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Structure-Sensitive Points-To Analysis for C and C++

We present a points-to analysis for C/C++ that recovers much of the available high-level structure information of types and ob- jects by applying two key 

Classes and Data Abstraction: struct

One of the simplest aggregate data types is the struct. Write a program on C++ to create a Point using structure and give abscissa and ordinate of a.

Structure-Sensitive Points-To Analysis for C and C++

Abstract. We present a points-to analysis for C/C++ that recovers much of the available high-level structure information of types and ob-.

Composite objects: structs and classes

Structs. Classes. Namespaces. Exceptions. Composite objects. C/C++ allow the definition struct. It can be repeated. // Point declaration struct Point;.

Structs for Points and Lines

In this exercise we will implement a representation of. 3D-geometrical objects in a computer game. Given is a struct point which stores 3D-points. 2 struct 

Programming in C and C++ - Lecture 3: Pointers and Structures

c+i == &c[i]. • A pointer is a variable but an array name is not; therefore pc = c and pc++ are valid

Lecture P4: Structs and Data Types

Define structures for points in the plane and operations on them. #include <math.h> typedef struct { double x; double y;. } Point 

Pointers and Linked Lists

24-07-2003 C++ has an operator that can be used with a pointer to simplify the notation for specifying the members of a struct or a class.


cpp: Structure representing a point. #include <iostream> #define n 4 using namespace std; void main(). {.


C++ doesn't know how to use operators on types defined by us: ? We can tell it how to via operator overloading. struct Point { int x y;.

MAT685:C++ The Point A Point MAT685:C++forMathematicians

MAT685:C++ forMathemati-cians JohnPerry ThePointof class Aclassof Point Summary Prosandconsofstructured approach Pros •relateddatastaystogethereasiertotrack Cons •allfieldsmustbeupdatedmanuallyor

C++ Coding Standards2019

Structs structs are a method of constructing new datatypes -store a collection of values together in memory ?elds-similar to a Java class but no methods-individual values are referred to using the “ ” operator-can use typedef to rename and turn struct tag into a “type” typedef struct Cat Cat; or typedef struct Cat { } Cat;

Summary of C++ Data Structures - Clemson University

Basics of C++ 1 1 Summary C++ is an extension of C So the simplest program just has a main function The program is compiled on our system with g++ which by default produces an executable a out that is run from the current directory C++ has for while and do for loops if and switch for conditionals The standard output is accessed by cout

Lecture 09 - Structs and Linked Lists - CMU School of

There are two ways to access fields within a struct Field within a struct can be accessed using the dot operator However if a pointer to the struct is given then we can access fields within the struct using -> operator For example node mynode; node* ptr = &mynode; ptr var1 = 100; ptr var2 = malloc(20);

C++ Coding Standards2019

1 C++ Coding Standards for EECS 381 Revised 8/9/2019 Each software organization will have its own coding standards or "style guide" for how code should be written for ease of reading and maintenance You should expect to have to learn and follow the coding standards for whichever organization you ?nd yourself in

Searches related to point c+ struct filetype:pdf

This specific file (iostream) includes the declarations of the basic standard input-output library in C++ and it is included because its functionality is going to be used later in the program using namespace std; All the elements of the standard C++ library are declared within what is called a namespace the namespace with the name std

Should I use struct instead of class?

    Use "struct" instead of "class" for a simple concrete type all of whose members are conceptually public, and do not use the "public" or "private" keywords in the declaration. Can be appropriate even if the type has constructors, member functions, and operators - as long as all members are conceptually public.

How to allocate memory for a struct node?

    For example, a struct Node that contains an int data field and a pointer to another node can be defined as follows. struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; } typedef struct Node node; node* head = NULL; Allocating memory for the first node. Memory must be allocated for one node and assigned to head as follows.

How to arrange function definitions in a CPP file?

    Arrange function de?nitions in a .cpp ?le in a human-readable order corresponding to the top-down functional decomposition or usage order of the module. The reader should be able to read the code in increasing order of detail to take advantage of the information-hiding value of functions.

What is int P1 P2 in C++?

    The C++ Language Tutorial 67 © cplusplus.com 2008. All rights reserved Another thing that may call your attention is the line: int * p1, * p2; This declares the two pointers used in the previous example. But notice that there is an asterisk (*) for each pointer, in order for both to have type int* (pointer to int ).

SSCM 1313


Chapter 5:

Structure and Array Applications


Farhana Johar

Professor Dr. Shaharuddin Salleh

Structure A structure groups variables into a hierarchical tree based on their common ancestral origin. Under this arrangement, a structure starts with a parent which includes several children.

x Constructed using tydef struct x A structure must have a name x Declared in the pre-processing area


typedef struct char name[10]; members int age; double cpa; } CAMPUS; name of structure object of the structure

CAMPUS student;

strcpy(student.name,"Michael"); assignment of values student.age=35; to members student.cpa=3.15;

Points in Cartesian Coordinates

typedef struct { double x,y; } POINT; POINT pt[10];



5 5 ypty xptx yipty xiptx i i

Code5A.cpp: Structure representing a point.

#include #define n 4 using namespace std; void main() { int i,j; typedef struct double x,y; } POINT; POINT pt[n+1]; double Eu[n+1][n+1]; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { pt[i].x=(double)2*i; } cout << "Euclidean distance between points i and j" << endl; cout << "(" << pt[i].x << "," << pt[i].y << ") and ("<Nested Structure typedef struct { double x,y; } POINT; typedef struct { POINT b,e; } LINE;


A line has two end points.

Each point in a line is represented as (x,y) coordinates.

LINE Ln; Ln.b.x=3; Ln.b.y=Ǧ1; e

Ln.e.x=7; Ln.e.y=0; (e.x,e.y)

b (b.x,b.y) typedef struct { double x,y; } POINT; typedef struct { POINT b,e; } LINE; typedef struct { LINE p,q,r; } TRIANGLE;

A triangle has three points.

Each line in a triangle has two end points.

Each point in a line is represented as (x,y) coordinates. t.p.e.x=7; t.p.e.y=0; t.q.b.x=7; t.q.b.y=0; (5,-8) t.r.b t.q.e t.r t.r.e t t.q (3,-1) t.p.b t.p t.q.b (7,0) t.p.e

Figure 5.1. TRIANGLE and its nested structures.

Code5B.cpp: Structure representing a triangle.

#include #include #include #define n 3 using namespace std; void main() { int i; srand(time(0)); typedef struct { double x,y; } POINT; typedef struct { POINT b,e; double length; } LINE; typedef struct { LINE p,q,r; double area; } TRIANGLE;

TRIANGLE t[n+1];

for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { t[i].p.b.x=(double)(rand()%50); t[i].p.b.y=(double)(rand()%50); t[i].p.e.x=(double)(rand()%50); t[i].p.e.y=(double)(rand()%50); t[i].q.e.x=(double)(rand()%50); t[i].q.e.y=(double)(rand()%50); t[i].q.b.x=t[i].p.e.x; t[i].q.b.y=t[i].p.e.y; t[i].r.b.x=t[i].q.e.x; t[i].r.b.y=t[i].q.e.y;

t[i].p.b.x*t[i].q.e.y+ t[i].p.e.x*t[i].q.e.y); cout << "Triangle #" << i << endl; cout << "(" << t[i].p.b.x << "," << t[i].p.b.y << ")" << setw(15);

cout << "(" << t[i].q.b.x << "," << t[i].q.b.y << ")" << setw(15); cout << "(" << t[i].r.b.x << "," << t[i].r.b.y << ")" << endl; cout << "Area is " << t[i].area << endl << endl; } cin.get(); CS1 (Case Study 1): Finding the root of a function Given f (x) 0 , find the value of x , assuming the value exists. f (a0) c 1 c 0 b 0 x a 0 c 2 f (b0) a3 b3 i = 3 a 2 b 2 i = 2 a 1 b 1 i = 1 a0 b0 i = 0

Algorithm 5.1. Bisection Method.

Given f (x) 0 , ˢ and the initial end-points [a0 , b0 ] where f (a0 ) f (b0 ) 0 ;

Given max =maximum number of iterations;

For i 0 to max

a b

Compute ci

i 2 i ;

If f ai f ci 0

Update bi 1 ci and ai 1 ai ;

If f ai f ci 0

Update ai 1 ci and bi 1 bi ;

c i ෥ c i ෥1 İ If

Solution= ci ;


Stop the iterations;

Code5C.cpp: Finding the root of a function.

#include #define N 20 #define EPSILON 0.005 using namespace std; void main() { double *a, *b, *c; a=new double [N+1]; b=new double [N+1]; c=new double [N+1]; a[0]=1; b[0]=2; "<0) a[i+1]=c[i]; b[i+1]=b[i]; // update a else b[i+1]=c[i]; a[i+1]=a[i]; // update b if (i>0) cout << i << setw(15)<< a[i]<for (i=1;i<=N;i++) cout << v[i] << " "; cout< (i=1;i<=N;i++) cout << w[i] << " "; cout << endl; cin.get(); }

CS3: Detecting the Upper Triangular Matrix

0*** 00** 000* *000 **00 ***0 LU The following code segment determines whether a given matrix is upper triangular method for detection:

If flag is 0 then the matrix is not upper triangular. If flag is 1 then the matrix is upper triangular.

This code below showing how the input data is read. ifstream InFile;


for (i=1;i<=N;i++) { for (j=1;j<=N;j++) { InFile >> a[i][j]); cout << endl;

Code5E.cpp: Detecting upper triangular matrix

#include #include #define N 4 using namespace std; void main() { bool flag=1; double a[N+1][N+1]; int i,j; // read matrix A values and display them to confirm ifstream InFile; InFile.open("Code5E.in"); for (i=1;i<=N;i++) for (j=1;j<=N;j++) {

InFile >> a[i][j];

cout << a[i][j] << " "; } cout << endl; }


for (i=2;i<=N;i++) { for (int j=1;jcout<< "the matrix is upper triangular"< cin.get(); }


8 0 0 0

-2 1 0 0

2 -1 7 0

1 8 1 -2

Detecting a diagonal matrix

Detecting a tridiagonal matrix

CS4: Matrix Reduction into an Upper Triangular Form Method: Row Operations through Gaussian Elimination Method Example 5.2. Find the upper triangular matrix U of the following matrix: 2181

8.000 2.000 -1.000 2.000

0.000 1.500 -3.250 -7.500

0.000 -1.500 7.250 -1.500

0.000 -8.250 1.125 -2.250

Operations with respect to the second row.

8.000 2.000 -1.000 2.000

0.000 1.500 -3.250 -7.500

0.000 0.000 4.000 -9.000

0.000 0.000 -16.750 -43.500

m a21 / a11 , m a31 / a22 ,quotesdbs_dbs8.pdfusesText_14
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