[PDF] Postmodern Interpretations of Satie's Parade - eruditorg

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d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. canadiennes Albright, D. (2001). Postmodern Interpretations of Satie's



University Music Review / Revue de musique des universit€s canadiennes 22

22...39. https://doi.org/10.7202/1014497ar

Si le postmodernisme peut se concevoir de fa†on a-historique comme une importance. Cet essai illustre ce point de vue en qualifiant Erik Satie de mouvement ˆ Edriophthalma ‰ des

Embryons dess€ch€s

de 1913 emprunte, encore


signifiant (ce que Satie nomme la musique d'ameublement).










M Th e Iris h poe t


m Butle r Yeat s (1865-1939 though t tha t som e artist s le d bizarr e an d unhapp y live s becaus e thei r personalitie s wer e s o fa r ou t o f phas e wit h thei r historica l era s tha t the y wer e force d t o wea r a false mask - that is t o liv e a s caricature s o f themselves Fo r example Yeat s considere d tha t h e wa s a


c poe t bor n to o late a histrioni c an d effortfu l presence a n objec t o f mocker y t o th e Moder n age. 1 Yeat s indee d seeme d t o hi s contemporarie s a spooky etherea l sor t o f man s o superstitiou s tha t h e onc e cu t a squar e ou t o f hi s fu r coa t fo r fea r o f disturbin g a sleepin g cat Th e


c poet t o Yeats live d i n a subjectiv e phantasmagoria a deliriu m o f privat e images whil e Yeat s regarde d th e twentiet h centur y a s a n ag e devote d t o th e deat h o f imagination a n ag e whic h trie d t o cur e itsel f o f desir e b y hewin g t o th e stoli d surface s o f things-as-they-are Th e Frenc h compose r Eri k Sati e (1866-1925 wa s a n almos t exac t contem porar y o f Yeats an d illustrate s


s predicamen t fro m th e opposit e direc tion Sati e to o seem s ou t o f phas e wit h hi s historica l era - a connoisseu r o f paradoxe s an d parapluies, threadbar e dandy hig h aesthet e o f low-bro w art irritabl e an d imperturbable th e snowma n o f lyric Bu t i t seem s retrospectivel y tha t thi s phase-shif t arose no t fro m

