[PDF] Tutorial 10 Prove that the class P

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CSE105 Homework 3

P is closed under complement. For any P-language L let M be the TM that decides it in polynomial time. We construct a TM M' that decides the complement of 

Tutorial 10

Prove that the class P is closed under intersection complement and concatenation. Solution: • Intersection. Let L1

Exercise Sheet 9

Since P is closed under complement (Le)e is in P and we can conclude that L ∈ P. Exercise 9.2 (Reduction). Given an undirected graph G := 〈G

P and NP

NP is closed under union intersection

Tutorial 13

Prove that the class NP is closed under union intersection

Complexity classes defined by counting quantifiers

closed under complement. Symmetric difference. Let LI Lz be two sets in CK Three relativizations have been given

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23 февр. 2001 г. If P=NP then since P is closed under complement

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5 нояб. 2013 г. If P = NP then NP is also closed under complementation. In other words

CSE105 Homework 3

P is closed under complement. For any P-language L let M be the TM that decides it in polynomial time. We construct a TM M' that 

Exercise Sheet 9

Exercise 9.1 (P). (a) Show that P is closed under union complement

Tutorial 10

Prove that the class P is closed under intersection complement and concatenation. Solution: • Intersection. Let L1

Homework 11 Solutions

(c) Show that P is closed under complementation. Answer: Suppose that language L1 ? P so there is a polynomial-time TM M1 that decides L1. A Turing machine M2 

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This means that P is closed under complement. Based on the previous proof we also have ¯L ? NP. According to the definition of coNP


P is closed under union intersection

Tutorial 13

Prove that the class NP is closed under union intersection

Advanced Complexity

4 oct. 2017 The converse problem is in NP and PSPACE is stable by complement ... only if M does not accept w (PSPACE is closed under complementation).

8.6 Complements of Complexity Classes

the regular languages are closed under complementation. However we ... In particular


Prove that the class P is closed under intersection complement and concatenation Solution: Intersection Let L 1;L 2 2P We want to show that L 1 L 2 2P Because L 1 2P then there exists a TM M 1 with time complexity O(nk 1) for some constant k 1 Because L 2 2P then there exists a TM M 2 with time complexity O(nk 2) for some constant k 2

P NP and NP-Completeness - Princeton University

P vs NP Not much is known unfortunately Can think of NP as the ability to appreciate a solution P as the ability to produce one P NP Dont even know if NP closed under complement i e NP = co-NP? Does L NP imply ? NP?

CSE105 Homework 3

P is closed under complement For any P-language L let M be the TM that decides it in polynomial time We construct a TM M’ that decides the complement of L in polynomial time: M’= “On input : 1 Run M on w 2 If M accepts reject If it rejects accept ” M’ decides the complement of L Since M runs in polynomial time M’ also

P and NP Closure Properties 1 Closure Properties for P - UMD

Polynomials are closed under many oper-ations (e g addition multiplication) hence P is closed under many operations (e g concatention) Classes likeDT IM E(n)and evenDT IM E(O(n)) are thought to not be closed under concatenation and many other operations (We do not know ifthey are ) Theorem 2 LetL2P ThenL 2P Proof

Chapter 24 coNP Self-Reductions - University of Illinois

24 2 1 5 P is closed under complementation Proposition 24 2 3 Decision problem X is in P if and only if X is in P Proof: (A) If X is in P let A be a polynomial time algorithm for X (B) Construct polynomial time algorithm A? for X as follows: given input x A? runs A on x and if A accepts x A? rejects x and if A rejects x then A

Searches related to p is closed under complement filetype:pdf

of P from PSPACE for which polynomial-time reductions are appropriate We now consider po-tential separations of classes within P and from NP For these complexity classes the notion of polynomial-time mapping reductions is too coarse since it does not distinguish L from P We need a ?ner notion of reduction De?nition 1 1

Is NP closed under complement?

    Also, if NP is not closed under complement, then P != NP. The converse of "If P=NP, then NP is closed under complement" would be "If NP is closed under complement, then P=NP". However, this is not known to be true: it is possible that NP is closed under complement but is still different from P. Thanks for the correction @DavidRicherby.

How to prove that class P is closed under intersection complement and concatenation?

    Prove that the class P is closed under intersection, complement and concatenation. Solution: Intersection. Let L 1;L 22P. We want to show that L 1L 22P. Because L 12P then there exists a TM M 1with time complexity O(nk 1) for some constant k 1. Because L 22P then there exists a TM M 2with time complexity O(nk 2) for some constant k 2.

What is the complementary event of P?

    Complementary event of P will be (1 - Probability of event occurred). Login Study Materials BYJU'S Answer NCERT Solutions NCERT Solutions For Class 12 NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Physics

How do you know if a class is closed under complement?

    A class is said to be closed under complement if the complement of any problem in the class is still in the class. Because there are Turing reductions from every problem to its complement, any class which is closed under Turing reductions is closed under complement. Any class which is closed under complement is equal to its complement class.


Exercise 1 (compulsory)

Consider the following context-free grammarGin Chomsky normal form: S!AAj



Following the algorithm in the proof of Theorem 7.16 (see also Lecture 10 and your notes) compute the entriestable(i;j)for all1ij4in order to show thatabba2L(G).


l= 11234 1A 2B 3B

4Al= 21234

1AA 2BA 3BB 4A l= 31234




4Al= 41234



3BB 4A Notice thatSappears in the entry(1;4), which implies thatabba2L(G).Exercise 2 (compulsory) Prove that the class P is closed under intersection, complement and concatenation.


Intersection.LetL1;L22P. We want to show thatL1\L22P. BecauseL12P then there exists a TMM1with time complexityO(nk1)for some constantk1. BecauseL22P then there exists a TMM2with time complexityO(nk2)for some constantk2. We construct a deciderMwith polynomial time complexity decidingL1\L2:

M= "On inputx:


Run M1on inputx


If M1accepted, then runM2on inputx, else reject.


If M2also accepted, then accept, else reject."

In the worst caseMwill run bothM1andM2, in which case it usesO(nk1) +O(nk2)steps. Let k= max(k1;k2). We then see thatMhas time complexityO(nk)and henceL(M) =L1\L22P. (Note that we omitted the details where a copy of the stringxfor the machineM2is stored while the machineM1is computing; this can be done e.g. on a second tape but we know that all deterministic variants of Turing machines are polynomial-time equivalent.) 1

COMPUTABILITY ANDCOMPLEXITYTUTORIAL10Complement.The same construction as for decidable languages (see e.g. slide 13 in Lecture 3). We

simply swap the accept and reject state. The running time of the modified machine does not change. Concatenation.We want to show that ifL1;L22P thenL1L22P. Assume so thatL12P and thatL22P. By definition, this means that there exist decidersM1andM2such thatM1is a decider forL1with time complexityO(nk1)andM2is a decider forL2with time complexityO(nk2)for some constantsk1andk2.

The concatenationL1L2is defined as



The decider forL1L2must, given an inputx, try to find a partition ofxintox1x2such thatx12L1 andx22L2. Here is the decider: "On inputx=a1:::an 1.

F ori= 0tondo

i. Let x1=a1:::aiandx2=ai+1:::an. (By agreementa1:::a0=and a n+1:::an=). ii.

Run M1on the inputx1.


Run M2on the inputx2.

iv. If both M1andM2accepted, then accept2.If no choice of x1andx2led to acceptance, then reject" We must now show that the decider has polynomial time complexity. The main loop of the decider is traversed at most (n+1)-times. If we runM1on a substring ofx, this will take at mostO(nk1) steps. Similarly, runningM2on a substring ofxwill take at mostO(nk2)steps. Consequently, a single traversal of the loop body uses no more thanO(nk1) +O(nk2) =O(nk)steps, where k= max(k1;k2). The whole decider thus uses(n+ 1)O(nk) =O(nk+1)steps. HenceL(M) = L

1L22P.Exercise 3 (compulsory)

Prove the following theorem.

Theorem:Lett(n)nbe a function from natural numbers to positive reals. Then for every language L2NTIME(t(n))there is a constantcsuch thatL2TIME(2ct(n)).


This is in fact a simple test on applying the definitions and Theorem 7.11 on page 260. Assume a languageL2NTIME(t(n))for some functiont(n)n. By definition of NTIME there is a nondeterministic single-tape TMMrunning in timeO(t(n))and decidingL. By Theorem 7.11 we know that forMwe can construct an equivalent TMM0such thatM0is a single-tape deterministic decider for Lrunning in time2O(t(n)). Because2O(t(n))meansO(2ct(n))for some constantc, we get (by definition) thatL2TIME(2ct(n))and we are done.Exercise 4 (compulsory) Every week someone manages to "prove" that P=NP or that P6=NP. Last week a very famous professor published the following proof that P6=NP:

Proof:Consider the following decider forHAMPATH:

2 COMPUTABILITY ANDCOMPLEXITYTUTORIAL10"On inputhG;s;ti: 1. Generate all possible permutations of nodes from G. 2. If one of these permuations (sequences of nodes )forms a Hamiltonian path, then accept . 3.

Otherwise reject ."

Because there aren!different permuations of nodes to examine, the algorithm clearly does not run in polynomial time. Therefore we have proved thatHAMPATHhas exponential time complexity and this meansHAMPATH62P. Because we know thatHAMPATH2NP, we conclude that P6=NP.

Describe the error in the above proof.


It is true that the suggestedalgorithmforHAMPATHdoes not run in polynomial time, but from this fact we cannot conclude that thelanguageHAMPATHdoes not belong to the class P. There can still be other

(faster) algorithms forHAMPATHthat run in polynomial time; we simply did not exclude this possibility

by presenting one particular algorithm with an exponential running time. To conclude thatHAMPATH62

P we would have to shownoalgorithm forHAMPATHhas a polynomial time complexity.Exercise 5 (optional, but highly recommended)

Prove that the class P is closed under Kleene star. (Hint:use dynamic programming.)


LetA2P. We want to show thatA2P. SinceA2P there exists a deterministic Turing machineMA with time complexityO(nk)for somek0. We now build, usingMA, a deterministic decider forAand show that its time complexity is bounded by a polynomial. The central observation in our construction is thatw2Aif and only if one of the following conditions is true w=", or w2A, or

9 u;v:w=uvandu2Aandv2A.

In the decider described below we letwi;jdenote the substring ofw=w1w2:::wnstarting withwi and ending withwj. The decider builds a table wheretable(i;j) =trueifwi;j2A. We do this by

considering all substrings ofwstarting with substrings of length1and ending with the substring of length

n. "On inputw=w1w2:::wn:

1. Ifw="then accept, else

2. For`:= 1ton

3. Fori:= 1ton(`1)


5. RunMAonwi;j

6. IfMAacceptswi;jthentable(i;j) :=true

7. Else

8. Fork:=itoj1

9. Iftable(i;k) =trueandtable(k+ 1;j) =true

10. thentable(i;j) :=true

11. Iftable(1;n) =truethen accept, else reject."

We now analyze the complexity of our decider. The algorithm uses three nested loops, each of which can be traversed at mostO(n)times. In the second loop we runMAon an input of length at mostn, so the total time is at mostO(n)O(n)(O(nk) +O(n)) =O(n2+(max(k;1)))steps, which is polynomial inn. 3quotesdbs_dbs17.pdfusesText_23
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