[PDF] Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) Retirement

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Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) Retirement Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland)Retirement Savings Plan Regulations January 2016

3Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) - Retirement Savi

ngs Plan Regulations January 2016

I - General Provisions

5 1.1

General Information 5


Beginning and End of Insurance 7



8 1.4

Joint Provisions 11

II - Savings Plan


III - Lump-Sum Plan


IV - Plan 58


VIII - Income, Assets and

XI - Transitional Provisions


XII - Final Provisions


Appendix - Actuarial Rates


Conversion Rates for Retirement Pensions


Purchase Rates in the Lump-Sum Plan



Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) - Retirement Savi ngs Plan Regulations January 2016 I

General Provisions 5 General Information

11 Joint Provisions

5Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) - Retirement Savi

ngs Plan Regulations January 2016 I

I - General Provisions


General Information

Art. 1

Name OE

Art. 2


1) The objective of the Pension Fund is to insure the employees, together w ith their dependents and surviving dependents, of Credit Suisse Group AG as well as companies tha t are legally or commercially disability and death. The foundation may also make provision in excess o f the legally prescribed unemployment. 2) Employees of companies that are legally or commercially closely associat ed with Credit Suisse Group AG may, through a resolution of the Board of Trustees and in agreement with Credit Suisse Group AG, of Zurich).

Art. 4



Art. 6

Gender NeutralityAll references to persons in these Regulations refer equally to both gen ders. ƟThe following terms are used in these Regulations (in alphabetical orde r): "AHV" OE "Award" Discretionary variable incentive award (previously variable salary comp onent). "BVG" Swiss Federal Act on Occupational Retirement, Survivors" and Disabili ty Pension Plans. "BVG age"

6Pension Fund of Credit Suisse Group (Switzerland) - Retirement Savi

ngs Plan Regulations January 2016 "Company" to Art. 2 that has joined the Pension Fund.

Persons employed by the Company.

"FZG" "Insured"

Employees insured by the Pension Fund.

"IV" Swiss Federal Disability Insurance (Eidgenössische Invalidenversiche rung). The members of the Executive Board pursuant to these Regulations shall b e designated by name by the Board of Trustees with the agreement of the Company. "Normal retirement age" "PartG" Swiss Federal Act on the Registration of Partnerships for Same-Sex Coupl es. A partner registered inquotesdbs_dbs2.pdfusesText_2