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ABE Initiative 5th Batclt

2--(1) Instructions

5th Batch

lmPortant Notice - refer the General lnformation and make sure you are qualified to etpply - prepare the necessary document(s) described below "Documents you need to submit" - confirm the applicatioh procedure stipulated by JICA office, and - submit the original application form with the necessary document(s)to JICA office' irle.'ess also referto "2-i3) ilr:rr'ract lnfi:rmaticli" illl clir Fi:nal\Vebsite belcw

j-!ri* F,<.:rlal *lri*b:rite fiii,*s':rctt tire infornraiilir siiiit as clue ejate o{submi*slon or particular

u.uaiif tcai:icll i eii'Jll.ld {i'r' eauit country' * ti ttSr :lled ucatx s n -j apa n " o nglaf ri cali r"l dex. htrn I

Documents You need to submit


uslSucn Initiv

1-(1), Application Form (Excel File)

ANNEX 1. Current and Previous Work experience

ANNEX 2. Career Plan after graduatton

mAfr th (ABE


Jttl suomlt In)

tr:.- tnls Of0ef ,\-- z"ANNEX 3. Research Plan

1 -(2), Recommendation Letter

There is no forms for other documents to submit. Please prepare by yourself - University Diploma (Ceftificate) - Academic TranscriPt - Copy of PassPort (lD) - 6 piece of color photos (3x4cm) *other than the photo attached on Application Form - Doctor's Letter (only for those applicable)


1. Handwritten form is not acceptable2. fill in the form in English3. lt is a MUST to fillJ the yELLow columns (Please write "N/A" if not applicable)

4. Wrtte years in western calendar5. Write proper nouns in full wrthout abbreviation6. Sign all paqes on the bottom of right-hand corne after printinsl

'T. Check your application form using the check list at the bottom of this application form pers;onal Information Protection Policy is declared in General Information. *Any costs incurred during the selection procedures including travel expenses, documents preparation (photos, offlcial notification etc.) and any other personal expenses will NOT BE bOVEnf O by JICfuJICE but should be covered by an applicant.

ABE lnitiative 5th Batcn

2-(1") InstrucLiurrs

7, Personal I


'AL.r', il i i,tr lrtt lri't .i lh Be l cl r ;iot:lica lio n Forr-'i

l\4.lstor's Degree arrd Inte,nship Progrlnr of ihe Africnr, [Jusitress Education Ini(iative ior Youth

(ABE Initiativ€) 5ih Bi)ich



1 lirrrilrritlr:rr fe(I: irt i:fi1 Jrtcillrtnlilc

2 i:ilj;r: iirt lorttt ii Er:9lir,ir

3 tri:;rl,.lijslaolillnllllr(i'F*tl.Ov\rcltrrrrrl*iirlg,rrerqrilt'll;'A'iIn0lrFl)iiIi,t)!*l

4 \jvtil(,9r:tr:, in !/tsl(1,! carl(irtlillli l#riiI i)f ilr-1.:r'rcl$. rr lU l1'.'.'ilhili ll rlli!l'iriiir'!.'rl

6 -9!-g.4-if.l-.II].'1q.,c...I cr il:t bJllf,l:: i-it r:'--:iri IInr! l (rrirc' :ritv: ;:tii:i;t'tt

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! P0rsotliil Inlo(r)illon tsqrl,Ng---- .-- -:: ---*

Leave empty

Attach your photo

which taken within 6 months.

Beside this, please

bring 6 more photos.

Black/Whit'e photo is

not acceptable.

Please write all the

names written in passport/lD as explained below.

Do not abbreviate

any name.

Do not forget to sign

on all pages (only handwritten signature is accepted)

I : rll,

!,lir:tlL'r j D,tilirc ai)d lrr;i!il\l:rJi ifu!jtirr:l ui llltiAftjt;rll ilugillds$ [:L,Llc;liiLlil

Iriil':rlu, irir Yrrrllt (i.EF. tr'l:altvel

| 2 l,lrif)b.r (Nol Dse{i lo llil In .llCA wll infurttr a[',cr stle(;li0t, Prr,{;edulE:;i -l

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r''(l \I(i, l;11r,::r 'l ilf ar:yi

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(:rlcr Pfrrtc [4cmx3(aU iask !.i I ir:oit latJn rrll Enf riraqth.' l5 (..221i \2 r23 12 34


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Na [x,

o rnlrncr{Jofl{y

1,1!i:anr{!rl Ibralrirrt l SavcdIloi.l lionnhipP r oirtl

Ptc;vn[c &

(;oLlniryllat{oi I Tfi | (r;171i1?lil3l?.99Enir

Ij-i {) F i.irlf vou have a passport.

please refer to the bottom part of passport (photo paeel i I I

ABE Initiative Stn Batch

2-(1) Instructions

2, Declarstion of desired university placement

i'l3tnD c: nAlinicd bfaf'lnr El'SaYacl iloNi:i06Nl-ii l^

A3L: inilii)irve 5th flalch AoFlicsilon rorFr

2, Dcclaration of desilcd urliversity Pltcemenl

rDta.::1aa'^ i. ''1li:'.il :-: : i':_':::ri.r:i t'_- p:il ;r:'1i::-t:!:: 'lii'i'\il)i: lrlilislj\'(:'/!*lll1e'

l:l1Jl,i!*,':.,' edijc;l:L:11 ;11-';11 r:r9'zfrlculstafall'l

2) Pii,Rse 9€iecl ihe ilem

:i:lt5fLra:,J,iiiJ i)/ lhs r,rlr!les i'i il.5!. 5ei:.1!lil '-,niJ l!.s Inird.Cnoice e| 1ha :i.d sel!.iiq,: Jic/. nlich( choosr- |[e

ar;i.:. Jir[/Op] !-le LrIll(:13l:ra: t,!ori i)a J.;; 9ranl.jl{:.tr lhB oijjhorilf 1. a!:$Dse '!lrc' irnrvetsii)r fol f'u?

f '''-",\l l(grern :.chi:rlrtir:s 6nil at,. casa t;.;rL :,'cii cE,-:cc: arlrRa) ahctr :lrle tatlle iils lo\q{ftasors :t:ch a: ilrirnle<1 ieave dlrr?licl) ill'#trkrnS 0lrl(e

oJi;ase, rliE rlttr 5'na1 ag;rlli:io;r .liirt /LltI f:i:lI'clFEle ir) lililiril:r) !!l:ll a$()!ia ilal! Y€ars)t

Al'':rre(l ihiiil:iri [:l $:r!

Select the Course

Code r-i Copy the name of I

I supervisor you chose I

**lf you chose the supervisor NQT listed, your application will be disqualified. -Click here and You will see the Research

Field List below.

-Choose ONE research field correspond most to your interest. -Put 4-digit number in

Item Number Column

on Application Form fi$.ns il Sel*tier rF:jsr..rt n'rJ {,ir3drte S.::taif' -.9,r r, .tr'.i I t J'PSr*r..'Sl t! Cxe,Ce II jtir,: .J,f::c{i ! :i :'t .r:iil:. I:':rt':i:.:f".*rr'u,,, \'i !.:l;ra) iI.. _-t :r: - ;liN.,itli!, ilr : i,x!!: ! i1s1ts11... x.1l illi:r :lirlr': ::^,1,iif::^? i:l,r:',re' il|,1!fll ll trl lpf,n! iif .!l,), a.!ii::r1n:! :.1tr: i.. \i: i:iC : r*rrl i l'13t1ai i{ from ABE lnitiative

PortalWebsite and

paste "Research Field "sheet

ABE Initiative 5th Batch

2-(1) Instructions

How to Find the Best tJniversity/Graduote School ond Supervisor lor You

1, Visit our Portal Website URL: I1ro.

2, Click "Detailed University Information" on riEht column

3, Search universilties which offer research in your field

( r)\ilrt:i. iirr tliL: ll'r1 liiltcii 5ttirlctits in each university Po9€, and pick 3 universities

You can search all courses here

4, Read wellthe information appealed

you are most interested. l.Coulse cotle z,Maximurr number of participants

3.Fields ofStudy

4,Program and Degree

5. Standard time table

(Yeals needed for graduation)

6, Language ofProgranl

7. Desilahle English level and Necessary

Academic backglound

8. Pliol lnquiry From Applicants (Before

Submission of Application Documents)

9. Website

ro, Professors and Associated Plofessors :-t. Featules of Graduate School

12, Iieatules and Curriculum of h'ograrn

r3, Intemship h'ograrn r4. Academic Scne,ayte . ' ls it match with your need? i' i r-'- _l ls the degree what you would like toobtain? : 1:' r 'i lf there are many universities you are interested, compare them. well ) a

Do they offer the

program you wlsh to study?, ,/-.-

5. Standard Time Table

Confirm their length of the courses. Make sure you can attend whole Period. *Standard time table is ONLY for the Master Course. lf you are accepted as a research student, you need to spend 6 months prior to the enrollment to the Master


Post-graduation lnbrnship can be arranged ONLY lF

Japanese company offers you the opportunity.

Maximum period of Post-graduation Internship is 6

months stading frorn your graduation. (Summer Internship opportunity is MANDATORY and will be arranged by matching between your availability and offers from companies.)

7. Desirable English level and Necessary

Academic background

Do you meet their requirements?

10. Professors and Associated Professors

Pick ONE supervisorfrom professors listed for

each universities.,Read hls/her papers if possible. *Basically, the professors listed in this website are designated professors who are in charge of ABE lnitiative. lmportant Points to Check

Vou can search following

subJect i1)Fie.ki *rf study {2}Key worel {3jProfesscr narne

4)Research subiect

5. Cheek ,,9. Prior lnquiry Frorn Applicant$" *olumn of universities you selected'

Cliek here t$ e0nta*t,

ABE Initiative 5th Batch

2-(1-) Instructions

Prisr lnquirY


Write the

prcfesscr narne rrut'*c* yetl have e l'essen

C!ick "r:ext" to flnish the in uiry forn'1,

,,ycu r*ust,, means that you MUST coNTAcr the professors before the deadline or they will be disqualified by 3'o selection (document screening in Japanese university)' ,,y*u are recommended to" means your prior contact is ideal. uoYor.! can" means your prior contact is not mandatory' ,,s,&ot al{owed,, mejns you are NoT ALLoWED to contact professors. No Inquiry button is iri'';1;a-16*r;;Urlw:r{'r:iild! ' L':t t''iJ5uPtrl Vl)ul l1.l yL/Lr. i I I

ABE lnitiative 5th Batch

2-(1) Instructions

3, Educational Bockg rou,nd

Put year/month of

your entrance and graduation of each school.

It will be

automatically calculated.

1 year 5 months

recognize as '1 year.

1 year 6 months

recognize as 2 years

For Higher


graduation year/month have to be matched with thequotesdbs_dbs4.pdfusesText_7