[PDF] Propositions pour laffichage des cours en anglais

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Comment remplir le dossier de candidature et informations utiles a. Offre de formation How to fill in your application form and useful information.

Propositions pour laffichage des cours en anglais

Comment remplir le dossier de candidature et informations utiles a. Offre de formation How to fill in your application form and useful information.

PEASS Application Form for 2016-2017

Formulaire de candidature au PEASS pour 2016-2017 during university year 2015-2016 / Université dans laquelle vous êtes actuellement ... du dossier de.


Sep 30 2016 anno accademico/academic year/année académique. 2016/2017. DOMANDA DI AMMISSIONE. APPLICATION FORM. FORMULAIRE DE CANDIDATURE.


University degree majoring in Fragrance and Cosmetics. The application file must be sent with a certificate of registration for this diploma 2016-2017.

M2 Cancer biology (Master Biologie et Santé Université de

Le dossier de candidature des étudiants ayant effectué leur parcours universitaire hors Candidature en M2- M2 year application 2016-2017.

Propositions pour laffichage des cours en anglais

Mar 6 2017 Les procédures de candidature (3ème et 4ème année

Report of the Secretary-General to the Board of Governors of the

Jan 18 2016 Facts and figures on the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year ... Policy on enrolment in the Brussels European Schools for the 2016-2017 ...

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During the 2016-2017 school year the Educational Support Inspectors and application of the new Educational Support Policy in the European Schools.


complete cycle of university studies lasts for 3 to 6 years according to the A duly filled in MFA application form (Annex 1) for a scholarship to study ...


APPLICATION FORM ACADEMIC YEAR 2016-2017 that is to say 7800€ for one year (650€x12) * Details on financial resources in France (during your stay)

Application Form - University of Pretoria

Candidature à une bourse d'excellence de la Confédération suisse Bewerbung um ein schweizerisches Bundes-Exzellenz-Stipendium Candidatura per una borsa di studio della Confederazione svizzera Application for a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship Année académique / Studienjahr / Anno accademico / Academic year 2016-2017 2

Propositions pour laffichage des cours en anglais

Voici quelques informations sur:

1.Les contacts à l'INSA de Lyon2.Les procédures de candidature (3ème et 4ème année, double diplôme)3.Informations utiles concernanta.Le cours intensifs de français (Ġcole d'ĠtĠ)

b.Hébergement et restauration sur le campus c.Sécurité sociale et autres assurances à souscrire durant le séjour en France

d.Documents d'identitĠ (procĠdures administratiǀes)This short guide means to provide you some information about:

1.Information sheet INSA-Lyon2.Application process (3rd and 4th Year Double Degree program)3.Useful information abouta.Intensive French language course (summer school)

b.Accommodation and catering on campus c.Social Security and other Insurance while in France d.Identity documents (Administrative procedures)




Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon

Campus Lyon Tech La Doua


Avenue Albert Einstein

69621 Villeurbanne CEDEX FRANCE

Website http://www.insa-lyon.fr

Erasmus Code F LYON 12

President of Institution Dr Eric MAURINCOMME

Vice President for International Affairs

& acting as LLP Erasmus Coordinator Dr Marie-Pierre FAVRE

Phone: +33 4 72 43 83 91

Fax: +33 4 72 43 71 90 ; e-mail: dri@insa-lyon.fr

Erasmus+ Administrative Officer and

Local Coordinator for UNITECH Ms Thalia DARNANVILLE Phone: +33 4 72 43 62 77 ; e-mail: erasmus@insa-lyon.fr, unitech@insa-lyon.fr

Student Mobility Team

Registrar's Office Incoming Students Coordinator

Ms Magdalena CORNECI

Phone: +33 4 72 43 71 69

e-mail: welcome@insa-lyon.fr Incoming Students Assistant for Asia, Europe (except Spain & Portugal), North

America and Oceania

Ms Geneviève LOMBARD

Phone: +33 4 72 43 70 82

e-mail: welcome1@insa-lyon.fr Incoming Students Assistant for Africa, Latin America, Spain & Portugal


Phone: +33 4 72 43 84 33

e-mail: welcome2@insa-lyon.fr Acad emic Advisors in the Departments


Mr Stéphane CHAMBERT: stephane.chambert@insa-lyon.fr

Electrical Engineering

Mr Florin HUTU: florin-doru.hutu@insa-lyon.fr

Civil Engineering and Urban Planning

Mr Jean-François GEORGIN: jean-françois.georgin@insa-lyon.fr

Industrial Engineering

Mr Eric NIEL: eric.niel@insa-lyon.fr

Energy & Environmental Engineering

Ms Gaëlle DUCOM : gaelle.ducom@insa-lyon.fr

Mechanical Engineering

Mr Minh Tu PHAM: minh-tu.pham@insa-lyon.fr

Information Technology

Mr Omar HASAN: omar.hasan@insa-lyon.fr


Ms Isabelle AUGE-BLUM: tc.ri@insa-lyon.fr

Materials Science and Engineering

Mr Bruno MASENELLI: bruno.masenelli@insa-lyon.fr

Courses and subjects

Regular Courses: http://www.insa-lyon.fr/en/formation/offre-de-formation

IST Semester (in English):

http://www.insa-lyon.fr/en/information-science-technology- semester-ist

Academic period 1st semester: September, 11


2017 - January, 26

th 2018

2nd semester: January, 29

th - June, 22 nd 2018

Application deadlines

FITEC programs (exchange 4

th year Double-Degree): March 26 th 2017

Exchange Students: April 23


2017 for the 1

st semester or the academic year

October 22


2017 for the 2

nd semester 4 th year Double Degrees: April 23 rd 2017
3 rd year Double Degrees: May 12 th , 2017

Application process

Exchange Students: http://www.insa-lyon.fr/en/exchange-students 3 rd year Double Degree: http://www.insa-lyon.fr/en/3rd-year-double-degree 4 th year Double Degree: Useful information: http://www.insa-lyon.fr/en/4th-year-double-degree

Online application only:

Admission website: https://admis.insa-lyon.fr/4a/

French Intensive Language Course

Summer school:

For Exchange students, Double Degree 3

rd year & 4 th year : August 17 th - September 8 th 2017

Winter school : dates to be confirmed

For the exchange students coming to study at INSA Lyon for two semesters, the course is free of charge. For those who are enrolled for one semester, there is a charge (€682 in 201

More information on: http://fle.insa-lyon.fr/

Language Requirements

Level B1 (according to the CECR) is strongly recommended: -language-levels-cefr Students must fulfill specific English and/or French language requirements according to the chosen study scheme.


INSA Lyon provides accommodation on-campus for all exchange students: 300 € to 550 € http://www.insa-lyon.fr/en/residences


ng INSA Lyon's restaurants are opened 7 days a week (except Saturday evening and Sunday morning) http://www.insa-lyon.fr/en/catering Health Insurance Students from EU countries: European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

Students from Québec: SE 401 Q 106 form

Students from non-EU countries: mandatory registration to the French Student


Security (September 1


2017 to August 31


2018). (FYI 215 € in 2016-2017)

All students

attending the summer school must have their own health insurance from their arrival to August 31 st 2017.

& Housing Liability Policy Every student has to get liability coverage in France (e.g. with SMERRA or LMDE).

2.Procédures de candidature / Application procedure

incomplete applications forms or those received after the deadline will not be considered!

1) Résultats scolaires des deux années précédentes

2) Résultats

scolaires du baccalauréat

3) Curriculum vitae en français ou anglais

4) Copie du passeport

5) Lettre de motivation (de préférence en français)

6) Certificat de niveau en français (le cas échéant)‰

‰‰je recevrai la réponse officielle après les jurys à partir du mi- juin 201ϳ

‰I read the information guide

‰I fill in the application form using Adobe Acrobat, I print and sign it‰my application form has to be signed and stamped by the persons in charge of the exchange at my home institution‰I add the following mandatory docu

ments:1)Official transcript o f records for the last two years

2)Official transcripts of records from your high school diploma


Curriculum vitae in French or English

4)Copy of the i

nternational passport

5)Cover Letter (

Preferably in French)

6)French language level certificate (if I have one)

‰I send my complete application form

by email (scanned PDF version) to:‰I send my complete application form before the ‰I receive the official answer after the Admission Committee starting Mid-June 201ϳ========================================================================

oomars 01SURJUDPPHV),7(& ooMarch th, 201 For your application online, please fill in your personal email address and your signed between

INSA Lyon and your university.

Informations utiles / Useful informationa.Cours intensifs de français / Intensive French CourseVous pouvez suivre un cours de français intensif avant la rentrée :

You can

attend an intensive French langu age course before Fall semester starts: lyon.fr If you are interested, please fill in the online survey on: http://fle.insa-lyon.fr la commission d 'admission pour le programme double diplôme et qui décident de renoncer à ce programme et derester uniquement le 1er semestre.

admission committee to come for double degree diploma program and who decide to drop off this program

and shorten their stay to Fall semester.

3.Tous les Ġtudiants participants ă l'Ġcole d'ĠtĠ payeront des frais d'hébergement et de restauration pour la

pĠriode de l'Ġcole d'ĠtĠ / All the students attending the French summer course will pay for accommodation and

catering during the summer school.b.Hebergement et restauration sur le campus /Accommodation and catering on campusL'INSA ǀous propose diffĠrents types de logement sur le campus.

/ INSA offers you several types of accommodation on the campus. The apartmentsare furnished and equipped with bathroom, toilets,

kitchenette and have access to internet. / further information you might need, please see

Pour toute question concernant le logement, veuillez contacter la Direction des Résidences (ddr@insa-lyon.fr). / For questions concerning accommodation, please contact Accommodation Office (ddr@insa-lyon.fr). Pour toute question concernant la restauration, veuillez contacter la Direction des Restaurants (accrest@insa-lyon.fr) / For questions concerning catering and meal plan, please contact Restauration Office (accrest@insa-lyon.fr).

Theaccommodation form will be send to all accepted students after the results of the admission commitee (mid- June)

ans le formulaire de demande d'hĠbergement il faudra

indiquer votre choix pour / If you wish to be accommodated in one of our campus residences when filling the accommodation form please chose

ole type de chambre / the room type : oindividuelle / single roomopour 2 personnes / twin room (for 2 persons)

ole type d'appartement ͬ the flat typeopour 2 personnes : 2 chambres individuelles ou les 2 personnes dans la même chambre / for 2 persons :

either 2 single rooms or 1 twin room opour 3 personnes - une chambre individuelle & 1 chambre pour 2 personnes) / for 3 persons: 1 single

room & 1 twin roomc.Sécurité sociale et autres assurances à souscrire durant le séjour en France /Social Security and other Insurance while in FranceLes étudiants acceptés en programme double diplôme sont inscrits dans leur établissement d'origine et dans

l'établissement d'accueil (INSA de Lyon). / Accepted Double degree students are enrolled both in their home institution


in the host institution (INSA Lyon). Assurances / Insurances Les assurances suivantes sont obligatoires durant le séjour en France / Mandatory insurances during your stay in France :

Assurance privée / Private insuranceLes étudiants en double diplôme doivent obligatoirement contracter à leurs frais avant leur départ vers la France,

une assurance privée (maladie, accident et responsabilité civile) couvrant uniquement la période entre leur

arrivée et expense, private insurance (health, accident and liability insurance) covering only the period from their arrival in


until 3 201

.Régime de la Sécurité sociale française / French Social SecurityPour l'assurance santé, à partir du 1

international students registered at INSA must match one of the following criteria :oLes re

ssortissants de l'Union Européenne (UE) / The European Union (EU) citizen :ƒdoiǀent ġtre en possession de la carte europĠenne d'assurance maladie (CEAM), ǀalide durant leur

séjour en France. / must hold their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) valid for their stay in France.ƒSi non, ils devront être obligatoirement affiliés à la sécurité sociale française (SMERA ou LMDE) ; tarif à

payer : 21ϱ euros pour l'annĠe 201ϲͬ201ϳ. / If not, they must subscribe mandatory French SocialSecurity

on the availability of different types of apartments in residences on campus.

oLes étudiants non-ressortissant de l'Union Européenne (non-UE)/ ƒdevront être obligatoirement

* affiliés à la sécurité sociale française (SMERA ou LMDE) ; tarif à payer : 21
euros pour l'annĠe 201


. / must subscribe mandatory French Social Security (SMERA or

LMDE) ; 21ϱ euros fee for 201ϲ/201ϳ academic year.*Sont exemptés uniquement les étudiants canadiens (Quebec) présentant à l'inscription le formulaire

/ Only canadien students (Quebec) presenting for registration the Form are

exempted. Assurance responsabilité ĐŝǀŝůĞlocative / Rental liability insuranceLes étudiants logés dans une des résidences de campus d'INSA de Lyon ont lΖobligation de souscrire pour le

logement, une assurance responsabilité civile locative / Students living in one of the campus residences INSA

degree student registered at INSA must subscribe a civil liability insuranced.Documents d'identitĠ (procedures administratives / Identity documents(administrative procedures)

administratives / Please note that every international student registered in France must provide at arrival for

administrative procedures:

Pour de plus amples informations nécessaires à préparer votre arrivée en France, merci de

consulter le guide des étudiants internationaux / For more useful information to prepare your venue in F rance, please see the international students' guide : - en français / in French : http://www.insa-lyon.fr/fr/content/informations

- en anglais / in English : http://www.insa-lyon.fr/en/content/informations - L'original de leur acte de naissance ͬ Their original birth certificate

le Consulatͬ l'Ambassade de France dans le pays d'origine ou par un traducteur assermenté à Lyon (liste disponible

French Consulate

/ Ambassy in office).


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