[PDF] Searches related to opencv barrel distortion filetype:pdf

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Single Image Automatic Radial Distortion Compensation Using

2021?12?16? and uncalibrated cameras radial distortion originating from ... formed on a MacBook Air with Python and OpenCV have revealed that it is.

Realistic Lens Distortion Rendering

Lens distortion Camera calibration

On the Maximum Radius of Polynomial Lens Distortion - Matthew J

Polynomial radial lens distortion models are widely used in image processing and computer vision vasively in software ranging from PhotoShop to OpenCV.

Accuracy evaluation of optical distortion calibration by digital image

2017?6?29? Internal parameters and distortion parameters of lens 2. distortion models. OpenCV distortion model first-order radial distortion model second- ...

Realistic Lens Distortion Rendering

Lens distortion Camera calibration

Lightweight Surround View Algorithm for Embedded TDA3xx Platform

Keywords: surround view; ADAS; lens distortion correction; birds-eye view; studies use mainly OpenCV (see [3] and [4]) or similar algorithms for camera ...

Efficient Real-Time Radial Distortion Correction for UAVs

cal length radial distortion profile and motion parameters from homographies. the OpenCV [3] camera calibration procedure); for the case.

Presentation Title Here

Distortion alters normalized coordinates to where. Radial. Tangential http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/modules/calib3d/doc/ ...


2017?6?6? OpenCV's camera calibration module uses pinhole model of the camera and the Brown's lens distortion model (Brown 1966).


In the occurrence of barrel Radial distortion is the most common type of distortion distortions image magnification decreases when moving encountered in Photogrammetry (Tardif et al 2009; away from the optical axis giving an appearance that the Hamad et al 2017; Shih and Tung 2017)

CS231A Course Notes 1: Camera Models - Stanford University

referred to as radial distortion which causes the image magni cation to decrease or increase as a function of the distance to the optical axis We classify the radial distortion as pincushion distortion when the magni - cation increases and barrel distortion3 when the magni cation decreases

Lecture 53 Camera calibration - Universitetet i Oslo

• The estimation of distortion parameters can be baked into this • One of the most common calibration algorithms was proposed by Zhegyou Zhang in the paper ’’ A Flexible New Technique for Camera Calibration ’’ in 2000 – OpenCV: calibrateCamera – Matlab: Camera calibration app


Hardware implementation of the barrel distortion correc-tion algorithm can be done in several ways The simplest approach is to explicitly encode the relationship between all distortedand correctedimagecoordinatesin a formofa large look-up table [5] This system may be very fast however forlargerimagesizesithassigni?cantmemoryrequirements

Searches related to opencv barrel distortion filetype:pdf

distortion The main application of the methods is for synchrotron-based parallel-beam X-ray tomography where specially designed optics is being used for imaging X-rays after conversion to visible light Here distortion as small as 1 pixel introduces artifacts in the reconstructed images 1 Introduction

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Rendering images with lens distortion that matches real cameras requires a camera model that Lens distortion Camera calibration Camera model OpenCV

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Conventional model-fitting based algorithms for lens distortion correction impose many assumptions upon modeled distortions which may lead to inaccuracy

Camera Calibration - OpenCV Documentation

Radial distortion causes straight lines to appear curved Radial distortion becomes larger the farther points are from the center of the image For example one 

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Lens distortions appear in almost all digital images and cause straight lines to appear curved in the image This can contribute to errors in position 

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Since light enters the camera through a lens instead of a pinhole most cameras suffer from some kind of distortion • This kind of distortion can be 

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We describe two series of experiments with synthetic images In both cases we used OpenCV's Canny and contour extraction algorithms with a low gradient

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In this paper a new model of camera lens distortion is presented according to which lens distortion is governed by the coefficients of radial distortion and a 

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16 déc 2021 · When following the play every image captured by the cameras might exhibit different distortion due to the changing focal length and changing 

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7 fév 2017 · Abstract: This article presents a new approach to calculating the inverse of radial distortions The method presented here provides a model 

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Geometric Camera Models – Radial Lens Distortion Distorted image OpenCV is a computer vision library originally developed by Intel now

Technical report

Python implementation of distortion correction methods for

X-ray micro-tomography

Nghia T. Vo

Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire,

OX11 0DE, UK



The python package (https://github.com/nghia-vo/vounwarp) is the implementation of the distortion correction methods published in Optics Express [N. T. Vo et al., "Radial lens distortion correction with sub-pixel accuracy for X-ray micro-tomography," 23, 32859-32868 (2015)]. It is useful for calibrating an imaging system which is highly configurable and requires frequent disassembly for maintenance or replacement of parts. The techniques require a single image of a

calibration target aligned perpendicular to the optic axis and thus imaged with negligible perspective

distortion. The main application of the methods is for synchrotron-based parallel-beam X-ray tomography where specially designed optics is being used for imaging X-rays after conversion to

visible light. Here, distortion as small as 1 pixel introduces artifacts in the reconstructed images.

1. Introduction

The methods are used to calculate parameters of a polynomial model of radial lens distortion [1], which are the center of distortion (CoD) and the polynomial coefficients, for correcting the distortion of an imaging system. They are classified as direct techniques because no iterative adjustment of distortion coefficients is necessary. The CoD is calculated independently from the polynomial coefficients. This is useful for bespoke designed systems where the routine mechanical alterations do not alter the lens characteristics but may change the center of the optical axis with

respect to the detector. The achievable sub-pixel accuracy relies on the quality of a calibration target

which can provide straight and equidistant lines vertically and horizontally. The calibration methods

extract these lines, represent them by the coefficients of parabolic fits, and use these coefficients for

calculating distortion coefficients. This requires the number of patterns (dots or lines) should be large

enough to allow fitting with sub-pixel accuracy. The current package is used for processing a dot pattern target. Pre-processing modules for handling different types of target will be added. The package uses common Python libraries of image processing distributed by Anaconda [2]. In addition to docstrings for every function in the package, this report provides a detailed analysis and explanation of methods which is useful for users or developers. Figure 0 shows the structure of the python package which has four modules: the LoaderSaver module is used to load an image and save outputs such as an image, a metadata file, or a plot image; the Pre-processing module is used to segment a grid pattern and group points into lines; the

Processing module is for calculating distortion parameters; and the Post-processing module is used to

unwarp distorted lines, images, or slices and to evaluate the accuracy of the correction results.

Figure 0. Structure of the package.

2. Analysis procedure

2.1 Basis routine

- Acquire an image of a dot pattern (Fig. 1). Figure 1. Image of a dot pattern (Visible light target)

- Binarize the image (Fig. 2), calculate of the center of mass of each dot, group dots into horizontal

lines (Fig. 3) and vertical lines (Fig. 4).

Figure 3. Dots are group

Figure 2. Bin

ped into horizon

Figure 4. Dots

nary image of th ntal lines (dots o are grouped int he dot pattern. on the same lin to vertical lines e having the sam s. ame color). - Calc apply co correcte culate the cen orrection usin d dot-centroi CoDx CoDy


nter of distor ng linear int ids to their fi T (from the lef (from the to A0 A1 A2 A3 A4

6. Plot of the d

rtion, the pol erpolation (F fitted straight

Table 1: Param

ft of the imag p of the imag Figur distances of the against th e lynomial coe

Fig. 5); evalu

t line (Fig. 6) meters of the co ge) ge) re 5. Corrected i corrected dot-c eir distances fro efficients (Ta uate the resid orrection mod 1252
1.000 -1.6243 -1.3565 -2.2558


image. centroids from t om the CoD. ab. 1) of the dual errors u el .18562214 .91664101






their fitted strai backward m using the dist 6 8 2 6 ight line model [1]; tances of

2.2 Advanced analysis

2.2.1 Pre-processing Binarizing

The basic routine works well if one acquires a nice and clean image of a dot pattern. However, extra pre-processing methods may be needed in the following cases: - Background is non-uniform (Fig. 7a). To binarize an image using a global thresholding method [3], we need to normalize the image with the background extracted from itself (Fig. 7b). The package provides two ways of generating the background: applying a strong low-pass filter on the image or applying a median filter with a large window size.

Figure 7. Non-uniform background correction. (a) Image (X-ray target); (b) Extracted background; (c) Corrected image.

- Image is contaminated (Fig. 8). The package provides two methods of removing non-dot objects

after the binarization step. In the first approach, the median size of the dots (MS) is determined, then

only objects with sizes in the range of (MS-R*MS; MS+R*MS) are kept where R (ratio) is a

parameter. In the second approach, the ratio between the largest axis and the smallest axis of the best-

fit ellipse is used [4]. Objects with ratios out of the range (1.0; 1.0+R) are removed.

Figure 8. Processing a contaminated image.

(a) Image (X-ray target); (b) Binary image; (c) Image with non-dot objects removed. - There are misplaced dots in the image. X-ray dot patterns made in-house may have dots placed in wrong positions as shown in Fig. 9. The misplaced dot is identified by using its distances to four nearest dots. If none of the distances is in the range of (MD-R*MD; MD+R*MD), where MD is the median distance of two nearest dots, the dot is removed. This method, however, should not be used

for image with strong distortion where the distance of two nearest dots changes significantly against

their distances from the CoD (Fig. 1). A more generic approach to tackle the problem is presented in the next section. Figure 9. (a) Image with a misplaced dot; (b) Binary image; (c) Misplaced dot removed. In the previous methods, the median size of the dot and the median distance of two nearest dots are used to select dots. These values are determined by: selecting the middle part of the image where

there is least distortion; binarizing this ROI; calculating the size of each dot; calculating the distance

between a dot and its nearest dot for all dots; using the median value of the sizes and the distances.

The median value is used instead of the mean value to avoid the influence of the non-dot objects, misplaced dots, or missing dots. Grouping

In this step, the center of mass (CoM) of each dot is calculated and used to group dots into horizontal lines and vertical lines. Grouping methods search the neighbours of a dot to decide that they belong to the same group or not. The search window is defined by the distance of two nearest

dots, the slope of the grid, the parameter R, and the acceptable number of missing dots. The slope of

the grid is coarsely estimated using the Radon transform [5]. Next, dot-centroids around a line which

goes through the centroid of the middle dot of the ROI and has the same slope as the previous result

are used for the linear fit. The slope of the fitted line is the accurate estimation of the grid slope. Note

that the R value (0.0 -> 1.0) or the acceptable number of missing dots may need to be adjusted to avoid the problem of lines broken as shown in Fig. 10.

Figure 10. Incorrect grouping demonstration: (a) If the acceptable number of missing dots is small; (b) If R is large.

As mentioned in the previous section, there is a different way of removing misplaced dots after they

are grouped. Dot-centroids in the same group are fitted with a parabolic curve. Any dot-centroid with

the distance larger than a certain value (in pixel unit) from its fitted position is removed (Fig. 11).

2.2.2 Pr

It is imp

coordina refers to paraboli refers to problem C

Points o

and ver t where i, the CoD parabola average rocessing portant to b ate system, t o this origin ic fits of hor o the top-lef m of fitting lin

Calculating t

n each group tical lines by , j are the in

D is explaine

as between w of the b coef Figur be aware tha the origin is n [6]. In the rizontal line ft origin wi nes nearly pe the center of p are fitted to ndex of the h ed in the Fi which the co fficients of th

Figure 12. C

re 11. Misplace at different m at the top-le e plotting co s refers to t th coordinat erpendicular fdistortion o parabolas in y= xa= horizontal lin ig. 12 where efficient a c hese parabol

Coarse CoD is th

d dot removal: methods use eft corner of oordinate sy the bottom-le tes swapped to the axis. n which the 2 ii ax bx++ 2 jj ayby++ nes and verti e (x 0 , y 0 ) is changes sign. las. he intersection o (a) Before; (b) e different co f the image. ystem, the o eft origin, h d. This is ne horizontal li i c, j c+ ical lines res the average . The slopes of the red and t


oordinate sy

For example

origin is at t owever the ecessary to nes are repre pectively. T of the axi s of the red a he green line. ystems. In th e, the CoM the bottom- one of vert i avoid the n esented by

The rough est

s intercepts and green lin he image of a dot left. The ical lines numerical (1) (2) timate of c of two ne are the

For accu

parabola current points. E lines (Fi metric. Howev e may be maps o f show th e the coar F C


be deter spacing intercep t urately deter as and metric

CoD is loca

Each set of p

ig. 13) is th er, this routin useful for ap ftwo cases: o e global min se CoD is ac

Figure 14. Metri

Calculating u

rted intercep rmined witho can be extra ts are constru rmining the cs are calcula ated for each points is fitt he metric of F ne of finding pplications n one without p nimum inside ccurate enoug ic map of the C undistorted i pts, u i cand j c out distortion apolated from ucted by extr s u i c=

CoD coord

ated as the fo h parabola. ed to a strai the estimat e

Figure 13. Accu

g accurate C needing to de perspective d e the box and gh for both c

CoD search: (a) w

intercepts u j , of undisto n correction. m the area ne rapolating fr ()(gn i ci׊ dinates, they ollowing step

The horizon

ight line. Th ed CoD. The urate determina

CoD is very s

etect this typ distortion an d outside the cases. without perspe orted lines us . Using the a ear the CoD rom a few lin )0icc-Δ+ are varied ps: The point ntal and vert e sum of the e best CoD ation of the CoD sensitive to t pe of distort d one with s m box, respect ctive distortion sed for calcu assumption t having negl nes around th 0i c inside the b t having min tical parabol e intercepts o is the one h D. the perspecti ion). Figure mall perspec tively. In pra ; (b) with pers p ulating distor that the undi ligible distort he CoD as bounds of th nimum distan las yield two of two fitted having the m ive distortio

14 shows t

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