[PDF] Baudelaire artiste moderne de la « poésie-journal - Érudit

Baudelaire est moderne car il a fait entrer dans sa poésie des thèmes nouveaux : Baudelaire a notamment fait entrer la ville dans la poésie.
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Baudelaire est moderne car il a fait entrer dans sa poésie des thèmes nouveaux : Baudelaire a notamment fait entrer la ville dans la poésie.
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Tous droits r€serv€s Universit€ Laval, 2009 This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of 'rudit (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online. This article is disseminated and preserved by 'rudit. 'rudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Universit€ de Montr€al, promote and disseminate research.

Volume 40, Number 3, 2009Penser la litt€rature par la presseURI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/039243arDOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/039243arSee table of contentsPublisher(s)D€partement des litt€ratures de l'Universit€ LavalISSN0014-214X (print)1708-9069 (digital)Explore this journalCite this article

Vaillant, A. (2009). Baudelaire, artiste moderne de la " po€sie-journal .... €tudes 40
(3), 43†60. https://doi.org/10.7202/039243ar

Article abstract

From the start of the July Monarchy to the early years of the end of that century, Parisian dailies and small literary journals were the only † yet precarious † outlets for poetry. These not only offered poets the format of exposure expected of the culture of the day but also put their unmistakable stamp on post-romantic literature by ushering it into ‡modernityˆ, a feat not achievable otherwise. This article defends this hypothesis by focusing on those poems by Baudelaire that would eventually make up his

Fleurs du mal

opus yet began their public life through prepublication in periodicals. This study seeks a two-fold result. Diachronically, it should substantially alter the perception and thrust of Baudelaire‰s output by putting it into a historical and collective context obviously lacking in the 1857 and 1861 tomes. Synchronically, it should prove the synergy between each poem and the periodical in which it was published, thereby hinting at the modern poetics of ‡periodical poetryˆ. Synchroniquement, elle montrera que chaque poŠme fait systŠme avec la totalit€ du p€riodique qui le contient et permettra ainsi d‰esquisser les traits principaux de la po€tique moderne de la " po€sie-journal ....quotesdbs_dbs5.pdfusesText_10