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144 mots d'argot anglais américain

144 mots d'argot anglais américain La liste des mots d'argot les plus courants en anglaisFabien Snauwaert, BilingueAnglais.com


Les 144 mots d'argot anglaisLEMMA|POSFREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLEwhatever|u#N/ACASUALit doesn't matterpeu importeWhatever! I don't care.shenanigans|n#N/ACASUALmischievous tricksmanigancesKids, stop it with the shenanigans! It's not Halloween anymore!God|u7062CASUAL-DieuGod! I can't stand it when you do that.dad|n6596CASUALfatherpapaHey dad, did you watch the game last night?mom|n5205CASUALmothermamanMy mom cooks the best cheesecakes!honey|n2414CASUALdarlingchéri(e) Honey, I'm home!...cool|j2323CASUALnicechouetteThat's a cool car.hang|v1860CASUAL(hang out) to spend timetraîner, passer du tempsWanna hang out?hit|v1668CASUALto go tofaire un tourLet's hit the bar.ass|n1548CASUALbuttocksculAll he does is sit on his ass all day, watching TV.totally|r1532CASUAL-carrément - Wanna go see the Lakers with me? - Totally!suck|v1260CASUALto be bad at somethingêtre nulHe's smart but he totally sucks with computers.buddy|n1096CASUALfriendmon poteJust make yourself at home, buddy!blow|v933CASUALto be badcraindre ("ça craint")- They closed that café where we used to go. - This blows.sweetie|n922CASUALsweetheartchéri(e) Hello sweetie, look what I got for you!yep|r850CASUALyesouais- You're the one who did that? - Yep.cake|n672CASUALeasydu gâteauIt's a piece of cake.cool|u617CASUALnicecoolCool!LEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN2

pretty|r585CASUALfairly, quiteplutôt, asseza) I'm doing pretty good.b) That was pretty stupid. nope|r487CASUALnonan- Is that yours? - Nope.pee|v471CASUALurinatefaire pipiI need to pee. I'll be right back.fella|n470CASUALa fellow, a mantype- Did you meet her boyfriend? - Yeah, he's a real nice fella.cop|n460CASUALa police officerflicBuckle up. There's lots of cops around here.grandpa|n437CASUALgrandfatherpapyGrandpa, can you tell us another story, pleeeeeease?crap|u414CASUALoopsmerde! zut!Aw crap, not again! This is the second time I get fined this month.pop|v408CASUAL(pop in) to visit (pop out) to get out, temporarily(pop in) passer (pop out) sortir(pop in) Your mom popped in this afternoon. (pop out) Let me pop out of the room one second.mess|v340CASUALto make a mess, to perform poorlydéconner, foirer(mess up) Oh man, you messed up on this one! (mess around) Stop messing around and come help me!nuts|j337CASUALcrazydingueThis is nuts!nah|u323CASUALnonan, bah nan- Are you going to the movies tonight?- Nah... I'll just stay home and get to bed early.hook|v289CASUAL1. To meet with. 2. To go out with 3. To have sex with, casuallysortir1. Wanna hook up after work?2. When did you guys hook up?3. I hooked up with a model.FREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLELEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN3

jeez|u288CASUALJesusDoux JésusJeez, why do I have to swear so much?!grandma|n278CASUALgrandmothermamieGrandma!... Are you gonna bake a chocolate cake for us this week-end?pal|n278CASUALa friendcopainHey, pal, how you doing?gee|u277CASUALJesuseh bien!Gee, it's cold in here!sucker|n173CASUAL1. a person easily deceived 2. someone passionate about something1. niais, pigeon 2. ~fana1. He's such a sucker, he believes everything he hears on the news.2. I'm a sucker for smartphones!booze|n170CASUALalcoholboisseWe're out of booze! Who wants to go to the store with me?ton|n170CASUAL-tonneWe've got a TON of food left.bum|n163CASUALa trampclochard, clodoThe guy is becoming a real bum. He lives on welfare and doesn't even look for a job anymore.fart|n161CASUALan emission of gas from the anuspetWas that a fart?poop|n157CASUALexcrementcacaEwww!.... I got poop on my shoe!dammit|u156CASUALoopsbon sang, bordelDammit, this level is pretty hard!fart|v148CASUALto flatulatepéterSomeone farted in the elevator!moron|n145CASUALa very stupid personcrétinHe's such a moron. I can't believe he's our boss!heck|n139CASUALeuphemistic form of "hell"~bon sangWhat the heck is going on here?!classy|j107CASUALtastefulclasseOh, that's a classy touch! FREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLELEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN4

duh|u107CASUALof coursebah bien sûrDuh... Of course I know how to use a word processor!gal|n105CASUALgirlfilleIs that your gal over there?dummy|n93CASUALa stupid personidiotSlang for Dummieshowdy|u90CASUALhow do you do~comment ça va- Howdy! - Hi!weirdo|n88CASUALa weird personqqn de bizarreHe's a weirdo. He has like 10 cats and likes to collect pebbles.dibs|n84CASUALa claim to the rights on something~preumsI call dibs!grand|n84SLANGa thousand dollarsmille dollars- How much for the car? - Three grands.buck|n80CASUALdollar~un petit billetCan you spare a buck?yummy|j75CASUALtasty or tasty-lookingdélicieux, miam-miamThis looks so yummy!lad|n73CASUALa mangarsHi lads, how are you doing?messy|j58CASUALdirty and/or untidybordéliqueYour room is way too messy!chubby|j51CASUALround, fatpotelé, qui a des rondeursTheir baby is really chubby. That's cute!bitch|v48CASUALto complain~râler, se plaindreStop bitching about it! Move on!cutie|n47CASUALa cute personma jolie, mon joliShe's such a cutie.pee|n47CASUAL1. urine2. the act of urinating1. pipi2. faire pipi2. I need to go for a pee.phony|j45CASUALnot truthful, deceivingbidonPeople usually start wars over phony reasons.spooky|j45CASUALscaryqui fait froid dans le dosHave you seen Poltergeist? It's such a spooky movie!FREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLELEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN5

booger|n44CASUALa piece of dried mucus from inside the nosemorveHow do you tactfully tell someone they have a booger hanging out of their nose?poo|n43CASUALexcrementcacaArgh!... I've got poo on my boots.tummy|n42CASUALstomachpetit bidon, ventreI ate too many candies and now my tummy hurts!tacky|j41CASUALnot tasteful and cheap~ringard, minableYou can't wear this. It looks way too tacky!bum|v40CASUALto ask someone to give something for freetaxerCan I bum a smoke?cram|v39CASUALto prepare (for an exam)~bachoterTo cram for an exam.alrighty|u35CASUALalrightdacodacAlrighty then, I'll see you tomorrow.righty|n25CASUALa right-handed persondroitierIs she a lefty or a righty?gosh|u478CASUAL-God~dieuOh my Gosh, I can't believe she said that!heck|u64CASUAL-euphemistic form of "hell"zutHeck! If you don't do it, I will!come|v22494CASUAL+To have an orgasmvenir, jouirOMG, that was an amazing night. We came like five times!hell|n3890CASUAL+-(enfer) bon sangWhat the hell is going on here?!!damn|u984CASUAL+oops~merdeDamn, I forgot the tickets at home!damn|j456CASUAL+-fichu, putainLeave the damn door open!damn|r267CASUAL+veryun peu que...Damn right!I was damn impressed!damn|v264CASUAL+-(maudit) de la merdeDamn the whole thing, I give up!FREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLELEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN6

Jesus|u262CASUAL+-Doux JésusJesus, that's awful! Is she alright?goddamn|u73CASUAL+oopsbon sang, putainGoddamn it! Okay, you win. fatty|n45CASUAL+a person who is overweight(mon) grosCartman is probably the most famous fatty in the world!fatso|n43CASUAL+a fat persongrosDon't call me fatso!goddamned|j36CASUAL+-fichu, putainHe is so goddamned stupid, it's unbelievable.finger|n553NEUTRAL-doigtHe gave me the finger!awesome|u#N/ASLANGgreatgénial - I don't work next week-end so we can go to the concert! - Awesome!wicked|r#N/ASLANGveryméchammentIt's wicked cold in here!hot|j2256SLANGattractivesexyLook at the hot blonde!dude|n1215SLANGmanmecWhat's up dude? · Dude, where's my car?!butt|n643SLANGbuttockscul, fessesGet your butt over here, we need to talk!knock|v547SLANG(knock up) to get someone pregnantmettre en cloqueHe knocked her up!jerk|n526SLANGa mean, selfish personconnardMy ex is such a jerk, I can't believe I stayed with him that long.chick|n424SLANGa girl or young womangonzesseDo you know that chick?boob|n409SLANGa female breastnichon, nibardHer boobs are 100% natural.doll|n364SLANGa nice girl(poupée) ~nanaShe's such a doll.yo|u329SLANGhey, hiyoYo, man! Wassup?FREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLELEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN7

dig|v308SLANGto enjoykifferShe digs that kind of music.piss|v284SLANG1.tourinate2.(pissoff)toleavesomethingalone3.(pissoff)toupseturiner2. Piss off, man! Leave me alone!

3. This pisses me off! nerd|n218SLANGan introvert, smart but lacking social skills~intello, ~binoclardLook at that nerd! He looks like Steve Urkel!nail|v174SLANG1. to succeed 2.To have sex (of a male)1. réussir parfaitement2. se taper1. You nailed it!!2. I heard that Mike nailed Sarah.slut|n134SLANGa promiscuous womansalopeIt would be nice if a woman could remain feminine without being labeled a slut.wiener|n130SLANG1. a sausage2. a penissaucisseThat's the first girl who touched his wiener since his wife left.sack|n128SLANGbedpieu, litI'm gonna hit the sack. · She asked him if he was good in the sack.fag|n124SLANG(Offensive) A male homosexualpédéYou shouldn't call him a fag.dork|n93SLANGa socially inept person~débileI'm not gonna wear those suspenders! They make me look like a dork!ditch|v91SLANGto get rid oflarguer, débarasser, virerI finally ditched my old jeans.drunken|j86SLANGdrunkbourré, ivreJeez, I was so drunken last night.horny|j76SLANGlustfulen chaleurHe's like a horny teenager!wicked|j70SLANGincredible, excellent~un truc de fouThat was a wicked shot!FREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLELEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN8

needy|j69SLANGlacking confidencenécessiteux, pas en confianceThis guy is way too needy.retarded|j69SLANGstupidattardéI had to wait for 2 hours at the post office. That's retarded.queer|j65SLANG1. (neutral) strange

2. (sometime offensive) homosexual1. particulier2. gay1. He's queer, you know, unusual.2. He's queer, you know, gay.slutty|j60SLANGpromiscuous~de salopeLook at that slutty skirt she's wearing!geek|n59SLANGsomeone who is extremely interested in something, especially computersgeekYou're such a geek! Always on your laptop!puke|v57SLANGto vomitgerberStop the car! He's going to puke!skank|n46SLANGan unpleasant woman, especially one who is promiscuoustraînéeShe's such a skank!biggie|n42SLANGsomeone or something important~importantNo biggie, man, we're cool!creeps|n42SLANGfearqui donne le frissonThis old house gives me the creeps!hunk|n38SLANGA handsome, muscular, man.~bogosseThe guy is a hunk. He hits the gym every day.posse|n35SLANGa group of people~bande- Who are those guys?- That's my posse.dawg|n34SLANGmale friend~grosYou my dawg!bitch|n1039VULGARan unpleasant person, especially a woman(chienne) garceI can understand you're upset but you don't have to be a bitch about it.FREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLELEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN9

screw|v800VULGAR1. to mess up 2. to have sex1. déconner2. niquer1.Don't screw with me! (= Don't mess with me)2.He screwed her. (= He had sex with her.)shit|n564VULGAR1. excrement2. Things

3. Nonsense

4. Liesmerde2. Shit happens!

2. We don't have shit!asshole|n431VULGAR1. anus2. stupid, mean persontrou du cul, conWatch where you're going, asshole!fuck|n354VULGAR1. sexual intercourse2. [intensifier]1. baise2. putain / à foutre2. I don't give a fuck. 2. What the fuck.fucking|j301VULGAR[intensifier]putainWhere did I put my fucking keys?!!whore|n234VULGARprostituteputeShe looks prettier than us. She's such a whore!bang|v220VULGARto have sex withse taper- So, did you bang her? - A gentleman never tells. - So you can tell us.dick|n217VULGAR1. penis2. a stupid personcon, connardWhy do you have to be such a dick?!douchebag|n194VULGARa mean or rude personcrétin- Douchebag! - What did you say?!turd|n175VULGARa piece of excrementcrotte- There's a dog turd in front of your house. - That's disgusting!crap|v155VULGARto defecatefaire cacaDon't crap your pants, it's just a movie!pussy|n117VULGAR1. a kitten2. a woman's genitals3. a weak manchatteDon't be such a pussy, c'mon, man up!tit|n114VULGARbreasttétonHe's 25 years old and he's still never seen tits with his own eyes.FREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLELEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN10

POS = Part of Speech (catégorie grammaticale)

Légende: n = nom ; v = verbe ; j = adjectif ; r = adverbe ; u = interjectionEt toujours plus d'aide en anglais sur BilingueAnglais.com !shitty|j106VULGARbad(merdeux) pourriThat road is pretty shitty, there are holes and bumps everywhere.blowjob|n76VULGARfellatiopipeReceiving a blowjob while driving is against the law.hump|v64VULGARto have sex~se frotter, baiserCould you please tell your dog to stop humping my leg?shit|v56VULGAR1. to defecate2. to fool, deceive someone2. se foutre de la gueule2. You're shitting me, right?cock|n43VULGARpenisbiteWhen you order a Coca Cola, make sure you pronounce it right. Else, it'll sound like "cock."crap|n656VULGAR-1. excrement2. Something of no value.

3. Nonsense

4. Liescrotte2. That's crap!

3. Cut the crap! Other. I don't give a crap!

4. You're full of crap! (or: You're full of it!)shit|u206VULGAR-1. oops2. surprisemerde1. Shit, I forgot my keys AGAIN.2. Shit! How did you do that?!bullshit|n122VULGAR-nonsenseconneriesThat's bullshit!!!motherfucker|n94VULGAR+an extremely contemptible person~fils de puteThat motherfucker thinks he can get away with it?!?!beaver|n46VULGAR+a woman's pubic area(castor) chatteI'm not going to talk about a woman's beaver here.FREQUENCYREGISTERMEANINGTRANSLATIONEXAMPLELEMMA|POSBILINGUEANGLAIS.COM144 MOTS D'ARGOT ANGLAIS AMÉRICAIN11
