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Le discours beur comme positionnement littéraire - DiVA portal Le discours beur comme positionnement littéraire Romans et textes autobiographiques français (2005-2006) d'auteurs issus de l'immigration maghrébine

Kenneth Olsson

Forskningsrapporter / Cahiers de la Recherche


Le discours beur comme

positionnement littéraire Romans et textes autobiographiques français (2005-2006) d'auteurs issus de l'immigration maghrébine

Kenneth Olsson

©Kenneth Olsson, Stockholm 2011

ISSN 1654-1294



Printed in Sw

eden by US-AB


Distributor: Department of French, Italian and Classical Languages,

Stockholm University


Sans l'appui de nombreuses personnes et d'institutions diverses ce travail n'aurait jamais vu le jour. Je voudrais adresser mes remerciements à toute l'équipe de professeurs et de chercheurs du Département de français, d'italien et de langues classiques à l'Université de Stockholm ainsi qu'à tous mes collègues doctorants pour avoir généreusement mis à ma disposition leur temps et leur savoir. Je tiens à remercier expressément ma directrice de thèse, le professeur Maria Walecka-Garbalinska, dont l'expertise et les encouragements indéfectibles m'ont été très précieux. Un grand merci aussi au professeur Bengt Novén, pour son engagement dans le rôle de codirecteur de la thèse, ainsi qu'à Monsieur Wandrille Micaux pour la révision linguistique du texte. Je voudrais également remercier les professeurs émérites Madame Jeanne-Marie Clerc, Université Paul-Valéry / Montpellier

3, et Monsieur Charles Bonn, Université Lyon 2, pour leurs commentaires et

critique sur une première étape partielle de la thèse. Outre les conseils de ces personnes qui m'ont été très utiles, mon travail a profité du soutien financier des fondations Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse, Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse et Tilanderska stiftelsen, que je remercie beaucoup.


The subject of this thesis is the contemporary literature written by the sons and daughters of North African immigrant families in France. Its main area of investigation is the place of this literature in the French literary field, in the Bourdieusian sense of the term, and the discursive features which motivate the ethnic based label of "Beur literature". The study has a double approach in investigating both the argument for a socio-ethnic categorisation of a literary genre, and the reception of this literature in French press. The literary corpus consists of twenty novels and autobiographical narratives by eighteen Beur writers, published in France in 2005 and 2006. Thirteen works of these writers are subject to literary analysis. These are novels by Akli Tadjer, Zahia Rahmani, Faïza Guène, Mabrouck Rachedi, El Driss, Mohamed Razane, Houda Rouane, Nora Hamdi, Nor Eddine Boudjedia and Touhami Moualek, and three autobiographical narratives written by Razika Zitouni, Abel El Quandili and Aziz Senni. The press corpus from the corresponding period covers 14 titles of French national and regional daily papers, 8 titles of weekly general press and 6 titles of periodicals of literary and social debate. The starting point of this study is the debate on the subject of the classification of Beur literature itself. On the one hand, the literary works of the so called second-generation Maghrebis in France have been seen primarily as social documents of little literary value, and indissolubly connected with an urban setting, that is reduced to "banlieue" stories. On the other hand, those who denounce the negligence of the critics, often regard the ethnic categorisation of Beur literature as leading to a ghettoisation of its authors. According to my hypothesis, the Beur fiction and the autobiographical narratives of my corpus are based on a common discourse that is expressed through certain literary and argumentative means. In the analysis of the novels, I lean on Dominique Maingueneau and his concept of paratopie (that refers to the experienced displacement of the author as a creative ground for literature). My aim is to prove the validity of my hypothesis through two

Thèse pour le doctorat

Département de français, d'italien

et de langues classiques

Université de Stockholm

S-106 91 Stockholm Doctoral Dissertation

Department of French, Italian

and Classical Languages

Stockholm University

S-106 91 Stockholm

categories of novels, defined by their thematic features: stories characterised by the theme of "banlieue" and those marked by the theme of errance. As a tool for this work I have defined two kinds of shifters ("embrayeurs") corresponding to these themes, through which the Beur paratopie is developed in the novels. My analysis shows that the common ground of the novels is created through many different discursive means that can be seen as the expression of a common Beur paratopie. Among these features we distinguish the frequent strategy of subverting French classics by authors such as Maupassant and Chateaubriand or other consecrated literary works, in order to place the novel in a wider interpretative frame than that of the "banlieue" novel. Another feature is the constant referral to the French republican values, as well as to the notion of inviolable universal human rights on which these values are founded. The novels share the latter of these two strategies with the autobiographical stories of our corpus. This can be interpreted as resulting from a communication between a literary discourse and a social discourse which points toward the common ideological foundation of the ethnic categorisation of Beur literature. It also reveals the specific "Frenchness" of a literature that has often been classified as "francophone literature", that is, French by language but foreign to "French Literature" in the eyes of the critics. The study of the journalistic reception confirms this aspect by the constant referral of its authors to their ethnic and social origins which can be said to work against their inclusion in French literature.


Beur literature, Beur novel, " banlieue » literature, francophone literature, postcolonial literature, errance, ideological discourse, literary field, critical reception, discourse analysis, paratopie, scénographie, Dominique

Maingueneau, Pierre Bourdieu.

La littérature beure?
