[PDF] Parameter-Free Lens Distortion Calibration of Central Cameras

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How to turn your camera into a perfect pinhole model

Sep 20 2023 ... camera calibration toolboxes of both MATLAB and OpenCV. This method assumes ... camera calibration with distortion models using sphere images ...

A camera calibration technique based on OpenCV

The camera model of calibration algorithm in OpenCV is based on pinhole model and introduces the radial lens distortion and tangential distortion

Simple Accurate


Why Having 10000 Parameters in Your Camera Model Is Better Why Having 10000 Parameters in Your Camera Model Is Better

Accurate camera calibration requires a flexible model that avoids restricting the representable distortions. in OpenCV [6] using all distortion terms. The ...

Realistic Lens Distortion Rendering

Lens distortion Camera calibration

Lecture 5.3 Camera calibration

• This camera model is typically not good enough for accurate geometrical computations based on • A radial distortion model can look like this. = 1 ...

Calibration of Cameras with Radially Symmetric Distortion Abstract 1

Such a model is highly expressive but it is difficult to obtain a stable calibration of cameras with it. In this paper

Camera Calibration Camera Autocalibration

Apr 8 2019 Reference: OpenCV calibration module https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules ... Assumes pinhole model (i.e.

Neural Lens Modeling

Apr 10 2023 widely used camera calibration methods and board patterns: (1) the distortion model implemented in OpenCV [5] using all distortion terms ...

Accuracy evaluation of optical distortion calibration by digital image

2017. gada 29. j?n. Due to its convenience of operation the camera calibration algorithm

A new calibration model of camera lens distortion

2007 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Camera calibration; Lens distortion; Image correction. 1.

Fisheye camera system calibration for automotive applications

2017. gada 5. maijs and calibrated. Hereby distortions caused by fisheye lenses are automati- ... models and camera calibration are compared and evaluated.

Analysis of Brown camera distortion model [8903-92]

We also report experiments with camera calibration algorithm included in OpenCV library especially a stability of distortion parameters estimation is evaluated 

Lecture 5.3 Camera calibration

This camera model is typically not good enough for accurate geometrical A radial distortion model can look like this ... OpenCV: calibrateCamera.


2017. gada 6. j?n. OpenCV's camera calibration module uses pinhole model of the camera and the Brown's lens distortion model (Brown 1966).

Parameter-Free Lens Distortion Calibration of Central Cameras

provides stereo rectification and corrects lens distortion. 1. Introduction. The pinhole camera model is by far the most widely used image formation model.

A precision analysis of camera distortion models

Index Terms—distortion measurement camera calibration. I. INTRODUCTION. The pinhole camera model is widely used in computer vision applications because of 

Parameter-Free Lens Distortion Calibration of Central Cameras

provides stereo rectification and corrects lens distortion. 1. Introduction. The pinhole camera model is by far the most widely used image formation model.

Realistic Lens Distortion Rendering

Lens distortion Camera calibration

Parameter-free Lens Distortion Calibration of Central Cameras

First we introduce an effective cali-bration procedure for the proposed semi-constrained model Second we de?ne an optimal approach to create a virtualpinhole camera from the calibrated

Lecture 53 Camera calibration - Universitetet i Oslo

Camera calibration • Camera calibration is the process of estimating the matrix ???? together with any distortion parameter that we use to describe radial/tangential distortion • We have seen how ???? can be found directly from the camera matrix ???? • The estimation of distortion parameters can be baked into this

Lecture 53 Camera calibration - Universitetet i Oslo

OpenCV: calibrateCamera Matlab: Camera calibration app This calibration algorithm makes use of multiple images of a asymmetric chessboard Given images of the planar calibration object we stack of linear equations which can be solved by SVD when ?the3 equations to get a homogeneous system

Camera Calibration - OpenCV Documentation

Radial distortion causes straight lines to appear curved Radial distortion becomes larger the farther points are from the center of the image For example 

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One of the first introduction of the tangential distortion model This distortion model is also known as the "Brown-Conrady model" A Conrady Decentering lens 

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5 juil 2017 · Abstract—This paper addresses the question of identifying the right camera direct or inverse distortion model permitting

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Find the distortion coefficients of the camera • Radial • Tangential • VERY large literature on the subject • Good calibration is important when we need 

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Stereo calibration in OpenCV Defined in /usr/include/opencv/cvaux h distortion coefficients (2 coefs for radial 2 for tangential [ k1 k2 p1 p2 ])

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5 jan 2022 · Camera calibration is a technique that estimates the characteristics of a camera which are needed to establish a relationship between 3D point 

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In this paper a new model of camera lens distortion is presented according to which lens distortion is governed by the coefficients of radial distortion and a 

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8 avr 2019 · It is not as accurate or stable as camera calibration (fixed camera parameters) • Assumes pinhole model (i e it ignores lens distortion) 

What is OpenCV calibration?

    The calibration allows you to remove the distortion inherent in the camera and determine the relationship between the camera’s natural units (pixels) and the real world units (for example millimeters). There are two primary types of distortion that OpenCV accounts for; radial and tangential.

How to distort an image in OpenCV?

    OpenCV doesn't provide distort function for image, but you can implement one by yourself. All you need are: Intrinsic params (camera matrix and distortion coefficients) and size of the distorted image. Denoted as cam_mtx, dis_cef, and image_size. Intrinsic params (camera matrix) and size of the undistorted image.

Which distortion models are used in global camera calibration?

    For example, direct distortion models are used in global camera calibration [29], [32], [17], [30]. Yet, in most plumb-line methods [3], [9], [1], [2], [25], [23], [22], [6] or some pattern-free methods [26], [31], [10], [19], [28], [7], [21], [4], [16], the very same radial correction models are used without any fuss to inverse the distortion.

How is distortion calibrated in LensFun?

    In Lensfun, the distortion is calibrated with some prede?ned models (see Table II), based on the matching points between two images taken by the same camera on the same focal length.4The ?nal calibrated distortion models in Lensfun are represented in the normalized image domain [ 1:0;+1:0] [ 1:0;+1:0]5.
FilippoBerg amasco,LucaCosmo,AndreaGasparetto,AndreaAlbarelliandAndrea Torsello DipartimentodiScienze Ambientali,Informaticae Statistica


`aCa"F oscari-V enice,Italy


Atthecor eofmany ComputerVisionapplicationsstands

theneedto defineamathematical modeldescribingthe imagingprocess.To thisend,thepinholemodelwith ra- dialdistortionis probablythe mostcommonlyused, as itbalanceslow complexitywith aprecision thatissuffi- cientformost applications.Onthe otherhand,uncon- strainednon-parametricmodels,despite beingoriginally proposedtohandlespecialtycamer as,havebeen shown tooutperformthe pinholemodel,e venwiththe simplerse- tups.Still,notwithstanding thehigheraccur acy,the inabil- ityofdescribing theimaging modelbysimple linearpro- jectiveoperator sseverelylimitstheuseofstandar dalgo- rithmswithunconstr ainedmodels.In thispaperwepropose aparameter -freecameramodelwhereeachimagingr ayis constrainedtoacommonoptical center,for cingthecam- eratobecentral. Suchmodel canbeeasily calibratedwith apractical procedurewhichpr ovidesaconvenientundis- tortionmapthat canbeused toobt ainavirtual pinhole camera.Theproposedmethod canalsobe usedtocalibrate astereo rigwithadisplacementmapthat simultaneously providesstereorectificationandcorr ectslensdistortion.


Thepinholecamera modelisby farthe mostwidelyused

imageformationmodel. Thereasonsbehind itshugesuc- cessamongresearchers andpractitionersis duetose veral factors.First,itssimplicity. Infact, themodelis fullyde- terminedbyits opticalcenterand principalpoint.Gi ven thisbasicinformation, thewholeimaging processcanbe modeledasa directprojectionof thesceneonto theimage plane.Second,the availability ofmathematicalt ools.Its plainformulationallo wstoeasily applyawidespectrum ofpowerful andwellunderstoodmathematicaltools,rang- ingfromepipolar geometryto projective invarianceofcon- ics[6]and straightlines[10]. Finally,its widerangeof applicability.Specifically,provided thatthefieldofview ofthecamera fullyintersectsthe imageplane,a properlens distortionmodelcan beappliedto approximateanideal pin-

hole.Generallyspeaking, theroleof thedistortionmodel istodescribe howthe incominglightrays divergefromthe expectedcentraldirectiononcethe yenterthe lensassemblyofareal camera.Inpractice, sinceforan ygiv enlenscon- figuration,thegeometry thatrelatesthe opticstothe imagesensorisfix ed,thedistortion modelisoftendefinedjustas adisplacement functiontobeappliedov ertheimage plane.Moreover,duetophysicalconsiderations,manydistortion modelsareradial; thatis,the yaredefined asadisplacement functionthatonly dependsonthe distancefromthe princi-palpoint.This isthecase withtheseminal modelproposedbyTsai[29], wherethedistortion functionismodeled asapolynomialradialtranslation withtwo non-zerocoefficients respectivelyforthesecondandfourthde greeterms.Such model,albeitsimpler thanprevious proposals[7,8], ob-tainedalar gesuccess,mainly becauseitwasableto offeragoodapproximation oftheimaging processandan easycalibrationprocedurew asav ailablesinceitsintroduction.Forthisreason,ithas beenembracedand extendedse v-eraltimesin thelastthree decades.Zhang,when intro-ducinghiswell-kno wncalibrationprocedure [31],adoptsthesamemodel withslightmodifications. Morerecently, ClausandFitgibbon [9]proposeda rationalfunctionas areplacementforthe originalpolynomialterm. Thislatterapproachiscurrently oneofthe mostsuccessful,probably becauseofits inclusioninthe OpenCVlibrary. Otherre-centapproachesinclude variationson thenumberand typeofparameters[18, 30,11],the enforcementofprojecti veinvariantsforparameterestimation[10,5,2], simultaneouscalibrationofmultiple cameras[13,12], andextensions de-signedtow orkwithhighly distortedcameras[24,26].In-deed,itis whenaddressingthe needtocalibrate fisheyeand catadioptriccamerasthat theneedto diver gefromthe pin-holemodelis feltthemost, asany pinhole-basedmodel,regardlessofitslevelof sophistication,isgeometrically unabletoproperly describecamerase xhibitingavie wan-glewiderthan 180degrees. Too vercomesuch limitation,severalalternativeparametricmodelsha vebeenproposed.Someofthem trytomodify thecapturedimage inordertofollow theoriginalpinholebehaviour[16]. Othersgotroughatotally differentpath byintroducingno velimage


formationmodels[17, 27].Alsocatadioptric [1,19]and light-field[3]systems have beenwidelyco veredinthelit-erature,witha largeselection ofcalibrationmethods. Giventhehighv ariabilityofnon-pinhole cameras,ithasbeenproventobeverydifficult todefinea parametricdistor- tionmodelable toaccommodatethe diverse behaviourof physicallenses.Thishindranceshas beenaddressedby in-troducinggeneralcamera modelsbasedon unconstrainedrays(usuallycalled raxels)[14, 25]aswell aspartiallynon-parametricdistortionmodels suchas[28] and[15].F orformerapproach,a remarkablerecentcontrib utionisgi venin[20],b utthecalibration islimitedtoasmallset of3Draysthatha veto beinterpolatedtocompriseallthepixelsintheimage space.Thenon-parametric distortionapproachof[15]is similarinspirit toourw orkbut itisnot directlycomparablesincethe distortionisstill modeledasa radialfunctiondependingon thedistancefrom apointon theim-ageplane.Similarlyto[23],we alsoadoptastructured-lighttargetstrategytoobtainadensenon-parametricimageplaneundistortion.Howe ver,[23]onlyusesasingleshotofthecalibrationtarget soitcannotincreasetheaccurac ybya ver- agingsev eraltargetviewsnorbeusedto calibratemultiplecamerasatonce.

modelsandrelated calibrationproceduresa lastresortto adoptonlywhen traditionalapproachesf ailforgeometrical ormethodologicalissues. Thisisdue tothef actthattheir flexibilitycomesattheprice ofahigher calibrationcom- plexityand(sometimes)cruderapproximations. Recentre- searchshows thatafullyunconstrainedimagingmodel can beappliedef fectively toreal-worldpinhole[4]camerasob- tainingbetteraccurac yandwithout needingacomplexcal- ibrationprocedure.Ho wever ,theadvantagesintermsof precisionarepartially offsetby theinabilityto usethewide mathematicaltoolsetde visedforthe pinholemodel.Thisis unfortunate,sincewhen dealingwithstandard cameraswith nolarge distortions,thecentralmodelisstill reasonable. Withthisstudy,we trytofill thegapbetweentraditional pinholecalibrationtechniques andunconstrainedmodels.

Namely,weproposeamodel wheretheonly raxelscon-

straintitto crossacommon projectioncenter. Underthis assumption,afterperforming apropercalibration, itiseasy todefinea non-parametricdisplacementmap over theim- ageplanethat canbeused tomov ebackand forthfromthe unconstrainedmodelto avirtualpinhole camera.This,in turn,allows toexploitthefullarsenal oftoolsdesigned to workwithpinholecameras. Tothis end,thecontrib utionof thispaperis threefold.First,we introduceanef fective cali- brationprocedurefor theproposedsemi-constrained model. Second,wedefine anoptimalapproach tocreatea virtual howtonaturallyextend themethod tothecalibration and rectificationofa stereopair. 2.Nov eltyandApplicationScenario

Differentlyfrommanyother non-parametricmethods,

ourgoalis nottocope withnon-conv entionalimagingge- ometries.Rather, weareindeeddealingwithcentral cam- eras,thatis, imagingdevices whereraysare supposedto convergetoacommonopticalcenter.Thisis adomainthat hasbeentraditionally addressedbypinhole modelsaug- mentedwitha radialdistortionfunction. Thesemodels,and therelatedcalibration methods,areso widelyusedthat it isquitenatural towonder ifitactually makesan ysenseto adoptmorecomple xsolutions.This questionispartially answeredbythe continuedinterestin enhancedcentraldis- tortionmodels[22], whichisa statementofthe active state oftheresearch. Anadditionalhint totheopen natureofthis problem,isalso offeredby recentresearchef fortstoward theadoptionof generaldistortionmodels [21],thatin some casescanbe estimatedev enwithno directrecov erycamera poseandpi nhole parameters[23].Withrespecttothislat- termethod,the generalgoalcould seemvery similartothe techniqueweare introducing.Inf acttheauthors proposean image-basedundistortionestimation thatcanbe performed onasingle imagewithoutthe needforan explicitassess- mentofi nstrinsicande xtrinsiccameramatrices.Howev er, wewould liketostressani mportantaspect:image-based methodsarenot actuallydev oidofprojecti veparameters astheestimated distortionisaf fectedbyan homography H,mixinginstrinsic andextrinsic parameters.Actually, the methodproposedin [23]obtainsan estimateforH assum- ingthedistortion tobezero aroundtheimage center,which isindeeda quitestrongassumption. Unfortunately,this makesitdifficultto effectiv elycombinemorethanonetar - getview .Thisisthereasonbecauseonlyone poseisused. Conversely,weexplicitlyseparatethepose-invariant cam- eraraysfrom thepose-dependenttar getorientation,thus offeringageometricallysoundconstraint amongmultiple exposures.Suchconstraintsbecomee ventighter whensi- multaneouslyaccountingfor multiplecameras,which isen- abledbydesign withourmethod. Tothis end,ourapproach iswellsuited inallthe scenarioswherethe highaccuracy of generalmodelsis sought,stillthe notionofan imageplane isneeded.This isthecase formostsetups whereepipolar geometryise xploited,including(for instance)structured- lightscanning,stereo reconstructionandmultiple camera tracking.Itshould bealsonoted thatthesekind ofappli- cationsareactually theonesthat benefitthemost fromthe abilityofour methodtoeasily computeanunified rectifica- tionandundistortion mapthatcan spanmultiplecameras. Finally,theexperimentalassessment oftheactual impact ofthemodel isalsoan usefulcontribution ofthispaper . Specifically,weshowthat ourhybrid approachyieldsan enhancedperformancewith respecttothe parametricdistor- tionmodel,while retainingtheaforementioned advantages relatedtothe availability ofanactual imageplane. 3848

Figure1.Schema oftheoptimized cameramodelin volving theopticalcentero,theray direction,theobserv edande xpectedcode

andatar getpose.

3.UnconstrainedDistortion Calibration

Toestimateadensenon-parametric lensdistortionwe

startbyreco veringthe 3Dlightraysassociatedtoeachim- agepixel. Specifically,weformalizethelight pathenter- ingthelens andhittingthe sensoratdiscrete pixelcoordi- nate(u,v)withthestraight liner(u,v)=(o,d(u,v))passing troughthepoint oandorientedalong thedirectiond(u,v).

Thecommonpoint oconstrainsourmodel tobecentral

whilenorestriction isenforcedon thedirectionsd(u,v). Also,theuniform-spaced gridofthe CCDprovides anor- deringonthe raysspatialtopology .

Sincethemodel implies3de greesoffreedom foreach

pixel,plusadditional3for theopticalcenter o,standard point-to-pointcalibrationapproaches like[31, 29,9]cannot provideenoughdatatoreco vera validsolution. Wesolv e thisbyadopting thedensestructured-light targetproposed in[4].Specifically ,weuse anhigh-resolutionLCDscreen displayingphaseshift patternstouniquely localizeeachtar - getpointseen bythecamera.

Thishasa strongadvantage withrespectto commoncal-

ibrationtargets composedbyadiscretesetof features:un- likemethodsbasedoncorner orellipseloca lization,wecan reasoninterms ofdiscretecamera coordinates.Indeed,for eachcamerapix el(u,v)aprecise sub-pixellocalizationof the2Dtar get-spacecoordinateof theobservedpointcanbe recoveredfromthephaseunwrappingprocess.In addition, thecodingtheory approachisrob ustagainst possiblevisual artifactsthatmayappearon targetsurf acelike illumination gradients,specularhighlights andshadows.Finally,wetake playstoget anaffordable targetf armoreaccurate thatthe onescreatedthrough inkprintingprocess.

Toestimatetheopticalcenter andthedirection ofeach

ray,thecalibrationtarget isex posedto thecameraindif- ferentpositionsand orientations.We denotewithRTsthe

3×4matrixdescribingtheroto-translationoft hetargetwith

respecttothe camerainthe poses,assumingthe targetref-

erenceframelocated intheupper leftmonitorpix elwith?i,?j,?kversorsbeingrespectively themonitorcolumns, rowsandnormal.F oreachpose, letCos(u,v)?R2bethecode


SincetheLCD geometryandthe displayedcodesare

known,wecantake advantageof aposeRTstomapeach codetoa 3Dpointin thecameraspace, viceversa. Forin- stance,theintersection betweenaray r(u,v)andthetar get planedefinedby aposeRTsyieldstothe expectedcode

Ce(r(u,v),RTs)?R2thattheray shouldhav eobserved


3.1.SingleCamera calibration

Following[4],werecoverthe geometryofthe raysen-

tionproblem: argmin r (u,v),RTs? alsonthe targetplane betweentheobserv edandexpected codesand(Σs(u,v))-1istheerror covariance matrixforthe givenray-posecombinationthataccountsforerrors het- eroscedasticityinthe imageplane.

Inoursetting, weaimto simultaneouslyminimizethe

opticalcentero,thedirection d(u,v)ofallrays andthe pose RT sforeache xposureofthe target.Similarlyto[4],we canalsotak eadvantage oftheconditionalindependence oftheparameters toimplementan alternatingoptimization schemethatseeks optimaloandd(u,v)assuminglastesti- mationofRTsfixed,andvice-versa.While ouroptimiza- tioninv olveslessparameters,theoptimizationitselfismore complexsincethecommonoptical centerintroducesa cou- plingbetweenthe rayswhichcannot beestimatedindepen- dentlyanymore. Asaconsequence,theraysoptimization stepsimultaneouslyestimates theopticalcenter oandthe raydirectionsd(u,v)givenalltheposes.Forthe poseesti- mationstepwe adoptthesame ICP-basedoptimizationin- troducedin[4]. Theformerstep isdiscussedin detailin section3.1.1while, forthelatter ,werefer thereaderto the originalpaper. Tostartthealternatingoptimiza tionweneed agoodini- tialapproximationfor theinv olvedparameters. Tothis end, wegather asetof3D-2Dpointcorrespondences assum- ingadiscrete gridoftar getpointssimilar towhatcan be commonlyobtainedwith achessboard.Then, weusecali- brateCamerafunctionprovided byOpenCVtoobtaintarget posesforeach exposureand thedirectionof eachray.Note thatstartingcondition isnota criticalaspectsince most baselinecalibrationmethods aremorethan adequatetopro- videareliable initialconfiguration,especially whendealing withcamerasthat canbeassumed tobealmost central(dif- ferently,themethodproposedin [4]shouldbe preferred). Inaddition,the iterative methodisbased onaleast-square minimizationwhichis guaranteedtocon verge toa(possibly local)minimum. 3849

3.1.1OpticalCenter andRaysDir ectionOptimizationIntheoandd(u,v)optimizationstepwe considertarget

posesconstant.Let x s (u,v)=RTs( (Cos(u,v) 0 1) bethe3D coordinatesof theobserved codeCos(u,v)transformedtroughthe poseRTs.Assho wnin[4], thegen- eralizedleastsquares formulationwithrespect tothetar get coordinatescorrespondsto alinearleast squareswiththe distanceofeach rayandits associated3Dpoint xs(u,v).We canformulatethe estimationofthe opticalcenteroas: argmin o? u,vmind (u,v)? s?(hs(u,v))T(I-d(u,v)dT(u,v))?2(2) wherehs(u,v)=(xs(u,v)-o),andthe internalminimiza- tionaptto findthebest d(u,v)minimizingthesum of squareddistancesbet weenr(u,v)andallthe xs(u,v).We startbyre-writing thesquarednorm in(2)as (hs(u,v))T(I- d (u,v)dT(u,v))hs(u,v)toobtain argmin o? u,v? s?hs(u,v)?2-maxd (u,v)? s? dT(u,v)hs(u,v)? 2(3) Let¯x(u,v)bethecentroid ofthepoint cloudgeneratedby theintersectionsof therayr(u,v)andthetar getforeach ob- servedpose.Also,let¯h(u,v)=(¯ x(u,v)-o)bethedistance vectorbetweenowithsuchcentroid. Byexpressing hs(u,v)asthesummation ofthetw ocomponents: h s (u,v)=(xs(u,v)-¯x(u,v))+¯h(u,v) andexpanding theformulationin(3)weobtain: argmin o? u,vN (u,v)?tr(S(u,v))+?¯h(u,v)?2?-(4) -maxd (u,v)dT(u,v)? N (u,v)S(u,v)+N(u,v)¯h(u,v)¯hT(u,v)? d (u,v)(5) whereS(u,v)andN(u,v)arerespectiv elythecovariancema- trixandthe sizeofthe pointcloudgenerated byr(u,v).

Sincewest artouroptimization withaconfiguration

closetothe optimum,wee xpectthatthe distancebetween eachrayand itsexpected codeisas smallasfe wtargetpix- els.Thisimplies thatthespatial extentof eachpointcloud isorderof magnitudesmallerthan thedistance?¯h(u,v)?2. Underthisassumption, anapproximatemaximizer for(5) isgiv enby d (u,v)=¯h(u,v) ?¯h(u,v)?2(6) Bysubstituting(6) into(4)and (5),aftersome simplifi- cations,weobtain thefollowing alternative formulation


10241280 00

Figure2.Left: RMSebetweenobserv edande xpectedcodesfor andcalibrationtar getposesreco veredbytheoptimization.Only a subsetofthe cameraraysare plottedforvisualization purposes. argmax o? u,vN (u,v)¯ hT(u,v)S(u,v)¯h(u,v) ?¯h(u,v)?2(7) Problem(7)cannot besolved inaclosed form.To providea goodapproximatesolution wecomputethe derivati vewith respecttoo: ∂o? u,vN(u,v)¯ hT(u,v)S(u,v)¯h(u,v)?¯h(u,v)?2(8) u,v2N(u,v)K(u,v)¯h(u,v) K (u,v)=? ?¯h(u,v)?4(9)

IfK(u,v)isknown, ocanbeobtained bysettingto zero

Equation(8)and solvingtheresulting linearsystem:

u,v2N(u,v)K(u,v)o=? u,v2N(u,v)K(u,v)¯x(u,v)(10) SinceK(u,v)isitselfafunctionofo,themaximization prob- lem(7)is tacklediterativ elybycomputing K(u,v)withthe estimateofoatiterationt-1andthensolving (10)toob- tainane westimateat iterationtandrepeatingthis process until?o(t)-o(t-1)?3.1.2From raybundletovirtualpinhole camera Aftertheoptimization ofrays,optical centerandposes we obtainadetailed modeldescribingthe lightpathentering thecamera.Ne xt,weneed tochooseaconvenient image planethatdefine theintrinsicparameters ofane wvirtualquotesdbs_dbs8.pdfusesText_14
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