[PDF] Math 255 – Spring 2017 Solving x2 ? a (mod n)

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3 Congruence

We read this as “a is congruent to b modulo (or mod) n. For example 29 ? 8 mod 7

3 Congruence

We read this as “a is congruent to b modulo (or mod) n. For example 29 ? 8 mod 7

Math 255 – Spring 2017 Solving x2 ? a (mod n)

When we solve a linear equation ax ? b (mod n) but gcd(a n) > 1

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congruence q(x) ? 0 (mod m) to solving the individual congruences q(x) ? 0 (mod pd ) where the Example: Solve the equation x3 + x + 2 ? 0 (mod 36).

Congruence and Congruence Classes

or adding b + d to both sides of this equation

Congruence of Integers

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4 Cryptography

As we have seen the algebraic problem of decoding an affine code involves solving a linear congruence. This is an equation of the form ax ? b mod n. In all of 

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n > 1 such that the congruence f(x) ? 0 mod(n) has no solutions x then the equation f(x) = 0 can have no integer solutions x.

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and the congruence x2 ? 1 (mod 3) has a solution if and only if x ? 1 (mod Solution: From Question 7 we note that if n > 1 then the equation [ a ]x ...

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Math 255 { Spring 2017



1 Lifting1

2 Solvingx2a(modpk)forpodd 3

3 Solvingx2a(mod 2k)5

4 Solvingx2a(modn)for generaln9

1 Lifting

Denition 1.1.Letnanddbe two integers such thatddividesn. Thenbmodulonis a lift ofamodulodif ab(modd):

A xed congruence classamodulodhasnd

dierent lifts modulon, and they are given by xa+dr(modn); r= 0;1;2;:::;nd 1 Example 1.2.Letn= 54 andd= 6. Thenx2 (mod 6) (so herea= 2) has546 = 9 lifts modulo 54, and they are x2;8;14;20;26;32;38;44;50 (mod 54): Note that all of these integers are dierent modulo 54, but they are all the same modulo 6. Note that the notion of lifting has come up earlier in the semester without us giving it this name:

1. When we solve a linear equationaxb(modn) but gcd(a;n)>1, if gcd(a;n) divides

bwe \divide everything" by gcd(a;n). This gives us an equationa0xb0(modn0), with a

0=agcd(a;n); b0=bgcd(a;n); n=ngcd(a;n);

and now gcd(a0;n0) = 1. Thereforea01(modn0) exists and the equation can be solved by division to give a unique solutionx0modulon0. Then the solutions of the original equation, are exactly all of the liftsx(modn) ofx0(modn0).

Example 1.3.Let's solve

15x39 (mod 42):

Since gcd(15;42) = 3, 15 is not a unit modulo 42. Furthermore, since 3 divides 39, the equation has gcd(15;42) = 3 solutions. (If 3 did not divide 39, we could not 1 \divide everything" by 3 and there would be no solution, see Theorem 4.7.) We start by dividing all the way through:

5x13 (mod 14):

Now 5 is a unit modulo 14, with inverse 3, since 53 = 151 (mod 14) (there is no relation between this 3 and the gcd(15;42), this is a coincidence). We multiply both sides by 3 x3911 (mod 14) to solve the equation. The three solutions modulo 42 are the three lifts ofx11 (mod 14) toZ=42Z: x11 + 14r; r= 0;1;2 or x11;25;39 (mod 42):

2. The Chinese Remainder Theorem is an example of when we can be guaranteed to

obtain a unique simultaneous lift of several congruences. Given xa1(modn1); xa2(modn2); :::; xak(modnk) with thenis pairwise relatively prime, we are told that there is a unique lift xa(modn); wheren=n1n2nk, that lifts simultaneously all of the congruence classes listed.

Example 1.4.Consider the set of congruences

x1 (mod 3); x2 (mod 5); x3 (mod 7); this problem Section 4.4, problem 4(a). These three congruences lift to a unique class modulon= 357 = 105: x52 (mod 105): We can check that this is a lift of each of the congruences: Indeed

521 (mod 3);

522 (mod 5);and

523 (mod 7):

The reason why the Chinese Remainder Theorem requires that thenis be relatively prime is so that the congruences do not contradict each other. There is no problem if xa1(modn1) andxa2(modn2) with gcd(n1;n2)>1, as long as botha1and a

2are lifts of the same congruence class modulo gcd(n1;n2). In that case there is a

unique lift to xa(mod lcm(n1;n2)):

Otherwise there is no lift.


Example 1.5.Consider the two congruences

x4 (mod 6) andx10 (mod 15): Since gcd(6;15) = 3, this will have a common lift modulo lcm(6;15) = 30 if and only if

410 (mod 3):

Since this is the case the lift exists. We can compute it using the Chinese Remainder

Theorem as the simultaneous lift of

x0 (mod 2);andx10 (mod 15) or x4 (mod 6);andx0 (mod 5):

In any case the simultaneous lift is

x10 (mod 30):

However, the two congruences

x3 (mod 6) andx10 (mod 15) do not have a common lift to any modulus, since this would require at the same time thatx0 (mod 3) andx1 (mod 3), which is impossible.

2 Solvingx2a(modpk)forpodd

We begin with a proposition. This is the only time we will consider the case of gcd(a;p)>1:

Proposition 2.1.The equation


20 (modp);

wherepis any prime, has the unique solutionx0 (modp). Proof.The only zero divisor in the ringZ=pZis 0. Therefore, if a product is 0, one of the factors must be 0, from which it follows thatx0 (modp).Our main result is the following: Theorem 2.2(Theorem 9.11).Letpbe an odd prime anda2Zwithgcd(a;p) = 1. The equation x


either has no solution if ap =1; or 3 has2solutionsx1andx1if ap = 1. We now turn our attention to nding the two solutions when they exist. The idea behind solving the equation is similar to induction:

1. We rst solve the equationx2a(modp) (the \base case")

2. Given a solution tox2a(modpj), we compute a solution tox2a(modpj+1) (the

\induction step"). We repeat this step, lifting our solution from modulopto modulo p

2to modulop3, until we get to thepkthat is our target.

The \base case" in our class will always be easy, either becausepis small or because the equation isx21;4;9;16:::(modp) (which have a solution in the integers which also works modulo any primep). We focus here on the lifting (or \induction") step. Assume that we have a solutionx0such thatx20a(modpj). Then we look for a lift ofx0(modpj) tox1(modpj+1) that satisesx21a(modpj+1). Concretely, this gives us the following two equations:

1. The \lifting equation"



which ensures thatx1(modpj+1) is a lift ofx0(modpj),

2. and the equation



which is the equation we are trying to solve.

Plugging the rst equation into the second we get

a(x0+pjy0)2(modpj+1) x20+ 2x0pjy0+p2jy20(modpj+1) x20+ 2x0pjy0(modpj+1): Recall that our unknown here isy0. This is a linear equation iny0. Furthermore, this equation can be shown to always have a unique solutiony0(modp): Indeed we have


Sincex20a(modpj),ax20is divisible bypj(this is, after all, the denition of what it means to be congruent). We also have that gcd(2x0pj;pj+1) =pj, since gcd(2x0;p) = 1 (pis odd, andx0cannot be divisible bypand be a solution tox2a(modpj) if gcd(a;p) = 1). Therefore we can divide all the way through bypjand nd the unique solution to


j(modp) by multiplying both sides of the equation by (2x0)1(modp) (which exists since gcd(2x0;p) =

1, as argued above).


3 Solvingx2a(mod 2k)

We note that Proposition 2.1 still applies. Since gcd(a;2) = 1 implies thatais odd, we now restrict to this case. Our main result whenp= 2 is the following: Theorem 3.1(Theorem 9.12).Letabe odd. Then we have the following:

1. The equation

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