[PDF] Too Too Much Too Many Enough - Activity Sheet (page 1/2)

Dans la première phrase, too many précède un nom pluriel. Dans la deuxième, too much précède un nom singulier. Complete these sentences with 'too much' or 'too many'. Merci de vous connecter à votre compte pour sauvegarder votre résultat.
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Dans la première phrase, too many précède un nom pluriel. Dans la deuxième, too much précède un nom singulier. Complete these sentences with 'too much' or 'too many'. Merci de vous connecter à votre compte pour sauvegarder votre résultat.
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A freely photocopiable EnglishClub printable written by Lucy Green. © www.englishclub.com

Too, Too Much, Too Many, Enough

Activity Sheet (page 1/2)



A. Complete the sentences using the words below.

enough (x2) too too much too many

1. ................................. is used before adjectives to mean more than is good or necessary.

2. ................................. is used before uncountable nouns when a quantity is more than sufficient.

3. ................................. is used before countable nouns when a quantity is more than sufficient.

4. ................................. is used after adjectives and before nouns to express sufficiency.

5. When used with 'not' or in a negative sentence, ................................. expresses insufficiency.

B. Complete the sentences by circling the correct option.

1. I'm tired because I went to bed too late / too much late last night.

2. Bill is overweight because he eats too much junk food / too many junk food.

3. Sam leads a healthy lifestyle. He eats well and gets enough exercise / exercise enough.

4. The soup wasn't hot enough / enough hot, so I asked the waiter to heat it up.

5. I drive to work because it's too far / too much far to walk.

C. Complete the sentences using 'Too', 'Too Much', 'Too Many', or 'Enough' before or after the adjective or noun in brackets.

1. I'm saving up for a new phone, but I haven't got ................................................... (money) yet.

2. These jeans aren't ............................................................... (big). I think I need a larger size.

3. I couldn't drive home because I'd drunk ............................................................ (cocktails) at the party.

4. If you drink ........................................................................... (coffee), you won't be able to sleep.

5. If I have ........................................................................... (time), I'll help you cook dinner.

6. I really don't like our new teacher. She gives us far ............................................................ (homework)

7. We stayed indoors because it was ........................................................................... (cold) to go outside.

8. Jerry was feeling unwell because he had eaten ........................................................................... (berries)

9. Sam can't drink beer because he isn't .............................................................................. (old)

10. I had to buy new trainers because my old ones were .................................................................. (small)

A freely photocopiable EnglishClub printable written by Lucy Green. © www.englishclub.com

Too, Too Much, Too Many, Enough (page 2/2)


D. Complete the complaints below using 'Too', 'Too Much', 'Too Many', or 'Enough' plus one of the nouns or adjectives provided. Afterwards, chat with your partner and guess what place/thing each person is complaining about. announcements salty hot close toilets legroom

A. 1. The seats were ............................................. together and there wasn't ...................................................

2. The cabin crew made ..........................................................................., so I kept being woken up.

3. There weren't ........................................................................... on board and I had to queue for ages.

4. My meal was far ...................................................... and it wasn't .........................................................

tellers money $5 bills early long

B. 1. It didn't open .................................................................., so I had to wait outside for ages.

2. There weren't ..................................................., so the queues were ...................................................

3. The teller didn't have ............................................................, so she had to give me coins instead.

4. I couldn't withdraw as much as I needed, as there wasn't ............................................. in my account.

noise tables expensive small chilled

C. 1. It was impossible to have a conversation because there was ...............................................................

2. The beer was far ........................................................................, so I could only afford two pints.

3. The wine glasses were ................................................ and the wine wasn't ...................................................

4. There weren't .................................................................. so we had to share ours with a stranger.

Person A: ....................................... Person B: ....................................... Person: C .......................................

E. With you partner, think of another place, and write four sentences complaining about an imaginary experience you had there, using 'Too', 'Too Much', 'Too Many', or 'Enough'. Do not write what the place is. Afterwards find another partner, read them your sentences, and see if they can guess the place you're complaining about.

1. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

2. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

3. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

4. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
