[PDF] [PDF] Microsofts Law Enforcement Requests Report for the first six months

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Microsoft® Online Services Global Criminal Compliance Handbook

contact handling requests from your country. All legal process for criminal matters from non-U.S. law enforcement prosecutors and courts must.

Microsoft Services Digital transformation in law enforcement

law enforcement could collaborate number. Attend. “Have your say” event. Gather info from social media ... police car. Duty belt with mobile radio/phone.


In certain cases alerting the target of a law enforcement demand may imperil In the United States

The Trafficking-Technology Nexus

ders provide law enforcement with their online identities and information phone and to locate a phone number of a suspected trafficker or pimp.13 He.

Microsoft Lumia 640

Windows Phone makes it easy to act on the content of text messages and IMs by enabling you to send an email call a phone number

ARTICLE 29 Data Protection Working Party

22 sept. 2014 The Working Party welcomes Microsoft's plans to build a more ... Party reminds Microsoft only to transfer users' data to law enforcement.

AI enabled solutions for law enforcement and enterprises

LEAP is an automated tool for quick analysis of data from mobile devices and other media sources. Our Extremism Desk features.

Keys under doormats: mandating insecurity by requiring government

ation on the Internet flourished and law enforcement agencies found new and more effective In the 1990s

[PDF] Microsoft® Online Services Global Criminal Compliance Handbook

If you have an emergency request please call the law enforcement hotline at (425) 722-1299 NON-U S LAW ENFORCEMENT Microsoft has established local contacts 

Law Enforcement Request Report Microsoft CSR

As our report shows every year we reject a number of law enforcement requests Challenges to government requests can take many forms In many of these cases 

[PDF] Microsofts Law Enforcement Requests Report for the first six months

24 oct 2007 · The report details the number of requests for data we received from law enforcement agencies around the world and how Microsoft responds to 

[PDF] MSN-Compliancepdf - Public Intelligence

Law Enforcement Hotline: (425) 722-1299 MSN TV phone (ANI) connection logs legal documentation is required in order for Microsoft's MSN Hotmail 

[PDF] Online Service Providers Privacy and Transparency Practices

17 jui 2015 · The transparency reports and the law enforcement guides help users understand how often and under what circumstances the companies are 

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12 juil 2017 · account belonging to a Microsoft customer whose data the company U S law enforcement has no authority to do itself: use a warrant to

[PDF] Law Enforcement Access to Data Across Borders: The Evolving

See Brief for Appellee In re Warrant To Search a Certain E-mail Account Controlled Maintained by Microsoft Corp (2d Cir Mar 9 2015) (No 14-2985-CV)

Protection Orders - Idaho Court Assistance Office

Forms are available in Microsoft Word and PDF formats Sworn Petition for Protection Order (Spanish Version)PDF; Law Enforcement Service Information 

[PDF] Criminal justice access to data in the cloud: Cooperation with

3 mai 2016 · Google Microsoft Twitter and Yahoo in 20147 Parties Received from a law-enforcement domain and direct contact phone number

  • What is the phone number for Microsoft Legal?

    Call (425) 882-8080 and ask to speak with a Product Support Services representative.
  • Can the government access my Microsoft account?

    We believe that you should control your own data. Microsoft does not give any government (including law enforcement, or other government entities) direct or unfettered access to customer data.
  • Microsoft does not give any government (including law enforcement or other government entities) direct or unfettered access to customer data.

0LŃURVRIP·V Law NnforcemenW RequeVWV ReporW for WUe firVW Vix monWUV of 2013

TUiV iV our VeconT Law NnforcemenW RequeVWV ReporW anT iW coverV WUe perioT from January Wo June 2013.

TUe reporW TeWailV WUe number of requeVWV for TaWa we receiveT from law enforcemenW agencieV arounT

WUe worlTH anT Uow ÓicroVofW reVponTV Wo WUoVe requeVWV. IW coverV requeVWV for TaWa relaWing Wo all of


UnforWunaWelyH we are noW currenWly permiWWeT Wo reporW TeWaileT informaWion abouW WUe Wype anT volume

of any naWional VecuriWy orTerV (e.g. ŃISA OrTerV anT ŃISA MirecWiveV) WUaW we may receive so any national

VecuriWy orTerV we may receive are noW incluTeT in WUiV reporW. Pe Uave VummariYeTH per governmenW TirecWionH WUe aggregaWe volume of NaWional SecuriWy LeWWerV we Uave receiveT.

What does the data show?

Microsoft (including Skype) received 37,196 requests from law enforcement agencies potentially impacWing 66H539 accounWV in WUe firVW Vix monWUV of WUiV year. TUiV compareV Wo 75H378 requeVWV anT 137H424 poWenWial accounWV in WUe wUole of 2012.


all was disclosed in nearly 21 percent of requests. Only a small number of requests result in the disclosure of customer content data, just 2.19 percenW of WoWal requeVWV. 92 percenW of WUe requeVWV WUaW reVulWeT in WUe TiVcloVure of cuVWomer conWenW were from UniWeT SWaWeV law enforcemenW agencieV. TUiV iV againH broaTly in line wiWU wUaW we Vaw in 2012. As with the 2012 report this new data shows that acroVV our VerviceV only a Winy fracWion of accounWVH leVV WUaW 0.01 percenW are ever affecWeT by law enforcemenW requeVWV for cuVWomer TaWa. Of WUe Vmall number WUaW were affecWeTH WUe overwUelming majoriWy involveT WUe TiVcloVure of non-conWenW TaWa. While we see requeVWV from a large number of counWrieVH wUen you look aW WUe number of overall numberH WUe requeVWV are fairly concenWraWeT wiWU over 73% of requeVWV coming from five counWrieVH WUe UniWeT SWaWeVH TurkeyH GermanyH WUe UniWeT OingTomH anT Ńrance. Ńor Skype WUe requeVWV were Vimilarly concenWraWeTH wiWU four counWrieVH WUe USH UOH Ńrance anT GermanyH accounWing for over 70 percenW of requeVWV. Law enforcement sought information about only a tiny fraction of the millions of end users of our enWerpriVe VerviceVH VucU aV Office 365. Pe receiveT 19 requeVWV for e-mail accounWV we UoVW for enWerpriVe cuVWomerVH Veeking informaWion abouW 48 accounWV. Pe TiVcloVeT cuVWomer TaWa in reVponVe Wo five of WUoVe requeVWV (4 conWenW; 1 only non-conWenW)H anT in all buW one caVeH we were able Wo noWify WUe cuVWomer. Pe rejecWeT WUe requeVWH founT no reVponVive TaWaH or reTirecWeT law enforcemenW Wo obWain WUe informaWion from WUe cuVWomer TirecWly in WUirWeen of

WUoVe caVeV. One requeVW iV VWill penTing.

For all 19 enterpriVe requeVWVH WUe legal TemanTV were from law enforcemenW enWiWieV locaWeT in WUe U.S.H anT VougUW TaWa abouW accounWV aVVociaWeT wiWU enWerpriVe cuVWomerV locaWeT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV. In aTTiWionH Wo TaWeH ÓicroVofW UaV noW TiVcloVeT enWerpriVe cuVWomer TaWa in reVponVe Wo a governmenW requeVW iVVueT purVuanW Wo naWional VecuriWy lawV.

AV we VaiT in our firVW Law NnforcemenW RequeVWV ReporWH RH·YH PULHG PR SURYLGH POH GMPM LQ M RM\ POMP LV

helpful to the community, both in terms of what we report and making it available for TownloaT anT


Pe believe WUiV TaWa iV valuable anT uVeful Wo WUe communiWy WUaW iV looking Wo beWWer unTerVWanT WUeVe

iVVueV. However we recogniYe WUaW WUiV reporW³focused on law enforcemenW anT excluTing naWional

VecuriWy³only painWV parW of WUe picWure. Pe believe WUe U.S. ConVWiWuWion guaranWeeV our freeTom Wo

VUare more informaWion wiWU you anT are WUerefore are currenWly peWiWioning WUe feTeral governmenW for

permiVVion Wo publiVU more TeWaileT TaWa relaWing Wo any legal TemanTV we may Uave receiveT from WUe U.S. purVuanW Wo WUe Ńoreign InWelligence Surveillance AcW (ŃISA). In June we publiVUeT aggregaWe TaWa wUicU VUoweT WUe combineT WoWalV of all requeVWV from US

governmenW agencieV for WUe VeconT Ualf of 2012H incluTing if we receiveT WUemH naWional VecuriWy orTerV.

PUile we believe WUaW UaT Vome value in quantifying the overall volume of requests we receiveT, it is clear

WUaW WUe conWinueT lack of WranVparency makeV iW very TifficulW for WUe communiWy³including WUe global

communiWy³to Uave an informeT TebaWe abouW WUe balance beWween inveVWigaWing crimeVH keeping communiWieV VafeH anT perVonal privacy.

ÓicroVofW remainV commiWWeT Wo reVpecWing Uuman rigUWVH free expreVVionH anT inTiviTual privacy. Pe Veek


Statement and responsibilities as a member of the Global Network Initiative. We strive to adopt practices

WUaW are clear anT VWraigUWforwarT anT Uave proviTeT aTTiWional TeWail on our policieV anT pracWiceV for

reVponTing Wo law enforcemenW requeVWV for cuVWomer TaWa in our ŃAQV accompanying WUiV reporW. Ńor

aTTiWional informaWion abouW Uow we uVe anT proWecW cuVWomer informaWionH pleaVe reaT WUe ÓicroVofW

Online Privacy SWaWemenW anT WUe Skype Privacy Policy.

TOTAL37,196 66,539 2.2%817 77.2%28,698 18.2%6,769 2.4%911

Argentina455 675 0.0%- 81.5%371 16.5%75 2.0%9

Australia1,219 1,462 0.0%- 86.1%1,050 13.4%163 0.5%6

Austria9 15 0.0%- 77.8%7 11.1%1 11.1%1

Belarus1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Belgium500 784 0.0%- 81.2%406 18.8%94 0.0%-

Brazil1,098 2,019 5.8%64 70.9%778 22.7%249 0.6%7

British Virgin Islands1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Bulgaria2 4 0.0%- 100.0%2 0.0%- 0.0%-

Canada69 200 4.3%3 81.2%56 7.2%5 7.2%5

Chile204 292 0.0%- 84.3%172 15.2%31 0.5%1

China3 42 0.0%- 100.0%3 0.0%- 0.0%-

Colombia97 170 0.0%- 86.6%84 11.3%11 2.1%2

Costa Rica48 61 0.0%- 89.6%43 10.4%5 0.0%-

Czech Republic34 62 0.0%- 76.5%26 11.8%4 11.8%4

Denmark107 256 0.0%- 83.2%89 15.9%17 0.9%1

Dominican Republic7 79 0.0%- 100.0%7 0.0%- 0.0%-

Ecuador17 18 0.0%- 100.0%17 0.0%- 0.0%-

El Salvador9 15 0.0%- 100.0%9 0.0%- 0.0%-

Estonia3 6 0.0%- 100.0%3 0.0%- 0.0%-

Finland29 48 0.0%- 86.2%25 13.8%4 0.0%-

France4,379 7,926 0.0%- 82.2%3,599 17.0%744 0.8%36

French Polynesia1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

French Southern Territories1 1 0.0%- 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%-

Germany5,185 9,670 0.0%- 83.3%4,318 15.9%826 0.8%41

Greece10 64 0.0%- 90.0%9 10.0%1 0.0%-

Hong Kong597 597 0.0%- 83.9%501 16.1%96 0.0%-

Hungary70 127 0.0%- 82.9%58 15.7%11 1.4%1

Iceland6 7 0.0%- 83.3%5 16.7%1 0.0%-

India278 413 0.0%- 80.6%224 16.2%45 3.2%9

Ireland40 69 2.5%1 47.5%19 32.5%13 17.5%7

Israel34 66 0.0%- 73.5%25 8.8%3 17.6%6

Italy852 1,172 0.0%- 78.2%666 18.9%161 2.9%25

Japan476 574 0.0%- 79.2%377 13.4%64 7.4%35

Korea126 222 0.0%- 86.5%109 11.9%15 1.6%2

Latvia1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Lithuania6 20 0.0%- 50.0%3 16.7%1 33.3%2

Luxembourg55 121 0.0%- 78.2%43 21.8%12 0.0%-

Malta29 34 0.0%- 82.8%24 17.2%5 0.0%-

Mexico340 770 0.0%- 85.0%289 14.7%50 0.3%1

Moldova1 2 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Monaco2 2 0.0%- 50.0%1 0.0%- 50.0%1

Netherlands411 714 0.0%- 78.1%321 21.7%89 0.2%1

New Zealand34 43 0.0%- 82.4%28 11.8%4 5.9%2

Norway74 131 0.0%- 83.8%62 16.2%12 0.0%-

Panama10 18 0.0%- 90.0%9 10.0%1 0.0%-

Peru29 77 0.0%- 93.1%27 6.9%2 0.0%-

Poland55 76 0.0%- 72.7%40 25.5%14 1.8%1

Portugal334 411 0.0%- 81.7%273 18.3%61 0.0%-

Qatar1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Russian Federation3 6 0.0%- 100.0%3 0.0%- 0.0%-

Singapore66 92 0.0%- 90.9%60 9.1%6 0.0%-

Slovakia15 18 0.0%- 93.3%14 0.0%- 6.7%1

Spain927 1,478 0.0%- 79.3%735 20.2%187 0.5%5

Law Enforcement Requests Resulting in

MiVcloVure of No CuVWomer MaWa(RequeVW

RejecWeT for NoW ÓeeWing Legal RequiremenWV)

Combined Microsoft Services (including Skype): January - June 2013 Law Enforcement Requests Report


Total Number of

Law NnforcemenW



SpecifieT in


Some Customer Data DisclosedNo Customer Data Disclosed

Law Enforcement Requests Resulting in

MiVcloVure of ConWenW

Law Enforcement Requests Resulting in

MiVcloVure of Only SubVcriberITranVacWional

(Non-ConWenW) MaWa

Law Enforcement Requests Resulting in

MiVcloVure of No CuVWomer MaWa (No MaWa


Sweden281 825 0.0%- 87.5%246 10.3%29 2.1%6

Switzerland43 80 0.0%- 62.8%27 25.6%11 11.6%5

Taiwan802 1,516 0.0%- 85.5%686 14.2%114 0.2%2

Thailand44 56 0.0%- 84.1%37 15.9%7 0.0%-

Trinidad and Tobago1 2 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Turkey6,226 7,333 0.0%- 75.1%4,674 24.9%1,549 0.0%3

Ukraine5 32 0.0%- 80.0%4 20.0%1 0.0%-

United Kingdom4,404 6,723 0.0%- 78.2%3,443 19.7%867 2.1%94

United States7,014 18,809 10.7%749 65.1%4,569 15.8%1,107 8.4%588

Uruguay1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Venezuala15 28 0.0%- 93.3%14 0.0%- 6.7%1

TOTAL3,509 10,585 0.0%- 82.4%2,891 10.3%361 7.3%257

Argentina12 19 0.0%- 25.0%3 0.0%- 75.0%9

Australia197 266 0.0%- 87.8%173 10.7%21 1.5%3

Austria9 15 0.0%- 77.8%7 11.1%1 11.1%1

Belarus1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Belgium27 120 0.0%- 81.5%22 18.5%5 0.0%-

Brazil5 6 0.0%- 60.0%3 20.0%1 20.0%1

Bulgaria2 4 0.0%- 100.0%2 0.0%- 0.0%-

Canada21 25 0.0%- 71.4%15 9.5%2 19.0%4

Chile1 1 0.0%- 0.0%- 0.0%- 100.0%1

China3 42 0.0%- 100.0%3 0.0%- 0.0%-

Colombia2 3 0.0%- 50.0%1 0.0%- 50.0%1

Czech Republic13 29 0.0%- 53.8%7 15.4%2 30.8%4

Denmark16 106 0.0%- 75.0%12 18.8%3 6.3%1

Estonia2 5 0.0%- 100.0%2 0.0%- 0.0%-

Finland11 22 0.0%- 100.0%11 0.0%- 0.0%-

France338 645 0.0%- 76.3%258 14.5%49 9.2%31

French Polynesia1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

French Southern Territories1 1 0.0%- 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%-

Germany558 2,309 0.0%- 86.4%482 8.6%48 5.0%28

Greece6 59 0.0%- 83.3%5 16.7%1 0.0%-

Hong Kong1 1 0.0%- 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%-

Hungary2 3 0.0%- 100.0%2 0.0%- 0.0%-

Iceland2 3 0.0%- 50.0%1 50.0%1 0.0%-

India43 102 0.0%- 79.1%34 2.3%1 18.6%8

Ireland4 4 0.0%- 0.0%- 0.0%- 100.0%4

Israel11 34 0.0%- 45.5%5 0.0%- 54.5%6

Italy79 153 0.0%- 57.0%45 11.4%9 31.6%25

Japan25 67 0.0%- 96.0%24 4.0%1 0.0%-

Korea Republic Of13 19 0.0%- 84.6%11 0.0%- 15.4%2

Latvia1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Lithuania6 20 0.0%- 50.0%3 16.7%1 33.3%2

Luxembourg33 90 0.0%- 75.8%25 24.2%8 0.0%-

Malta3 8 0.0%- 66.7%2 33.3%1 0.0%-

Mexico1 3 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Monaco2 2 0.0%- 50.0%1 0.0%- 50.0%1

Norway13 27 0.0%- 69.2%9 30.8%4 0.0%-

Poland13 14 0.0%- 84.6%11 7.7%1 7.7%1

Qatar1 1 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Russian Federation3 6 0.0%- 100.0%3 0.0%- 0.0%-

Singapore1 2 0.0%- 100.0%1 0.0%- 0.0%-

Slovakia1 1 0.0%- 0.0%- 0.0%- 100.0%1

Spain9 135 0.0%- 77.8%7 0.0%- 22.2%2

Sweden74 400 0.0%- 89.2%66 2.7%2 8.1%6

Switzerland43 80 0.0%- 62.8%27 25.6%11 11.6%5

Taiwan Province Of China155 619 0.0%- 98.1%152 0.6%1 1.3%2

Turkey2 8 0.0%- 100.0%2 0.0%- 0.0%-

Ukraine5 32 0.0%- 80.0%4 20.0%1 0.0%-

United Kingdom759 1,564 0.0%- 86.3%655 9.7%74 4.0%30

United States978 3,507 0.0%- 80.8%790 11.2%110 8.0%78

Skype: January - June 2013 Law Enforcement Requests Report


Total Number of

Law NnforcemenW



SpecifieT in


Some Customer Data DisclosedNo Customer Data Disclosed

Law Enforcement Requests Resulting in

MiVcloVure of ConWenW

Law Enforcement Requests Resulting in

MiVcloVure of Only SubVcriberITranVacWional

(Non-ConWenW) MaWa

Law Enforcement Requests Resulting in

MiVcloVure of No CuVWomer MaWa (No MaWa


Law Enforcement Requests Resulting in

MiVcloVure of No CuVWomer MaWa(RequeVW

RejecWeT for NoW ÓeeWing Legal RequiremenWV)

Data Glossary of Terms

Total Number of Law Enforcement Requests

The number of criminal requests received from a law enforcemenW agency anTIor courW Veeking cuVWomer TaWa. NxampleV of WUe WypeV of requeVWV incluTe a VubpoenaH a courW orTerH anT a warranW.

AccounWVIUVerV SpecifieT

The total number of usernames, accounWVH or oWUer iTenWifierV WUaW were VpecifieT in WUe requeVWV

receiveT. One law enforcemenW requeVW coulT incluTe WUe nameV of mulWiple uVerVH anTIor coulT incluTe

mulWiple accounWV aVVociaWeT wiWU a Vingle uVer. Ńor exampleH one uVer coulT Uave mulWiple accounWV -

VucU aV an OuWlook.com N-mail accounWH an Xbox GamerWagH a ÓicroVofW AccounW IMH or an Xbox Verial

number. Law NnforcemenW RequeVWV ReVulWing in MiVcloVure of ConWenW The number of court orders found to be lawful, and therefore at leasW Vome cuVWomer conWenW waV TiVcloVeT. SucU conWenW coulT incluTe WUe VubjecW or boTy of an emailH pUoWoV VWoreT in SkyMriveH

aTTreVV book informaWionH anT calenTarV. In moVW caVeVH a courW orTer WUaW requireV WUe TiVcloVure of

cuVWomer conWenW will alVo require WUe TiVcloVure of non-conWenW TaWa (Vee TefiniWion below). Law NnforcemenW RequeVWV ReVulWing in MiVcloVure of Only SubVcriberITranVacWional (Non-ConWenW) MaWa The number of law enforcement requests determined to be lawful, and therefore only non- conWenW informaWion waV TiVcloVeT. Non-content information could include the user's name, billing address, IP history, etc. Law NnforcemenW RequeVWV ReVulWing in MiVcloVure of No CuVWomer MaWa (RequeVW RejecWeT for NoW

ÓeeWing Legal RequiremenWV)

The number of law enforcement requests and/or court orders rejecWeT becauVe we TeWermineT WUey

faileT Wo VaWiVfy WUe relevanW legal requiremenWVH or wUere we VucceVVfully reTirecWeT law enforcemenW Wo

obWain WUe informaWion TirecWly from WUe cuVWomer. AV a reVulWH no cuVWomer TaWa of any kinT waV


Law NnforcemenW RequeVWV ReVulWing in MiVcloVure of No CuVWomer MaWa (No MaWa ŃounT) The number of law enforcement requests and/or court orders where our Compliance Team found no TaWa in our VyVWemV relaWeT Wo WUe requeVW anTIor orTerH anT WUerefore TiVcloVeT no cuVWomer informaWion Wo law enforcemenW.


All percentages are calculated by dividing the associated column by the Total Number of Requests.

2013 Microsoft Law Enforcement Requests Report

ŃrequenWly AVkeT QueVWionV

How many ÓicroVofW anT Skype uVerV were impacWeT by law enforcemenW requeVWV?

It is difficult to determine how many individual customers are poWenWially impacWeT by law enforcemenW requeVWV becauVe a Vingle requeVW may

incluTe mulWiple accounWV for one uVer or mulWiple accounWV for many inTiviTualV or iW may noW affecW any cuVWomerV becauVe WUe accounW iTenWifier

iV invaliT. In WUe conWexW of SkypeH becauVe law enforcemenW VomeWimeV VubmiWV requeVWV Veeking Wo iTenWify wUicU uVerV placeT pUone callV ²

baVeT on WUe number calleT anT WUe TaWeH Wime anT TuraWion of WUe call ² WUe number of uVerV impacWeT by WUe requeVWV iVH in WUaW conWexWH lower

WUan WUe number of iTenWifierV incluTeT in WUe law enforcemenW requeVW.

Ńor WUe firVW Vix monWUV of 2013H WUe law enforcemenW requeVWV ÓicroVofW receiveT requeVWeT informaWion abouW 66H539 ÓicroVofW anT Skype

accounWV or iTenWifierV. Pe Uave many UunTreTV of millionV of accounWV acroVV our online anT clouT VerviceV. To give you a VenVe of proporWionH

we eVWimaWe WUaW fewer WUan one one-UunTreTWU of one percenW (0.01%) of ÓicroVofW or Skype accounWV were poWenWially affecWeT by law

enforcemenW requeVWV Turing WUiV perioT.

In WUe conWexW of our enWerpriVe VerviceVH in WUe firVW Ualf of 2013H we aTTreVVeT a WoWal of 19 requeVWV for e-mail accounWV we UoVW for enWiWieVH VucU

aV univerViWieV or oWUer buVineVVeV. TUoVe 19 requeVWV VougUW informaWion abouW 48 accounWV. Pe TiVcloVeT cuVWomer TaWa in reVponVe Wo five of

WUoVe requeVWV (4 conWenW; 1 only non-conWenW)H anT in all buW one caVeH we were able Wo noWify WUe cuVWomer. Pe rejecWeT WUe requeVWH founT no

reVponVive TaWaH or reTirecWeT law enforcemenW Wo obWain WUe informaWion from WUe cuVWomer TirecWly in 13 of WUoVe caVeV. One requeVW iV VWill

penTing. TUe TaWa VUow WUaW law enforcemenW VougUW informaWion abouW only a Winy fracWion of WUe millionV of enT uVerV of our enWerpriVe VerviceVH

VucU aV Office 365. In all 19 caVeVH WUe legal TemanTV were from law enforcemenW enWiWieV locaWeT in WUe U.S.H anT VougUW TaWa abouW accounWV

aVVociaWeT wiWU enWerpriVe cuVWomerV locaWeT in WUe UniWeT SWaWeV. In aTTiWionH Wo TaWeH ÓicroVofW UaV noW TiVcloVeT enWerpriVe cuVWomer TaWa in

reVponVe Wo a governmenW requeVW iVVueT purVuanW Wo naWional VecuriWy lawV.

How many times did Microsoft disclose the content of customer communications or data storage to law enforcement?

In WUe firVW Ualf of 2013H ÓicroVofW TiVcloVeT conWenW in reVponVe Wo 2.2% of WUe WoWal number of law enforcemenW requeVWV receiveT. NacU of WUoVe

TiVcloVureV waV in reVponVe Wo a courW orTer or warranWH anT WUe vaVW majoriWy of WUoVe TiVcloVureV relaWeT Wo uVerV of our conVumer VerviceV.

Are ÓicroVofW anT Skype TaWa reporWeT VeparaWely?

When we published our first report in March 2013, we reported Microsoft and Skype data separately, but noted that we were aligning our

aligneTH we are publiVUing a Vingle reporW WUaW incluTeV TaWa on WUe number of law enforcemenW requeVWV for all ÓicroVofW VerviceVH incluTing Skype.

aTTiWional reporW WUaW VeparaWeV ouW WUe law enforcemenW requeVWV for informaWion abouW Skype uVerV.

ÓicroVofW receiveT requeVWV from more foreign governmenWVH anT receiveT WUem in greaWer volumeH WUan Vome oWUer companieV. PUy?

Microsoft maintains operations and a physical presence in more than 100 countries around the world, aV a reVulW of wUicU law enforcemenW

auWUoriWieV anTIor courWV may conWacW local ÓicroVofW officeV wiWU requeVWV for cuVWomer TaWa. HoweverH we only TiVcloVe TaWa Wo law enforcemenW

afWer valiTaWing WUe lawfulneVV of WUe requeVW. PUaW VerviceV are VubjecW Wo law enforcemenW requeVWV?

As our law enforcement request reports have shown, WUe overwUelming majoriWy of law enforcemenW requeVWV Veek informaWion relaWeT Wo our free

conVumer VerviceV uVeT by inTiviTualV in WUeir perVonal capaciWy VucU aVJ web-mail accounWV (HoWmailIOuWlook.com)H SkyMrive clouT VWorage;

ÓeVVengerH anT Skype. Pe alVo receive requeVWV relaWeT Wo Xbox Live uVerV. In all inVWanceVH unleVV an inTiviTual VubVcribeV Wo a paiT-for VerviceH

enforcemenW requeVWV for TaWa aVVociaWeT wiWU our enWerpriVe cuVWomerV. Our law enforcemenW requeVW TaWa reflecWV only 19 requeVWV for enWerpriVe

cuVWomer TaWaH concerning e-mail accounWV we UoVW anT aTminiVWer for oWUer buVineVVeV or inVWiWuWionV.

What is the difference between a consumer service and an enterprise Vervice?

A consumer service is generally one subscribed to and used by an individual in UiV or Uer perVonal capaciWy. Some exampleV incluTe

HoWmailIOuWlook.comH SkyMriveH Xbox Live anT Skype. An enWerpriVe Vervice iV generally VubVcribeT Wo by an enWiWy ranging from a Vmall buVineVV Wo

large mulWi-naWional corporaWionVH inVWiWuWionV anT governmenWal enWiWieV. TUoVe enWiWieVH in-WurnH may proviTe VerviceVH VucU aV e-mailH Wo inTiviTual

employeeVH VWuTenWV or oWUerV. Some enWerpriVe clouT offeringV incluTe Office 365H AYure anT NxcUange Online anT CRÓ Online.

PUaW iV non-conWenW TaWa?

Non-conWenW TaWa referV Wo baVic VubVcriber informaWionH VucU aV WUe e-mail aTTreVVH nameH locaWion anT IP aTTreVV capWureT aW WUe Wime of

accounW regiVWereT by a ÓicroVofW employee. AlWUougU we cUangeT WUe name anT are maVking WUe exWenVion for VecuriWy reaVonVH all oWUer

informaWion iV exacWly wUaW ÓicroVofW proTuceV Wo law enforcemenW.

Field Value

Login ŃirVW.LaVW@xxxxxxx.com

ŃirVW Name ŃirVW

LaVW Name LaVW

SWaWe PaVUingWon

Rip 98052

CounWry US

RegiVWereT from IP

MaWe RegiVWereT {Pacific} 10I24I2007 1J05J18 PÓ

GenTer Ó

Last Login IP

7OH 38HG LQ POH MNRYH PMNOH VPMQGV IRU ´3HUVRQMO 8VHU HGµ ROLŃO LV M XQLTXH MOSOM-numeric coTe generaWeT for eacU regiVWereT ÓicroVofW accounW.

OWUer non-conWenW TaWa may incluTe IP connecWion UiVWoryH an Xbox GamerWagH anT creTiW carT or oWUer billing informaWion. Pe require an officialH

TocumenW baVeT requeVWH VucU aV a VubpoenaH before we will conViTer TiVcloVing non-conWenW TaWa Wo law enforcemenW.

PUaW iV conWenW TaWa?

Content is what our customers create, communicate, and store on or through our serviceV VucU aV WUe worTV in an e-mail excUangeT beWween

frienTV or buVineVV colleagueV or WUe pUoWograpUV anT TocumenWV VWoreT on SkyMrive or in oWUer clouT offeringV VucU aV Office 365 anT AYure. Pe

require a courW orTer or warranW before we will conViTer TiVcloVing conWenW Wo law enforcemenW. PUaW VUoulT ÓicroVofW anT Skype cuVWomerV Wake away from WUiV TaWa TiVcloVure?


WUaW miVVion. Pe place a premium on reVpecWing anT proWecWing WUe privacy of our uVerVH anT work Wo earn WUeir WruVW every Tay. AW WUe Vame WimeH

ÓicroVofW recogniYeV WUaW law enforcemenW playV a criWically imporWanW role in keeping our uVerV ² anT our WecUnology ² Vafe anT free from abuVe or

exploiWaWion. Pe are Uopeful WUaW WUiV TaWa TiVcloVure can beWWer inform all ViTeV in WUe criWically imporWanW public TiVcuVVion abouW Uow beVW Wo

VWrike WUe balance beWween WUe privacy of our cuVWomerV anT WUe legiWimaWe neeTV of law enforcemenW agencieV WUaW proWecW anT Verve WUeir

ciWiYenV. MiT ÓicroVofW ever cUallenge a law enforcemenW requeVW?

As our report shows, a number of law enforcement requests were rejected acroVV all ÓicroVofW VerviceV (2.5%)H incluTing Skype (7.3%). CUallengeV

Wo governmenW requeVWV can Wake many formV. In many of WUeVe caVeVH we Vimply inform WUe requeVWing governmenW WUaW we are unable Wo TiVcloVe

WUe requeVWeT informaWionH anT explain our reaVon for Toing Vo. Pe alVo conViTer wUeWUer iW iV appropriaWe Wo cUallenge a parWicular requeVW in


DoeV WUe TaWa incluTe any legal TemanTV WUaW may Uave been iVVueT purVuanW Wo U.S. naWional VecuriWy orTerV (e.g. ŃISA OrTerV anT ŃISA


To date, we have gone as far as we are legally permitted in disclosing information about government demands for customer dataH buW we woulT

like Wo go furWUer. TUe number of requeVWV incluTeT in WUiV reporW only incluTe requeVWV from law enforcemenW enWiWieV. IW ToeV noWH UoweverH

incluTe any requeVWV WUaW may Uave been iVVueT purVuanW Wo naWional VecuriWy auWUoriWieVH VucU aV WUe Ńoreign InWelligence Surveillance AcW (ŃISA) in

WUe UniWeT SWaWeV. In JuneH we publiVUeT aggregaWe TaWaH covering WUe Vix-monWU perioT of July 1H 2012 WUru Mecember 31H 2012H WUaW incluTeT any

U.S. naWional VecuriWy orTerV ÓicroVofW anTIor Skype may Uave receiveT (incluTingH if anyH ŃISA OrTerV anT ŃISA MirecWiveV). AV we noWeT WUenH only

a Winy fracWion of our uVerV were impacWeT by U.S. GovernmenW requeVWV. Pe Uave alVo WrieT Wo proviTe aTTiWional informaWion abouW our proceVV

for UanTling governmenW requeVWV for cuVWomer TaWa.

Pe believe iW iV imporWanW Wo proviTe aTTiWional TeWail abouW WUe variouV WypeV of requeVWV we receiveH anT we look forwarT Wo publiVUing a

compreUenVive reporW WUaW incluTeV TeWaileT informaWion abouW all WypeV of governmenW TemanTV we may receive for uVer TaWaH incluTing any

requeVWV purVuanW Wo naWional VecuriWy auWUoriWieVH wUen we are legally permiWWeT Wo To WUaW. To WUaW enTH we Uave fileT a lawVuiW in WUe Ńoreign

InWelligence Surveillance CourW (ŃISC) requeVWing permiVVion Wo TiVcloVe TeWaileT informaWion abouW any naWional VecuriWy orTerV WUaW we may Uave

receiveT. We have published some information about National Security Letters that we have received (see below).

Did Microsoft or Skype receive any NaWional SecuriWy LeWWerV (NSLV)?

Pursuant to approval from the government, we are able to provideH on an annual baViVH WUe following informaWion abouW NaWional SecuriWy LeWWerV

(NSLV) VerveT on ÓicroVofW. InformaWion abouW any NSLV we may receive Turing 2013 woulT be incluTeT in WUe nexW verVion of WUiV reporW. TUe


Period Number of NSLs Identifiers

NSLs Seeking


Identifiers NSLs Seeking

Only Non-



2012 0-999 1,000 ² 1,999 N/A N/A 0-999 1,000 ² 1,999

2011 1,000 ² 1,999 3,000 ² 3,999 N/A N/A 1,000 ² 1,999 3,000 ² 3,999

2010 1,000 ² 1,999 5,000 ² 5,999 N/A N/A 1,000 ² 1,999 5,000 ² 5,999

2009 0 ² 999 2,000 ² 2,999 N/A N/A 0 ² 999 2,000 ² 2,999

MoeV ÓicroVofW Uave a program Wo TiVcloVe informaWion in reVponVe Wo imminenW emergencieV?

YesH conViVWenW wiWU inTuVWry pracWice anT aV permiWWeT by lawH we ToH in limiWeT circumVWanceVH TiVcloVe informaWion Wo criminal law enforcemenW

agencieV wUere we believe WUe TiVcloVure iV neceVVary Wo prevenW an emergency involving Tanger of TeaWU or VeriouV pUyVical injury Wo a perVon.

ÓicroVofW conViTerV emergency requeVWV from law enforcemenW agencieV arounT WUe worlT. TUoVe requeVWV muVW be in wriWing on official

leWWerUeaTH anT VigneT by a law enforcemenW auWUoriWy. TUe requeVW muVW conWain a Vummary of WUe emergencyH along wiWU an explanaWion of Uow

WUe informaWion VougUW will aVViVW law enforcemenW in aTTreVVing WUe emergency. NacU requeVW iV carefully evaluaWeT by ÓicroVRIP·V ŃRPSOLMQŃH

team before any data is disclosedH anT WUe TiVcloVure iV limiWeT Wo WUe TaWa WUaW we believe woulT enable law enforcemenW Wo aTTreVV WUe

emergency. Some of WUe moVW common emergency requeVWV involve VuiciTe WUreaWV anT kiTnappingV. A Vummary of WUe emergency requeVWV

receiveT in WUe firVW Ualf of 2013 iV below.







Specified in


Some Customer Data Disclosed No Customer Data Disclosed

Requests Resulting in

Disclosure of Content

Requests Resulting in

Disclosure of Only


(Non-Content) Data


Resulting in

Disclosure of

No Customer

Data (No Data


Requests Resulting

in Disclosure of No



Rejected for Not

Meeting Legal


TOTAL 346 487 32.4% 112 39.0% 135 17.3% 60 11.3% 39

Argentina 2 2 100.0% 2 0.0%

- 0.0% - 0.0%

Belgium 4 4 0.0%

- 75.0% 3 25.0% 1 0.0%

Canada 23 27 13.0% 3 52.2% 12 8.7% 2 26.1% 6

Colombia 1 1 100.0% 1 0.0%

- 0.0% - 0.0%

Denmark 2 2 0.0%

- 0.0% - 100.0% 2 0.0%

Finland 1 1 0.0%

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