[PDF] How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners

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How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners

Outline Example Template (page 9) and job aids (pages 11–16) to help you make your trainings more engaging and effective for adult learners To get the most out of this guide find an educator or instructional designer to help you plan your next training using these techniques Four Steps to Plan Engaging Training 1

CHAPTER 6: Step 4 (Organize and Outline) - Air University

The Classic Outline Format The first option for an outline format is to use the classic outline format The classic outline format uses Arabic numerals and the lower-case Latin alphabet characters in an alternating pattern to identify the different levels of the outline

Searches related to outline impact font filetype:pdf

Descending font sizes for headings and subheadings and boldface and italicized type (but not underlined) if used judiciously can help the reader grasp the textual flow as can logical use of subheadings to break up the text Subheadings also introduce some white space onto the page improving appearance and ease of reading Esthetics is

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners

A Guide for Instructors Providing In-Person Public Health Training

November 2018



The Education and Training Services Branch in CDC"s Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development developed this guide to help

instructors use engaging teaching methods in

CDC"s fellowship programs

. Thanks to the educators on the Fellowship Education Team who led efforts

to develop this guide, and to the many individuals in CDC"s Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development who helped with the guide"s

development and testing. Thanks also to the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice, University of Washington School of Public Health, whose Effective

Adult Learning: A Toolkit for Teaching Adults

provided ideas and inspiration for this guide.

Suggested Citation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners: A Guide for Instructors Providing In-Person Public Health Training. Atlanta, GA: CDC, 2018.



Four Steps to Plan Engaging Training ...................................................................4

Course Outline Example Template

Course Outline Template

.....10 JOB AID 1: What Every Instructor Needs to Know About Adult Learners

JOB AID 2: Quick Tips for Engaging Adult Learners

JOB AID 3: Observe and Assess Learner Engagement


...............17 4

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners

Leading Public Health Training Sessions .Is an Important Job. The people who take your training have high expectations and specific needs to help prepare them for their work in public health. By including a variety of engaging teaching techniques, you will be more effective in promoting learning compared to lectures alone. These techniques are based on adult learning principles that have proven to be effective in engaging learners and helping them retain new knowledge and skills long after class ends. 1-14 You can use the techniques described in this guide to take what you know and deliver it in ways that will engage and excite your learners . This guide includes

Four Steps to

Plan an Engaging Training Session

(pages 4-8), a


Outline Example Template

(page 9), and job aids (pages

11-16) to help you make your trainings more engaging and

effective for adult learners. To get the most out of this guide, find an educator or instructional designer to help you plan your next training using these techniques.

Four Steps to Plan

Engaging Training


Learn about the adults who will be

taking your training. This will help you make your content relevant to them and help them understand how the training will benefit them.

How to Get to Know Your Learners

႑Talk with someone who knows about your learners" interests, needs, and prior experiences.

႑Consider giving learners a short questionnaire as a pre-assessment to find out what they know about the topic.

႑At the start of your session, ask your learners a few questions to get to know them better. Find out what they

hope to get out of your session.

႑Find out what your learners already know about the topic and any prior experiences they may have in this area. Use this information to build on during the training.

႑Find out what they need to learn about the topic and how they might apply their new knowledge.

႑Learn about the cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values of those who will be taking your training so you can ensure your learning activities are sensitive to cultural differences.

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners


How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners

What do you know about your learners?

If your learners are part of a specific group

, consider how your session fits into that program"s broader purpose. Find out what competencies exist for the group and which competencies your course ai ms to address. List them here:

For additional information on getting to know your learners, see Job Aid 1: What Every Instructor Needs to Know about Adult

Learners on page

11 2

Write objectives that clearly state what

learners will be able to know and do after your session.

Make sure your objectives

are SMART.

SPECIFIC. They clearly identify a specific knowledge or skill that learners can demonstrate after taking your training.

MEASURABLE. You want to be able to assess learners and measure the knowledge and skills they have gained after

taking your training. To do that, you need to identify actions that you can objectively observe or test and then determine if the

objectives have been met. A common pitfall is for instructors to use verbs such as “understand" or “know" (by the end of this

training, you will understand how to... You will know what...). But how can you or anyone else objectively determine if a learner

understands or knows what you have taught?

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners


How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners

A better approach is to use verbs that describe an action you can observe and measure. These action verbs should also reflect the

complexity of learning you expect to happen. Using the right action verbs will also guide you as you decide how to evaluate the training

(for example, will you do knowledge checks to test learners™ recall of certain facts or will you w

atch them apply a new skill?). Here are some examples of recommended action verbs, based on

A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of

Educational Objectives


႑When you want learners to remember, use verbs such as list, recognize, recall, identify, describe.

႑When you want them to understand, use verbs such as summarize, classify, clarify, predict, select.

႑When you want them to apply, use verbs such as respond, advise, conduct, use.

႑When you want them to analyze, use verbs such as distinguish, integrate, deconstruct, sequence.

႑When you want them to evaluate, use verbs such as check, determine, judge, reflect. ႑When you want them to create, use verbs such as generate, assemble, design, create, develop. ACHIEVABLE. Make sure the learning objectives you select can realistically be achi eved during the time you have with learners. You may need to limit the number of objectives to ensure they are achieva ble. RELEVANT. Make sure the learning objectives align with the needs of both the prog ram and the learners. If your training aims to help learners meet competencies, align these objectives with those competencies.

TIME-BOUND. For many training sessions, the time-frame in which learners are expected to achieve objectives is

“by the

end of the training." Make sure the learning objectives state when they will be met.

Examples of Learning Objectives

By the end of the training, learners will be able to:

1. Sequence the 6 steps needed to complete a budget impact analysis.

2. Distinguish between static and dynamic budget impact models.

3. Develop an outline for a study to estimate the budget impact of a new public health intervention using the

6-step approach.

By the end of the training, learners will be able to:

1. Describe the 5 phases of project management.

2. Select the most appropriate development type (traditional or agile) for at least 3 projects.

Write 3 SMART learning objectives for your session. By the end of the training, learners will be able to: 1. 2. 3.

Use these objectives to plan your course content and select the most appropriate teaching strategies to support learning. For ideas,

see Job Aid 2: Quick Tips for Engaging Adult Learners on page 12. 7

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners


Consider different techniques you can

use to help your participants learn. Then have them practice applying their new knowledge and skills.

Think about how to capture your learners" curiosity and inspire them to discover, ask questions, and connect with you and the

other learners.

Open with an attention getter:

႑Tell them a surprising fact, statistic, or an interesting story. ႑Ask a thought-provoking question. ႑Ask them to share what they hope to get from the training.

Change activities at least every 20 minutes.

႑Some of the best instructors use this tactic to engage learners and hold their attention. Create effective slides that are easy to read and visually appealing:

႑Make sure the text, pictures, and graphs are large enough to be seen even in the last row of the room. Use a 36-point font for titles and a body text font of at least 20 points.

႑Limit the text on each slide: no more than 6 lines of text and no more than 6 words per line. ႑Use colorful, interesting visuals that are relevant to your topic. ႑Present only one message per slide. Presenting more than one key point is distracting.

႑Do not present too many slides. A good rule is one slide for every 1-2 minutes of presentation time.

What are some techniques you can use to engage learners? List your ideas

For more ideas, see the

Course Outline Example Template on page 10

and Job Aid 2: Quick Tips for Engaging Adult Learners on page 12. 8

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners


Decide what supplemental resources you

can share to engage learners and reinforce key content.

Before the training:

By assigning pre-work, you can begin engaging learners before the training even begins. Some instructors

provide reading assignments. Others require learners to take a test or come up with a topic idea for an activity before the training. List an idea for homework that you might assign learners before the training:

During the training:

Consider what handouts you might want to use during your session. If you are conveying complex

information in your slides — such as a table, flow chart, or diagram — consider using handouts to make it easy for learners to

read the information and follow along. Make sure that your handouts are an extension of the learning and reinforce your lear

ning objectives. List any handouts you might use for this training:

At the end of the training:

By providing adult learners with resources and materials they can review after the course has ended, you can help reinforce what they have learned in your session. List resources you can provide:

Now you are ready to outline your course.

These four steps will go a long way toward ensuring that learners in your class are excited about what

you are teaching and that they retain the valuable knowledge and skills you have taught them—long after your class ends. Work with an educator or instructional designer and use the Course Outline


on the next page to get started. 9

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners

Course Outline

Example Template

Title: [sample training session title]


IntroductionWhat is your attention-getter?3




overviewState the purpose of the session and the learning objectives. Adult learners like to know up front what you will be covering during the class and what they are expected to get out of it. This is also an opportunity to tell them how this training is relevant and benecial to them.2



expectations Describe how you will nd out more about your learners" expectations. Ideas: Conduct an online survey or poll using an audience response system to nd out more about y our learners and

what they want to get out of your session. You can do this before or during class. If you ask them during class, note their

responses on a ip chart or white board and refer to these during the session.10 minutes Main Point Describe how you will present your content.


Show a video or use a story to convey the point. A short lecture is okay, but what other techniques can you use?

(5 minutes) Describe an activity that you could use to encourage learners to apply the new content.


Use role play, small group discussion, or questions that provoke critical thinking or research to nd the answers.

(15 minutes)15 minutes

DebriefDescribe how you will debrief learners to reinforce the main point.Ideas: Ask them to share what they have learned, summarize the main point, and discuss how they can apply it in their work. Ask for and answer any questions they have.5





Describe how you will wrap up and help learners remember all of the main points. Ideas:

႑Ask them to complete sentences beginning with “I learned..." or “I was surprised by..."or “Here"s what I took away from this training that I will share with colleagues back at work..."

႑Ask them to write a promise to themselves about 2 things they will apply when they get back to work. Email them 3-6 months later to check in with them about how things are going with their promise.

႑Be sure to answer any remaining questions. ႑Give them follow-up materials so they can build on what they learned. ႑Show the learning objectives to review and reinforce learning. ႑Show a summary slide as the last slide they see.15 minutes 10

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners

Course Outline Template

Fill in each section of this outline to plan the components of your train ing. For trainings longer than 1 hour, be sure to include at least one 10-minute break each hour Title: ____________________________________________________________________





session overview___ minutes


expectations ___ minutes

Main Point

___ minutes


___ minutes




___ minutes

Once you are ready to deliver your course, consider asking an educator or instructional designer to observe and assess your course

using Job Aid 3: Observe and Assess Learner Engagement. You can then use the feedback to strengthen learner engagement during

future training sessions. 11

How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners



What Every Instructor Needs to Know

About Adult Learners

As you plan your training, keep in mind these important facts about adult learners: They need to know why this training matters to them.

At the beginning of your class, adult learners need to know how the training is relevant to them and how it will benefit them. If they

know what"s in it for them right away, they are far more likely to pay attention and participate. They need to be able to see how they can use what they are learning now.

They want to be able to use their new knowledge right away. By including real-life examples such as case studies and stories, you

can help learners see how they can apply what they are learning in real public health situations they might encounter on the job.

They need the chance to practice their skills in class.

Adult learners thrive when they can practice what they"re learning right away. This can boost their confidence and their ability to

retain new knowledge and skills. You can also help them see how what you"re teaching is relevant to them.

They will learn better when you use a variety of techniques to present your training.

Adults learn better when they are engaged, and you have so many different techniques to choose from, beyond just lecturing. See

Job Aid 2: Quick Tips for Engaging Adult Learners

for ideas. They want to share their experiences—with you and with each other. Whether you ask them to share their perspectives with the entire group o r give them opportunities to break into smaller groups, you are engaging them and getting them excited about what they are learning.

They need to feel respected.

Respect and embrace the cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values of adult learners. Take cultural diversity into account when you

deliver your training—for example, make sure your learning activities are sensitive to cultural difference

s among adult learners in

your class. By doing so, you can create a learning environment that fosters cultural sensitivity and produces engaged learners.

They need to hear key concepts repeated.

Adult learners need to hear things more than once to remember them. When you introduce new activities, be sure to incorporate

information you presented earlier to add context to the new content. Then review key concepts again to help them retain them.


How to Captivate and Motivate Adult Learners



Quick Tips for Engaging

Adult Learners

Learners are more engaged and learn more when they help direct their learning. These quick tips can help increase the learners" involvement: ႑Give your learners opportunities to practice as they learn throughout th e training.

႑Repeat and review key concepts and processes; practice strategies often because adult learners need to hear things more

than once to remember them. ႑Incorporate information presented earlier into new activities.

႑Throughout the training, encourage learners to ask questions and actively participate in group discussions, listen to others" contributions, and reflect on new information and how it relates to their practice in the workplace.

Get Them Interested Before Class

႑Send agendas or course outlines before the training so adult learners can revi ew and reflect on their knowledge of and experience with the content.

႑Ask them to think about what their learning needs are with respect to the content to be presented.

Additional Ideas

Deliver content in exciting ways:

႑Tell interesting stories. ႑Ask thought-provoking questions. ႑Show video clips, and engage learners by discussing what they watched. ႑Use pictures to explain a process or unfamiliar concept. ႑Use scenarios to help learners imagine how they might apply what they are learning. ႑Give them hands-on exercises so they can practice what they are learning. ႑Have non-competitive quizzes.

႑Make technology, such as mobile devices, part of the learning experience (e.g., use an audience responses system or ask learners to look up an answer online or research information).

Use group activities:

႑Use role play, where learners take on different roles and act out a situation to solve problems or learn different perspectives.

႑Facilitate small group discussions. ႑Involve learners in a case study. ႑Use demonstrations or simulations. ႑Ask them to pair up and share information. ႑Have them identify steps for a procedure and then put them in the correct order.

Try individual activities:

႑Journaling, silent reading, reflection, or writing 13quotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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