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reux de vous remettre ce guide d'accueil qui facilitera votre intégration PAGE 30. BIENVENUE À L'INSA LYON. EDITORIAL ... FORFAITS / TARIFS 2017-2018.


Guide des spécialités INSA - édition 2017-2018 -


HANDBOOK. CONTENTS. Editorial page 3. Studying at INSA Lyon This handbook will provide you with useful ... THE 2017-2018 ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR.

Guide du nouvel - arrivant

Guide du nouvel arrivant. 2017 2018 Bienvenue à Centrale Lyon vant. L'École Centrale de Lyon ... des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon).


31 janv. 2018 INSA de Lyon (45). Université Lyon 1 (66) ... Crédits Insa + Insavalor : Caroline Dominique ... Évolutions pour 2017-2018. GitLAB en test.


édition 2017/2018 Les inSa Lyon et toulouse proposaient chacun 24 places en 2017 ; en septembre 2018 l'inSa ... consulter le Guide des spécialités.


2017-2018. CM et TP. Responsable de l'UE. Bases de données. Filière Bioinformatique et. Modélisation de l'INSA de. Lyon. 27 h eq TD par.


4 oct. 2017 FORMATION. CONTINUE À L'UNIVERSITÉ. LES DÉFIS À VENIR. Guide ... lyon business school emlyon business school. Tél. 04 78 33 78 00.

Étudier en France

Bonne lecture et… bienvenue en France ! Guide Étudier en France après le baccalauréat ... Lyon qui prépare les étudiants à l'en-.

Rapport dactivité

21 mars 2018 Mars Times Higher Education - L'ENS de Lyon est dans le TOP 10 des ... Au titre de l'année universitaire 2017-2018 l'École compte environ ...


insa-lyon fr/en/ le-formation/ formation-continue 1 400 658 9 200 604 3 8 11 23 140 6100 728 Key figures from INSA Lyon characteristics Students - 1400 graduates each year

AMERINSA ASINSA EURINSA et SCAN - ecole-eteinsa-lyonfr



INSA LYON : UNE ÉCOLE INTERNATIONALE INSA LYON L’INSA Lyon fait partie du groupe INSA (Lyon Rennes Rouen Strasbourg Toulouse Centre Val de Loire et Fès) qui forme chaque année environ 10 des ingénieurs français Etablissement technologique de dimension européenne et centre actif de recherche scientifique l’INSA Lyon





editorial page 3 studying at insa lyon page 4 calendar page 9 administrative ormalities page 11 a ew reminders beore you leave page 15 liestyle at insa lyon page 16 the city o lyon page 22 on arrival page 27 useul links page 28 map o insa lyon campus page 30


The Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) o? Lyon is an international, multidisciplinary university-level School o? Engineering at the heart o? the European Higher Education scene. From its ?oundation in 1957, INSA Lyon has included interna tional, human and social aspects in the curriculum o? its engi neers. In ?act, as much importance is given to international relations and openness as to the quality o? its education and research. The International Relations O?ce is pleased to give you this "welcome guide". This handbook will provide you with use?ul in?ormation so that you can settle smoothly into the school and into your new student li?e in Lyon. You will ?ind an explana tion o? most o? the administrative ?ormalities to be undertaken, both be?ore your departure and upon your arrival. We are proud that you have chosen our school, located in the vibrant city o? Lyon within the very active Auvergne-Rhône- Alpes region. Please be assured that we will make every e?ort to make your stay both enjoyable and worthwhile.

See you soon on campus.

Internationally yours,

Dr Eric Maurincomme

Dr Marie-Pierre Favre

President o? INSA Lyon


?or International A?airs o? INSA Lyon insa lyon

February 2017

• INSA Lyon INSA Lyon was ?ounded in 1957 and is part o? the INSA Group (Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg, Toulouse, Val-de-Loire in France and Fès, in Morocco) ?rom which around 10% o? all

French engineers graduate every year.

INSA Lyon is a leading European university o? Technology - School o? Engineering and a dynamic center ?or scienti?ic research. It produces highly quali?ied engineers, whose skills meet the needs o? industry. INSA Lyon is located on the Lyon Tech Campus in La Doua,

15 minutes away ?rom the center o? Lyon, capital city o? the

Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region. The success o? INSA Lyon is linked to the teaching set up to ?avor the students' per- sonal development throughout their engineering studies. The degree course lasts 5 years and students are admitted through a selective process. INSA Lyon o?ers on-campus accommodation and a wide choice o? clubs and associations; there are also excellent sporting ?acilities. Special programs exist ?or students who want to combine their engineering studies with national or international sporting careers or with artistic activities. • A major international reputation Since it was created in 1957, INSA Lyon has insisted on training its en gineers ?or international careers. International mobility has become mandatory, either in one o? the 200 partner universities located in 50 countries, or in companies abroad. To graduate at INSA Lyon, students have to learn two ?oreign lan guages. French-speaking students must be ?luent in English and learn a second ?oreign language; non-French speakers must be ?luent in French as a ?oreign language and English. To prepare their stay abroad, 10 ?oreign languages courses are o?ered to students. International activities include scienti?ic co-operation between researchers and teachers, and the organization o? international scienti?ic seminars and symposia. insa lyon: an international center of education and research 4 http://?e.insa-lyon.fr/fr/ servfran@insa-lyon.fr www.e-?lipe.org insa-lyon.fr www.insa-lyon.fr/en/ preparatory-level-abroad www.insa-lyon.fr/ en/scan

• a large international population


INSA Lyon provides ?our preparatory level programs.

3 geographically oriented programs.


A program in English



It provides the opportunity ?or international students to improve their skills in French through: - An intensive summer school or: - An intensive winter school:

Caution :


A service which provides ?ree online linguistic and intercultural preparation ?or science and technology. 5 www.insa-lyon.fr/ibeng ibeng@insa-lyon.fr www.insa-lyon.fr/ en/phd-studies www.insa-lyon.fr/en/ search-centre- open-and-engaged • Admission at Bachelor's level foreign students can apply or admission as regular students (de gree seeking students) or as students under exchange agreements. there are two dierent registration processes depending on whether students are applying or the degree course or whether they want to validate credits obtained during an exchange program. regular student status requires the student to meet the admission qualiications and the french language requirements. •PhD program the Phd is a proessional research degree, where the student is awarded the title o doctor. the research conducted by the student is supervised by the Phd supervisor in a research laboratory which is part o a doctoral school. the Phd student, his/her supervisor, pos- sible co-supervisors, the management o the host research labora tory and the management o the doctoral school mutually commit to the degree by signing the Phd charter. the Phd ends with the presentation o a thesis constituting the validation o the scientiic work that enabled the development and acquisition o knowledge. • Research research at insa lyon is conducted by 23 specialized laboratories, supported by the help o 604 Phd students, 728 teacher-researchers and researchers. the research covers the main ields o science and engineering. insa uses the latest technology and is actively involved in joint pro jects with national research institutions, such as the cnrs, inria, inserm, with international laboratories as well as with companies such as edf-gdf, france telecom, alcatel... • An institute committed to development schemes insa lyon is also a resource center distributing french expertise in the ield o engineering studies, education and research to partners in developing countries. 70% o insa laboratories are involved in this type o cooperation. www.insa-lyon.fr/en/ cycle-formation/ formation-continue www.insavalor.fr 1 400 658
9 200
3 8 11 23
key igures rom insa lyon


- 1,400 graduates each year - 6,100 students (including 4,500 engineering students)


200 partner universities

- 30% o? ?oreign students, over 92 nationalities repre-sented on campus - Mandatory international mobility ?or all students - 5 representative o?ces worldwide Sta? - 658 members (engineers, administrative sta?, technical sta?, workers) - 728 teacher-researchers and researchers - 604 PhD students


- 134 000 m2 sur?ace area - 11 student residences - 4 restaurants (1,000,000 meals a year) - 130 student clubs and associations - 1 student center - 1 large concert hall - 1 library - Extensive sports ?acilities: stadium, gymnasium, swimming pool... . a two-year preparatory level (general scienti?ic and technical education) including 4 international programs Eurinsa, Asinsa, Amerinsa and Scan . a three-year second cycle in one o? the 9 specialization departments: - Biosciences (BS) - Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (GCU) - Electrical Engineering (GE) - Energy and Environmental Engineering (GEN) - Industrial Engineering (GI) - In?ormation Technology (IF) - Mechanical Engineering (GM) - Materials Science and Engineering (SGM) - Telecommunications (TC) - 23 laboratories - Master Nanoscale Engineering (NSE) - 8 doctoral schools - 145 PhD theses presented each year - The SEFDI allows li?elong learning programs

- INSAVALOR promotes relations between laboratories and companies seeking technological solutions, skills and training ?or their innovative projects.


7 The ECTS was developed by the European Commission. It has set up a common process ?or the presentation o? syllabus in order to ?acilitate the accreditation o? courses ?ollowed in ?oreign countries. The ECTS is designed to help European institutions measure and compare the learning achievements o? students, and to easily trans- ?er them ?rom one European institution to another.


The catalog program is available on the INSA Lyon website: https://www.insa-lyon.?r/en/education


It provides in?ormation to students and sta on the institutions/ departments/?aculties such as the organization and structure o? the studies and modular units. Courses contents and their ECTS credits can be ?ound on the ?ollowing web page:


It covers the study program and the ECTS credits to be awarded. It guarantees that the stay abroad is an integral part o? the student's higher education; the home institution is committed to give ?ull academic recognition to the credits gained abroad and the host institution provides the agreed course units subject to help and support the student during his stay. Usually, 1 Semester=30 ECTS and 1 Academic Year=60 ECTS.


The internship must appear in the initial lear-

ning agreement. The selection committee must accept the application ?or a one-year exchange period. Internship will take place during the second semester.

The student, INSA Lyon and the company

welcoming the student ?or an internship must sign a three-party internship agree ment. For more pedagogical in?ormation about the internship please contact your department. 8 www.insa-lyon.fr/ en/content/second-cycle


It shows the student's learning achievement, which can easily be trans?ered ?rom one institution to another.

ECTS% o? success?ul

students normally achieving the gradeDe?inition A10excellent -outstanding per?ormance with only minor errors B25very good - above the average standard but with some errors C30good - generally sound work with a number o? errors D25satisactory - ?air but with signi?icant shortcomings E10sucient - per?ormance meets the minimum criteria FX...fail - some more work required be?ore the credit can be awarded

F...fail - considerably more work is required

1 ?ull academic year = 60 credits 1 semester = 30 credits

Besides the engineering credits (80% ?rom the department), the student can take additional optional courses, i? he ?ollows them entirely (up to 20%). - From Monday September, 11 th

2017 to Friday January, 26

th 2018
1 - From Monday January, 29 th to Friday June, 22 nd 2018


hal-term: ?rom Saturday October, 28 th to Monday November, 6 th 2017
christmas: ?rom Saturday December, 23 rd

2017 to Monday January, 8

th 2018
hal-term: ?rom Saturday February, 17 th to Monday February, 26 th 2018
spring: ?rom Saturday April 7 th to Monday April 23 rd 2018


saturday, november 11 th

2017 (armistice day)

monday, april 2 nd

2018 (easter holiday)

tuesday, may 1 st

2018 (labor day)

tuesday, may 8 th

2018 (armistice 1945)

thursday, may 10 th

2018 (ascension day)

monday, may 21 st

2018 (white monday)

wednesday, June 15 th

2018 (assumption)



9 1

Final exam dates may vary according to the department. Be sure to contact your department or urther details.

ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE STUDENTS • August 16 th , 2017Students participating in the summer school are welcomed • August 17 th , 2017

Language level test at 8.45 am

Building Les Humanités - 3

rd Floor • August 17 th , 2017

September 8

th , 2017

Summer School: intensive French language coursesCompulsory ?or ?oreign students whose French is not up to standardsScience course ?or international Program Students

September 2017 Show to celebrate the end o? Summer School

September 11

th , 2017School term starts • October?2017Welcome speech ?or international students

January 26

th , 2018End o? semester 1

January 29

th , 2018Second semester starts February 2018Welcome speech ?or international students

June 22

nd , 2018End o? academic year 10 11 The in-coming students team at INSA LYON can be contacted ?or any inquiries regarding your stay at INSA Lyon. registrar's office

INSA Lyon - Camille Claudel

8, allée du Rhône - 69621 Villeurbanne CEDEX France

Phone: +33 (0)4 72 43 71 69

Phone: +33 (0)4 72 43 71 69

Phone: +33 (0)4 72 43 84 33

Phone: +33 (0) 4 72 43 64 38

the accommodation office The accommodation oce takes care o? housing issues at INSA Lyon and also manages the assignment o? the rooms among the 11 campus residences.

INSA Lyon - Résidence J

11, allée du Rhône - 69621 Villeurbanne cedex

ddr@insa-lyon.?r - Phone: +33 (0)4 72 43 79 68 / 79 61 / 88 91 food and on-camPus restaurants

Le Galilée 6/8 Avenue Jean Capelle

69 621 Villeurbanne CEDEX France

accrest@insa-lyon.?r - Phone: +33 (0)4 72 43 72 70



See campus

map p. 30 12 INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC ADVISORS IN THE DEPARTMENTS students should also get in touch with their department upon arrival. stéphane chamBert / stephane.chambert@insa-lyon.?r

Jean-françois georgin /

jean-?rançois.georgin@insa-lyon.?r florin hutu / ?lorin-doru.hutu@insa-lyon.?r gaëlle ducom / gaelle.ducom@insa-lyon.?r eric niel / eric.niel@insa-lyon.?r omar hasan /quotesdbs_dbs22.pdfusesText_28
[PDF] Calendrier Universitaire ISEM 2017-2018

[PDF] Calendrier janvier 2015

[PDF] Calendrier lunaire 2017 Jours de semis, jours de - Do it + Garden

[PDF] Juillet 2017 - iCalendrier

[PDF] Calendrier juillet 2018

[PDF] Calendrier juillet 2019

[PDF] Juillet - Août 2018 - iCalendrier

[PDF] Calendrier juin 2016

[PDF] Calendrier scolaire 2017 excel

[PDF] Calendrier mensuel 2017 Jours fériés 2017

[PDF] saison 2016-2017 - LNH

[PDF] Calendrier mai 2013

[PDF] Images correspondant ? calendrier mai 2016 avec jours fériés filetype:pdf

[PDF] Calendrier mars 2017

[PDF] Planning de l 'alternance 2016/2017 Formation - Université d 'Orléans