[PDF] Phase Response 19 Nis 2001 Rule 2)

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Discrete-Time Fourier Magnitude and Phase

Discrete-Time Fourier Magnitude and Phase. Professor Deepa Kundur Rectangular coordinates: rarely used in signal processing. X(?) = XR(?) + j XI (?).

Discrete Systems and Signals on Phase Space 1 Introduction

unitary U(N) transformations of the signals on phase space. Finally we show two- Keywords: Hamiltonian systems

Beamforming Optimization for Wireless Network Aided by Intelligent

2 Oca 2020 discrete phase shifts achieves the same squared power gain in terms ... dynamic wireless channels the signals reflected by an IRS can add ...

Phase Response

19 Nis 2001 Rule 2) Phase of any discrete signal or phase response of any linear time-invariant discrete system is always 2??periodic in frequency ?.

ZigBee Signal Phase Tracking Using a Discrete Kalman Filter

10 Oca 2019 ing discrete Kalman Filter (KF). Therefore Kalman Filtering is used to esti- mate and optimize the carrier phase of BPSK modulated signal

Approximate methods for solving amplitude-phase problem for

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Segmented discrete polynomialâ•phase transform with coprime

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One-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Problem

Also we shall refer to the four quadrant arctangent function as atan2. Please note that we are dealing here with discrete signals. We can wrap the signal x(n) 


using the Discrete Polynomial-Phase Transform (DPT) in order to derive a detector from the exact model of the signal

Chapter 4: Frequency Domain and Fourier Transforms

2 Hz. Here the amplitude of each sinusoid is 1 and the phase of each is 0. ous or discrete and whether the signal in time/frequency domain is finite- ...

Lecture 2: Signals and systems: part I - MIT OpenCourseWare

time and discrete-time sinusoidal signals as well as real and complex expo-nentials Sinusoidal signals for both continuous time and discrete time will be-come important building blocks for more general signals and the representa-tion using sinusoidal signals will lead to a very powerful set of ideas for repre-

Discrete signals and their frequency analysis

each labeled with amplitude and phase This spectrum plot is a frequency-domain representation that tells us at a glance “how much of each frequency is present in the signal ” In Chapter 4 we extended the spectrum concept from continuous-time signals x(t) to discrete-time signals x[n] obtained by sampling x(t) In the discrete-time case the

Discrete signals and their frequency analysis

Periodic discrete signals their behaviour repeats after N samples the smallest possible N is denoted as N1 and is called fundamental period Harmonic discrete signals (harmonic sequences) x[n] = C1 cos(?1n+?1) (1) • C1 is a positive constant – magnitude • ?1 is a spositive constant – normalized angular frequency As n is just a

Lecture 10 - Discrete Time Signals

Then the discrete time signal is a periodic signal In general a discrete time version of a sinusoid or any periodic signal is NOT periodic unless fs/fois an integer and we have integer number of sample for signal cycle Here we have the four most basic operations applied to discrete signals as sequence of sample values

Discrete-time signals and systems

We call x[n] the nth sample of the signal We will also consider 2D discrete-space images x[n;m] 2 1 1 Some elementary discrete-time signals (important examples) unit sample sequence or unit impulse or Kronecker delta function (much simpler than the Dirac impulse) Centered: [n] = ˆ 1; n = 0 0; n 6= 0 Shifted: [n k] = ˆ 1; n = k 0; n 6= k

Searches related to phase of a discrete signal filetype:pdf

6 341: Discrete-Time Signal Processing OpenCourseWare 2006 Lecture 2 Background Review Phase Group Delay and Generalized Linear Phase Reading: Sections 5 1 5 3 and 5 7 in Oppenheim Schafer & Buck (OSB) Phase LTI x[n] ?? H(z) ?? y[n] The frequency response H(ej?) of an LTI system H(z) is evaluated on the unit circle z = 1 H

What is a discrete signal?

    For a discrete signal, we forget about real time and simply count the samples. Discrete time becomes : x[n], n = ...?2,?1,0,1,2,3,... Thus we often call discrete signals just sequences.

What is the phase function of a discrete time signal?

    The phase function of a discrete time signal x (n)=a n, where a=r.e j? is? Phase function is tan -1 (cosn?/sinn?)=tan -1 (tan n?)=n?. Note: Join free Sanfoundry classes at Telegram or Youtube.

What is the phase of a signal?

    The phase of a signal generally refers to the timing of the signal (or how two sinusoids line up) as you posted in your question. But you are asking about the phase of a signal in the frequency domain (i.e., after an FFT operation). The FFT function computes an N-point complex DFT.

What is the sampling frequency of a discrete signal?

    In practice, we generally use fs ? 4 fmaxor higher. Therefore when handling discrete signals, you must remember the sampling frequency fs and therefore the sampling period Ts. Everything you do to the signal will depend on this. 2.How many bits to use to represent each data sample?

Phase Response

-Jon Dattorro There is a misconception that not much in regard to phase can be visually determined from a pole/zero plot of an associated discrete signal or system [S&K,pg.262]. Here we will give rules that can be used to eyeball phase, given only a pole/zero plot. Rule1) Phase for real signals and phase response of real linear time-invariant systems is anti-symmetrical.


()[]()eRmIatangrA=eHeHeHjj j ww w (1) where Arg[.] denotes the principal value of the phase, [Churchill] and where w = 2p¦T , for T the sample period. The arctangent function atan(x) is an anti-symmetrical function (of an anti-symmetrical variable x). Real signals and systems have the property that h[n]=h*[n], hence they possess the property of Hermitian symmetry in their Fourier transforms; i.e., ()()eHeH=w*w-jj (1A) The imaginary part of H(ejw) is an anti-symmetrical function of frequency, while its real part is a symmetrical function. The variable Im[H(ejw)]/Re[H(ejw)] is therefore anti- symmetrical, hence phase response is anti-symmetrical versus w. Alternately, from Equ.(1A) we know that |H(e-jw)| ej Arg[H(e-j w)] = |H(ejw)| e-j Arg[H(ej w)] that further shows that phase response must be anti-symmetrical. à When using Equ.(1) to find system phase, keep in mind that your calculator probably employs the standard atan(v/u) function, hence returning phase in only two quadrants. For that reason, the atan(u,v) function was introduced into the C programming language,

1 Thu Apr 19 2001

Matlab, Mathematica, and other languages to correct that problem. ()0,0;atan0,0;atan0;atan,atan <Example1 Suppose H(ejw)=ejw. Then the phase calculated using the standard two- quadrant function ArgII[H(ejw)]=atan(Im[H(ejw)]/Re[H(ejw)]) looks like this: Arg


-2-112 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 w/p

Figure 1. H(ejw)=ejw . Phase incorrect.

This anti-symmetrical function only uses two of the available quadrants. On the other hand, the four-quadrant function Arg IV[H(ejw)]=atan(Re[H(ejw)],Im[H(ejw)]) looks like this: Arg


-2-112 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 w/p

Figure 2. H(ejw)=ejw . Phase correct.

2 Thu Apr 19 2001

The phase function ArgIV[.] uses all four quadrants. Note that both atan(v/u) and atan(u,v) are anti-symmetrical, periodic functions; 2p- periodic in the latter (correct) case. Also note that the discontinuity in the phase is genuine, and not an artifact. The reason that Figure2 is correct is seen by looking at the complex function graphed directly in the u,v plane as in the Figure3. -1-0.50.51 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 v=Im[H(ejw)] u=Re[H(ejw)]

Arg = atan[u,v]

ejw o

Figure 3. H(ejw)=ejw

The normalized radian frequency w=0 corresponds to the coordinate (1,0), while w=± p corresponds to (-1,0). By tracing H(ejw) with w, while measuring the angle of the vector from the origin to the corresponding point on the contour,1 we see that ArgII[.] is clearly wrong in this case

H(ejw)=ejw and, by induction, wrong in general.

1This graph of the complex function is circular only because H(ejw) is so simple; this type of graph

is usually more interesting.

3 Thu Apr 19 2001

Rule2) Phase of any discrete signal, or phase response of any linear time-invariant discrete system is always 2p-periodic in frequency w.


All discrete signals and systems can be conceived in terms of some sampled continuous signal or system. In the frequency domain, the relation between the discrete and continuous signal is [O&S,pp.83-87,ch.3.2] ?()Tk TXTT k


p -w=p -wd*w=-dÛkk jnj w¥-=¥ w 2121

As a consequence, notice that

()()()peXeX=jpjwp+w2;regetninarof Going one step further, we also have that the Laplace transform of a sampled signal or system

2 is periodic in 2p/T-wide strips of the s plane oriented perpendicularly to the jw

axis; viz., [M&C,ch.6] ()()()pfjseXeXezzXenxtdeTnttxeX p+s===º=-d=


nts nTs ,2;;


The generally complex X(.) always has a magnitude and phase representation |X| ej Arg(X) where Arg(X ) is the phase response. Hence, periodicity of |X| and Arg(X ) along the jw axis is irrefutable. This observation applies whether or not the continuous-time signal is bandlimited. à

2Note that the two-sided time-domain impulse train (the shah) has no Laplace transform.

4 Thu Apr 19 2001

Rule3) Phase Transition

· Zeros out

side the unit circle cause negative-going transitions in phase.

· Poles in

side the unit circle cause negative-going transitions in phase.

· Zeros inside

the unit circle cause positive-going transitions in phase.

· Poles out

side the unit circle cause positive-going transitions in phase. · When a pole or zero is right on the unit circle there is a discontinuity in phase of p, but the direction is difficult to predict. These bullets are summarized in Table1 and the accompanying Figure4.


Phase Transition vs. Pole or Zero

Pole Zero

Inside ± +

Outside + ±

On ± p ± p

unit circleOp X X OO Figure4. Phase transitions due to poles and zeros.

Vector Form of the Transfer Function

These results may be easily understood by considering the rational transform description of a signal or linear time-invariant system as a collection of vectors. [O&S,ch.5.3] The vectors are revealed when the system function is written in its rational factored form; ?()pzzzzH--k= iii i for k some constant.

5 Thu Apr 19 2001


Suppose we have the transfer function H(z)=(z±zo)/(z±zp). z - zo X z - po O unit circle po zo Figure4A. Understanding phase transition in terms of vectors. In the example shown in Figure4A, there is a pole at po and a zero at zo. The vectors z±po and z±zo are shown for z evaluated along the unit circle. As we move around the unit circle in a counter-clockwise direction, the angle associated with the zero changes negatively at the illustrated instant while the angle associated with the pole changes positively. But because the pole vector is in the denominator of H(z), the change ascribed to the pole angle is actually negative.

Phase Wrap

A discontinuity in phase of 2p within an open3 2p-period in frequency, is called a trigonometric wrap and is caused by a branch cut [Churchill] in the trigonometric function definitions. It comes about when observing the principal value (-p4 [Steiglitz]


What we know thus far is that phase is 2p-periodic for discrete signals and systems, and that phase for real signals and systems must be anti-symmetrical with respect to frequency. We have also seen that phase transitions are produced by the poles and zeros of signals or systems that can be expressed in those rational terms. Now we must determine if this information is of any value to us; e.g., can we use it to sketch a phase response curve simply by viewing a given pole/zero constellation. The best approach seems to be the vector approach discussed under Rule3. We now look at some pertinent illustrations of pole/zero constellation, magnitude, and phase.

3Open means not including the end-points of the interval 2p.

4The Matlab function called unwrap() is not flawless.

6 Thu Apr 19 2001

Table2. Elemental Phase Response

H(z) = z - 1

-1-0.50.51Re z -1 -0.5 0.5 1 Im z O

2 |Sin[w/2]| ArcTan[-2 Sin2[w/2], Sin[w]] / p

-2-112w/pi 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2-112w/pi -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2

H(z) = 1/(z - 1)

-1-0.50.51Re z -1 -0.5 0.5 1 Im z X (2 |Sin[w/2]|)-1 ArcTan[-2 Sin2[w/2], -Sin[w]] / p -2-112w/pi 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 -2-112w/pi -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 Comments: Phase is 2p-periodic on the right and left-hand sides for both illustrations. The magnitude is the reciprocal of the previous illustration, while the phase is the negative of the previous illustration.

7 Thu Apr 19 2001

H(z) = z - 0.9

-1-0.50.51Re z -1 -0.5 0.5 1 Im z O Ö(1.81 - 1.8 Cos[w]) ArcTan[-0.9 + Cos[w], Sin[w]] / p -2-112w/pi 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 -2-112w/pi -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5 1 1.5 2

H(z) = 1/(z - 0.9)

-1-0.50.51Re z -1 -0.5 0.5quotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25
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