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Searches related to louvre denon filetype:pdf Greek and Roman Antiquities · Hermes Fastening Sandal www.tour.louvrebible.org

Tour Guide - Louvre & Bible

MAJ 08/17 (Eng)

Sully / Denon Mercury. Messenger of

the gods. Acts 14:12

Caryatid Room

Near Eastern Antiquities 3 · Worshipper of Larsa


Cult moon. Job 31:27

· Athlete's Head · Aphrodite 1 · Map · Libation to god Shamash

Bible & Sport : No anathema

1 Cor 9:24; Héb 12:1; 2 Tim 2:5 Vénus. Ishtar.

Vénus de Milo Mesopotamia. Acts 7:2 Sun-god. Halo

Babylon. Genesis 10:10 · Code of Hammurabi

Victory Stele King Eannatum

Ancestor of Mosaic Law ?

· God Pan · Eros Oldest historical doc. Many Différences

A devil with horns. Lupercales.

Saint Valentine's Day. 14 feb 4 terms: Eros. Philia. Storge. Agape. John 13:35 Net. Ps 66:11; Mi 7 · List of Kings Larsa. Chronology

· Writing's birth · Vase Goddess Ishtar

Babel. Gen 11:9. Nimrod. Mother-goddess worship

· Dionysus and the Seasons

Rooms 22 to 30 Heritage from Babylon · Demon Humbaba

Bacchus. Orgy. Romans 13:13

Festival of the Carnaval. · Cylinder Seal · Divinatory Livers · So-Called Domitius Relief Melchisedek. Priest-King Ez 21:21. Spiritism

· Drunken Silenius. Komast

· Cult of Dionysus Census scene. Luke 2:1 · Votive Bas Relief Dudu · Model Ruins Palace of Mari

Large shield. Eph 6:16 Myths of creation 15,000 clay tablets · Augustus 1 b · Ebib II · Organiser of the Sacrifice · Artemis With a Doe First Caesar quoted Bible. Luc 2:1-5. JC birth. Biblical Archaeology · Kudurru Meli-Shipak II

Diane. Goddess of the moon.

Artemis of Ephesus. Acts 19:28 · Ceramic Fragments Boundaries. Prov 23:10 · Emperor Tiberius Bitumen. Genesis 11:3 Exode 20:4. Microcosm Secd C. 14 CE. Mark 12:15 2 · Murex. Purple vt15

· Myths of Creation

· The Torment of Marsyas · Claudius · Victory Stele of Naram-Sin · "The Righteous Sufferer"

Torture stake. Crux simplex.

Mat 27:40. Traditional cross Third Caesar. Acts 11:28 Horn . Psalm 75:5 · Magic Formula

Suetonius Nimrod. Akkad · Zodiac Calendar

· Nero · The Art of Seals. Nergal 6 · Arslan Tash Ivories · Alexander the Great Acts 25:10 · The Architect with a plan Hazaël. Amos · Titus. Luke 21:20-24 · Libation Vase · Lion passant

· Seleucos 1

er Nicator · Sarcophagus of the Spouses · Bas relief Ninsun. Flood Daniel. Akîtu

Syrie. Daniel 11:4

· Mithraic Relief · Cylinder of Gudéa. New Year · The So-called 'Esagila Tablet' Persian god light. Luk 2:32 · Figurines or Small Plaques Ziggurat. Tower of Babel

Rooms 8 to 15 (on the left) Festival of Christmas Teraphim. Genesis 31:34 · Head of a Horned Dragon

· Emperor Constant Ier · Gushing Vase Marduk. Major god Babylon · Cult of Cybèle au Pirée Christendom / Christianity · Statue of Ur-Ningirsu Polytheism. Bible prophecy

Rhéa. Mother's Day · School Tablet Psalm 110:1. Josh 10:24 · New Year Ritual in Babylon

· Ptolemy I Soter 1 Peter 2:21 · Lament destruction Ur. Sin

Egypt / Palestine.l Mat 2:14 4

· Weight with Crescent Moon

1 Khorsabad courtyard [18a · Votive Stele. Tanit

Egyptian Antiquities 19 · The bull Apis

· Transport timber cedar · Urn Calcified Remains Sully 18 · The gods of Egypt. Ex 12:12 · Winged Bulls. Hero and lion Child Sacrifice

Crypt of sphinx & Rooms 3 - 18 Isis. Cult Mother and Child

· Sargon II · Cippus. Melquart

Esaiah 20:1. Archaeology · Teima Stele C. · Great sphinx

First Floor

Assyrian art Aramaic text Shishak. Pharaoh. 1 Kings 14

6 · Demon Pazuzu [ 20 · Triad of Beelshamên 3 · Hâpy & Tilapia nilotica 22 · False door Méry

· Annals of Sennachérib Palmyre. Trinity Nile. New Year's Day. Nb 11:5 · The "Seated Scribe"

· Prism F Assurbanipal · Funerary Relief 4 · Mastaba 25 · King Akhenaten · Rebuilding Babylone Mourning. Am 5:16 Worship ancestors. Eccl 9:5 Monotheism ? · Reliefs Deportation of Elamites Jewish tombs · Model of granary · Royal child. Grapes Gen 40

Pul. 2

Kings 15:29 Tafos / mnemeion Genesis 41:56 27 · Hormin 7 · Geometric Decorated Bowl [ 21 · Colossal Vase 5 · Vine; Bread

Necklace of gold. Gen 41:42

Cro ss. Svastiska Molten seal 6 · Scribe, Letter hieratic 8 · 'Hideaway' vase. Jer 32:14 7 · Goddess Maât & the ankh

Campana gallery

· Statue of Goddess Narundi Rooms of Levant · Furniture leg. Apries 40 Oenochoe. Svastika · Statue of Manishtousou 9 · Jewellery 39 Pig sacrifice. Antiochus IV

10 · The Golden Worshipper D · Mesha Stele · Razors

Cult, Candle and Prayer 800 BCE. Moab Joseph. Genesis 41:14 29 · Triad of Osorkon I

· Table decorated with serpents YHWH transcription 10 · Sistrum. 2 Samuel 6:5 Trinity. Deut 5:7

· Sit Shamshi. High places · Seal inscribed Hebrew 11 · Sphinx · Amulet Darius I 11

· Electrum Goblet · Model Shrine 12 · Colossus of King Aménophis · King Taharqa. Isaiah 37:9


· Palace of Darius I · Weights written down · Osiris et his son Horus 30 · Queen Cleopatra VII

Capital of a Column

. Esther · Letter from Biridiya · Zodiac of Dendéra 36 · Cybele. Mother's Day

Cylinder Seals

. Law Medes · Statue in Human Form Astrology. Job 26:7 36 · Artemis of Ephesus Sphinx. Frieze of Archers Cr · Hymn to Osiris Acts 19:28 [14

· Foundation Charter C · Funerary Steles 13 · Funerary Papyrus Sérimen · Head of Zeus. Acts 28:11

· Cup Xerxes · Stele of Si Gabbor 14 · Sarcophagi 33 Skeleton cups · Contrat in babylonian. 539 BC. 15 · Mummy Conception life. 1 Cor 15:32 [16 · Mosaic Woman Playing the Harp B · Map: Genesis 50:2. · Cameo of Augustus · Decorated Vase. Dance Byblos. Uugarit · Four canopic jars · Palestinian lamps. [17 · Sarcophagus Eshmunazor · Stele of Storm God Baal

Medical wisdom. Acts 7:22 Mat 5:14

· Ashtart's Throne Baal Hadad. Canaan Mosaic Law. Psalm 19 32 · Armour and jewellery

1 King 11:5 Canaanite worship Elie. 1 Kings 17:1 · Censer arm. Genesis 37:25 Ephésiens 6

Ras Shamra

Ugarit · Golden Calf 17 · The Book of the Dead · Janus head

· Boat Models · Trivet & Pomegranates

Plato. Immortality. · Metal mirror. 1 Cor 13:12 Tyr e / Byblos / Bible 2

19 · Ram's mummy 3
