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MPS Technology Vision and Mission Statement

MPS Technology Vision

We believe that people are empowered by their independent use of information technologies and the opportunities to share resources and communicate in our local and global communities. In this technology driven age, we believe it is essential to prepare our students to work in an evolving, information-centered, global community. It is critical that our students become proficient with the tools of information technology, given the rapid pace of technological change, and the growth of information technologies in all aspects of our lives. We believe all students and staff must be competent in using these tools to obtain information, to solve problems, and to communicate. We as educators must integrate these technology tools with new models of teaching that meet each student's individual learning style and help ensure that each student has an opportunity to become a lifelong learner. The use of technology will be curriculum driven

and should be integrated into the total school environment. McAlester Public Schools will incorporate technology as a natural part of education through an integrated, comprehensive

framework to govern acquisition, application and evaluation of technological resources.

MPS Technology Mission

McAlester Public Schools will provide our students and staff with the resources, skills and instruction necessary to compete on an equal basis in an increasingly technologically literate world. Through the partnership of students, parents, school and community, full integration of technology within the curriculum will empower all students to succeed.quotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47