[PDF] livre de steve jobs

What is Steve Jobs' biography?

  • Steve Jobs shows us how to achieve something truly worthwhile, and his biography is a guidebook to the useful life. Like others who have stood On the Shoulders of Giants (OTSOG), Jobs took us to new heights as a civilization.

Is Edwin Land a hero of Steve Jobs?

  • When you read the Isaacson book, Jobs specifically mentions that Edwin Land was a childhood hero of his. What develops out of this is that even the masters have masters. It is understood that none of us do it alone. Steve Jobs shows us how to achieve something truly worthwhile, and his biography is a guidebook to the useful life.

How did Steve Jobs position the Apple brand?

  • In ads such as "Think Different" and "1984," he positioned the Apple brand so that it reaffirmed his own rebel streak, even after he became a billionaire, and it allowed other baby boomers and their kids to do the same. "From when I first met him as a young guy, he's had the greatest of the impact he wants his brand to have on people," said Clow.

How did Steve Jobs influence the digital world?

  • Jobs was a perfectionist who craved control and indulged in the uncompromising temperament of an artist; he and Apple became the exemplars of a digital strategy that tightly integrated hardware. software, and content into a seamless package.