[PDF] Class of 2017 - Manuel Marín et JaCques Barrot

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Class of 2017 - ManuEl MarÍn ET JaCquEs BarroT


Class of 2017 - ManuEl MarÍn ET JaCquEs BarroT

3 students at espol have beneted from a strong international environment, in which 30% of the student body is composed of international students. this has exposed our students to the wider dimensions of the economic and political sciences and provided them with the skills to develop their talents in the contemporary global job market. 2017 was also marked by the graduation of the rst cohort of our Master"s program in global and european politics, which welcomed students with different backgrounds and from all over the world. prospective students will appreciate that the student experience at espol strengthens the intellectual background and opens doors for accessing emergent opportunities in this fast-moving world. you are our best ambassadors for the years to come and we look forward to working with you to build a global, dynamic network of espol intake of students who graduated this year. this is a standard that we will maintain in the future.

We are very proud of our graduates, whether

they have chosen to go on to study at the best universities in Europe or to join the job market. a lExis M assarT directeur d"espol et Maître de conférences en science politique

Director of ESPOL, Associate professor in

political science 4 cette formation bilingue fran

çais-anglais dispense la science

politique au travers d"une péda gogie originale et innovante. le cursus pédagogique en 1er et 2ème cycles donne aux di plômés d"espol les clés pour réussir sur un marché du travail de plus en plus concurrentiel : connaissances théoriques et in ventivité, professionnalisme et curiosité intellectuelle, compé tences et sens de l"initiative.la science politique est une discipline d"excellence qui as sure de bonnes perspectives de carrière et une véritable ouver- ture à l"international. c"est dans cette veine que s"inscrit espol, l"ecole européenne de sciences politiques et sociales, en pro posant une formation interdis ciplinaire tournée vers les mé tiers du politique, de l"europe et de l"international. Héritière de l"ecole de sciences sociales et politiques, créée au sein de l"université catholique de lille en 1894, espol met l"accent sur les valeurs humaines et une

éthique de responsabilité indis

pensables pour s"orienter dans

le monde contemporain.Political Science is a discipline driven by excellence that offers attractive career prospects with a strong inter-

national outlook. Living up to this am bition, ESPOL, the European School of

Political and Social Sciences, offers

an interdisciplinary curriculum fo cused on political careers and Europe.

As successor to the School of Social

and Political Sciences created within the Catholic University of Lille in 1894,

ESPOL emphasises human values and

an ethic of responsibility as indispen sable qualities for making one"s way in today"s world. Es p ol EsT unE éColE qui s'arTi C ulE auTour dE 3 axEs p rin C i paux l'enseignement la recherche le service à la société






CORE P RINCI PLES teaching research service to society


multilingue, en phase avec son

époque, ESPOL vous

apporte le bagage nécessaire pour réussir votre insertion professionnelle en

Europe et au-delà !

European, multilingual, in step

with its time, ESPOL provides you with the requisite skill set to successfully enter the job market in Europe and beyond!Its bilingual French-English courses provide an original and innovative platform for the teaching of political science. The Bachelor"s and Master"s curricula give ESPOL graduates the keys to succeed in an increasingly competitive job market: theoretical knowledge and creativity, professio nalism and intellectual curiosity, skills and a sense of initiative. 5


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