[PDF] 3 de mayo 2019 Sorrowful Heart of Mary SSPX-MC

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Issue 3 | May 2019

Sorrowful Heart of Mary


To Catholics Fighting For Tradition;

It is an added joy to this Sacred Paschaltide to

bring the faithful of Australia, England, Wales and Ireland the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the true doctrine of the Catholic Church, as it was always taught, before Modernism infiltrated her sanctuaries and seminaries!

However, it seems some simple clarifications are

necessary. Let it be clear, I come as a "grandson" priest of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, with the clear doctrinal stand of his Priestly Society of St.

Pius X BEFORE the whole GREC scandal

and compromises of 2012 (embodied in: " The

General Chapter Statement" with "6 Conditions"

for an Agreement with Modernist Rome, and the "Doctrinal Declaration of April 12, 2012"). The ongoing slide on doctrine, acceptance of the New

Mass and New Sacraments as "legitimately

promulgated", the recently bestowed "recognition" of Confessions, Marriages and Holy Orders by

Modernist Rome, all reinforce that the Conciliar-

SSPX is now just another Indult-appendage,

coexisting as one of many options in the pluralism of the Conciliar Church. This is an implicit rejection of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Any Catholic is obliged to reject this "Operation

Suicide" of the new direction of Menzingen and

stay with the "Operation Survival" of Abp.

Lefebvre, more pertinent now, than ever before!

"...Obviously, we are against the Conciliar Church which is virtually schismatic, even if they deny it.

In practice, it is a Church virtually

excommunicated because it is a Modernist

Church." (Abp. Lefebvre, "One Year After the

Consecrations", July-August, 1989).

Let it be also clear, I am not advocating any of the

3 de mayo 2019

Corazón Doloroso de María SSPX-MC

A los católicos que luchan por la tradición; Es una alegría añadida a esta Sagrada Pascua llevar a los fieles de Australia, Inglaterra, Gales e Irlanda el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa y la verdadera doctrina de la Iglesia Católica, como siempre se enseñó, antes de que el Modernismo se infiltrara en sus santuarios y seminarios!

Sin embargo, parece que son necesarias algunas

aclaraciones sencillas. Que quede claro, vengo como un "nieto" sacerdote del Arzobispo Marcel Lefebvre, con la clara postura doctrinal de su Sociedad

Sacerdotal de San Pío X ANTES de todo el

escándalo del GREC y de los compromisos de 2012 (encarnados en el: "La Declaración del Capítulo

General" con "6 condiciones" para un acuerdo con

la Roma modernista, y la "Declaración doctrinal del

12 de abril de 2012"). El continuo deslizamiento

doctrinal, la aceptación de la Nueva Misa y de los

Nuevos Sacramentos como "legítimamente

promulgados", el reciente "reconocimiento" de Confesiones, Matrimonios y Órdenes Sagradas por parte de la Roma Modernista, refuerzan que la

SSPX Conciliar es ahora sólo otra indulgencia-

apéndice, coexistiendo como una de las muchas opciones en el pluralismo de la Iglesia Conciliar. Este es un rechazo implícito de la realeza de nuestroquotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6