[PDF] Lecture 6 The Dynkin ? ? Theorem - LSU

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Lecture 6. The Dynkin ? ? ? Theorem. It is often the case that two

We shall do the ? ? ? theorem and use it in the case of Lebesgue Proof. Let µ be a translation-invariant Borel measure on R which assigns finite.

Dynkins ?-? Theorem

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1.3. PI-LAMBDA THEOREM. 6. Proof. For any arbitarty sequence An ? C we can create Bn ? C which are disjoint with ?n k=1Bk = ?n.

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Lecture 6 The Dynkin ? ? Theorem - LSU

6 1 Dynkin’s ? ?? Theorem Let P be a ?-system of subsets of Xand L a ?-system of subsets of X Suppose also that P ? L Then : ?(P) ? L i e L contains the ?-algebra ?(P) generated by P We will do the proof later but let us apply it to prove the uniqueness of Lebesgue measure 49

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TheCarathéodory extension theorem allows us to de?ne a measure explicitly for only a small collection of simplesets which may or may not form a?-algebra and automatically extend the measure to a proper measurablespace The uniqueness claim in the extension theorem makes use ofDynkin’s?-?theorem

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every ?-systems which contains (same proof as the construction of generated ?-filed which based mainly on the facts that an element is in the intersection iff it is in every sets) In particular because L is one of the set in the intersection (So we have ) P LL0 ? PLL??0 Claim 1: L0 is a ?-system Proof of the claim 1:

Real Analysis Oral Exam study notes Notes transcribed by

1 3 PI-LAMBDA THEOREM 6 Proof orF any arbitarty sequence A n2C we can create B n2Cwhich are disjoint with [n k=1 B k= [n k=1 A k by doing intersections (ok since Cis a ? system) and complements (ok since Cis a -system) Then since Cis a system we have that [1 k=1 B k2Cand so [1 k=1 A k= [1 k=1 B k2Ctoo! Theorem

Claim 1 The ?-system completion of a ? ? ? ? ? ? AB

The ?-system completion of a ?-system is itself a ?-system Combined with the comparatively trivial fact that a ?-system that is also a ?-system is a ?-algebra this concise statement is actually enough to prove the usual ?-? theorem Let ? be a ?-system and ? be the generated ?-system

What is the Pi theorem?

    The Pi theorem gives you a procedure to determine the dimensionless groups. So much work has come out of using non dimensional analysis. If you want refer to G.I.Barenblatt (Scaling, Self-similarity, and Intermediate Asymptotics) book or another classic from an application point of view is Sedov (Similarity and Dimensional methods in mechanics).

What is Lami's theorem?

    Lami's Theorem is applied in a static analysis of structural and mechanical systems. Lami's Theorem is named after Bernard Lamy. Lami 's Theorem states, "When 3 forces related to the vector magnitude acting at the point of equilibrium, each force of the system is always proportional to the sine of the angle that lies between the other two forces."

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    I can prove that I have connectivity from the lambda function to the internet by setting up a Socket connection e.g. Socket s = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName("bbc.co.uk"), 80);and I can retrieve data this way.

What is Pi Lambda Phi?

    The Pi chapter of the national fraternity Pi Lambda Phi was established at Dartmouth College in 1924. The membership of the Dartmouth chapter was predominantly Jewish.

Lecture 6. The Dynkinπ-λTheorem.

It is often the case that two measures which agree on a certain class of sets actually agree on all sets in the relevantσ-algebra. There are a couple of standard tools to prove that the measures are the same: the Monotone Class lemma and the Dynkinπ-λtheorem. They are essentially equivalent devices and it is largely a matter of taste which one to take as standard equipment. We shall do theπ-λtheorem and use it in the case of Lebesgue measure. Suppose thatμandμ?are translation invariant measures on the Borelσ-algebra of R dboth assigning the same (finite) measure to the unit box [0,1]d. We will show that thenμ=μ?. LetLdenote the set of all Borel setsA?Rnfor whichμ(A) =μ?(A). By hypothesis, [0,1]d?L. It seems reasonable to conclude from this that the setPof all boxes [a1,b1]×···×[ad,bd], with rationalaiandbi, would belong toL. Let us accept this for now; i.e. supposeP?L. Now if we can show from this thatLcontains theσ-algebra generated byPthen we would be done, because theσ-algebra generated byπis the Borel σ-algebra. (This follows from two observations : (i) each box inPis the intersection of open sets : [a1,b1]× ··· ×[ad,bd] =? k≥1? a 1-1 k,b1+1k? a d-1k,bd+1k? and (ii) every openUsubset ofRdis the union of small boxes [a1,b1]× ··· ×[ad,bd] with rational endpoints and centered at the rational points inU.) ThusLwould in fact be the whole Borelσ-algebra. That is,μ(A) =μ?(A) for every Borel setA. Thus the key tool would be the result thatLcontains theσ-algebra generated byP. This will, essentially, be proved by theπ-λtheorem. There are some technical problems involved which will be settled later.

6.0. Definition

. LetPandLbe collections of subsets of a setX. The collectionP is called aπ-system if it is closed under finite intersections; i.e. ifA,B?Pthen


Pis aπ-system ifA∩B?Pfor allA,B?P

The collectionLis called aλ-system if the following hold : (L1)∅ ?L; (L2) ifA?LthenAc?L; (L3)Lis closed under countabledisjointunions; i.e. ifA1,A2,...?Land ifAi∩Aj=∅ for everyi?=j, then?∞ j=1Aj?L.


.LetPbe aπ-system of subsets ofX,andLa λ-system of subsets ofX.Suppose also thatP?L.Then:


i.e.Lcontains theσ-algebraσ(P)generated byP. We will do the proof later but let us apply it to prove the uniqueness of Lebesgue measure. 49

6.2. Proposition.Every translation-invariant Borel measure onRwhich assigns finite

measure to the unit interval is a constant multiple of Lebesgue measure. Proof . Letμbe a translation-invariant Borel measure onRwhich assigns finite measure to the unit interval. Letmbe Lebesgue measure onR. Our first objective will be to check that


for every rationala,b, wherekis the finite constant k=μ?[0,1)? Then we shall show by aπ-λargument thatμ(A) =km(A) holds for all setsAin the sigma-algebra generated by the intervals [a,b), i.e. it holds for all Borel setsA. For any positive integerp, the interval [0,p) is the union ofpdisjoint translates of [0,1), and so by translation-invariance ofμ, we have ?[0,p)?=pμ?[0,1)?=pk By the same argument, for any positive integerp, we also have ?[0,p)?=qμ?[0,p/q)?

Combining these two relations we have

?[0,p/q)?=kp q=km?[0,p/q)?

Then by translation-invariance it follows that

?[a,b)?=km?[a,b)? for all intervals [a,b) for whichb-ais rational. Thusμis a constant multiple of Lebesgue measuremon intervals [a,b) with rational endpoints. Now we use the π-λtheorem to jazz this up to all Borel sets. The first idea would be takePto be the collection of all intervals [a,b) with rational endpoints, andLto be the class of all Borel setsAfor whichμ(A) =km(A) holds. But there is a problem with this: the collectionLsatisfies all properties of being aλsystem except that we cannot establish closure under complements, as the argument

μ(Ac) =μ(R)-μ(A) =∞ -km(A) =km(Ac)

is non-sense. The way to get around this problem with infinite measure is to focus down to a finite interval [-N,N) and then letN↑ ∞at the end.

So, fix any positive integerN, and let

L N={all Borel setsAfotr whichμ?A∩[-N,N)?=km?A∩[-N,N)?} 50

P={all intervals [a,b) witha,brational}

What we have proven before shows that

P?LN It is clear thatPis aπ-system. It is also clear thatLcontains the empty set and is closed under countable disjoint unions. To check closure under complements, consider any

A?LN. Then

?Ac∩[-N,N)?=μ?[-N,N)?-μ(A) =km?[-N,N)?-km(A) =km?Ac∩[-N,N)? (The subtraction works becausem([-N,N)) = 2Nis finite.) This shows thatAc?LN.

ThusLNis aλ-system.

By Dynkin"s theorem we conclude then thatLN?σ(P). Butσ(P) is the entire Borel sigma-algebra. So, in fact,LNis the entire Borel sigma-algebra, and this means that for any Borel setAwe have the relation ?Ac∩[-N,N)?=km?Ac∩[-N,N)?

Now letN↑ ∞. Since


we conclude that

μ(A) =km(A)

for every Borel setA. We can now move this result up to higher dimensions.

6.3. Proposition

.Supposeμis a translation-invariant measure on the Borel subsets ofRd,for whichkdef=μ([0,1]d)<∞.Then


Proof . We will use essentially the same argument as in the one-dimensional case. Let p

1,...,pdbe positive integers. Note that [0,pj) is the union ofpjtranslates [n,n+1), with

n? {0,1,...,pj-1}, of [0,1). Taking products of these intervals we see that [0,p1)× ··· ×[0,pd) is the union of of the boxes [n1,n1+ 1)× ··· ×[nd,nd+ 1) wheren1,...,nd? {0,1,...,p-1}. Any pair of distinct boxes in this collection have at least one 'side" disjoint, and so these boxes are disjoint. There are p


of these boxes. So, by translation-invariance of the measureμ, we have ?[0,p1)× ··· ×[0,pd)?=p1···pdμ?[0,1)d?=kp1···pd Again, by the same reasoning, for any positive integersq1,...,qd, we have ?[0,p1)× ··· ×[0,pd)?=q1···qdμ?[0,p1/q1)× ···[0,pd/qd)?

Combining the preceding relations we have

μ(B) =km(B)

for the boxB= [0,p1/q1)× ··· ×[0,pd/qd). Translation invariance then shows that the above equality holds for every boxBwith rational sides. LetPbe the collection of all boxes with rational corners. This is aπ-system which generates the Borel sigma-algebra ofRd. Fix any positive integerNand letLNbe the collection of all Borel setsA?Rdfor which

μ(A∩BN) =km(A∩BN)

where B

N= [-N,N)d

ThenLNis aλ-system and, by what we have proven above,LN?P. Therefore, by the π-λtheorem,LN?σ(P). Sinceσ(P) is the Borel sigma-algebra, it follows that

μ(A∩BN) =km(A∩BN)

for every Borel setA. Now letN↑ ∞to conclude that

μ(A) =km(A)

for every Borel setA?Rd. Finally, we turn to the proof of theπ-λtheorem. There are a couple of simple observations we will need :

6.4. Lemma

.LetXbe a set, and considerλandπsystems of subsets ofX. (i)Aλ-system which also aπ-system(i.e. is closed under finite intersections)is a


(ii)Aλsystem is closed under proper differences: ifLis aλ-system andA,B?L withB?A,thenA-B?L. Proof . (i) Suppose that theλ-systemLis also aπsystem; i.e. ifA,B?Lthen A∩B?L. The only point we have to check is thatLis closed under countable unions. So letE1,E2,...?L, and setE=?jEj. Since we know thatLis closed under countable disjoint unions we need to writeEas a disjoint union of sets inL. This is achieved as follows. LetHjbe the set of all points inEjwhich do not already belong to any of the 'previous" setsE1,...,Ej-1. Then clearly the setsHjare disjoint andE=?jHj. To see 52
thatHjis inLwe note thatHj=Ej∩Ecj-1∩...∩Ec1(this makes sense forj >1; for j= 1,H1=E1is already inL.) SinceLis closed under complements (being aλsystem) and since we have also assumed thatLis closed under finite intersections, we haveHj?L.

HenceE?L, as required.

(ii) IfA,B?L, andA?B, thenA-B=A∩Bccan be expressed in the following way :

A∩Bc= (Ac?B)c.

Notice that the setsAcandBare disjoint becauseA?B. So, sinceLis closed under complements and finite disjoint unions, we see thatA-B?L. For the next step towards theπ-λtheorem, observe that the intersection of any family ofλsystems is again aλsystem. IfXis a set andP? P)(X), definel(P) to be the intersection of allλsystems which containPas subset (for example, the power setP(X) is aλsystem?P). Thus: l(P)def=∩{Λ : Λ is aλsystem and Λ?P} Thusl(P)is the smallestλsystem containingPas a subset.

6.4. Lemma

.LetPbe aπ-system of subsets of a setX. Thenl(P)is aσ-algebra.


We have seen that a collection of subsets ofXwhich is both aπsystem and a λsystem is actually aσ-algebra. Thus, it will suffice to prove thatl(P) is aπ-system. LetA,B?l(P). Our goal is to prove thatA∩Bis also inl(P). We will do this by establishing the following: (1) for any fixedA?l(P), the collection of allB?Xfor whichA∩B?l(P) is aλ system; (2)A∩B?l(P) wheneverA?PandB?l(P); (3) ifA?l(P) andB?l(P) thenA∩B?l(P). This would show thatl(P) is aπsystem.

For (1), fix anyA?l(P), and let



It is clear thatlAcontains∅and is closed under countable disjoint unions. Next ifB?lA then


is a proper difference of sets in theλ-systeml(P), and so is inl(P). Thus,lAis aλ-system.

This establishes (1).

Now supposeA?P. ThenA∩B?P?l(P) for everyBin theπsystemP. So B?lA. Thus,lA?P. Then, by definition oflPas the smallestλsystem containingP, we have l


Looking back at the definition oflA, we see that this means simply thatA∩B?l(P) for everyB?l(P). This establishes (2). 53
Now we"ll bootstrap ourselves up one level: using what has been established in (2) and applying again essentially the same argument we will reach our goal (3). To this end, now fixB?l(P), and think of l


This is aλ-system, as we have already seen. In (2) we proved essentially that l B?P Then, by definition ofl(P) as the smallestλ-system containingP, we have l


Glancing at the definition oflBwe see that this means

A∩B?l(P) for everyB?l(P)

SinceAis any element ofl(P) we have thus established our goal (3), i.e.l(P) is aπsystem.

Proof of theπ-λtheorem

LetXbe a set, and

P?L? P(X)

withPaπsystem andLaλsystem. Then, by definition ofl(P) as the smallestλsystem containingP, we have l(P)?L

Butl(P) is aσ-algebra, andl(P)?P. Therefore,


This completes the argument, sincel(P)?L. Note that since every sigma-algebra is also aλsystem it follows thatl(P)?σ(P). Thus, in fact, l(P) =σ(P)

Problem Set

1. Let (X,F,μ) be a measure space withμ(X) = 1, and letA? F. Show that the set

of allB? Fwhich satisfy

μ(A∩B) =μ(A)μ(B)

is aλ-system.

2. Find an example of aλsystem which is not aσ-algebra.

3. Letk?RandEa Borel subset ofRd. Prove that

m(kE) =|k|dm(E), 54
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