[PDF] intro + sommaire performed with Mercure_Saturne by introducing

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intro + sommaire

performed with Mercure_Saturne by introducing additional dynamique et stochastique de l'environnement hydro-météoro- ... Lamberton Damien (UPEMLV).


de sûreté et de sécurité des installations. 248. La simulation les outils de calcul et la métrologie. 186. Recherche

Vague D Campagne dévaluation 2017 – 2018 Unité de recherche

Enfin pour assurer le développement du calcul scientifique au sein du laboratoire

intro   sommaire L "École des ponts est une institution formant des ingénieurs dans des champs où la dimension scientifique et technique doit souvent être fortement hybridée avec des composantes touchant à l"aména- gement, aux disciplines de l"économie, de la gestion ou des sciences sociales. Cette hybridation, la recherche de l"École des ponts la porte d"une part, dans les thématiques de ses laboratoires Ð qui mêlent la mécanique ou les mathématiques par exemple à l"économie ou aux sciences de l"aménagement Ð d"autre part, dans ses missions qui sont à la fois tour- nées vers la production académique ou le partenariat avec les entreprises mais aussi, vers les acteurs publics ou le débat public. L"excellence doit bien sûr se développer sur l"ensemble de ces axes, afin notam- ment de fournir un support à la formation toujours en phase ou en avance avec les besoins des futurs ingé- nieurs, des docteurs et de leurs employeurs. La r echerche représente, dans le budget de l"École des ponts, 16 M €dont 3,8 M€de contrats de recherche. Ceci correspond à 80 chercheurs perma- nents et 9 bourses de thèses répartis dans 10 labo- ratoires comprenant 220 chercheurs permanents et

250 doctorants.

L"année 2007 a vu l"attribution du prix Nobel de la Paix au Groupe Intergouvernemental d"Études des Changements du Climat (GIEC) auquel ont participé des chercheurs de l"École au CIRED. Dans le domaine de l"environnement, c"est également le démarrage du réseau de recherche pour le dévelop- pement soutenable financé par la région Île-de- France. Ce fut enfin l"occasion de présenter les travaux du groupement de recherche MoMas à la commission du parlement chargée de suivre la loi sur les déchets nucléaires. Par ailleurs, cette année a également vu la création d"une chaire, dans le domaine des risques financiers, avec le support de la Société Générale. En 2007, sur le plan de la recherche partenariale, l"École des ponts a eu des relations importantes avec notamment EDF, la SNCF, LAFARGE, la RATP, EADS,

SCHLUMBERGER ainsi qu"avec l"ANDRA, le CETU,

l"Agence de l"eau Seine-Normandie et la Région Île- de-France.

En termes de production scientifique, notons

également 6 habilitations à diriger des recherches et

48 thèses soutenues dans les écoles doctorales

associant l"École des ponts ainsi que 220 articles dans des revues à comité de lecture référencées dans le

Web of Science.

Toute cette activité constitue un socle d"une qualité indéniable pour le développement de l"École, tant pour la formation des ingénieurs et docteurs que pour le soutien qu"elle apporte à son secteur professionnel et permet d"envisager sereinement son rôle dans les partenariats structurants que sont Université Paris- Est, ParisTech, l"École d"Économie de Paris et le réseau scientifique et technique de notre ministère de tutelle. 1

Éditorial d'Armel de La Bourdonnaye

directeur de la Recherche de l'École des ponts 2 sommaire

éditorial > 1

sciences de l'environnement

CEREA > 5|CEREVE > 23 |CIRED > 47

mathématiques Ð informatique


mécanique Ð physique Ð géotechnique

UR Navier > 109

aménagement Ð transport Ð économie

LATTS > 159|LVMT> 213 |PSE > 237

glossaire des abréviations > 269 3

École des ponts Ð la recherche en 2007

CEREA sciences de l'environnement

CEREA Éco?e des ponts Ð ?a recherche en 2007


Research and Teaching Center

in Atmospheric Environment

Université Paris-Est

Joint laboratory

lÉcole des ponts lEDF R&D

Université Paris-Est /CEREA

École des ponts

6/8 avenue B?aise Pasca?

Cité Descartes - Champs-sur-Marne

77455 Marne-?a-Va??ée cedex 2

Te?. : 01 64 15 21 57

Fax : 01 64 15 21 70


6 quai Watier

78401 Chatou


Director : Bruno Sportisse

Deputy Director : Luc Musson-Genon


13 researchers

4 r esearch assistant

1 associate researcher

6 post-doctoral fellows

11 phD students

2 technical staff

2 administrative staff

The research and teaching center in atmospheric environment (CEREA) was estab?ished in 2003 as a research center at Éco?e des ponts. In 2004, it became a joint ?aboratory between Éco?e des ponts and EDF R&D. It a?so hosts a joint project with INRIA since September 2003, the " Coup?age de ?a donnée environ- nementa? et des modè?es de simu?ation numérique pour une integration ?ogicie??e » project. CE REA has three ?ocations (Éco?e des ponts at Champs-sur- Marne, EDF R&D at Chatou, INRIA at Rocquencourt). Its main research activity is devoted to air qua?ity mode?ing and atmos- pheric dispersion from short-range to ?ong-range sca?es. Research works are a?so dedicated to studying the atmospheric boundary ?ayer (especia??y for app?ications re?ated to wind power estimate). A specia? focus is given to the assessment of environmenta? impact of transport and energy production (therma? or nuc?ear These activities are connected with the programs of EDF R&D and with research units and technica? centers of the Ministry of Eco?ogy, Sustainab?e Deve?opment and Regiona? p?anning through its Research Directorate. Key re?ationships have been deve?oped for specific app?ications, with IRSN (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nuc?éaire) for radionuc?ides and with INERIS (Institut Nationa? on Environmenta? and the Risques Industie?s and Sanitaires) for impact studies or environmenta? forecast.

CEREA is organized in three groups:

- Microsca?e meteoro?ogy and ?oca? sca?e (short-range dispersion and observation of the atmospheric boundary ?ayer); - Air qua?ity mode?ing at regiona?, and continenta? sca?es; -INRIA Project-Team CLIME devoted to data assimi?ation and inverse mode?ing. CEREA deve?ops mode?ing activities main?y with two numerica? mode?s: an atmospheric CFD (Computationa? F?uid Dynamics too?, Mercure_Saturne, for short-range app?ications (urban po?- ?ution, risk assessment, wind power estimate), and an air qua?ity mode?ing system, Po?yphemus. Po?yphemus inc?udes different mode?s ranging from short-range dispersion (Gaussian and puff mode?s) to ?ong-range dispersion at regiona? and continenta? sca?es (the Chemistry-Transport Mode?s Castor and Po?air3D). These mode?s are eva?uated by comparisons to measured data and used for impact studies or environmenta? forecast. In this framework, the research actions devoted to data assimi?ation (coup?ing between mode? outputs and measurements) aim at improving the abi?ity of mode?s to make good forecasts and/or perform inv erse mode?ing of po??utants. Apart from mode?ing, the measurements team is imp?ied in sev- era? campaigns in order to improve the know?edge of the atmos- pheric boundary ?ay er and to support the va?idation of


Éco?e des ponts Ð ?a recherche en 2007CEREA


Key facts in 2007

In 2007, CEREA has successfu??y achieved its first scientific eva?- uation (June 15 th

2007). The " Summary Report 2003-2007 » and

the "Prospective Report 2008-2011» are avai?ab?e from the web- site of CEREA. More than 25 papers have been pub?ished or accepted in inter- nationa? peer -reviewed journa?s. 3 PhD works and 2 Research

Habi?itations have been defended.

R ea?-?ife cases of industria? sites have been simu?ated with Mercure_Saturne. The partnership with the observationa? group at SIRTA (Site Instrumenta? de Recherche par Té?édétection Atmosphérique) has been strengthened, especia??y with the Paris-Fog fie?d campaign (joint?y with Météo France). Two new versions of the Po?yphemus system have been re?eased, with an increasing number of re?ated research works (more than

90% of research pub?ications are based on Po?yphemus), app?i-

cations and users (two training sessions have been organized, inc?uding one in South America). Joint projects with the French Institute of Radio?ogica? Protection and Nuc?ear Safety (IRSN) have been carried on, with a focus on data assimi?ation, inverse mode?ing and network design for acci- denta? re?eases.


CEREA deve?ops mode?ing activities with two numerica? mode?s: a CF

D (Computationa? F?uid Dynamicscure_Saturne,

for sma?? sca?e dispersion (urban po??ution, industria? risk p?atform, Po?yphemus, devoted to atmospheric dispersion from ?oca? to continenta? sca?es. Some appropriate physica? parame- terizations and mu?tiphase reactive box mode?s are deve?oped and p?ugged in these three-dimensiona? mode?s. The resu?ting mode?s are compared to measured data and used for impact studies or environmenta? forecast. In this framework, the research actions devoted to data assimi?ation (coup?ing between mode? outputs and measurements) aim at improving the abi?ity of mode?s to make good forecasts and/or perform inverse mode?ing of po??utants. Moreover, a team is active in the observation of the atmospheric boundary ?ay er.

1. Microscale-Meteorology and Local Scale

Group ?eader: Bertrand Carissimo

2. Air Quality Modeling at Regional and Continental Scales

Group ?eader: Karine Sarte?et

3. INRIA Projet-Team CLIME

Group ?eader: Isabe??e Her?in

1 Ð Microscale-Meteorology and Local Scale

(Group leader: Bertrand Carissimo) The research actions are re?ated to the preoccupations of the M

EDAD (urban po??utionDF (dispersion at an

industria? site, wind energy resource assessment). They main?y re?y on the deve?opment of an integrated numerica? mode?, Mercure_Saturne (EDF) and on the use of experimenta? means of observations in the atmospheric boundary ?ayer (sodars, sonic and cup anemometers, UHF radar) Mercure_Saturne is based on a genera? purpose CFD too?s, Code_Saturne, which has a wide range of app?ications. In this framework, the team adapts or deve?ops parameterizations suit- ab?e for atmospheric environment app?ications (c?oud scheme, atmospheric radiative scheme, chemistry, aeroso?s). The fie?d campaigns are devoted primari?y to the constitution of data bases for numerica? simu?ations (va?idation, input data), and to the tests of instruments, especia??y remote sensing instru- ments.

1.1 General Evolution of Mercure_Saturne

The first action achieved during 2007 is the migration of the atmospheric version towards the new version of Code_Saturne (1.2.4esponding re-va?idation of a?? test cases. The resu?ts of these test cases on the new version have been pre- sented in a technica? report (H-I88-2007-01856-FR). The further important evo?ution is the next migration towards the open source version of Code_Saturne (1.3 integration of the atmospheric specificities in the kerne?. A first step has been achieved in 2007, with the integration of the rough wa?? ?aw.

1.2 Dispersion for Industrial Site

Rea?-?ife simu?ations of two industria? sites have been performed, inc?uding bui?dings and topography, for which the mesh and sim- u?ation domain have been constructed. For both sites, detai?ed wind tunne? measurements of Éco?e Centra?e de Lyon are avai?- ab?e and have been used for comparisons of dynamica? variab?es (wind components and turbu?enceations (mean va?ues and f?uctuations). Comparisons between Mercure_Saturne and ADMS (Advanced Gaussian Mode? System inc?uding a parameterisation of bui?ding effect) have been achieved. For the first site, the Bugey nuc?ear power p?ant ?ocated in an area of moderate topography, the resu?ts show that Mercure_Saturne is significant?y better in the bui?ding area but compar ab?e in qua?ity than ADMS in the p?ume far from the source ?ocation where Mercure_Sature underestimates horizon- ta? diffusion. For the second site, the new nuc?ear power p?ant of

F?amanvi??e wher

e a high c?iff is found just behind the bui?dings, the resu?ts are significant?y better with Mercure_Saturne. An uncertainty eva?uation due to input data using Monte Car?o and scr eening design (Morris methods give coherent resu?ts and quantify the importance of wind direction and vertica? ?ocation of po??utant re?ease for area near the source, and the importance of atmospheric stabi?ityquotesdbs_dbs31.pdfusesText_37
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