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Bibliographie: Retalis, S. (2007). A courseware development methodolog y for Open and

Distance Learning.

Pas de définitions

12 05 24
Bibliographie: Passerini, K., & Granger, M. J. (2000). A developmental model for distance learning using the Internet. 12 03 30
Bibliographie: Wilcox, P., Dexter, H., & Petch, J. (2004). A Foundatio n for Modelling e-

Learning Processes.

12 04 13


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Terme original avant traduction libre par le chercheur: Request for proposals

Bibliographie: Kruse, K. (2003). Managing e

-Learning A Beginner's Guide to Harmonious Buyer -Supplier Relationships. p. 6 Définition/explications/précisions/exemples: A request for proposals (RFP) is a document that explains th e training need, and provides details about the size and scope of the pr oject. A complete RFP should include: • Review of business objective and performance objective. • Background on the student population. • Outline of the content or learning objectives to be covered. • Estimate of the total amount of learning time the finished program should include, if one exists. • Samples of any existing subject matter or description of available subject matter expertise. • Description of the delivery technology, whet her CD -ROM or Web-based or blended, if known. • Description of the types of media to be used, such as whether audio or video will be included. • Clear requests for vendor background information. 1.4


Terme original avant traduction libre par le chercheur: Project Kick-off

Bibliographie: Kruse, K. (2003). Managing e

-Learning A Beginner's Guide to Harmonious Buyer -Supplier Relationships. p. 11 Définition/explications/précisions/exemples: The kick-off meeting gathers all key team members f rom the client and the vendor for a face -to-face review of the major project parameters. Typically, the proposal is reviewed, schedules are confirmed, and indivi dual roles and lines of communication are clarified. If available, source materials and technical specifications are turned over to the vendor at this time.

2 2-Analyse[T]

Terme original avant traduction libre par l'auteur: Analysis Bibliographie: Passerini, K., & Granger, M. J. (2000). A developmental model for distance learning using the Internet. p. 10

Définition/explications/précisions/exemples: In the analysis phase, the instructor needs to focus

on content development based not only on learning objectives, but also on an analysis of the targeted populations. Learners' cognitive, social, physical and personal characteristics need to be identified. Because the course will be delivered at a distance, focusing on several of the variables shown in Fig. 5 (Reeves & Brackett, 1998) will improve understanding of course content. The feedback gathered through the analysis of users' characteristics will en able choosing effective delivery strategies and appropriate technologies. Although it may not be possible, or feasible, to gather information on all the variables, knowledge of past students' cha racteristics can guide the implementation of the course and the design of group assignments, as wel l as the types and amount of audiovisual materia l to be used in the asynchronous lectures. (p.10) On the basis of the needs assessment and the evaluation of the user popu lations (through observations, interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, or documentation review), preliminary content and objecti ves of the course can be specified, including evaluation procedures and delivery mechanisms. Définition/explications/précisions/exemples: The e-learning analysis will be driven through activities such as market research and establishing institutional capacity. These in turn will be mapped against institutional drivers and controls (Franklin et al, 2004 ). The Analysis activities will necessarily be driven by outputs from the Requirements discipline. (Bibliographie: Wilcox,

P., Dexter, H., & Petch, J. (2004)

. A Foundation for Modelling e -Learning Processes. p. 13)

Définition/explications/précisions/exemples: the keys to the Analysis Phase are learner analysis,

goals, and objectives definitions. (Bibliographie: Lee, S.-H., Hsu, T.-Y., & Hou, H.-W. (s. d.). A

Methodology to Develop E

-Learning Modules. p. 135)

Synonyme/terme parent:

High -level design document (Bibliographie: Kruse, K. (2003).

Managing e

-Learning A Beginner's Guide to Harmonious Buyer-Supplier Relationships. p. 11) OY+Y»"+CWxWôoeQW+c G0Y+ +êWoe OuQôY"âêW+ Y" â 0YU0]QWvWQ HW+YU"

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Recueil et analyse des besoins des utilisateurs

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