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The Laws of Re ection and Refraction - UGA

The Laws of Re

ection and Refraction

Alec Cook and Ryan Pappafotis

Department of Physics and Astronomy,

University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602

(Dated: 8 December 2015) Among the most elementary laws of optics are those concerned with re ection and refraction. In this laboratory experiment, we attempt to verify the validity of two of these laws: the law of re ection and Snell's law. Furthermore, we employed these laws in order to experimentally measure the index of refraction of a glass prism. Throughout the experiment, we utilized LEGO bricks and the camera on a smart phone as cost-ecient laboratory devices.


The eld of optics has a wide range of applications in modern technology, and virtually all of these applications are dependent on the validity of the laws of re ection and refraction. These physical laws form the basis of modern optics, and many of the more complex optical theories are built on the foundation provided by these laws. The goal of this project is to use a smart phone and LEGO bricks as accessible, convenient laboratory equipment to demonstrate the laws of re ection and refraction, thereby proving that the basis for many other optical principles holds true. Re ection and refraction are concerned with how light acts as it encounters a boundary between two dierent media. The human eye utilizes re ection to allow for sight, and therefore re ection is fundamental to all op- tical experiments. The rst formulation of the law of re ection can be found in Euclid'sElements, circa 300 BCE, and has been essential for countless studies of ge- ometrical optics ever since [1]. Refraction occurs when light changes its path as it en- ters a new medium with a dierent index of refraction [2]. The behavior of light as it refracts at the boundary can be described by Snell s law, Equation (2). Willebrord Snellius was credited with formulating this relationship in the seventeenth century [3]. Refraction is the primary principle utilized by lenses, which are used in numerous optical devices, making refraction essential to the study of optics. The basics of geometrical optics are often overlooked because they have become quite trivial in the academic world. However, as previously stated, the geometrical laws of optics are essential to understanding most optical phenomena. For this reason, the purpose of the following experiment is to take a step back and study these laws, which are the basis for so much else.


The optical eects we explore in this experiment dene the behavior of light as it passes through one medium and

encounters another. As an electromagnetic wave, lightpropagates as a cyclical disturbance in the electric and

magnetic elds and does not require a medium in which to travel. When light does encounter matter, it is scat- tered by interaction with the atoms that make up the ma- terial. This scattering occurs in all directions; however, assuming the medium is uniform and relatively dense, the scattering is canceled out in all but the forward direction [4]. Therefore, the direction of the propagation of a wave of light is not aected so long as it remains in a uniform medium. This is known as the law of transmission [5]. A. Re ection We are primarily interested in the behavior of light as it encounters a novel medium. When this occurs, a portion of the incident wave is re ected at the boundary, another is transmitted into the new medium, and the rest is absorbed by the matter the light encounters. Here, we will discuss a specic type of re ection known as specular re ection, in which the incident light is perpendicular to a at, re ective surface and the incident light, re ected light, and normal to that surface are all contained in a single plane. This is referred to as the plane-of-incidence.

The familiar re

ection eect we experience when looking into a mirror is specular [4].

This type of re

ection is dened by an astoundingly simple law, known as the law of re ection. When light is incident on a surface at an angle1to the surface normal, the beam will be re ected an an equivalent angle2in the opposite direction [4].


This ipping of incident light rays maintains their wave- lengths but inverts their order with respect to one an- other. This is the source of the mirror image we observe, which is inverted in one direction.

B. Refraction

The portion of the incident wave which is not re

ected but instead continues into the second medium experi- ences a phenomenon known as refraction. The two media 2 interact with the light dierently and impede its passage at dierent rates. Every medium has an optical property known as the index of refraction,n, which is dened as the ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum,c, and the speed of light in that medium. This change in speed at the interface causes the beam to bend, changing its direction. According to Snell's law, also known as the law of refraction [4], n

1sin(1) =n2sin(2):(2)

Here,1and2denote the incident and refracted angles as measured from the normal, while

1andn2are the in-

dicies of refraction in the respecitive media. When the incident light is perpendicular to the interface, there is no refraction. However, as the incident angle increases, so does the eect of refraction. As a result, when a beam of light travels from one medium to another with a lower in- dex of refraction, an incident angle above a certain point will cause the beam to refract so much that it is unable to leave the original medium and re ects across the bar- rier instead. This phenomenon is known as total internal re ection [4] and occurs whenever the incident angle is greater than a critical angle given by critical=arcsin(n2n



This experiment was designed to be carried out using materials that the average person could easily acquire, as an exercise in proving the accessibility of optical experi- mentation. As such, we conducted this experiment with a $50 budget. The materials we utilized in this experiment were as follows:

The camera on a Samsung Galaxy S6 smart phone,

already owned by a member of the team An oce laser pointer, in the possession of another team member

A semicircular glass prism

A small, silvered mirror

A biconvex optical lens with focal length 50 mm

A biconvex optical lens with focal length 200 mm

A series of LEGO bricks, provided by the instructor

Several assorted textbooks

Various clamps and mounts

Paper printed with angular measurements

The only items on this list we needed to purchase were the lenses and the glass prism, which cost us $24.10; the rest were all easily available to us.FIG. 1: Our experiment apparatus, shown here including the laser, beam expander, angle grid, mirror, and smart phone camera.


Here, we describe the process by which we prepared our experiment and the methods we used to collect our data.

A. Testing the Law of Re

ection Both of our experiments depended upon analyzing the path that a beam of light takes as it is incident on the boundary between two optical media. As such, it was im- perative that we were able to view the laser beam before, during, and after its interaction with that boundary. To achieve this, we angled a laser beam slightly downward against a at sheet of white paper. The beam makes a streak against the paper, which is highly re ective and makes the streak clearly visible. However, the length of the streak is limited by the beam waist. Therefore, we constructed a beam expander to increase that waist and similarly lengthen the visible path of the laser. Our beam expander consisted of two biconvex lenses, having focal lengths of 50 and 200 millimeters. We placed them 250quotesdbs_dbs2.pdfusesText_3