[PDF] Course no : SWEN3411 College of Engineering Student No: ______

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Difference Between Recursion and Iteration

Basic. The statement in a body of function calls the function itself. Allows the set of instructions to be repeatedly executed. Format. In recursive function.

Course no : SWE 3405 College of Engineering Student No: ______

A recursive method calls itself repeatedly with different argument values each time. ( ). 18. Both triangular numbers and factorials can't be calculated 

Course no : SWEN3411 College of Engineering Student No: ______

A recursive method calls itself repeatedly with different argument values each time. ( ). 18. Both triangular numbers and factorials can't be calculated 

Limited Discrepancy Beam Search?

plete memory-bounded search method that is able to solve more problem instances of large GLDSprobe() calls itself repeatedly on the remaining succes-.

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

To promote methods of modern language teaching which will strengthen inde- Learners too

Speedoo: Prioritizing Performance Optimization Opportunities

is improved by optimizing the methods it calls). The CPU time consumed by a method itself without subcalls ... a slow method calls itself repeatedly.

The method of repeated readings.

Perhaps more important than the technique itself Samuels's article called the attention of scholars and practitioners to an even bigger issue-fluency.

8 Repetition: Recursion

To use a Loop Alice needs to know a count -- how many times the loop will be executed. Recursion means that a method (or a question) calls itself.

Nineteen Dubious Ways to Compute the Exponential of a Matrix

The common theme of what we call series methods is the repeatedly call for the multiplication of various vectors by the matrix A because as.


and to re-engage workers for short periods of time by repeatedly hiring them on short- term contracts.7 Thus labour contracting itself can be seen as a 

[PDF] Recursionpdf

Why write a method that calls itself? • Recursion is a good problem solving approach • solve a problem by reducing the problem to smaller subproblems; 

[PDF] recursion - PHL CHED Connect

Recursion is a process where a function calls itself once or multiple times to solve a problem • Any function that calls itself is recursive

[PDF] 11 Recursion - IFI UZH

A Java method definition is recursive if it contains an invocation of itself ? The method continues to call itself with ever

[PDF] CSC 344 – Algorithms and Complexity What is Recursion?

Recursion - when a method calls itself Define each possible recursive call so that it makes algorithm by using repeated squaring: • For example


Recursive method • Method that calls itself • Using the stack data structure to store the self-calling • Functions • Base case • Case in recursive 

[PDF] 8 Repetition: Recursion

To use a Loop Alice needs to know a count -- how many times the loop will be executed Recursion means that a method (or a question) calls itself

[PDF] Recursion

A method is said to be recursive if it contains an activation of itself (either operates is defined inductively guarantees us that by repeatedly

[PDF] Chapter 12 - Recursion

30 jan 2016 · An algorithm that is defined by repeated applications of the same algorithm A method may call other methods including calling itself

[PDF] Activity 8: Recursion

A method that invokes itself is called recursive What two steps were necessary to define the factorial method? How were these steps implemented in Java? 1 The 

[PDF] Recursion - CSE IIT Kgp

? A process by which a function calls itself repeatedly ? Either directly ? X calls X ? Or cyclically in a chain ? X calls Y and Y 

  • What method calls itself repeatedly?

    Recursion is the process of defining something in terms of itself. It allows us to define method that calls itself repeatedly until it meets some base case condition.
  • What is recursive technique?

    Recursion is the technique of making a function call itself. This technique provides a way to break complicated problems down into simple problems which are easier to solve.
  • What is recursion and example?

    Recursion is the process of defining a problem (or the solution to a problem) in terms of (a simpler version of) itself. For example, we can define the operation "find your way home" as: If you are at home, stop moving. Take one step toward home.
  • Recursion is a method in C++ which calls itself directly or indirectly until a suitable condition is met. In this method, we repeatedly call the function within the same function, and it has a base case and a recursive condition.
State whether each of the following is true or false.

1. The correct choice of data structure allowsmajor improvements in program Efficiency. ( )

2. A data structure is the organization of data in a computer̓s memory or in a disk file. ( )

3. In Java, an algorithm is usually implemented by a class method. ( )

4. A binary search can be applied to an ordered array.( )

5. Linear searches don't require time proportional to the number of items in an array.( )

6. Sorting involves comparing the keys of data items in the array and moving the

items (actually, references to the items) around until they̓re in sorted order. ( )

7. The bubble sort is the least efficient, but the simplest, sort. ( )

8. A queue allows access to the first item that was inserted. ( )

9. A stack allows access to the last item inserted. ( )

10. Each Link object contains data and a reference, often called next, to the next link in the ist. ( )

11. A double-ended list allows insertion at the end of the list. ( )

12. A doubly linked list permits backward traversal and deletion from the end ofthe list. ( )

13. A new link can be inserted before or after a link with a specified key value, following

a traversal to find this link. ( )

14. A double-ended list maintains a pointer to the last link in the list, often called last,

as well asto the first. ( )

15. Some values of its arguments don't cause a recursive method to return without calling

itself.This is called the base case.( )

16.A recursive approach may be inefficient. If so, it can sometimes be replacedwith a simple

loop or a stack-based approach.( )

17. A recursive method calls itself repeatedly, with different argument values each time. ( )

18. Both triangular numbers and factorials can't be calculated using either arecursive method

or a simple loop. ( )

19. Edges are most commonly represented in a program by references to a node̓schildren

(and sometimes to its parent). ( )

20. Graphs can represent many real-world entities, including airline routes,

electrical circuits, and job scheduling.( ) Course no : SWEN3411 College of Engineering Student No: __________ Course tile:Data structure final Exam Student Name: _________ Exam Time: 2 Hour 1st Semester 2018/2019 Date: 17.01.2019 No of Questions: Total Grade: 100 Try to Answer All Questions

Open Book: No

First Question (20)

Using Computer: No Using Calculator: No

Second Question(20)

Choose the best Answer:

1) The maximum number of elements that must be examined to complete a

binary search in an array of 200 elements is a. 200. b. 8. c. 1. d. 13.

2) A binary tree is a search tree if

a. every non-leaf node has children whose key values are less than (or equalto) the parent. b. every left child has a key less than the parent and every right child has akey greater than (or equal to) the parent. c. in the path from the root to every leaf node, the key of each node isgreater than (or equal to) the key of its parent. d. a node can have a maximum of two children.

3) A subtree of a binary tree always has

a. a root that is a child of the main tree's root. b. a root unconnected to the main tree's root. c. fewer nodes than the main tree. d. a sibling with the same number of nodes.

4) Suppose you push 10, 20, 30, and 40 onto the stack. Then you pop three items. Which one

is left on the stack? a. 40 b.10 c. 20 d. 30

5) Suppose you insert 15, 25, 35, and 45 into a queue. Then you remove three items.

Which one is left?

a. 45 b. 35 c. 15 d. 25

6) When you create a reference to a link in a linked list, it

a. must refer to the first link. b. must refer to the link pointed to by current. c. must refer to the link pointed to by next. d. can refer to any link you want.

7) The bubble sort algorithm alternates between

a. comparing and swapping. b. moving and copying. c. moving and comparing. d. copying and comparing.

8) Computer sorting algorithms are more limited than humans in that

a. humans are better at inventing new algorithms. b. computers can handle only a fixed amount of data. c. humans know what to sort, whereas computers need to be told. d. computers can compare only two things at a time.

9) The disadvantage of mergesort is that

a. it is not recursive. b. it uses more memory. c. although faster than the insertion sort, it is much slower than quicksort. d. it is complicated to implement.

10) Finding a node in a binary search tree involves going from node to node, asking

a. how big the node's key is in relation to the search key. b. how big the node's key is compared to its right or left children. c. what leaf node we want to reach. d. what level we are on.


1) fill in the array (Heap) as showing in the graph (3 marks)

2) Implement a binary tree

a. You must have a recursive insert method inside the Node class b. You must have 3 method to traverse the array (in order, pre order, and post order) c. You must have a search method

3) If a stack is implemented using an array then write the pop method for that stack (2 marks)

4) Write a method called copyStack that copies the content of one stack into another. The function must have

two arguments of type stack, one for the source stack and one for the destination stack. The order of two

stacks must be identical

P.S : assume that you have stack class with all of its method like pop, push, peak, and isEmpty so no need to

write the stack implementation.

5) Assume that you have an array with multiple integer values something like this

int [ ] arr = {2, 1, 10, 8, 3, 10, 5, 10};

First you should implement a method the sort the array using selection sort and the return the new sorted array

Second you should you use the sorted array to find the second biggest number in the sorted array

Note͗ you should assume that you can't see the elements of the array so please don't use something like (the biggest

number - 3) to find the second biggest number or you will lose some of your marks

Bonus: Write some code to print the following without using any form of if statement or ternary operator

This is infinite so it won't stop

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