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Quick & Easy

Guide to

What you need to know

to get and use ISBNs and

Barcodes on your self-

published book

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e Self-Publisher"s to ISBNs and Barcodes by Joel Friedlander

2010 Joel Friedlander. All Rights Reserved.

Permissions: jfbookman@gmail.com

You may not edit, resell, distribute or claim ownership or authorship of this guide. Disclaimer: The information contained in this report represents the views of the author at time of publication. Every attempt has been made to substantiate the information in this report. However, the author makes no warranty about the accuracy of the information contained in the report, and accepts no responsibility for errors or exclusions that may be contained within. It is recommended that the reader determine whether this information is applicable to their own situation and to what, if any, use the information in this report should be put. Much of the content in this report was originally developed on my blog: http://www.TheBookDesigner.com By subscribing to the blog, you will receive articles like this in your email inbox, automatically. And if you visit the blog, you can participate in the ongoing conversation there about book design, self-publishing and the indie publishing life. At Marin Bookworks I design and produce books for publishers and authors jfbookman@gmail.com

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ISBN 101 For Self-Publishers


How to Read an ISBN


How to Buy ISBNs


Answers to 20 of your ISBN Questions


Deciphering the Bookland EAN Bar Code


How to Buy & Use Barcodes


ISBN and Barcode Resources


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ISBN 101 For Self-Publishers

One of the parts of book publishing that seems to confound newcomers to books printed today. for authors, there has been even more confusion about whether you need to sellers who offer lower prices for a single number. forget about it.

Created to Solve Real-World Problems

book became an international standard in the 1970s. It was created to solve a real-world problem, and it worked well. The problem particular book, and more so when a searcher did not have the full title, author for a book. How would you know whether the book you are looking for is the right one? expand the number of possibilities. Add to this the necessity of knowing which format of a book, this problem is basically solved. Every title, and every

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purposes. need on a particular title.

Who Doesn't Need an ISBN?

system, any book that is intended to be sold through retail channels will need

Workbooks distributed at seminars

Company training manuals for internal use

Books that will be used only as premiums, incentives or giveaways However, even publishers of these types of books might make use of this use.

Self-Publishing Hits the Scene

publishers for a nominal administrative fee. and a few authorized re-sellers. And to accommodate the needs of these self- shocked many new publishers.

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intend to issue your book as both a printed book and an ebook, you will need In addition, Bowker is actually registering your publishing company when they issue you your numbers, not your individual books. This is a key step for many

The Problem of the “Free" ISBN

In order to mitigate the cost and the bother of registering your company

How were they able to do this?

And many authors have made use of this savings. You are a good candidate for a free number if:

You intend to publish only one book

functions for self-publishers.

Know Your Retailers

People who help authors get started in publishing often remind them that this is a business, and should be approached as such. You are manufacturing a the policies of the retailers who will be selling your book.

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The Many Roles of a 13-Digit Number

fact, there are three main ways these numbers can be of use: 1. 3.


to use them, and whether you want to go to the expense of buying your own

2 Reasons to Own Your Own ISBNs

1. to locate the pubisher of any particular book or edition. If you use a and is a key component in your book being discoverable by online still have complete control over your own content.

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And you can be very successful this way, too. April Hamilton originally published Indie Author and several other books that way, and enjoyed great success. But like others who have committed to making publishing their Part of the reason, as Hamilton explains, is the changing marketplace: Distribution options offered by print and digital publishing service providers largest catalog of books, which is licensed to all major search engines and available on the open Web at .


private publications, you may not need it at all. And if you plan to continue in

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How to Read an ISBN

I, who were running our publishing company from a spare bedroom in our house. his dining room? We have a bet." There was plenty of snickering in the background. But their guess was pretty accurate, and one of the ways they may have the review.

You Need ISBN to Sell in Bookstores

If you want to sell in bookstores, self-publishers know that you need to have Bowker or one of their authorized resellers, but if you are planning to publish more than one book—or more than one edition of your book—you really need different numbers within those ten digits, and each has its separate meaning.

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Breaking an ISBN Down


the initial digit, in this case: 0


The 0 the six digit series: 936385


this case: 40



The last digit, in this case, 2 is the check digit. This digit is mathematically scanned accurately. 978


You can see that a different string of numbers generates a different check digit at the end.

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Publishing Professionals Can Read ISBN Details

0 or 00

publisher and their books. published by Alfred A. Knopf:




business a long time, it pays to know the little details that are communicating information about your company that you may not even be aware of.


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How to Buy ISBNs

First stop to getting set up in the book publishing industry is to buy y our

These are your choices:

Single ISBN

publishers, but it looks expensive to me.

Single ISBN with bar code

self-publishers, but savvy self-publishers know that printers like Lightning looking.

Blocks of 10 ISBNsyour best

deal for almost all self-publishers. If you thought you were going to be doing a lot of shipping from your location,

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Answers to 20 of your ISBN Questions

are registered properly, that everything is done so that their book can be sold without any problems or confusion.

Questions and Answers about ISBN

What is an ISBN?

Why do we need ISBNs?

We need them to identify each book that is published, and each edition of the number used to identify books by booksellers, libraries, book wholesalers and distributors.

Should I get an ISBN?

If you plan to sell your book in bookstores, to libraries, or through online

Does a book have to be published to have an ISBN?

can be done at any time, even before the book is written.

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Is the ISBN the bar code I see on the back of books? scanners. The bar code might also have other information embedded in it, like the price of the book and the currency in which it is priced.

Okay, do I need to have a bar code too?

Only if you plan to sell your book in bookstores. If you only plan to sell online, publishers put them on their books anyway. If I get an ISBN, does that mean my book is copyrighted? book trade. Copyright is administered by the Library of Congress and is an extension of intellectual property law. If I have an ISBN, does that mean my book will be in Books in Print? necessary for your book to be listed in Books in Print.

Can self-publishers get an ISBN?

anyone else.

How do I get an ISBN?

How many ISBNs should I buy?

edition of your book, or another book entirely, you will need more than one

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What do ISBNs cost?

Isn"t it just a number? Why does a number cost $125?

Well, can I re-use my ISBN?

Where do I put the ISBN?

Publication data block, if you use one. Otherwise, just print it on the copyright page and, of course, on the back cover as part of the bar code. I"m doing a print book and an ebook. Do I need two ISBNs, or can I use the same one? This is a matter of some discussion at the moment, since there are more and every edition is under review. How about a hardcover and a softcover of the same book? If I revise my book, do I need to give it a new ISBN? reprint. A new edition would contain substantially new material, a major revision, or the addition of completely new elements. Anything that makes it a

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How about if I just change the cover?

to run down the answer.

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Deciphering the Bookland EAN Bar

Code publisher, the language group of the country the book is published in, and the

Where Exactly is Bookland?

barcode for product, manufacturer and price information, books use a dif ferent of the country in which they were produced. This, in effect, created a v irtual a book might have a different jacket, size, and price than the paperback—each title, price and other details to the transaction when you check out. At one time there were only two versions of a book for sale, if that: hardcover and paperback. With the proliferation of electronic formats for the same book

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this has become an area of some discussion in the book publishing commun ity. do not need to pass through a register in a store, it may well be less important that will eventually be formalized so that each format can be accounted for

Cracking the (Bar) Code

is set. Publishers must use either one of these barcode formats since price scan ners

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in bookstores can only read these two formats. this case, rather than get pricing information directly from the barcode, the electronic cash register retrieves the price along with the other information

One More Word on Barcodes

reviewers that the book was for sale. always put a barcode on the back cover of the book, and another barcode on the last page of the text block. This allows them to use highly autom ated without a barcode, and you will need a digital printer who is not a print-on- demand supplier.

How to Get and Use Barcodes for Your Book

If you publish with an author-services company they will often provide the barcode free of charge. If you print with Lightning Source for print on demand distribution,

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ISBN and Barcode Resources


Wikipedia entry on the

by Indie Author April Hamilton

Twitter discussion group link (moderated by

website you can download a cover template from their website that will include a barcode. Although it will be centered on the back cover, move it to a more common position, like in the bottom right coverner of the back cover. barcode anyway. If your book is being prepared by a professional book designer, they will probably take care of getting the barcode for you. When I need to buy a barcode, I use Bar Code Graphics software around the Internet. Too many of them produce unreliable bitmapped images that run the risk of not scanning when your book hits the cash register. For the times you need to buy a barcode, get one you know will work.

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