[PDF] DEI Town Hall 2021. 12. 7. Status: new

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Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6)

Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program. O. de Weck J. Feiler

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The 6-2 program (http://catalog.mit.edu/degree-charts/electrical- engineering-computer-science-course-6-2) leads to the Bachelor of. Science in Electrical 

Electrical Engineering Curriculum

14 июл. 2008 г. This degree is available only to M.I.T. EECS undergraduates. It is an integrated undergraduate/graduate professional degree program with subject ...

Academic Program

Biological Engineering. Chemical Engineering. Civil and Environmental Engineering. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (joint with the MIT. Schwarzman 

Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology Program

HST's Medical Engineering and Medical Physics (MEMP) PhD program o ers a unique curriculum for engineers and scientists Assistant Professor of Electrical ...

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Students with other preparation seeking a master's level experience in EECS at MIT should see the Master of Science program described later in this section. A 

SB-6-9_ Bachelor of Science in Computation and Cognition (Course SB-6-9_ Bachelor of Science in Computation and Cognition (Course

18 янв. 2019 г. Is this program Interdisciplinary? Yes. Identify all participating academic departments. Department(s). Electrical Engineering and Computer ...

MIT Professional Education - Applied Data Science Program

19 мар. 2022 г. Director Statistics and Data Science Center (SDSC) at MIT. Professor

Department of Biology

the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Requirements for this degree program (http://catalog.mit.edu/ interdisciplinary/undergraduate 

6-1: Electrical Science and Engineering

The 6-1 curriculum builds primarily on the Physics II and Calculus II GIRs; not all courses require a GIR as a pre-requisite. Electromagnetics.

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The 6-1 program (http://catalog.mit.edu/degree-charts/electrical- science-engineering-course-6-1) leads to the Bachelor of Science in. Electrical Science and 

New Curriculum - MIT EECS - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bachelors in 6-2 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) New M.Eng. Program in EECS for students who completed the new undergraduate curriculum.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6)

Introduction to computer science and programming for students with little or no programming experience. Students develop skills to program and use 

DEI Town Hall

2021. 12. 7. Status: new hire EECS DEI Program Director. DEI Activities: Updates. Task Force on Graduate Admissions. Expansion of MIT Summer Research ...

MIT EECS Diversity Equity and Inclusion Annual Report

With support from the EECS department the MIT School of Engineering


Bachelors in 6-2 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) http://www.eecs.mit.edu/academics-admissions/undergraduate-programs/curriculum/advanced- ...

Electrical Engineering Curriculum

2008. 7. 14. This degree is available only to M.I.T. EECS undergraduates. It is an integrated undergraduate/graduate professional degree program with subject ...


2017. 12. 14. Advanced Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program better known as ... Department Head

EECS Minor Requirement Instructions

Each student in the EECS doctoral program must complete a minor program approved by outside of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

[PDF] Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6)

Introduction to computer science and programming for students with little or no programming experience Students develop skills to program and use 

Curriculum - MIT EECS - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The majority of EECS majors begin with a choice of an introductory subject exploring electrical engineering and computer science fundamentals by working on 

[PDF] Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The 6-1 program (http://catalog mit edu/degree-charts/electrical- science-engineering-course-6-1) leads to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and 

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6-2) < MIT

Degree Chart for Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Download PDF of the Entire Catalog and/or Subject Descriptions

[PDF] Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Through a seamless ve-year course of study the Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (6-P) (http://catalog mit edu/degree- 

Syllabus Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer

This syllabus section provides information on course goals structure prerequisites grading and course notes

[PDF] Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The 6-1 program (http://catalog mit edu/degree-charts/electrical- science-engineering-course-6-1) leads to the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and 

MIT6_01SCS11_7_2_3pdf Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I MIT6_01SCS11_7_2_3 pdf Description: New file Upload Over 2500 courses materials

[PDF] Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6-P)

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Science and Engineering (Course 6-1) (http://catalog mit edu/degree-charts/electrical-science- engineering-course-6-1)


Course 6 at MIT consists of electrical engineering computer science and artificial intelligence and decision-making as well as combinations with other 

  • What is the curriculum for electric engineering?

    The electrical engineering curriculum includes courses in electronic circuits, solid-state electronics, electromagnetics, optics, lasers, controls, digital signal processing, communication, and networks.
  • Does MIT have an Electrical Engineering program?

    Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
  • Is MIT a good school for Electrical Engineering?

    The bachelor's program at MIT was ranked #1 on College Factual's Best Schools for EE list. It is also ranked #1 in Massachusetts.
  • Through a seamless, five-year course of study, the Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (6-P) program leads directly to the simultaneous awarding of the Master of Engineering and one of the three bachelor's degrees offered by the department.

DEI Town Hall

Prof. Frédo Durand, Prof. Leslie Kolodziejski

December 7, 2021


Status: new hire EECS DEI Program Director

DEI Activities: Updates

Task Force on Graduate Admissions

Expansion of MIT Summer Research Program

New Initiative: EECS Thriving Stars

Let's Talk! Break-out rooms and then open Q&A

Discussing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

մOur work and priorities in DEI can be discussed and questioned.

մEmail dei@eecs.mit.edu


EECS DEI Program Director

մDedicated staff position in EECS

մNational search conducted by Isaacson, Miller (IM) search firm

մCDEI Hiring Team (staff, students, faculty):

żreviewed 11 candidate applications

żinterviewed 7 applicants (via zoom)

żrecommended 3 candidates as finalists (enthusiastic consensus) մEECS Leadership + DEI leaders across institute:

żinterviewed 3 finalists

żconverging to an offer

EECS DEI Strategic Plan

մWe are discussing an outline/menu with CDEI and student advisory group


żScientific and educational excellence

żCost-effective solutions

żBroad otherwise

մStill in progress, need help from our DEI program director on a number of topics մWould love to have conversations 1-on-1 or in group

żEmail fredo@mit.edu


EECS DEI Update: Activities

մNew EECS Faculty On-Boarding

żAntonio Torralba, IAP 2022

մJunior Faculty Mentoring

żJoel Voldman

մWorkshop on establishing a Healthy Lab Culture: EECS REFS żRachel Holladay, Maddie Laitz, Vibhaa Sivaraman, Zhi Xuan Tan

մSummer Geometry Institute

żJustin Solomon

մGraduate Application Assistance Program: THRIVE (yr 2) żVenkat Arun, Emre Ergecen, Shivam Handa, Rachel Holladay, Liane Makatura, Akshay Narayan,Nili Persits, Alvaro Sahagun, Ticha Sethapakdi մUniversity Center for Exemplary Mentoring (yr 7)

żLeslie Kolodziejski

մNew EECS website with "Community & Equity" main menu

żJane Halpern

մMIT Guaranteed Transitional Support Program Phase I**

żEECS has supported transitions for many years

ż18 individuals (2 outside EECS) reached out for support/conversation żDept support: $206,892.50 for SS21 & FT21; 2 TA appointments ż11 transitions completed successfully, 4 underway, 3 recent inquiries żsupport includes: financial, advice/guidance, coaching, virtual intros մGuaranteed Transitional Support Program Phase II żTwo-part reporting structure in discussions: central OGE + internal to dept/unit մAd Hoc Committee on Mentoring and Advising of Graduate Students żAd Hoc Committee on Graduate Advising and Mentoring @ MIT

մEECS PhD Student Check-in

żLaunched 2020, 2nd year, student reflection due Dec. 31, research advisor feedback due Jan. 31 MIT & EECS: Support and Mentoring of Graduate Students **Leslie Kolodziejski: Transitional Support Coordinator -leskolo@mit.edu **Suraiya Baluch: OGE Transitional Support Coordinator-baluch@mit.edu մMIT Guaranteed Transitional Support Program Phase I

żEECS has supported transitions for many years

ż18 individuals (2 outside EECS) reached out for support/conversation żDept support: $206,892.50 for SS21 & FT21; 2 TA appointments ż11 transitions completed successfully, 4 underway, 3 recent inquiries żsupport includes: financial, advice/guidance, coaching, virtual intros մMIT Guaranteed Transitional Support Program Phase II żTwo-part reporting structure in discussions: central OGE + internal to dept/unit մMIT Ad Hoc Committee on Mentoring and Advising of Graduate Students żAd Hoc Committee on Graduate Advising and Mentoring @ MIT

մEECS PhD Student Check-in

żLaunched 2020, 2nd year, student reflection due Dec. 31, research advisor feedback due Jan. 31 MIT & EECS: Support and Mentoring of Graduate Students MIT & EECS: Support and Mentoring of Graduate Students մMIT Guaranteed Transitional Support Program Phase I

żEECS has supported transitions for many years

ż18 individuals (2 outside EECS) reached out for support/conversation żDept support: $206,892.50 for SS21 & FT21; 2 TA appointments ż11 transitions completed successfully, 4 underway, 3 recent inquiries żsupport includes: financial, advice/guidance, coaching, virtual intros մMIT Guaranteed Transitional Support Program Phase II żTwo-part reporting structure in discussions: central OGE + internal to dept/unit մMIT Ad Hoc Committee on Mentoring and Advising of Graduate Students żAd Hoc Committee on Graduate Advising and Mentoring @ MIT

մEECS PhD Student Check-in

żStart 2020, 2nd year, student reflection due Dec. 31, research advisor feedback due Jan. 31

EECS/CDEI Task Force on Graduate Admissions

մCo-chaired by Prof. Martha Gray and Prof. Armando Solar-Lezama մDiverse Membership: EECS faculty, graduate and undergraduate students; invitations extended and being accepted

մCharge addresses:

żVisibility of our PhD program

żEngagement with applicants prior to admission

żEngagement with applicants following admission decision

żReview of grad admission website (Grad Apply)

żReview processes carried out by subareas and committee members żEfficacies of current first year "guaranteed support" system

մSynergistic with:

żThriving Stars activities

żNew Focused Review Committee to look at URM applications

EECS/CDEI Task Force on Graduate Admissions

մCo-chaired by Prof. Martha Gray and Prof. Armando Solar-Lezama մDiverse Membership: EECS faculty, graduate and undergraduate students; invitations extended and being accepted

մCharge addresses:

żVisibility of our PhD program

żReview of grad admission website (Grad Apply)

żEngagement with applicants prior to admission

żEngagement with applicants following admission decision żReview processes carried out by subareas and committee members żEfficacies of current first year "guaranteed support" system

մSynergistic with:

żThriving Stars activities

żNew Focused Review Committee to look at URM applications MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP): 2021 Expansion


մpromote value of graduate education;

մimprove research enterprise through increased diversity; մprepare and recruit the best and brightest for graduate education at MIT մaims to increase number from underrepresented and underserved backgrounds (e.g., low socio economic, first-generation) in research

Robotics Lab tour: July 2021

MSRP: 2021 Expansion

Applying to EECS PhD Program, July 2021

Lunch with current PhD students, July 2021

MSRP: 2021 Partnerships

13 interns from partner schools, July 2021

մContinue interaction after summer program with joint mentoring մDevelop closer relationship with partner schools-leaders, faculty

EECS Thriving Stars

մNew Initiative Fall 2021

մLaunched Ada Lovelace Day

October 12 EECS Website

October 13 MIT News

EECS PhD Program

EECS Thriving Stars: Goals

մIncrease representation of women* toward gender parity մImprove the graduate experience for all (men and women*) մEncourage other graduate programs to follow our lead *women and underrepresented genders

Thriving Stars External Advisory Board

Thriving Stars Philosophy

Thriving Stars Year 1: Summary Goals

մDe-mystify the PhD in EECS-

affect applications

żZoom chat with MSRP alumni

(2019, 2020, 2021): 24 participants

żWebinar chat with GAAP mentees: 124 attendees

żYouTube chat with all in Grad Apply: 4144 invited, 343 attendees, 1222 views of recordingYouTube chat

The recording is here:https://youtu.be/fTdN_jqR7Z0

Thriving Stars Year 1: Summary Goals (con't)

մFocus on graduate admissions-affect enrollment

żGW6 Research Summit: share recording

żEECS Alumni Video 'snippets': share with all admitted students żReview processes: ramped-up, Task Force on Grad Admissions (more later) żCareer Panel: Feb. 3rd-admitted women*, current PhD women*, current UG women* *women and underrepresented genders

Thriving Stars Year 1: Summary Goals (con't)

մFundraise for graduate fellowships: underway

մThriving Stars Research Summits

żHighlight the research contributions of current PhD women* żFour 10-minute presentations followed by panel discussion of future żTopic-specific of importance and broad interest żAll EECS community invited, EECS Industry Alliance, EECS friends մPhD Journey: continue support of 1st semester seminars, GW6, THRIVE, GSA մGraduating Women*: exit interview +s/-s, MIT Advisors Hub *women = women and underrepresented genders

Time for a Couple of Questions...

մThen break-out room discussion

մThen final Town Hall Q&A

Time to Talk! Let's Break-out for Discussion!

մRandom assignment to a break-out room (or you can choose).

մEach break-out room will select note-taker.

մ15 minutes

մNote-taker will report out to all after break-out rooms are closed. żWill email summary to dei@eecs.mit.eduand we will post slides/notes online

մFinal Town Hall Q&A

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