

authorities' incubators

2017 -

grade 6 and 7 students 2015
secondary schools schools 2016
grade 7 students


3 million euros for the development of mobile apps to come with digital resources 18 million euros for a national education resources database (Grades

4 to 9)

14 million euros for schools to buy additional digital resources of their choice

Innovation and tech

incubation for a better

ICT generalization

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