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Other names:(+)-galactose




Galactose, D-




Mol. weight [g/mol]:180.16


Physical Properties

Property codeValueUnitSource

gf-793.74kJ/molJoback Method hf-1035.02kJ/molJoback Method hfus19.93kJ/molJoback Method hvap117.51kJ/molJoback Method log10ws1.62Crippen Method logp-3.379Crippen Method mcvol126.320ml/molMcGowan Method pc6631.37kPaJoback Method ss205.40J/mol×KNIST Webbook tb844.48KJoback Method tc1034.02KJoback Method tf443.48KJoback Method vc0.460m3/kmolJoback Method

Temperature Dependent Properties

Property codeValueUnitTemperature [K]Source

cpg390.04J/mol×K844.48Joback Method cpg395.83J/mol×K876.07Joback Method cpg401.25J/mol×K907.66Joback Method cpg406.32J/mol×K939.25Joback Method cpg411.06J/mol×K970.84Joback Method cpg415.49J/mol×K1002.43Joback Method cpg419.64J/mol×K1034.02Joback Method cps220.54J/mol×K296.90NIST Webbook

cps210.70J/mol×K293.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps213.70J/mol×K298.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps217.50J/mol×K303.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps222.30J/mol×K308.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps227.10J/mol×K313.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps229.40J/mol×K318.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps235.60J/mol×K323.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps236.80J/mol×K328.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps203.30J/mol×K288.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps247.00J/mol×K338.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps251.20J/mol×K343.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps254.70J/mol×K348.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps257.50J/mol×K353.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps265.10J/mol×K358.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides

cps216.30J/mol×K300.00NIST Webbook cps242.80J/mol×K333.15Temperature dependence of the heat capacities in the solid state of 18 mono-, di-, and poly-saccharides dvisc0.0017994Pa×s443.48Joback Method dvisc0.0000991Pa×s510.31Joback Method dvisc0.0000107Pa×s577.15Joback Method dvisc0.0000018Pa×s643.98Joback Method dvisc0.0000004Pa×s710.81Joback Method dvisc0.0000001Pa×s777.65Joback Method dvisc4.8974616e-08Pa×s844.48Joback Method hfust43.80kJ/mol436.20NIST Webbook


NIST Webbook: http://webbook.nist.gov/cgi/cbook.cgi?ID=C59234&Units=SI

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cpg: Ideal gas heat capacity cps: Solid phase heat capacity dvisc: Dynamic viscosity gf: Standard Gibbs free energy of formation hf: Enthalpy of formation at standard conditions hfus: Enthalpy of fusion at standard conditions hfust: Enthalpy of fusion at a given temperature hvap: Enthalpy of vaporization at standard conditions log10ws: Log10 of Water solubility in mol/l logp: Octanol/Water partition coefficient mcvol: McGowan's characteristic volume pc: Critical Pressure ss: Solid phase molar entropy at standard conditions tb: Normal Boiling Point Temperature tc: Critical Temperature tf: Normal melting (fusion) point vc: Critical Volume

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