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Searches related to flute de pan youtube filetype:pdf

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburk La Flžte de Pan Poetb Pierre LouØs Pour le jour des Hyacinthiesi il mta donnŽ une syrinx faite de roseaux bien taillŽsi unis avec la blanche cire qui est douce ˆ mes lvres comme le miely Il mtapprend ˆ joueri assise sur ses genoux k mais je suis un peu tremblantey il en joue aprs moii si doucement que je ltentends ˆ peiney Nous ntavons rien ˆ nous direi tant nous sommes prs ltun de ltautrek mais nos chansons veulent se rŽpondrei et tour ˆ tour nos bouches stunissent sur la flžtey Il est tardi voici le chant des grenouilles vertes qui commence avec la nuity Ma mre ne croira jamais que je suis restŽe si longtemps ˆ chercher ma ceinture perduey The Flute of Pan Translationb Peter Low For the festival of Hyacinthus he gave me a syrinxi a set of pipes made from wellBcut reeds joined with the white wax that is sweet to my lips like honeyy He is teaching me to playi as I sit on his kneesk but I tremble a littley He plays it after mei so softly that I can scarcely hear ity We are so close that we have nothing to say to one anotherk but our songs want to conversei and our mouths are joined as they take turns on the pipesy It is lateb here comes the chant of the green frogsi which begins at dusky My mother will never believe I spent so long searching for my lost sashy La chevelure Poetb Pierre LouØs Il mta ditb Ç Cette nuiti jtai rvŽy Jtavais ta chevelure autour de mon couy Jtavais tes cheveux comme un collier noir autour de ma nuque et sur ma poitriney Ç Je les caressaisi et ctŽtaient les miens k et nous Žtions liŽs pour toujours ainsii par la mme chevelurei la bouche sur la bouchei ainsi que deux lauriers ntont souvent qutune raciney Ç Et peu ˆ peui il mta semblŽi tant nos membres Žtaient confondusi que je devenais toiBmmei ou que tu entrais en moi comme mon songey È Quand il eut achevŽi il mit doucement ses mains sur mes Žpaulesi et il me regarda dtun regard si tendrei que je baissai les yeux avec un frissony The Tresses Translationb Peter Low He told meb oLast night I had a dreamy Your hair was around my necki it was like a black necklace round my nape and on my chesty oI was stroking your hairi and it was my ownk thus the same tresses joined us foreveri with our mouths touchingi just as two laurels often have only one rooty

oAnd gradually I sensedi since our limbs were so entwinedi that I was becoming you and you were entering me like my dreamyo When hetd finishedi he gently put his hands on my shouldersi and gazed at me so tenderly that I lowered my eyesi with a shivery

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburk Le tombeau des Na•ades Poetb Pierre LouØs Le long du bois couvert de givrei je marchaisk Mes cheveux devant ma bouche Se fleurissaient de petits glaonsi Et mes sandales Žtaient lourdes De neige fangeuse et tassŽey Il me ditb oQue cherchesBtu?o Je suis la trace du satyrey Ses petits pas fourchus alternent Comme des trous dans un manteau blancy Il me ditb oLes satyres sont mortsy oLes satyres et les nymphes aussiy Depuis trente ansi il nta pas fait un hiver aussi terribley La trace que tu vois est celle dtun boucy Mais restons icii o est leur tombeauyo Et avec le fer de sa houe il cassa la glace De la source ou jadis riaient les na•adesy Il prenait de grands morceaux froidsi Et les soulevant vers le ciel p‰lei Il regardait au traversy The Tomb of the Naiads Translationb Peter Low I was walking along in the frostBcovered woodsk in front of my mouth my hair blossomed in tiny iciclesi and my sandals were heavy with muddy caked snowy He askedb oWhat are you looking for?o oItm following the tracks of the satyr B his little cloven hoofprints alternate like holes in a white cloakyo He saidb oThe satyrs are deady oThe satyrs are deadi and the nymphs tooy In thirty years there has not been such a terrible wintery Thatts the trail of a heBgoaty But letts pause herei where their tomb isyo With his hoe he broke the ice of the spring where the waterBnymphs used to laughy He took large cold pieces andi Raising them toward the pale skyi He looked through themy

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburk FrŸhgang Poetb Detlev von Liliencron Wir wandeln durch die stumme Nachti der Tamtam ist verklungeni du schmiegst an meine Brust dich ani ich halte dich umschlungeny Und wo die dunklen Ypern stehni ernst wie ein schwarz GerŸstei da fand ich deinen kleinen Mundi die rothe PerlenkŸstey Und langsam sind wir weiter dann weiss ichi wohin gegangeni ein hellblau Band im Morgen hingi der Tag hat angefangeny Um Ostern wartsi der FrŸhling will den letzten Frost entthroneni du pflŸcktest einen Kranz fŸr mich von weissen Anemoneny Den legtest du mir um die Stirn Ð die Sonne kam gezogen und hat dir blended um dein Haupt ein Diadem gebogeny Du lehntest dich auf meinen Armi wir trŠumten ohnt Ermesseni die Menschen all im LŠrm der Welti die hatten wir vergesseny Zu spŠt Poetb Detlev von Liliencron Ich kann das Wort nicht vergesseni es klang so traurig und schweri dein Stimmlein hšrt ich schluchzeni ich weissi du liebst mich nicht mehry Der Abend sank auf die Felderi vom Tage nur noch ein Resti die letzten KrŠhen flogen zu fernen WŠldern zu Nesty Nun sind wir weit geschieden auf Nimmerwiederkehri ich kann das Wort nicht vergesseni ich weissi du liebst mich nicht mehry Morning Walk Translationb Naomi OÕConnell We wandered through the silent nighti the fuss of the day has faded awayi You nestled into my chesti I hold you encircled in my armsy And where the dark yew trees standi grimi like a black scaffoldi There I found your small mouthi The red pearl kissy And then we continued slowlyi I knowi where we wenti A bright blue ribbon hung in the morningi The day had beguny It was at Easteri The Spring wants to throw the last front from its thronei You picked a crown of flowers for mei Of white anemoniesy You placed it on my head Ð The sun came out And round your head A tiara blindingly shoney You leaned on my armi We dreamed without limitsi The people and the noise of the worldi We had forgotteny Too Late Translationb Naomi OÕConnell I cannot forget the wordi It sounded so sad and heavyi I hear your little voice sobbingi I know you donÕt love me anymorey The evening sank on the fieldsi Only a little of the day remainsi The last crows flew To nest in farBaway woodsy Now we are far aparti Never to come back againi I cannot forget the wordi I know you donÕt love me anymorey

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburk Leuchtende Tage Poetb Ludwig Jacobowski Achi unsre leuchtenden Tage GlŠnzen wie ewige Sterney Als Trost fŸr kŸnftige Klage GlŸhtn sie aus goldener Ferney Nicht weineni weil sie vorŸberW LŠchelni weil sie gewesenW Werden die Tage auch trŸberi Unsere Sterne erlšsenW GlŸckes genug Poetb Detlev von Liliencron Wenn sanft du mir im Arme schliefsti ich deinen Atem hšren konntei im Traum du meinen Namen riefsti um deinen Mund ein LŠcheln sonnte B GlŸckes genugy Und wenn nach hei§emi ernstem Tag du mir verscheuchtest schwere Sorgeni wenn ich an deinem Herzen lag und nicht mehr dachte an ein Morgen B GlŸckes genugy Shining days Translationb Naomi OÕConnell Ohi our shining days Sparkle like eternal starsy As comfort for future sorrows They glow from an eternal distancey DonÕt cry because they are overW Smilei because they happenedW Though the days become heavyi Our stars redeem usy Happiness Enough Translationb Emily Ezust When you slept softly in my armsi I could hear your breathk in a dreami you called my name and your mouth beamed a smile B that was happiness enoughy And wheni after a hoti solemn day you chased away my heavy cares B when I lay against your heart and thought no more of tomorrow B that was happiness enoughy

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburkmy Naturei the gentlest mother Poetb Emily Dickinson Naturei the gentlest mother Impatient of no childi The feeblest or the waywardesti B Her admonition mild In forest and the hill By traveller is heardi Restraining rampant squirrel Or too impetuous birdy How fair her conversationi A summer afternooni B Her householdi her assemblyk And when the sun goes down Her voice among the aisles Incites the timid prayer Of the minutest cricketi The most unworthy flowery When all the children sleep She turns as long away As will suffice to light her lampsk Theni bending from the skyi With infinite affection And infiniter carei Her golden finger on her lipi Wills silence everywherey Oy Why BB do they shut me out of Heaven? Poetb Emily Dickinson Why BB do they shut me out of Heaven? Did I sing BB too loud? But BB I can sing a little minori Timid as a birdy Wouldntt the angels try me BB just BB once BB more BB Just BB see BB if I troubled them BB But dontt BB shut the doorW Oh if I BB were the Gentlemen in the White Robe and they BB were the little Hand BB that knocked BB Could BB I BB forbid? Why do they shut me out of Heaven? Did I sing too loud? 'y The world feels dusty Poetb Emily Dickinson The world feels dustyi when we stop to dieyyy We want the dew then Honors taste dryyyy Flags vex a dying face But the least fan stirred by a friendts hand Cools like the rain Mine be the ministry when thy thirst comesyyy Dews of thyself to fetch and holy balmsy Cy Hearti we will forget him Poetb Emily Dickinson Hearti we will forget him You and Ii tonighty You may forget the warmth he gavei I will forget the lighty When you have donei pray tell mei That I my thoughts may dimk HasteW lest while youtre laggingi I may remember himW

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburkny Going to HeavenW Poetb Emily Dickinson Going to HeavenW I dontt know wheni Pray do not ask me howi B Indeed Itm too astonished To think of answering youW Going to HeavenW B How dim it soundsW And yet it will be done As sure as flocks go home at night Unto the shepherdts armW Perhaps youtre going tooW Who knows? If you should get there first Save just a little place for me Close to the two I lostW The smallest orobeo will fit mei And just a bit of ocrownok For you know we do not mind our dress When we are going homey Going to HeavenW Itm glad I dontt believe it For it would stop my breathi And Itd like to look a little more At such a curious earthW I am glad they did believe it Whom I have never found Since the mighty autumn afternoon I left them in the groundy ly The Chariot Poetb Emily Dickinson Because I would not stop for Death BB He kindly stopped for me BB The carriage held but just ourselves BB and Immortalityy We slowly drove BB he knew no hastei And I had put away My labouri and my leisure too For His Civility BB We passed the schooli where children playedi We passed the fields of gazing graini We passed the setting suny We paused before a house that seemed a swelling of the groundk The roof was scarcely visiblei The cornice but a moundy Since then ttis centuriesk but each Feels shorter than the day I first surmised the horsest heads Were toward eternityy

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburkChre nuit Poetb Eugne AdŽnisBColombeau Voici ltheure bient™ty Derrire la colline je vois le soleil qui dŽcline Et cache ses rayons jaloux yyy Jtentends chanter lt‰me des choses Et les narcisses et les roses Mtapportent des parfums plus douxW ChŽre nuit aux clartŽs sereines Toi que ramnes le tendre amant AhW descends et voile la terre De ton mystre calme et charmanty Mon bonheur rena"t sous ton aile O nuit plus belle que les beaux joursb AhW lveBtoi pour faire encore Briller ltaurore de mes amours Beloved Night Translationb John Glenn Paton Soon the hour will be herey Behind the hill I see the sun that goes down and jealously hides its raysy I hear the soul of things singingi and the narcissuses and roses send me the sweetest perfumesW Beloved night of serene radiancei you who bring back my tender loveri ahi come down and veil the earth with your calm and charming mysteryy My happiness is reBborn under your wingsi o nighti more beautiful than any days areb ahi arise and again make the dawn of my love shine forthDaphŽnŽo Poetb Mimi Godebska DisBmoii DaphŽnŽoi quel est donc cet arbre Dont les fruits sont des oiseaux qui pleurent? Cet arbrei Chrysalinei est un oisetiery AhW Je croyais que les noisetiers Donnaient des noisettesi DaphŽnŽoy Ouii Chrysalinei les noisetiers donnent des noisettesi Mais les oisetiers donnent des oiseaux qui pleurenty AhWyyy Dapheneo Translationb Shawn Thuris Tell mei Dapheneoi what is that tree The fruit of which is weeping birds? That treei Chrysalinei is a birdBtreey AhW I believe that trees Produce hazelnutsi Dapheneoy Yesi Chrysalinei trees give hazelnutsi But birdBtrees give weeping birdsy AhWyyy AnakreonÕs Grab Poetb Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Wo die Rose hier blŸhti wo Reben um Lorbeer sich schlingeni Wo das Turtelchen lockti wo sich das Grillchen ergštzti Welch ein Grab ist hieri das alle Gštter mit Leben Schšn bepflanzt und geziert? Es ist Anakreons Ruhy FrŸhlingi Sommeri und Herbst geno§ der glŸckliche Dichterk Vor dem Winter hat ihn endlich der HŸgel geschŸtzty AnacreonÕs Grave Translationb Emily Ezust Herei where the rose bloomsi where vines entwine the laureli where the turtledove flirtsi where the cricket delights B what grave is this herei that all the gods and Life have so prettily decorated with plants? It is Anacreonts gravey Springi summeri and autumn did that happy poet enjoyk from winter now finallyi this mound has protected himy

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburkAuch kleine Dinge Poetb Paul Heyse Auch kleine Dinge kšnnen uns entzŸckeni Auch kleine Dinge kšnnen teuer seiny Bedenkti wie gern wir uns mit Perlen schmŸckenk Sie werden schwer bezahlt und sind nur kleiny Bedenkti wie klein ist die Olivenfruchti Und wird um ihre GŸte doch gesuchty Denkt an die Rose nuri wie klein sie isti Und duftet doch so lieblichi wie ihr wi§ty Even little things Translationb Donna Bareket Even little things can delight usi Even little things can be preciousy Think how we gladly adorn ourselves with pearlsk They are heavily paid fori and yet are smally Think how small is the olivets fruiti And is nevertheless sought for its virtuey Think only on the rosei how small she isi And yeti smells so sweeti as you knowy Er istÕs Poetb Eduard Mšrike FrŸhling lŠ§t sein blaues Band Wieder flattern durch die LŸftek SŸ§ei wohlbekannte DŸfte Streifen ahnungsvoll das Landy Veilchen trŠumen schoni Wollen balde kommeny Horchi von fern ein leiser HarfentonW FrŸhlingi ja du bisttsW Dich hab ich vernommenW ItÕs springW Translationb Emily Ezust Spring lets its blue ribbon flutter again in the breezek a sweeti familiar scent sweeps with promise through the landy Violets are already dreamingi and will soon arrivey HarkW In the distance B a soft harp toneW Springi yes it is youW It is you that I have heardW The Estuary Poetb Ruth Pitter Lighti stillness and peace lie on the broad sandsi On the saltBmarshes the sleep of the afternoony The skyts immaculatek the horizon stands Steadfasti level and clear over the duney There are voices of childreni musical and thin Not fari nor neari there in the sandy hillsk As the fight begins to wanei so the tide comes ini The shallow creek at our feet silently fillsb And silentlyi like sleep to the weary mindi Silentlyi like the evening after the dayi The big ship bears inshore with the inshore windi Changes her coursei and comes on up through the bayi Rolling along the fair deep channel she knowsi Surging alongi right on top of the tidey I can see the flowery wreath of foam at the bowsi The long bright wash streaming away from her sideb I can see the flashing gulls that follow her ini Screaming and tumblingi like children wildly at playi The seaBborn crescent arisingi pallid and thini The flat safe twilight shore shelving awayy Whether remembered or dreamedi read of or toldi So it has dwelt with mei so it shall dwell with me everb The brave ship coming home like a lamb to the foldi Home with the tide into the mighty rivery

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburkLove went aBriding Poetb Mary Coleridge Love went aBriding over the earthi On Pegasus he rode y y y The flowers before him sprang to birthi And the frozen rivers flowedy Than all the youths and the maidens criedi oStay here with usi King of KingsWo But Love saidi oNoW for the horse I ridei For the horse I ride has wingsyo Love went aBriding over the earthi On Pegasus he rodey Memories Poetb Charles Edward Ives Ay Very Pleasant Wetre sitting in the opera housek Wetre waiting for the curtain to arise With wonders for our eyesk Wetre feeling pretty gayi And well we mayi oOi Jimmyi lookWo I sayi oThe band is tuning up And soon will start to playyo We whistle and we humi Beat time with the drumy Wetre sitting in the opera housek Wetre waiting for the curtain to arise With wonders for our eyesi A feeling of expectancyi A certain kind of ecstasyi Expectancy and ecstasyyyy Shtststsy ÒCurtainWÓ By Rather Sad From the street a strain on my ear doth falli A tune as threadbare as that oold red shawlio It is tatteredi it is torni It shows signs of being worni Itts the tune my Uncle hummed from early morni tTwas a common little thing and kind ta sweeti But ttwas sad and seemed to slow up both his feetk I can see him shuffling down To the barn or to the towni A hummingy Love in the Thirties Poetb Arnold Weinstein Dadi can we live in the elevator building? Kidi with our luck weÕd live on the ground floory Dadi why arenÕt we communists? Kidi we canÕt afford ity Dadi I saw the devil on the fire escapei long pointed pussy earsy What kind of devil is thati kid? No taili no hornsy Crawl into bed with your mother and mey Dadi is there a heaven? Heaven there isi kidi and itÕs right herey People in heaven are dying to get into this placeW Dadi what is a death wish? I hear this death wishi death wishi and I wish I was deadW Dadi who am I? ThatÕs a good questioni kidi weÕll let you knowi youÕll seey Dadi how will I see? YouÕll see Òby the light of your silvery heartyÓ IÕm talking science nowi kidy Dadi what is the soul? Sort of a sigh with a wink in iti something like thaty Ohi what the helly Geei Dadi you know evÕrythingy Dadi will I always find you? Kidi behind the labeli under the table youÕll find me and IÕll find you and IÕm still talking sciencei BOOP BOOP A DOOW Dad? Kidi now close your eyes and you will see all right behind your sight a light the size of a poppy seed on a Danish to goy Now letÕs put out that light and go to sleepy

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburkCanÕt Sleep Poetb Arnold Weinstein CanÕt sleep dreaming of you dreaming of me turning to you woken by mey Hush nowi donÕt cryy All I was doing was dreamingy At the Last Lousy Moments of Love Poetb Arnold Weinstein At the last lousy moments of love He wanted to tell me the truthy At the last writhing rotten moments of love He wanted to tell me the truthB About me of coursey Thanksi IÕll need thisy At the last lousy moments of lovei He wanted to tell me That I wasnÕt doing too welly I was eating and drinking and talking too muchy He wanted to tell me As a friend at the end Of those last lousy moments of lovey He wanted to tell me he was leavingi HeÕd waited too long to tell me that I was selfBrighteous even when I wasnÕt wrongy And I spoke about friendship Till our friends gave me up as a friend for the seasoni For which reason he wanted to tell me this truthy He wanted to tell me these thingsi as a friendi He wanted to tell mei but he didnÕt in the endy At those last lousy moments of love He said it alli with his bodyi To my best friend Lady Luck Poetb Arnold Weinstein What do you like most about yourself? What do I like about myself most? Welli I hate to boasti But I must say I like my luckW Whenever they told me ScramW IÕd never slink out slow Like a hack To the back NoW IÕd let the door slamW And loW And shazamW Friendship would suddenly show up Like a telegramy

WordstoLove&LiveByNaomiO'Connell-BrentFunderburk George Poetb Arnold Weinstein My friend George used to sayiÒOh call me Georgiai honi Get yourself a drinkiÓ and sang the best soprano in our part of towny In beadsi brocade and pinsi he sang if you happened in through the door he never locked and saidi ÒGet yourself a drinkÓi and sang out loud till tears fell in the cognac and the chocÕlate milk and gin and on the beadsi brocade and pinsy When strangers happened through his open doori George saidi ÒStayi but you gotta keep quiet while I sing and then a minute aftery And call me GeorgiayÓ One fine day a stranger in a suit of navy blue took GeorgeÕs life with a knife George had placed beside an apple pie heÕd baked and stabbed him in the middle of Un bel di vedremo as he sang for this particular stranger who was in the United States Navyy The funeral was at the cocktail houry We knew George would like it like thaty Tears fell on the beadsi brocade and pins in the coffin which was white because George was a virginy Oh call him Georgiai honi get yourself a drinky ÒYou can call me Georgiai honi get yourself a drinkWÓ Waitin Poetb Arnold Weinstein Waitini waitini IÕve been waitini waitini waitin all my lifey That light keeps on hiding from mei but it someday just might bless my sighty Waitini waitini waitiny
