[PDF] Subject Name : Advanced Java Programming Subject Code: CE 605

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ADVANCED JAVA PROGRAMS. PRACTICAL 1. Objective. Write a program to create a frame using AWT. Implement mouseClicked() mouseEntered() and.


Java programming language originated in Sun Microsystems and released back in 1995


Subject Code: 3160707. Page 1 of 4. w.e.f. AY 2018-19. Semester – VI. Subject Name: Advance java Programming. Type of course: Elective.

Subject Name : Advanced Java Programming Subject Code: CE 605

Student will learn how to work with JavaBeans.. Student will be able to develop web application using Java Servlet and Java. Server Pages technology.


advanced concepts related to Java Programming language. Prerequisites can use to execute your Java programs at the spot and enjoy your learning.

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References: • Servlet and JSP: A Tutorial by Budi Kurniawan / Brainy Software. • Spring in Action by Craig Walls / Manning Publications. • Advanced Java 


MCA603: ADVANCE JAVA PROGRAMMING. L T P Cr. 2 0 2 3.0. Course Objectives: Objective of this course is to provide the ability to design console based GUI.

Subject Name :Advanced Java ProgrammingSubject Code:CE605-1/IT605-1Teaching Scheme (Credits and Hours)Teaching schemeTotalCreditEvaluation SchemeLTPTotalTheoryMid SemExamCIAPract.TotalHrsHrsHrsHrsHrsMarksMarksMarksMarksMarks030004075370302030150Learning Objectives:This module aims to introduce the students to some concepts of advanced programmingand practice on reusing components.iThe course coversGraphical User Interface (GUI) networking, and databasemanipulation.iStudentwill be able to use advanced technology in Java such asInternationalization,and Remote method InvocationiStudentwill learn how to work with JavaBeans.iStudent will be able to develop web application using Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technology.Outline of the Course:Sr.NoTitle of the UnitMinimumHours1Swing62Java Database Connectivity63Networking64RMIProgramming, Serialization and Internationalization85J2EEArchitecture46ServletProgramming77JSP & JSTL8Total hours (Theory):45Total hours (Lab):60Total hours:105

Detailed SyllabusSr.NoTopicLectureHoursWeightage(%)1Introduction To Swing, MVC Architecture, Applets,Applications and Pluggable Look and Feel, Basic swingcomponents : Text Fields, Buttons, Toggle Buttons,Checkboxes, and Radio Buttons6152Java database Programming, java.sql Package, JDBC driver6203Network Programming With java.net Package, ClientandServer Programs, Content And Protocol Handlers6154RMI architecture, RMI registry, Writing distributedapplication with RMI, Naming services, Naming AndDirectory Services, Overview of JNDI, Object serializationand Internationalization8155J2EE architecture, Enterprise application concepts, n-tierapplication concepts, J2EE platform, HTTP protocol, webapplication, Web containers and Application servers456Server side programming with Java Servlet, HTTP andServlet, Servlet API, life cycle, configuration and context,Request and Response objects, Session handling and eventhandling, Introduction to filters with writing simple filterapplication7157JSP architecture, JSP page life cycle, JSP elements,Expression Language, Tag Extensions, Tag Extension API,Tag handlers, JSP Fragments, Tag Files,JSTL, Core Taglibrary, overview of XML Tag library, SQL Tag library andFunctions Tag library815Total45100Instructional Method and Pedagogy:iAt the start of course, the course delivery pattern, prerequisite of the subject willbe discussed.iLectures will be conducted with the aid of multi-media projector, black board,OHP etc.iAttendance is compulsory in lecture and laboratory which carries 10 marks inoverall evaluation.iOne internal exam will be conducted as a part of internal theory evaluation.iAssignments based on the course content will be given to the students for eachunit and will be evaluated at regular interval evaluation.iSurprise tests/Quizzes/Seminar/tutorial will be conducted having a share of fivemarks in the overall internal evaluation.iThe course includes a laboratory, where students have an opportunity to build anappreciation for the concepts being taught in lectures.iExperiments shall be performed in the laboratory related to course contents.

Learning Outcome:This module aims to introduce the students to some concepts of advanced programmingand practice on reusing components. A selected programming language is used such asJava.At the end of this course, the students should be able to write sophisticated Javaapplications.Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to use the Javalanguage for writing well-organized, complex computer programs with both command-line and graphical user interfaces.Reference Books:1.Java 6 Programming, Black Book, Dreamtech2.JavaServer Programming, Java EE6 (J2EE 1.6), Black Book, Dreamtech3.Advanced Java Technology, By M.T. Savaliya, DreamtechList of experiments:UnitNo.Sr. No.Name Of Practical11.1Write a Program in Java to implement Calculator using Swingtechnology1.2Write a Program that displays two textboxes for entering a students"Roll-no and Name with appropriate labels and buttons.22.1Write a Java program that makes a connection with database usingJDBC and prints metadata of this connection2.2Include the database connectivity in the program no.1.2 to insert,update, delete and display of student information.33.1Write a java program for one way TCP communication for serverand client, where server will response to client with current data andtime.3.2Write a java program for two way TCP communication for serverand client. It should look like a simple chat application3.3Write a java program for UDP Communication where client willsend name of country and server will return the capital of thatcountry.44.1Create a simple calculator application that demonstrates the use ofRMI. You are not required to create GUI.


5.1Create Servlet That Prints Hello World.5.2Create Servlet That Prints Today"s Date5.3Create Servlet for login page, if the username and password iscorrect then prints message "Hello username" else a message"loginfailed".5.4Create Servlet that uses cookies to store the number of times a userhas visited the servlet.5.5Create a Servlet for demo of KBC game.There will be continuoustwo or three pages with different MCQs. Each correct answercarries Rs. 10000. At the end as per user"s selection of answers totalprize he won should be declared. User should not be allowed tobacktrack.66.1Create a Servlet that implements ServletContextAttributeListenerinterface such that a message dialog is displaued whenever anattribute is added or removed or replaced.6.2Create a Servlet filter that calculates server"s response time and addit to response when givingit back to client.77.1Create a jsp that prints hello world.7.2Create jsp that prints current date and time.7.3Create a jsp that add and subtract two numbers.7.4Create a jsp for login module.88.1Create a web page that prints 1 to 10 using JSTL8.2Create a custom JSP tag that prints current date and time. Use thistag into JSP page.

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